blob: 46a2025c8ab46fad0d889de2546cbdfab69fb813 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/ast.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/type.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/type_system.dart';
class FlowAnalysis {
/// The output list of variables that were read before they were written.
/// TODO(scheglov) use _ElementSet?
final List<LocalVariableElement> readBeforeWritten = [];
/// The [TypeSystem] of the enclosing library, used to check subtyping.
final TypeSystem typeSystem;
/// The enclosing [FunctionBody], used to check for potential mutations.
final FunctionBody functionBody;
/// The stack of states of variables that are not definitely assigned.
final List<_State> _stack = [];
/// The mapping from labeled [Statement]s to the index in the [_stack]
/// where the first related element is located. The number of elements
/// is statement specific. Loops have two elements: `break` and `continue`
/// states.
final Map<Statement, int> _statementToStackIndex = {};
_State _current;
/// The last boolean condition, for [_conditionTrue] and [_conditionFalse].
Expression _condition;
/// The state when [_condition] evaluates to `true`.
_State _conditionTrue;
/// The state when [_condition] evaluates to `false`.
_State _conditionFalse;
FlowAnalysis(this.typeSystem, this.functionBody) {
_current = _State(false, _ElementSet.empty, const {});
/// Add a new [variable], which might be already [assigned].
void add(LocalVariableElement variable, {bool assigned: false}) {
if (!assigned) {
_current = _current.add(variable);
void conditional_elseBegin(ConditionalExpression node, bool isBool) {
var afterThen = _current;
var falseCondition = _stack.removeLast();
if (isBool) {
// Tail of the stack: falseThen, trueThen
_current = falseCondition;
void conditional_end(ConditionalExpression node, bool isBool) {
var afterThen = _stack.removeLast();
var afterElse = _current;
if (isBool) {
// Tail of the stack: falseThen, trueThen, falseElse, trueElse
var trueElse = _stack.removeLast();
var falseElse = _stack.removeLast();
var trueThen = _stack.removeLast();
var falseThen = _stack.removeLast();
var trueResult = trueThen.combine(typeSystem, trueElse);
var falseResult = falseThen.combine(typeSystem, falseElse);
_condition = node;
_conditionTrue = trueResult;
_conditionFalse = falseResult;
_current = afterThen.combine(typeSystem, afterElse);
void conditional_thenBegin(ConditionalExpression node) {
// Tail of the stack: falseCondition, trueCondition
var trueCondition = _stack.removeLast();
_current = trueCondition;
void doStatement_bodyBegin(
DoStatement node, Set<VariableElement> loopAssigned) {
_current = _current.removePromotedAll(loopAssigned);
_statementToStackIndex[node] = _stack.length;
_stack.add(_State.identity); // break
_stack.add(_State.identity); // continue
void doStatement_conditionBegin() {
// Tail of the stack: break, continue
var continueState = _stack.removeLast();
_current = _current.combine(typeSystem, continueState);
void doStatement_end(DoStatement node) {
// Tail of the stack: break, falseCondition, trueCondition
_stack.removeLast(); // trueCondition
var falseCondition = _stack.removeLast();
var breakState = _stack.removeLast();
_current = falseCondition.combine(typeSystem, breakState);
void falseLiteral(BooleanLiteral expression) {
_condition = expression;
_conditionTrue = _State.identity;
_conditionFalse = _current;
void forEachStatement_bodyBegin(Set<VariableElement> loopAssigned) {
_current = _current.removePromotedAll(loopAssigned);
void forEachStatement_end() {
var afterIterable = _stack.removeLast();
_current = _current.combine(typeSystem, afterIterable);
void forStatement_bodyBegin(ForStatement node, Expression condition) {
// Tail of the stack: falseCondition, trueCondition
var trueCondition = _stack.removeLast();
_statementToStackIndex[node] = _stack.length;
_stack.add(_State.identity); // break
_stack.add(_State.identity); // continue
_current = trueCondition;
void forStatement_conditionBegin(Set<VariableElement> loopAssigned) {
_current = _current.removePromotedAll(loopAssigned);
void forStatement_end() {
// Tail of the stack: falseCondition, break
var breakState = _stack.removeLast();
var falseCondition = _stack.removeLast();
_current = falseCondition.combine(typeSystem, breakState);
void forStatement_updaterBegin() {
// Tail of the stack: falseCondition, break, continue
var afterBody = _current;
var continueState = _stack.removeLast();
_current = afterBody.combine(typeSystem, continueState);
void functionExpression_begin() {
Set<VariableElement> notPromoted = null;
for (var variable in _current.promoted.keys) {
if (functionBody.isPotentiallyMutatedInScope(variable)) {
notPromoted ??= Set<VariableElement>.identity();
if (notPromoted != null) {
_current = _current.removePromotedAll(notPromoted);
void functionExpression_end() {
_current = _stack.removeLast();
void handleBreak(AstNode target) {
var breakIndex = _statementToStackIndex[target];
if (breakIndex != null) {
_stack[breakIndex] = _stack[breakIndex].combine(typeSystem, _current);
_current = _State.identity;
void handleContinue(AstNode target) {
var breakIndex = _statementToStackIndex[target];
if (breakIndex != null) {
var continueIndex = breakIndex + 1;
_stack[continueIndex] =
_stack[continueIndex].combine(typeSystem, _current);
_current = _State.identity;
/// Register the fact that the current state definitely exists, e.g. returns
/// from the body, throws an exception, etc.
