blob: c3af59a290ebcb1a4b438b8be85f7542573dfdad [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// Declares miscellaneous utility functions and constants for type flow
/// analysis.
library vm.transformations.type_flow.utils;
import 'package:kernel/ast.dart'
const bool kPrintTrace =
const bool.fromEnvironment('global.type.flow.print.trace');
const bool kPrintDebug =
const bool.fromEnvironment('global.type.flow.print.debug');
const bool kPrintStats =
const bool.fromEnvironment('global.type.flow.print.stats');
const bool kRemoveAsserts =
const bool.fromEnvironment('global.type.flow.remove.asserts');
/// Extended 'assert': always checks condition.
assertx(bool cond, {details}) {
if (!cond) {
throw 'Assertion failed.' + (details != null ? ' Details: $details' : '');
tracePrint(Object message) {
if (kPrintTrace) {
debugPrint(Object message) {
if (kPrintDebug) {
statPrint(Object message) {
if (kPrintStats) {
const int kHashMask = 0x3fffffff;
bool hasReceiverArg(Member member) =>
member.isInstanceMember || (member is Constructor);
// Type arguments to procedures is only supported for factory constructors of
// generic classes at the moment.
// TODO(sjindel/tfa): Extend suport to normal generic functions.
int numTypeParams(Member member) => member is Procedure && member.isFactory
? member.function.typeParameters.length
: 0;
/// Returns true if elements in [list] are in strictly increasing order.
/// List with duplicates is considered not sorted.
bool isSorted(List list) {
for (int i = 0; i < list.length - 1; i++) {
if (list[i].compareTo(list[i + 1]) >= 0) {
return false;
return true;
VariableDeclaration findNamedParameter(FunctionNode function, String name) {
return function.namedParameters
.firstWhere((p) => == name, orElse: () => null);
/// Holds various statistic counters for type flow analysis.
class Statistics {
static int summariesCreated = 0;
static int summariesAnalyzed = 0;
static int joinsApproximatedToBreakLoops = 0;
static int invocationsProcessed = 0;
static int usedCachedResultsOfInvocations = 0;
static int invocationsInvalidated = 0;
static int maxInvalidationsPerInvocation = 0;
static int recursiveInvocationsApproximated = 0;
static int typeConeSpecializations = 0;
static int iterationsOverInvocationsWorkList = 0;
static int invocationsInvalidatedDuringProcessing = 0;
static int invocationsQueriedInCache = 0;
static int invocationsAddedToCache = 0;
static int maxInvocationsCachedPerSelector = 0;
static int approximateInvocationsCreated = 0;
static int approximateInvocationsUsed = 0;
static int classesDropped = 0;
static int membersDropped = 0;
static int methodBodiesDropped = 0;
static int fieldInitializersDropped = 0;
static int constructorBodiesDropped = 0;
static int callsDropped = 0;
static int throwExpressionsPruned = 0;
/// Resets statistic counters.
static void reset() {
summariesCreated = 0;
summariesAnalyzed = 0;
joinsApproximatedToBreakLoops = 0;
invocationsProcessed = 0;
usedCachedResultsOfInvocations = 0;
invocationsInvalidated = 0;
maxInvalidationsPerInvocation = 0;
recursiveInvocationsApproximated = 0;
typeConeSpecializations = 0;
iterationsOverInvocationsWorkList = 0;
invocationsInvalidatedDuringProcessing = 0;
invocationsQueriedInCache = 0;
invocationsAddedToCache = 0;
maxInvocationsCachedPerSelector = 0;
approximateInvocationsCreated = 0;
approximateInvocationsUsed = 0;
classesDropped = 0;
membersDropped = 0;
methodBodiesDropped = 0;
fieldInitializersDropped = 0;
constructorBodiesDropped = 0;
callsDropped = 0;
throwExpressionsPruned = 0;
static void print(String caption) {
${summariesCreated} summaries created
${summariesAnalyzed} summaries analyzed
${joinsApproximatedToBreakLoops} joins are approximated to break loops
${invocationsProcessed} invocations processed
${usedCachedResultsOfInvocations} times cached result of invocation is used
${invocationsInvalidated} invocations invalidated
${maxInvalidationsPerInvocation} maximum invalidations per invocation
${recursiveInvocationsApproximated} recursive invocations approximated
${typeConeSpecializations} type cones specialized
${iterationsOverInvocationsWorkList} iterations over invocations work list
${invocationsInvalidatedDuringProcessing} invocations invalidated during processing
${invocationsQueriedInCache} invocations queried in cache
${invocationsAddedToCache} invocations added to cache
${maxInvocationsCachedPerSelector} maximum invocations cached per selector
${approximateInvocationsCreated} approximate invocations created
${approximateInvocationsUsed} times approximate invocation is used
${classesDropped} classes dropped
${membersDropped} members dropped
${methodBodiesDropped} method bodies dropped
${fieldInitializersDropped} field initializers dropped
${constructorBodiesDropped} constructor bodies dropped
${callsDropped} calls dropped
${throwExpressionsPruned} throw expressions pruned
int typeArgumentsHash(List<DartType> typeArgs) {
int hash = 1237;
for (var t in typeArgs) {
hash = (((hash * 31) & kHashMask) + t.hashCode) & kHashMask;
return hash;
class SubtypePair {
final Class subtype;
final Class supertype;
SubtypePair(this.subtype, this.supertype);
int get hashCode {
return subtype.hashCode ^ supertype.hashCode;
bool operator ==(Object other) {
if (other is SubtypePair) {
return subtype == other.subtype && supertype == other.supertype;
return false;
// Returns the smallest index 'i' such that 'list.skip(i)' is a prefix of
// 'sublist'.
int findOverlap(List list, List sublist) {
for (int i = 0; i < list.length; ++i)
for (int j = 0; j < sublist.length && i + j < list.length; ++j) {
if (list[i + j] != sublist[j]) continue outer;
return i;
return list.length;