blob: 6e7d02d39f53d00114f670566548276fb8d3708e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/source.dart';
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
import 'edge_origin.dart';
/// Data structure to keep track of the relationship from one [NullabilityNode]
/// object to another [NullabilityNode] that is "downstream" from it (meaning
/// that if the former node is nullable, then the latter node will either have
/// to be nullable, or null checks will have to be added).
class NullabilityEdge {
/// The node that is downstream.
final NullabilityNode destinationNode;
/// A set of source nodes. By convention, the first node is the primary
/// source and the other nodes are "guards". The destination node will only
/// need to be made nullable if all the source nodes are nullable.
final List<NullabilityNode> sources;
final _NullabilityEdgeKind _kind;
/// An [EdgeOrigin] object indicating what was found in the source code that
/// caused the edge to be generated.
final EdgeOrigin origin;
this.destinationNode, this.sources, this._kind, this.origin);
Iterable<NullabilityNode> get guards => sources.skip(1);
bool get hard => _kind != _NullabilityEdgeKind.soft;
/// Indicates whether nullability was successfully propagated through this
/// edge.
bool get isSatisfied {
if (!_isTriggered) return true;
return destinationNode.isNullable;
bool get isUnion => _kind == _NullabilityEdgeKind.union;
NullabilityNode get primarySource => sources.first;
/// Indicates whether all the sources of this edge are nullable (and thus
/// downstream nullability propagation should try to make the destination node
/// nullable, if possible).
bool get _isTriggered {
for (var source in sources) {
if (!source.isNullable) return false;
return true;
String toString() {
var edgeDecorations = <Object>[];
switch (_kind) {
case _NullabilityEdgeKind.soft:
case _NullabilityEdgeKind.hard:
case _NullabilityEdgeKind.union:
var edgeDecoration =
edgeDecorations.isEmpty ? '' : '-(${edgeDecorations.join(', ')})';
return '$primarySource $edgeDecoration-> $destinationNode';
/// Data structure to keep track of the relationship between [NullabilityNode]
/// objects.
class NullabilityGraph {
/// Set this const to `true` to dump the nullability graph just before
/// propagation.
static const _debugBeforePropagation = false;
/// Set containing all [NullabilityNode]s that have been passed as the
/// `sourceNode` argument to [connect].
final _allSourceNodes = Set<NullabilityNode>.identity();
/// Returns a [NullabilityNode] that is a priori nullable.
/// Propagation of nullability always proceeds downstream starting at this
/// node.
final NullabilityNode always = _NullabilityNodeImmutable('always', true);
/// Returns a [NullabilityNode] that is a priori non-nullable.
/// Propagation of nullability always proceeds upstream starting at this
/// node.
final NullabilityNode never = _NullabilityNodeImmutable('never', false);
/// Set containing all sources being migrated.
final _sourcesBeingMigrated = <Source>{};
/// Records that [sourceNode] is immediately upstream from [destinationNode].
/// Returns the edge created by the connection.
NullabilityEdge connect(NullabilityNode sourceNode,
NullabilityNode destinationNode, EdgeOrigin origin,
{bool hard: false, List<NullabilityNode> guards: const []}) {
var sources = [sourceNode]..addAll(guards);
var kind = hard ? _NullabilityEdgeKind.hard : _NullabilityEdgeKind.soft;
return _connect(sources, destinationNode, kind, origin);
/// Determine if [source] is in the code being migrated.
bool isBeingMigrated(Source source) {
return _sourcesBeingMigrated.contains(source);
/// Record source as code that is being migrated.
void migrating(Source source) {
/// Determines the nullability of each node in the graph by propagating
/// nullability information from one node to another.
/// Returns a list of edges that couldn't be satisfied.
