blob: a8d202572f33007cd3f4460538a42bd31dbf3078 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library fasta.scope;
import 'builder/builder.dart' show Declaration, TypeVariableBuilder;
import 'fasta_codes.dart'
import 'problems.dart' show internalProblem, unsupported;
class MutableScope {
/// Names declared in this scope.
Map<String, Declaration> local;
/// Setters declared in this scope.
Map<String, Declaration> setters;
/// The scope that this scope is nested within, or `null` if this is the top
/// level scope.
Scope parent;
final String debugName;
MutableScope(this.local, this.setters, this.parent, this.debugName) {
assert(debugName != null);
String toString() => "Scope($debugName, ${local.keys})";
class Scope extends MutableScope {
/// Indicates whether an attempt to declare new names in this scope should
/// succeed.
final bool isModifiable;
Map<String, Declaration> labels;
Map<String, Declaration> forwardDeclaredLabels;
Map<String, int> usedNames;
Scope(Map<String, Declaration> local, Map<String, Declaration> setters,
Scope parent, String debugName, {this.isModifiable: true})
: super(local, setters = setters ?? const <String, Declaration>{}, parent,
debugName);{bool isModifiable: false})
: this(<String, Declaration>{}, <String, Declaration>{}, null, "top",
isModifiable: isModifiable);
: this(const <String, Declaration>{}, const <String, Declaration>{}, null,
isModifiable: false);
Scope.nested(Scope parent, String debugName, {bool isModifiable: true})
: this(
<String, Declaration>{}, <String, Declaration>{}, parent, debugName,
isModifiable: isModifiable);
Scope copyWithParent(Scope parent, String debugName) {
return new Scope(super.local, super.setters, parent, debugName,
isModifiable: isModifiable);
/// Don't use this. Use [becomePartOf] instead.
void set local(_) => unsupported("local=", -1, null);
/// Don't use this. Use [becomePartOf] instead.
void set setters(_) => unsupported("setters=", -1, null);
/// Don't use this. Use [becomePartOf] instead.
void set parent(_) => unsupported("parent=", -1, null);
/// This scope becomes equivalent to [scope]. This is used for parts to
/// become part of their library's scope.
void becomePartOf(Scope scope) {
assert(parent.parent == null);
assert(scope.parent.parent == null);
super.local = scope.local;
super.setters = scope.setters;
super.parent = scope.parent;
Scope createNestedScope(String debugName, {bool isModifiable: true}) {
return new Scope.nested(this, debugName, isModifiable: isModifiable);
Scope withTypeVariables(List<TypeVariableBuilder> typeVariables) {
if (typeVariables == null) return this;
Scope newScope =
new Scope.nested(this, "type variables", isModifiable: false);
for (TypeVariableBuilder t in typeVariables) {
newScope.local[] = t;
return newScope;
/// Create a special scope for use by labeled staments. This scope doesn't
/// introduce a new scope for local variables, only for labels. This deals
/// with corner cases like this:
/// L: var x;
/// x = 42;
/// print("The answer is $x.");
Scope createNestedLabelScope() {
return new Scope(local, setters, parent, "label", isModifiable: true);
void recordUse(String name, int charOffset, Uri fileUri) {
if (isModifiable) {
usedNames ??= <String, int>{};
usedNames.putIfAbsent(name, () => charOffset);
Declaration lookupIn(String name, int charOffset, Uri fileUri,
Map<String, Declaration> map, bool isInstanceScope) {
Declaration builder = map[name];
if (builder == null) return null;
if ( != null) {
return new AmbiguousBuilder(name, builder, charOffset, fileUri);
} else if (!isInstanceScope && builder.isInstanceMember) {
return null;
} else {
return builder;
Declaration lookup(String name, int charOffset, Uri fileUri,
{bool isInstanceScope: true}) {
recordUse(name, charOffset, fileUri);
Declaration builder =
lookupIn(name, charOffset, fileUri, local, isInstanceScope);
if (builder != null) return builder;
builder = lookupIn(name, charOffset, fileUri, setters, isInstanceScope);
if (builder != null && !builder.hasProblem) {
return new AccessErrorBuilder(name, builder, charOffset, fileUri);
if (!isInstanceScope) {
// For static lookup, do not seach the parent scope.
return builder;
return builder ?? parent?.lookup(name, charOffset, fileUri);
Declaration lookupSetter(String name, int charOffset, Uri fileUri,
{bool isInstanceScope: true}) {
recordUse(name, charOffset, fileUri);
Declaration builder =
lookupIn(name, charOffset, fileUri, setters, isInstanceScope);
if (builder != null) return builder;
builder = lookupIn(name, charOffset, fileUri, local, isInstanceScope);
if (builder != null && !builder.hasProblem) {
return new AccessErrorBuilder(name, builder, charOffset, fileUri);
if (!isInstanceScope) {
// For static lookup, do not seach the parent scope.
