blob: fc568c33780ef9e5773d2d52c037bcdd4956eee2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include "vm/compiler/relocation.h"
#include "vm/code_patcher.h"
#include "vm/instructions.h"
#include "vm/object_store.h"
#include "vm/stub_code.h"
namespace dart {
#if defined(DART_PRECOMPILER) && !defined(TARGET_ARCH_DBC) && \
class InstructionsMapTraits {
struct Pair {
RawInstructions* instructions;
intptr_t inst_nr;
Pair() : instructions(nullptr), inst_nr(-1) {}
Pair(RawInstructions* i, intptr_t nr) : instructions(i), inst_nr(nr) {}
typedef const RawInstructions* Key;
typedef const intptr_t Value;
static Key KeyOf(Pair kv) { return kv.instructions; }
static Value ValueOf(Pair kv) { return kv.inst_nr; }
static inline intptr_t Hashcode(Key key) {
return reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(key);
static inline bool IsKeyEqual(Pair pair, Key key) {
return pair.instructions == key;
typedef DirectChainedHashMap<InstructionsMapTraits> InstructionsMap;
void CodeRelocator::Relocate(bool is_vm_isolate) {
auto zone = Thread::Current()->zone();
intptr_t next_text_offsets = 0;
// Keeps track of mapping from Code to the index in [commands_] at which the
// code object's instructions are located. This allows us to calculate the
// distance to the destination using commands_[index].expected_offset.
InstructionsMap instructions_map;
// The callers which has an unresolved call.
GrowableArray<RawCode*> callers;
// The offset from the instruction at which the call happens.
GrowableArray<intptr_t> call_offsets;
// Type entry-point type we call in the destination.
GrowableArray<Code::CallEntryPoint> call_entry_points;
// The offset in the .text segment where the call happens.
GrowableArray<intptr_t> text_offsets;
// The target of the forward call.
GrowableArray<RawCode*> callees;
auto& targets = Array::Handle(zone);
auto& kind_type_and_offset = Smi::Handle(zone);
auto& target = Object::Handle(zone);
auto& destination = Code::Handle(zone);
auto& instructions = Instructions::Handle(zone);
auto& caller = Code::Handle(zone);
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < code_objects_->length(); ++i) {
caller = (*code_objects_)[i];
instructions = caller.instructions();
// If two [Code] objects point to the same [Instructions] object, we'll just
// use the first one (they are equivalent for all practical purposes).
if (instructions_map.HasKey(instructions.raw())) {
instructions_map.Insert({instructions.raw(), commands_->length()});
// First we'll add the instructions of [caller] itself.
const intptr_t active_code_text_offsets = next_text_offsets;
next_text_offsets, ImageWriterCommand::InsertInstructionOfCode,
next_text_offsets += instructions.raw()->Size();
targets = caller.static_calls_target_table();
if (!targets.IsNull()) {
StaticCallsTable calls(targets);
for (auto call : calls) {
kind_type_and_offset = call.Get<Code::kSCallTableKindAndOffset>();
auto kind = Code::KindField::decode(kind_type_and_offset.Value());
auto offset = Code::OffsetField::decode(kind_type_and_offset.Value());
auto entry_point =
if (kind == Code::kCallViaCode) {
target = call.Get<Code::kSCallTableFunctionTarget>();
if (target.IsFunction()) {
auto& fun = Function::Cast(target);
destination = fun.CurrentCode();
} else {
target = call.Get<Code::kSCallTableCodeTarget>();
destination = Code::Cast(target).raw();
const intptr_t start_of_call =
active_code_text_offsets + instructions.HeaderSize() + offset;
auto& callee = Code::Handle(zone);
auto& caller_instruction = Instructions::Handle(zone);
auto& destination_instruction = Instructions::Handle(zone);
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < callees.length(); ++i) {
caller = callers[i];
callee = callees[i];
const intptr_t text_offset = text_offsets[i];
const intptr_t call_offset = call_offsets[i];
const bool use_unchecked_entry =
call_entry_points[i] == Code::kUncheckedEntry;
caller_instruction = caller.instructions();
destination_instruction = callee.instructions();
const uword entry_point = use_unchecked_entry ? callee.UncheckedEntryPoint()
: callee.EntryPoint();
const intptr_t unchecked_offset =
destination_instruction.HeaderSize() +
(entry_point - destination_instruction.PayloadStart());
auto map_entry = instructions_map.Lookup(destination_instruction.raw());
auto& dst = (*commands_)[map_entry->inst_nr];
ASSERT(dst.op == ImageWriterCommand::InsertInstructionOfCode);
const int32_t distance =
(dst.expected_offset + unchecked_offset) - text_offset;
NoSafepointScope no_safepoint_scope;
PcRelativeCallPattern call(caller_instruction.PayloadStart() +
ASSERT(call.distance() == distance);
// We're done now, so we clear out the targets tables.
if (!is_vm_isolate) {
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < code_objects_->length(); ++i) {
caller = (*code_objects_)[i];
#endif // defined(DART_PRECOMPILER) && !defined(TARGET_ARCH_DBC) && \
// !defined(TARGET_ARCH_IA32)
} // namespace dart