void handleExit() {
_current = _State.identity;
void ifNullExpression_end() {
var afterLeft = _stack.removeLast();
_current = _current.combine(typeSystem, afterLeft);
void ifNullExpression_rightBegin() {
_stack.add(_current); // afterLeft
void ifStatement_elseBegin() {
var afterThen = _current;
var falseCondition = _stack.removeLast();
_current = falseCondition;
void ifStatement_end(bool hasElse) {
_State afterThen;
_State afterElse;
if (hasElse) {
afterThen = _stack.removeLast();
afterElse = _current;
} else {
afterThen = _current; // no `else`, so `then` is still current
afterElse = _stack.removeLast(); // `falseCond` is still on the stack
_current = afterThen.combine(typeSystem, afterElse);
void ifStatement_thenBegin(IfStatement ifStatement) {
// Tail of the stack: falseCondition, trueCondition
var trueCondition = _stack.removeLast();
_current = trueCondition;
void isExpression_end(
IsExpression isExpression, VariableElement variable, DartType type) {
if (functionBody.isPotentiallyMutatedInClosure(variable)) {
_condition = isExpression;
if (isExpression.notOperator == null) {
_conditionTrue = _current.promote(typeSystem, variable, type);
_conditionFalse = _current;
} else {
_conditionTrue = _current;
_conditionFalse = _current.promote(typeSystem, variable, type);
void logicalAnd_end(BinaryExpression andExpression) {
// Tail of the stack: falseLeft, trueLeft, falseRight, trueRight
var trueRight = _stack.removeLast();
var falseRight = _stack.removeLast();
_stack.removeLast(); // trueLeft is not used
var falseLeft = _stack.removeLast();
var trueResult = trueRight;
var falseResult = falseLeft.combine(typeSystem, falseRight);
var afterResult = trueResult.combine(typeSystem, falseResult);
_condition = andExpression;
_conditionTrue = trueResult;
_conditionFalse = falseResult;
_current = afterResult;
void logicalAnd_rightBegin(BinaryExpression andExpression) {
// Tail of the stack: falseLeft, trueLeft
var trueLeft = _stack.last;
_current = trueLeft;
void logicalNot_end(PrefixExpression notExpression) {
var trueExpr = _stack.removeLast();
var falseExpr = _stack.removeLast();
_condition = notExpression;
_conditionTrue = falseExpr;
_conditionFalse = trueExpr;
void logicalOr_end(BinaryExpression orExpression) {
// Tail of the stack: falseLeft, trueLeft, falseRight, trueRight
var trueRight = _stack.removeLast();
var falseRight = _stack.removeLast();
var trueLeft = _stack.removeLast();
_stack.removeLast(); // falseLeft is not used
var trueResult = trueLeft.combine(typeSystem, trueRight);
var falseResult = falseRight;
var afterResult = trueResult.combine(typeSystem, falseResult);
_condition = orExpression;
_conditionTrue = trueResult;
_conditionFalse = falseResult;
_current = afterResult;
void logicalOr_rightBegin(BinaryExpression orExpression) {
// Tail of the stack: falseLeft, trueLeft
var falseLeft = _stack[_stack.length - 2];
_current = falseLeft;
/// Retrieves the type that the [variable] is promoted to, if the [variable]
/// is currently promoted. Otherwise returns `null`.