return builder;
return builder ?? parent?.lookupSetter(name, charOffset, fileUri);
bool hasLocalLabel(String name) => labels != null && labels.containsKey(name);
void declareLabel(String name, Declaration target) {
if (isModifiable) {
labels ??= <String, Declaration>{};
labels[name] = target;
} else {
messageInternalProblemExtendingUnmodifiableScope, -1, null);
void forwardDeclareLabel(String name, Declaration target) {
declareLabel(name, target);
forwardDeclaredLabels ??= <String, Declaration>{};
forwardDeclaredLabels[name] = target;
bool claimLabel(String name) {
if (forwardDeclaredLabels == null ||
forwardDeclaredLabels.remove(name) == null) return false;
if (forwardDeclaredLabels.length == 0) {
forwardDeclaredLabels = null;
return true;
Map<String, Declaration> get unclaimedForwardDeclarations {
return forwardDeclaredLabels;
Declaration lookupLabel(String name) {
return (labels == null ? null : labels[name]) ?? parent?.lookupLabel(name);
/// Declares that the meaning of [name] in this scope is [builder].
/// If name was used previously in this scope, this method returns a message
/// that can be used as context for reporting a compile-time error about
/// [name] being used before its declared. [fileUri] is used to bind the
/// location of this message.
LocatedMessage declare(String name, Declaration builder, Uri fileUri) {
if (isModifiable) {
if (usedNames?.containsKey(name) ?? false) {
return templateDuplicatedNamePreviouslyUsedCause
.withLocation(fileUri, usedNames[name], name.length);
local[name] = builder;
} else {
messageInternalProblemExtendingUnmodifiableScope, -1, null);
return null;
void merge(
Scope scope,
Declaration computeAmbiguousDeclaration(
String name, Declaration existing, Declaration member)) {
Map<String, Declaration> map = local;
void mergeMember(String name, Declaration member) {
Declaration existing = map[name];
if (existing != null) {
if (existing != member) {
member = computeAmbiguousDeclaration(name, existing, member);
map[name] = member;
map = setters;
void forEach(f(String name, Declaration member)) {
String get debugString {
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
int nestingLevel = writeOn(buffer);
for (int i = nestingLevel; i >= 0; i--) {
buffer.writeln("${' ' * i}}");
return "$buffer";
int writeOn(StringSink sink) {
int nestingLevel = (parent?.writeOn(sink) ?? -1) + 1;
String indent = " " * nestingLevel;
local.forEach((String name, Declaration member) {
sink.writeln("$indent $name");
setters.forEach((String name, Declaration member) {
sink.writeln("$indent $name=");
return nestingLevel;
class ScopeBuilder {
final Scope scope;
void addMember(String name, Declaration builder) {
scope.local[name] = builder;
void addSetter(String name, Declaration builder) {
scope.setters[name] = builder;
Declaration operator [](String name) => scope.local[name];
abstract class ProblemBuilder extends Declaration {
final String name;
final Declaration builder;
final int charOffset;
final Uri fileUri;
ProblemBuilder(, this.builder, this.charOffset, this.fileUri);
get target => null;
bool get hasProblem => true;
Message get message;
String get fullNameForErrors => name;
/// Represents a [builder] that's being accessed incorrectly. For example, an
/// attempt to write to a final field, or to read from a setter.
class AccessErrorBuilder extends ProblemBuilder {
String name, Declaration builder, int charOffset, Uri fileUri)
: super(name, builder, charOffset, fileUri);
Declaration get parent => builder;
bool get isFinal => builder.isFinal;
bool get isField => builder.isField;
bool get isRegularMethod => builder.isRegularMethod;
bool get isGetter => !builder.isGetter;
bool get isSetter => !builder.isSetter;
bool get isInstanceMember => builder.isInstanceMember;
bool get isStatic => builder.isStatic;
bool get isTopLevel => builder.isTopLevel;
bool get isTypeDeclaration => builder.isTypeDeclaration;
bool get isLocal => builder.isLocal;
Message get message => templateAccessError.withArguments(name);
class AmbiguousBuilder extends ProblemBuilder {
String name, Declaration builder, int charOffset, Uri fileUri)
: super(name, builder, charOffset, fileUri);
Declaration get parent => null;
Message get message => templateDuplicatedDeclarationUse.withArguments(name);
// TODO(ahe): Also provide context.
Declaration getFirstDeclaration() {
Declaration declaration = builder;
while ( != null) {
declaration =;
return declaration;