List<NullabilityEdge> propagate() {
if (_debugBeforePropagation) _debugDump();
var nullableNodes = _propagateAlways();
return _propagateDownstream(nullableNodes);
/// Records that nodes [x] and [y] should have exactly the same nullability.
void union(NullabilityNode x, NullabilityNode y, EdgeOrigin origin) {
_connect([x], y, _NullabilityEdgeKind.union, origin);
_connect([y], x, _NullabilityEdgeKind.union, origin);
NullabilityEdge _connect(
List<NullabilityNode> sources,
NullabilityNode destinationNode,
_NullabilityEdgeKind kind,
EdgeOrigin origin) {
var edge = NullabilityEdge._(destinationNode, sources, kind, origin);
for (var source in sources) {
_connectDownstream(source, edge);
return edge;
void _connectDownstream(NullabilityNode source, NullabilityEdge edge) {
if (source is _NullabilityNodeCompound) {
for (var component in source._components) {
_connectDownstream(component, edge);
void _debugDump() {
for (var source in _allSourceNodes) {
var edges = source._downstreamEdges;
var destinations =
edges.where((edge) => edge.primarySource == source).map((edge) {
var suffixes = <Object>[];
if (edge.hard) {
var suffix = suffixes.isNotEmpty ? ' (${suffixes.join(', ')})' : '';
return '${edge.destinationNode}$suffix';
var state = source._state;
print('$source ($state) -> ${destinations.join(', ')}');
/// Propagates nullability downstream along union edges from "always".
/// Returns a list of nodes that are nullable after this operation (including
/// "always")
List<NullabilityNode> _propagateAlways() {
var nullableNodes = <NullabilityNode>[always];
var pendingEdges = always._downstreamEdges.toList();
while (pendingEdges.isNotEmpty) {
var edge = pendingEdges.removeLast();
if (!edge.isUnion) continue;
// Union edges always have exactly one source, so we don't need to check
// whether all sources are nullable.
assert(edge.sources.length == 1);
var node = edge.destinationNode;
if (node is NullabilityNodeMutable && !node.isNullable) {
node._state = _NullabilityState.ordinaryNullable;
// Was not previously nullable, so we need to propagate.
return nullableNodes;
/// Propagates nullability downstream.
List<NullabilityEdge> _propagateDownstream(
List<NullabilityNode> nullableNodes) {
var unsatisfiedEdges = <NullabilityEdge>[];
var pendingEdges = <NullabilityEdge>[];
for (var node in nullableNodes) {
var pendingSubstitutions = <NullabilityNodeForSubstitution>[];
while (true) {
while (pendingEdges.isNotEmpty) {
var edge = pendingEdges.removeLast();
if (!edge._isTriggered) continue;
var node = edge.destinationNode;
if (node._state == _NullabilityState.nonNullable) {
// The node has already been marked as non-nullable, so the edge can't
// be satisfied.
if (node is NullabilityNodeMutable && !node.isNullable) {
node._state = _NullabilityState.ordinaryNullable;
// Was not previously nullable, so we need to propagate.
if (node is NullabilityNodeForSubstitution) {
if (pendingSubstitutions.isEmpty) break;
var node = pendingSubstitutions.removeLast();
if (node.innerNode.isNullable || node.outerNode.isNullable) {
// No further propagation is needed, since some other connection already
// propagated nullability to either the inner or outer node.
// Heuristically choose to propagate to the inner node since this seems
// to lead to better quality migrations.
pendingEdges.add(NullabilityEdge._(node.innerNode, const [],
_NullabilityEdgeKind.soft, _SubstitutionHeuristicOrigin()));
return unsatisfiedEdges;
/// Propagates non-null intent upstream along unconditional control flow
/// lines.
void _propagateUpstream() {
var pendingEdges = never._upstreamEdges.toList();
while (pendingEdges.isNotEmpty) {
var edge = pendingEdges.removeLast();
if (!edge.hard) continue;
var node = edge.primarySource;
if (node is NullabilityNodeMutable &&
node._state == _NullabilityState.undetermined) {
node._state = _NullabilityState.nonNullable;
// Was not previously in the set of non-null intent nodes, so we need to
// propagate.
/// Same as [NullabilityGraph], but extended with extra methods for easier
/// testing.
class NullabilityGraphForTesting extends NullabilityGraph {
/// Iterates through all edges that have this node as their destination.
/// There is no guarantee of uniqueness of the iterated nodes.
