blob: ab436bd83db9f331fda591ddcdb41f2751d77a70 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:analysis_server/src/nullability/conditional_discard.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/nullability/constraint_gatherer.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/nullability/constraint_variable_gatherer.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/nullability/decorated_type.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/nullability/expression_checks.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/nullability/nullability_graph.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/nullability/nullability_node.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/nullability/unit_propagation.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/ast.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/resolver.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/source.dart';
import 'package:analyzer_plugin/protocol/protocol_common.dart' show SourceEdit;
/// Type of a [ConstraintVariable] representing the addition of a null check.
class CheckExpression extends ConstraintVariable {
final int offset;
CheckExpression(Expression expression) : offset = expression.end;
toString() => 'checkNotNull($offset)';
/// Records information about how a conditional expression or statement might
/// need to be modified.
class ConditionalModification extends PotentialModification {
final int offset;
final int end;
final bool isStatement;
final ConditionalDiscard discard;
final _KeepNode condition;
final _KeepNode thenStatement;
final _KeepNode elseStatement;
factory ConditionalModification(AstNode node, ConditionalDiscard discard) {
if (node is IfStatement) {
return ConditionalModification._(
node is Statement,
} else {
throw new UnimplementedError('TODO(paulberry)');
ConditionalModification._(this.offset, this.end, this.isStatement,
this.discard, this.condition, this.thenStatement, this.elseStatement);
bool get isEmpty => discard.keepTrue && discard.keepFalse;
Iterable<SourceEdit> get modifications {
if (isEmpty) return const [];
// TODO(paulberry): move the following logic into DartEditBuilder (see
var result = <SourceEdit>[];
var keepNodes = <_KeepNode>[];
if (!discard.pureCondition) {
keepNodes.add(condition); // TODO(paulberry): test
if (discard.keepTrue) {
keepNodes.add(thenStatement); // TODO(paulberry): test
if (discard.keepFalse) {
keepNodes.add(elseStatement); // TODO(paulberry): test
// TODO(paulberry): test thoroughly
for (int i = 0; i < keepNodes.length; i++) {
var keepNode = keepNodes[i];
if (i == 0 && keepNode.offset != offset) {
result.add(SourceEdit(offset, 0, '/* '));
if (i != 0 || keepNode.offset != offset) {
result.add(SourceEdit(keepNode.offset, 0, '*/ '));
if (i != keepNodes.length - 1 || keepNode.end != end) {
result.add(SourceEdit(keepNode.end, 0,
keepNode.isExpression && isStatement ? '; /*' : ' /*'));
if (i == keepNodes.length - 1 && keepNode.end != end) {
result.add(SourceEdit(end, 0, ' */'));
return result;
/// Enum encapsulating the various options proposed at
enum DefaultParameterHandling {
/// Option 2: Add required named parameters
/// - `{int x}` implicitly means `x` is required
/// - required-ness goes into the function type:
/// `int Function({required int x})`
/// - `{required int? x}` is allowed
/// - means that something must be passed
/// - passing null is allowed
/// - `{int x = 3}` is allowed
/// - `x` is optional
/// - passing null to it is an error
/// - passing nothing to it results in it getting the default value
/// - `[int x]` is an error
/// - `[int x = 3]` is allowed
/// Enum representing the possible heuristics for handling named parameters with
/// no default value.
enum NamedNoDefaultParameterHeuristic {
/// Assume that the parameter should be considered nullable, unless the user
/// has explicitly marked it as `@required`.
/// Assume that the parameter should be considered required, unless the user
/// has explicitly marked it as nullable.
/// Transitional migration API.
/// Usage: pass each input source file to [prepareInput]. Then pass each input
/// source file to [processInput]. Then call [finish] to obtain the
/// modifications that need to be made to each source file.
/// TODO(paulberry): this implementation keeps a lot of CompilationUnit objects
/// around. Can we do better?
class NullabilityMigration {
final bool _permissive;
final NullabilityMigrationAssumptions assumptions;
final Variables _variables;
final Solver _constraints;
final NullabilityGraph _graph;
/// Prepares to perform nullability migration.
/// If [permissive] is `true`, exception handling logic will try to proceed
/// as far as possible even though the migration algorithm is not yet
/// complete. TODO(paulberry): remove this mode once the migration algorithm
/// is fully implemented.
{bool permissive: false,
NullabilityMigrationAssumptions assumptions:
const NullabilityMigrationAssumptions()})
: this._(permissive, assumptions, NullabilityGraph(), Solver());
this._permissive, this.assumptions, this._graph, this._constraints)
: _variables = Variables(_graph, _constraints);
Map<Source, List<PotentialModification>> finish() {
return _variables.getPotentialModifications();
void prepareInput(CompilationUnit unit) {
unit.declaredElement.source, _permissive, assumptions, _graph));
void processInput(CompilationUnit unit, TypeProvider typeProvider) {
unit.accept(ConstraintGatherer(typeProvider, _variables, _constraints,
_graph, unit.declaredElement.source, _permissive, assumptions));
/// Assumptions affecting the behavior of the nullability migration tool.