DartType promotedType(VariableElement variable) {
return _current.promoted[variable];
/// Register read of the given [variable] in the current state.
void read(LocalVariableElement variable) {
if (_current.notAssigned.contains(variable)) {
// Add to the list of violating variables, if not there yet.
for (var i = 0; i < readBeforeWritten.length; ++i) {
var violatingVariable = readBeforeWritten[i];
if (identical(violatingVariable, variable)) {
/// The [notPromoted] set contains all variables that are potentially
/// assigned in other cases that might target this with `continue`, so
/// these variables might have different types and are "un-promoted" from
/// the "afterExpression" state.
void switchStatement_beginCase(Set<VariableElement> notPromoted) {
_current = _stack.last.removePromotedAll(notPromoted);
void switchStatement_end(SwitchStatement node, bool hasDefault) {
// Tail of the stack: break, continue, afterExpression
var afterExpression = _current = _stack.removeLast();
_stack.removeLast(); // continue
var breakState = _stack.removeLast();
if (hasDefault) {
_current = breakState;
} else {
_current = breakState.combine(typeSystem, afterExpression);
void switchStatement_expressionEnd(SwitchStatement node) {
_statementToStackIndex[node] = _stack.length;
_stack.add(_State.identity); // break
_stack.add(_State.identity); // continue
_stack.add(_current); // afterExpression
void trueLiteral(BooleanLiteral expression) {
_condition = expression;
_conditionTrue = _current;
_conditionFalse = _State.identity;
void tryStatement_bodyBegin() {
// Tail of the stack: beforeBody
void tryStatement_bodyEnd(Set<VariableElement> notPromoted) {
var beforeBody = _stack.removeLast();
var beforeCatch = beforeBody.removePromotedAll(notPromoted);
_stack.add(_current); // afterBodyAndCatches
// Tail of the stack: beforeCatch, afterBodyAndCatches
void tryStatement_catchBegin() {
var beforeCatch = _stack[_stack.length - 2];
_current = beforeCatch;
void tryStatement_catchEnd() {
var afterBodyAndCatches = _stack.last;
_stack.last = afterBodyAndCatches.combine(typeSystem, _current);
void tryStatement_finallyBegin() {
var afterBodyAndCatches = _stack.removeLast();
_stack.removeLast(); // beforeCatch
_current = afterBodyAndCatches;
void verifyStackEmpty() {
void whileStatement_bodyBegin(WhileStatement node) {
// Tail of the stack: falseCondition, trueCondition
var trueCondition = _stack.removeLast();
_statementToStackIndex[node] = _stack.length;
_stack.add(_State.identity); // break
_stack.add(_State.identity); // continue
_current = trueCondition;
void whileStatement_conditionBegin(Set<VariableElement> loopAssigned) {
_current = _current.removePromotedAll(loopAssigned);
void whileStatement_end() {
_stack.removeLast(); // continue
var breakState = _stack.removeLast();
var falseCondition = _stack.removeLast();
_current = falseCondition.combine(typeSystem, breakState);
/// Register write of the given [variable] in the current state.
void write(VariableElement variable) {
_current = _current.write(variable);
void _conditionalEnd(Expression condition) {
while (condition is ParenthesizedExpression) {
condition = (condition as ParenthesizedExpression).expression;
if (identical(condition, _condition)) {
} else {
/// Sets of variables that are potentially assigned in loops.
class LoopAssignedVariables {
static final emptySet = Set<VariableElement>();
/// Mapping from a loop [AstNode] to the set of variables that are
/// potentially assigned in this loop.
final Map<AstNode, Set<VariableElement>> _map = {};
/// The stack of nested loops.
final List<Set<VariableElement>> _stack = [];
/// Return the set of variables that are potentially assigned in the [loop].
Set<VariableElement> operator [](AstNode loop) {
return _map[loop] ?? emptySet;
void beginLoop() {
var set = Set<VariableElement>.identity();
void endLoop(AstNode loop) {
_map[loop] = _stack.removeLast();
void write(VariableElement variable) {
for (var i = 0; i < _stack.length; ++i) {
/// List based immutable set of elements.