Iterable<NullabilityEdge> getUpstreamEdges(NullabilityNode node) {
return node._upstreamEdges;
/// Representation of a single node in the nullability inference graph.
/// Initially, this is just a wrapper over constraint variables, and the
/// nullability inference graph is encoded into the wrapped constraint
/// variables. Over time this will be replaced by a first class representation
/// of the nullability inference graph.
abstract class NullabilityNode {
static final _debugNamesInUse = Set<String>();
bool _isPossiblyOptional = false;
String _debugName;
/// List of [NullabilityEdge] objects describing this node's relationship to
/// other nodes that are "downstream" from it (meaning that if a key node is
/// nullable, then all the nodes in the corresponding value will either have
/// to be nullable, or null checks will have to be added).
final _downstreamEdges = <NullabilityEdge>[];
/// List of edges that have this node as their destination.
final _upstreamEdges = <NullabilityEdge>[];
/// Creates a [NullabilityNode] representing the nullability of a variable
/// whose type is determined by the `??` operator.
factory NullabilityNode.forIfNotNull() =>
_NullabilityNodeSimple('?? operator');
/// Creates a [NullabilityNode] representing the nullability of a variable
/// whose type is `dynamic` due to type inference.
/// TODO(paulberry): this should go away; we should decorate the actual
/// inferred type rather than assuming `dynamic`.
factory NullabilityNode.forInferredDynamicType(
NullabilityGraph graph, Source source, int offset) {
var node = _NullabilityNodeSimple('inferredDynamic($offset)');
graph.union(node, graph.always, AlwaysNullableTypeOrigin(source, offset));
return node;
/// Creates a [NullabilityNode] representing the nullability of a variable
/// whose type is determined by type inference.
factory NullabilityNode.forInferredType() =>
/// Creates a [NullabilityNode] representing the nullability of an
/// expression which is nullable iff both [a] and [b] are nullable.
/// The constraint variable contained in the new node is created using the
/// [joinNullabilities] callback. TODO(paulberry): this should become
/// unnecessary once constraint solving is performed directly using
/// [NullabilityNode] objects.
factory NullabilityNode.forLUB(NullabilityNode left, NullabilityNode right) =
/// Creates a [NullabilityNode] representing the nullability of a type
/// substitution where [outerNode] is the nullability node for the type
/// variable being eliminated by the substitution, and [innerNode] is the
/// nullability node for the type being substituted in its place.
/// [innerNode] may be `null`. TODO(paulberry): when?
/// Additional constraints are recorded in [constraints] as necessary to make
/// the new nullability node behave consistently with the old nodes.
/// TODO(paulberry): this should become unnecessary once constraint solving is
/// performed directly using [NullabilityNode] objects.
factory NullabilityNode.forSubstitution(
NullabilityNode innerNode, NullabilityNode outerNode) =
/// Creates a [NullabilityNode] representing the nullability of a type
/// annotation appearing explicitly in the user's program.
factory NullabilityNode.forTypeAnnotation(int endOffset) =>
/// Gets a string that can be appended to a type name during debugging to help
/// annotate the nullability of that type.
String get debugSuffix => '?($this)';
/// After nullability propagation, this getter can be used to query whether
/// the type associated with this node should be considered nullable.
bool get isNullable;
/// Indicates whether this node is associated with a named parameter for which
/// nullability migration needs to decide whether it is optional or required.
bool get isPossiblyOptional => _isPossiblyOptional;
String get _debugPrefix;
_NullabilityState get _state;
/// Records the fact that an invocation was made to a function with named
/// parameters, and the named parameter associated with this node was not
/// supplied.
void recordNamedParameterNotSupplied(List<NullabilityNode> guards,
NullabilityGraph graph, NamedParameterNotSuppliedOrigin origin) {
if (isPossiblyOptional) {
graph.connect(graph.always, this, origin, guards: guards);
String toString() {
if (_debugName == null) {
var prefix = _debugPrefix;
if (_debugNamesInUse.add(prefix)) {
_debugName = prefix;
} else {
for (int i = 0;; i++) {
var name = '${prefix}_$i';
if (_debugNamesInUse.add(name)) {
_debugName = name;
return _debugName;
/// Tracks the possibility that this node is associated with a named parameter
/// for which nullability migration needs to decide whether it is optional or
/// required.