/// These options generally reflect design decisions that have not yet been
/// made. They don't reflect behavioral differences we would want to expose to
/// the user.
/// TODO(paulberry): hardcode these assumptions once decisions have been made.
class NullabilityMigrationAssumptions {
/// Handling of default parameters.
final DefaultParameterHandling defaultParameterHandling;
/// Heuristic for handling named parameters with no default value.
final NamedNoDefaultParameterHeuristic namedNoDefaultParameterHeuristic;
const NullabilityMigrationAssumptions(
/// Records information about the possible addition of an import
/// to the source code.
class PotentiallyAddImport extends PotentialModification {
final _usages = <PotentialModification>[];
final int _offset;
final String _importPath;
AstNode beforeNode, this._importPath, PotentialModification usage)
: _offset = beforeNode.offset {
get importPath => _importPath;
bool get isEmpty {
for (PotentialModification usage in _usages) {
if (!usage.isEmpty) {
return false;
return true;
// TODO(danrubel): change all of dartfix NNBD to use DartChangeBuilder
Iterable<SourceEdit> get modifications =>
isEmpty ? const [] : [SourceEdit(_offset, 0, "import '$_importPath';\n")];
void addUsage(PotentialModification usage) {
/// Records information about the possible addition of a `@required` annotation
/// to the source code.
class PotentiallyAddRequired extends PotentialModification {
final NullabilityNode _node;
final int _offset;
PotentiallyAddRequired(DefaultFormalParameter parameter, this._node)
: _offset = parameter.offset;
bool get isEmpty => _node.isNullable;
Iterable<SourceEdit> get modifications =>
isEmpty ? const [] : [SourceEdit(_offset, 0, '@required ')];
/// Interface used by data structures representing potential modifications to
/// the code being migrated.
abstract class PotentialModification {
bool get isEmpty;
/// Gets the individual migrations that need to be done, considering the
/// solution to the constraint equations.
Iterable<SourceEdit> get modifications;
class Variables implements VariableRecorder, VariableRepository {
final _decoratedElementTypes = <Element, DecoratedType>{};
final _potentialModifications = <Source, List<PotentialModification>>{};
final NullabilityGraph _graph;
final Constraints constraints;
Variables(this._graph, this.constraints);
DecoratedType decoratedElementType(Element element, {bool create: false}) =>
_decoratedElementTypes[element] ??= create
? DecoratedType.forElement(element, _graph)
: throw StateError('No element found');
Map<Source, List<PotentialModification>> getPotentialModifications() =>
void recordConditionalDiscard(
Source source, AstNode node, ConditionalDiscard conditionalDiscard) {
source, ConditionalModification(node, conditionalDiscard));
void recordDecoratedElementType(Element element, DecoratedType type) {
_decoratedElementTypes[element] = type;
void recordDecoratedExpressionType(Expression node, DecoratedType type) {}
void recordDecoratedTypeAnnotation(
Source source, TypeAnnotation node, DecoratedTypeAnnotation type) {
_addPotentialModification(source, type);
void recordExpressionChecks(
Source source, Expression expression, ExpressionChecks checks) {
_addPotentialModification(source, checks);
void recordPossiblyOptional(
Source source, DefaultFormalParameter parameter, NullabilityNode node) {
var modification = PotentiallyAddRequired(parameter, node);
_addPotentialModification(source, modification);
source, parameter, modification, 'package:meta/meta.dart');
void _addPotentialImport(Source source, AstNode node,
PotentialModification usage, String importPath) {
// Get the compilation unit - assume not null
while (node is! CompilationUnit) {
node = node.parent;
var unit = node as CompilationUnit;
// Find an existing import
for (var directive in unit.directives) {
if (directive is ImportDirective) {
if (directive.uri.stringValue == importPath) {
// Add the usage to an existing modification if possible
for (var modification in (_potentialModifications[source] ??= [])) {
if (modification is PotentiallyAddImport) {
if (modification.importPath == importPath) {
// Create a new import modification
AstNode beforeNode;
for (var directive in unit.directives) {
if (directive is ImportDirective || directive is ExportDirective) {
beforeNode = directive;
if (beforeNode == null) {
for (var declaration in unit.declarations) {
beforeNode = declaration;
source, PotentiallyAddImport(beforeNode, importPath, usage));
void _addPotentialModification(
Source source, PotentialModification potentialModification) {
(_potentialModifications[source] ??= []).add(potentialModification);
/// Helper object used by [ConditionalModification] to keep track of AST nodes
/// within the conditional expression.
class _KeepNode {
final int offset;
final int end;
final bool isExpression;
factory _KeepNode(AstNode node) {
int offset = node.offset;
int end = node.end;
if (node is Block && node.statements.isNotEmpty) {
offset = node.statements.beginToken.offset;
end = node.statements.endToken.end;
return _KeepNode._(offset, end, node is Expression);
_KeepNode._(this.offset, this.end, this.isExpression);