blob: 84406497776293b27f8ab795a649ee66bcd603d4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2023, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// This test captures the changes introduced in 2.32 of the patterns proposal.
main() {
// In a refutable context, it's an error for a variable in a variable pattern
// to be named `when` or `as`.
switch (expr()) {
case int when:
// ^
// [cfe] Expected an identifier, but got ':'.
switch (expr()) {
case int as:
// ^
// [cfe] Expected a type, but got ':'.
// [cfe] This couldn't be parsed.
switch (expr()) {
case var when:
// ^^^^
// [cfe] The variable declared by a variable pattern can't be named 'when'.
switch (expr()) {
case var as:
// ^^
// [cfe] The variable declared by a variable pattern can't be named 'as'.
switch (expr()) {
case final int when:
// ^
// [cfe] Expected an identifier, but got ':'.
switch (expr()) {
case final int as:
// ^
// [cfe] Expected a type, but got ':'.
// [cfe] This couldn't be parsed.
switch (expr()) {
case final when:
// ^^^^
// [cfe] The variable declared by a variable pattern can't be named 'when'.
switch (expr()) {
case final as:
// ^^
// [cfe] The variable declared by a variable pattern can't be named 'as'.
// In a refutable context, it's an error for an identifier pattern to be named
// `when` or `as`.
const when = 0;
const as = 1;
switch (expr()) {
case when:
// ^^^^
// [cfe] A pattern can't refer to an identifier named 'when'.
switch (expr()) {
case as:
// ^^
// [cfe] A pattern can't refer to an identifier named 'as'.
// However, `const (when)` and `const (as)` are still permitted.
const when = 0;
const as = 1;
switch (expr()) {
case const (when):
switch (expr()) {
case const (as):
// And `== when` and `== as` are still permitted.
const when = 0;
const as = 1;
switch (expr()) {
case == when:
switch (expr()) {
case == as:
// In a pattern variable declaration, it's an error for a variable in a
// variable pattern to be named `when` or `as`.
var (int when) = expr<int>();
// ^^^^
// [cfe] Expected ')' before this.
// ^^^
// [cfe] Local variable 'int' can't be referenced before it is declared.
var (int as) = expr<int>();
// ^
// [cfe] Expected a type, but got ')'.
// [cfe] This couldn't be parsed.
// ^^^
// [cfe] Local variable 'int' can't be referenced before it is declared.
// In a pattern variable declaration, it's an error for an identifier pattern
// to be named `when` or `as`.
var (when) = expr();
// ^^^^
// [cfe] The variable declared by a variable pattern can't be named 'when'.
var (as) = expr();
// ^^
// [cfe] The variable declared by a variable pattern can't be named 'as'.
// In a pattern assignment, it's an error for an identifier pattern to be
// named `when` or `as`.
Object? when;
Object? as;
(when) = expr();
// ^^^^
// [cfe] A variable assigned by a pattern assignment can't be named 'when'.
(as) = expr();
// ^^
// [cfe] A variable assigned by a pattern assignment can't be named 'as'.
// It is, however, ok for `when` or `as` to appear as part of a qualified name
// in a constant pattern, provided it's not otherwise prohibited by the
// grammar (e.g. `as` can't be used as a prefix because it's a builtin).
switch (expr()) {
case C.when:
switch (expr()) {
// And it is ok for `when` to be used as the type of a variable or wildcard
// pattern, or as the type of an object pattern. (`as` can't be used in this
// way because it's not the legal name of a type).
switch (expr()) {
case when _:
switch (expr()) {
case when w:
switch (expr()) {
case when():
T expr<T>() => throw UnimplementedError();
class C {
static const when = 0;
class when {
static const as = 1;