Remove $fasta from language_2_dart2js.status

The old parser has been deleted for some time.

Change-Id: Ib49b82d6be1d8d816ef50c64d37ebd067297c1f5
Reviewed-by: Stephen Adams <>
Commit-Queue: Stephen Adams <>
diff --git a/tests/language_2/language_2_dart2js.status b/tests/language_2/language_2_dart2js.status
index cc71aa2..3c228f4 100644
--- a/tests/language_2/language_2_dart2js.status
+++ b/tests/language_2/language_2_dart2js.status
@@ -4,16 +4,72 @@
 # Sections in this file should contain "$compiler == dart2js".
 [ $compiler == dart2js ]
+arithmetic_int64_test: CompileTimeError, OK # Error if web int literal cannot be represented exactly, see
 async_star_cancel_while_paused_test: RuntimeError # Issue 22853
 bit_operations_test: RuntimeError, OK # non JS number semantics
+bit_operations_test/03: CompileTimeError, OK # Error if web int literal cannot be represented exactly, see
+bit_operations_test/04: CompileTimeError, OK # Error if web int literal cannot be represented exactly, see
+bit_operations_test/none: CompileTimeError, OK # Error if web int literal cannot be represented exactly, see
 bug32372_test: CompileTimeError
+call_method_as_cast_test/06: RuntimeError
+call_method_implicit_tear_off_implements_function_test/05: RuntimeError
+call_method_implicit_tear_off_implements_function_test/06: RuntimeError
+call_method_is_check_test/06: RuntimeError
+call_method_must_not_be_field_test/03: RuntimeError # Issue 32155
+call_method_must_not_be_getter_test/03: RuntimeError # Issue 32155
+checked_setter2_test: RuntimeError # Issue 31128
+checked_setter_test: RuntimeError # Issue 31128
 config_import_corelib_test: CompileTimeError # we need a special platform.dill file for categories=all. Once we fix that, all dart:* are supported when using '--categories=all' so this will become a RuntimeError, OK.
 config_import_test: RuntimeError # Test flag is not passed to the compiler.
+const_constructor_nonconst_param_test/01: MissingCompileTimeError
+const_dynamic_type_literal_test/03: Pass # but it shouldn't until we fix issue 17207
+deopt_inlined_function_lazy_test: CompileTimeError, OK # Error if web int literal cannot be represented exactly, see
+deopt_smi_op_test: CompileTimeError, OK # Error if web int literal cannot be represented exactly, see
 double_identical_test: RuntimeError # Negative and positive zero are distinct, but not in dart2js; bug #11551.
+duplicate_interface_implements_test/01: MissingCompileTimeError
+function_propagation_test: RuntimeError
+generic_test/01: MissingCompileTimeError # front end does not validate `extends`
+guess_cid_test: CompileTimeError, OK # Error if web int literal cannot be represented exactly, see
+identical_closure2_test: CompileTimeError, OK # Error if web int literal cannot be represented exactly, see
+instantiate_tearoff_of_call_test: RuntimeError
+int2_test: CompileTimeError, OK # Error if web int literal cannot be represented exactly, see
+int64_literal_test/01: CompileTimeError, OK # Error if web int literal cannot be represented exactly, see
+int64_literal_test/02: CompileTimeError, OK # Error if web int literal cannot be represented exactly, see
+int64_literal_test/04: CompileTimeError, OK # Error if web int literal cannot be represented exactly, see
+int64_literal_test/05: CompileTimeError, OK # Error if web int literal cannot be represented exactly, see
+int64_literal_test/10: CompileTimeError, OK # Error if web int literal cannot be represented exactly, see
+int64_literal_test/20: CompileTimeError, OK # Error if web int literal cannot be represented exactly, see
+int64_literal_test/40: CompileTimeError, OK # Error if web int literal cannot be represented exactly, see
+int64_literal_test/none: CompileTimeError, OK # Error if web int literal cannot be represented exactly, see
 issue23244_test: RuntimeError # Isolates - enum canonicalization - Issue 23244
 issue32353_test: CompileTimeError
 library_env_test/has_mirror_support: RuntimeError, OK
 library_env_test/has_no_html_support: RuntimeError, OK
+list_test: CompileTimeError, OK # Error if web int literal cannot be represented exactly, see
+mint_arithmetic_test: CompileTimeError, OK # Error if web int literal cannot be represented exactly, see
+mint_compares_test: CompileTimeError, OK # Error if web int literal cannot be represented exactly, see
+mint_identical_test: CompileTimeError, OK # Error if web int literal cannot be represented exactly, see
+mixin_type_parameter_inference_error_test/none: CompileTimeError
+mixin_type_parameter_inference_previous_mixin_test/01: CompileTimeError
+mixin_type_parameter_inference_previous_mixin_test/02: CompileTimeError
+mixin_type_parameter_inference_previous_mixin_test/05: CompileTimeError
+mixin_type_parameter_inference_previous_mixin_test/none: CompileTimeError
+mixin_type_parameter_inference_test/01: CompileTimeError
+mixin_type_parameter_inference_test/02: CompileTimeError
+mixin_type_parameter_inference_test/03: CompileTimeError
+mixin_type_parameter_inference_test/08: CompileTimeError
+mixin_type_parameter_inference_test/09: CompileTimeError
+mixin_type_parameter_inference_test/10: CompileTimeError
+mixin_type_parameter_inference_test/12: CompileTimeError
+mixin_type_parameter_inference_test/13: CompileTimeError
+mixin_type_parameter_inference_test/16: CompileTimeError
+mixin_type_parameter_inference_test/none: CompileTimeError
+number_identity_test: CompileTimeError, OK # Error if web int literal cannot be represented exactly, see
+partial_tearoff_instantiation_test/05: Pass # for the wrong reason.