class _ElementSet {
static final empty = _ElementSet._(
final List<LocalVariableElement> elements;
_ElementSet add(LocalVariableElement addedElement) {
if (contains(addedElement)) {
return this;
var length = elements.length;
var newElements = List<LocalVariableElement>(length + 1);
for (var i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
newElements[i] = elements[i];
newElements[length] = addedElement;
return _ElementSet._(newElements);
bool contains(LocalVariableElement element) {
var length = elements.length;
for (var i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
if (identical(elements[i], element)) {
return true;
return false;
_ElementSet remove(LocalVariableElement removedElement) {
if (!contains(removedElement)) {
return this;
var length = elements.length;
if (length == 1) {
return empty;
var newElements = List<LocalVariableElement>(length - 1);
var newIndex = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
var element = elements[i];
if (!identical(element, removedElement)) {
newElements[newIndex++] = element;
return _ElementSet._(newElements);
_ElementSet union(_ElementSet other) {
if (other == null || other.elements.isEmpty) {
return this;
var result = this;
var otherElements = other.elements;
for (var i = 0; i < otherElements.length; ++i) {
var otherElement = otherElements[i];
result = result.add(otherElement);
return result;
class _State {
static final identity = _State(false, _ElementSet.empty, const {});
final bool reachable;
final _ElementSet notAssigned;
final Map<VariableElement, DartType> promoted;
_State(this.reachable, this.notAssigned, this.promoted);
/// Add a new [variable] to track definite assignment.
_State add(LocalVariableElement variable) {
var newNotAssigned = notAssigned.add(variable);
if (identical(newNotAssigned, notAssigned)) return this;
return _State(reachable, newNotAssigned, promoted);
_State combine(TypeSystem typeSystem, _State other) {
if (identical(this, identity)) return other;
if (identical(other, identity)) return this;
var newReachable = reachable || other.reachable;
var newNotAssigned = notAssigned.union(other.notAssigned);
var newPromoted = _combinePromoted(typeSystem, promoted, other.promoted);
if (reachable == newReachable &&
identical(notAssigned, newNotAssigned) &&
identical(promoted, newPromoted)) {
return this;
if (other.reachable == newReachable &&
identical(other.notAssigned, newNotAssigned) &&
identical(other.promoted, newPromoted)) {
return other;
return _State(newReachable, newNotAssigned, newPromoted);
_State promote(
TypeSystem typeSystem, VariableElement variable, DartType type) {
var previousType = promoted[variable];
previousType ??= variable.type;
if (typeSystem.isSubtypeOf(type, previousType) && type != previousType) {
var newPromoted = <VariableElement, DartType>{}..addAll(promoted);
newPromoted[variable] = type;
return _State(reachable, notAssigned, newPromoted);
return this;
_State removePromotedAll(Set<VariableElement> variables) {
var newPromoted = _removePromotedAll(promoted, variables);
if (identical(newPromoted, promoted)) return this;
return _State(reachable, notAssigned, newPromoted);
_State write(VariableElement variable) {
var newNotAssigned = variable is LocalVariableElement
? notAssigned.remove(variable)
: notAssigned;
var newPromoted = _removePromoted(promoted, variable);
if (identical(newNotAssigned, notAssigned) &&
identical(newPromoted, promoted)) {
return this;
return _State(reachable, newNotAssigned, newPromoted);
static Map<VariableElement, DartType> _combinePromoted(TypeSystem typeSystem,
Map<VariableElement, DartType> a, Map<VariableElement, DartType> b) {
if (identical(a, b)) return a;
if (a.isEmpty || b.isEmpty) return const {};
var result = <VariableElement, DartType>{};
var alwaysA = true;
var alwaysB = true;
for (var element in a.keys) {
var aType = a[element];
var bType = b[element];
if (aType != null && bType != null) {
if (typeSystem.isSubtypeOf(aType, bType)) {
result[element] = bType;
alwaysA = false;
} else if (typeSystem.isSubtypeOf(bType, aType)) {
result[element] = aType;
alwaysB = false;
} else {
alwaysA = false;
alwaysB = false;
} else {
alwaysA = false;
alwaysB = false;
if (alwaysA) return a;
if (alwaysB) return b;
if (result.isEmpty) return const {};
return result;
static Map<VariableElement, DartType> _removePromoted(
Map<VariableElement, DartType> map, VariableElement variable) {
if (map.isEmpty) return const {};
var result = <VariableElement, DartType>{};
for (var key in map.keys) {
if (!identical(key, variable)) {
result[key] = map[key];
if (result.isEmpty) return const {};
return result;
static Map<VariableElement, DartType> _removePromotedAll(
Map<VariableElement, DartType> map, Set<VariableElement> variables) {
if (map.isEmpty) return const {};
var result = <VariableElement, DartType>{};
for (var key in map.keys) {
if (!variables.contains(key)) {
result[key] = map[key];
if (result.isEmpty) return const {};
return result;