void trackPossiblyOptional() {
_isPossiblyOptional = true;
/// Derived class for nullability nodes that arise from the least-upper-bound
/// implied by a conditional expression.
class NullabilityNodeForLUB extends _NullabilityNodeCompound {
final NullabilityNode left;
final NullabilityNode right;
NullabilityNodeForLUB._(this.left, this.right);
Iterable<NullabilityNode> get _components => [left, right];
String get _debugPrefix => 'LUB($left, $right)';
/// Derived class for nullability nodes that arise from type variable
/// substitution.
class NullabilityNodeForSubstitution extends _NullabilityNodeCompound {
/// Nullability node representing the inner type of the substitution.
/// For example, if this NullabilityNode arose from substituting `int*` for
/// `T` in the type `T*`, [innerNode] is the nullability corresponding to the
/// `*` in `int*`.
final NullabilityNode innerNode;
/// Nullability node representing the outer type of the substitution.
/// For example, if this NullabilityNode arose from substituting `int*` for
/// `T` in the type `T*`, [innerNode] is the nullability corresponding to the
/// `*` in `T*`.
final NullabilityNode outerNode;
NullabilityNodeForSubstitution._(this.innerNode, this.outerNode);
Iterable<NullabilityNode> get _components => [innerNode, outerNode];
String get _debugPrefix => 'Substituted($innerNode, $outerNode)';
/// Base class for nullability nodes whose state can be mutated safely.
/// Nearly all nullability nodes derive from this class; the only exceptions are
/// the fixed nodes "always "never".
abstract class NullabilityNodeMutable extends NullabilityNode {
_NullabilityState _state;
{_NullabilityState initialState: _NullabilityState.undetermined})
: _state = initialState,
bool get isNullable => _state.isNullable;
/// Kinds of nullability edges
enum _NullabilityEdgeKind {
/// Soft edge. Propagates nullability downstream only.
/// Hard edge. Propagates nullability downstream and non-nullability
/// upstream.
/// Union edge. Indicates that two nodes should have exactly the same
/// nullability.
abstract class _NullabilityNodeCompound extends NullabilityNodeMutable {
_NullabilityNodeCompound() : super._();
bool get isNullable => _components.any((c) => c.isNullable);
Iterable<NullabilityNode> get _components;
class _NullabilityNodeImmutable extends NullabilityNode {
final String _debugPrefix;
final bool isNullable;
_NullabilityNodeImmutable(this._debugPrefix, this.isNullable) : super._();
String get debugSuffix => isNullable ? '?' : '';
_NullabilityState get _state => isNullable
? _NullabilityState.ordinaryNullable
: _NullabilityState.nonNullable;
class _NullabilityNodeSimple extends NullabilityNodeMutable {
final String _debugPrefix;
: super._(initialState: _NullabilityState.undetermined);
/// State of a nullability node.
class _NullabilityState {
/// State of a nullability node whose nullability hasn't been decided yet.
static const undetermined = _NullabilityState._('undetermined', false);
/// State of a nullability node that has been determined to be non-nullable
/// by propagating upstream.
static const nonNullable = _NullabilityState._('non-nullable', false);
/// State of a nullability node that has been determined to be nullable by
/// propagating downstream.
static const ordinaryNullable =
_NullabilityState._('ordinary nullable', true);
/// State of a nullability node that has been determined to be nullable by
/// propagating upstream from a contravariant use of a generic.
static const exactNullable = _NullabilityState._('exact nullable', true);
/// Name of the state (for use in debugging).
final String name;
/// Indicates whether the given state should be considered nullable.
/// After propagation, any nodes that remain in the undetermined state are
/// considered to be non-nullable, so this field is returns `false` for nodes
/// in that state.
final bool isNullable;
const _NullabilityState._(, this.isNullable);
String toString() => name;
class _SubstitutionHeuristicOrigin extends EdgeOrigin {}