+partial_tearoff_instantiation_test/06: Pass # for the wrong reason.
+partial_tearoff_instantiation_test/07: Pass # for the wrong reason.
+partial_tearoff_instantiation_test/08: Pass # for the wrong reason.
+type_alias_equality_test/02: RuntimeError # Issue 32784
 vm/*: SkipByDesign # Tests for the VM.
 [ $compiler != dart2js ]
@@ -32,13 +88,13 @@
 [ $compiler == dart2js && $runtime == chromeOnAndroid ]
 override_field_test/02: Pass, Slow # TODO(kasperl): Please triage.
+[ $compiler == dart2js && $runtime == d8 ]
+implicit_creation/implicit_new_constructor_generic_test: Pass
 [ $compiler == dart2js && $runtime == d8 && !$checked ]
 field_override_optimization_test: RuntimeError
 field_type_check2_test/01: MissingRuntimeError
-[ $compiler == dart2js && $runtime == d8 && $fasta ]
-implicit_creation/implicit_new_constructor_generic_test: Pass
 [ $compiler == dart2js && $runtime == d8 && $strong ]
 stacktrace_test: RuntimeError
@@ -155,11 +211,11 @@
 [ $compiler == dart2js && $checked ]
 covariant_subtyping_test: CompileTimeError
-[ $compiler == dart2js && $checked && $fasta && $minified && $strong ]
+[ $compiler == dart2js && $checked && $minified && $strong ]
 inline_super_field_test: Crash
 typedef_is_test: Crash
-[ $compiler == dart2js && $checked && $fasta && $strong ]
+[ $compiler == dart2js && $checked && $strong ]
 assign_instance_method_test: RuntimeError
 async_await_foreign_test: RuntimeError
 async_star_cancel_while_paused_test: RuntimeError
@@ -461,15 +517,13 @@
 type_variable_scope_test/03: Crash # Internal Error: Unexpected type variable in static context.
 [ $compiler == dart2js && !$checked ]
+bool_check_test: RuntimeError
+bool_condition_check_test: RuntimeError
 covariance_field_test/01: RuntimeError
 covariance_field_test/02: RuntimeError
 covariance_field_test/03: RuntimeError
 covariance_field_test/04: RuntimeError
 covariance_field_test/05: RuntimeError
-[ $compiler == dart2js && !$checked && $fasta ]
-bool_check_test: RuntimeError
-bool_condition_check_test: RuntimeError
 issue31596_super_test/02: MissingCompileTimeError
 issue31596_super_test/04: MissingCompileTimeError
 issue31596_super_test/05: RuntimeError
@@ -479,70 +533,12 @@
 library_env_test/has_no_mirror_support: Pass # fails for the wrong reason.
 vm/reflect_core_vm_test: Fail # mirrors not supported
-[ $compiler == dart2js && $fast_startup && $fasta && $strong ]
+[ $compiler == dart2js && $fast_startup && $strong ]
 async_star_cancel_while_paused_test: RuntimeError
 covariant_subtyping_test: Crash # Unsupported operation: Unsupported type parameter type node E.
 issue23244_test: RuntimeError
-[ $compiler == dart2js && $fasta ]
-arithmetic_int64_test: CompileTimeError, OK # Error if web int literal cannot be represented exactly, see
-bit_operations_test/03: CompileTimeError, OK # Error if web int literal cannot be represented exactly, see
-bit_operations_test/04: CompileTimeError, OK # Error if web int literal cannot be represented exactly, see
-bit_operations_test/none: CompileTimeError, OK # Error if web int literal cannot be represented exactly, see
-call_method_as_cast_test/06: RuntimeError
-call_method_implicit_tear_off_implements_function_test/05: RuntimeError
-call_method_implicit_tear_off_implements_function_test/06: RuntimeError
-call_method_is_check_test/06: RuntimeError
-call_method_must_not_be_field_test/03: RuntimeError # Issue 32155
-call_method_must_not_be_getter_test/03: RuntimeError # Issue 32155
-checked_setter2_test: RuntimeError # Issue 31128
-checked_setter_test: RuntimeError # Issue 31128
-const_constructor_nonconst_param_test/01: MissingCompileTimeError
-const_dynamic_type_literal_test/03: Pass # but it shouldn't until we fix issue 17207
-deopt_inlined_function_lazy_test: CompileTimeError, OK # Error if web int literal cannot be represented exactly, see
-deopt_smi_op_test: CompileTimeError, OK # Error if web int literal cannot be represented exactly, see
-duplicate_interface_implements_test/01: MissingCompileTimeError
-function_propagation_test: RuntimeError
-generic_test/01: MissingCompileTimeError # front end does not validate `extends`
-guess_cid_test: CompileTimeError, OK # Error if web int literal cannot be represented exactly, see
-identical_closure2_test: CompileTimeError, OK # Error if web int literal cannot be represented exactly, see
-instantiate_tearoff_of_call_test: RuntimeError
-int2_test: CompileTimeError, OK # Error if web int literal cannot be represented exactly, see
-int64_literal_test/01: CompileTimeError, OK # Error if web int literal cannot be represented exactly, see
-int64_literal_test/02: CompileTimeError, OK # Error if web int literal cannot be represented exactly, see
-int64_literal_test/04: CompileTimeError, OK # Error if web int literal cannot be represented exactly, see
-int64_literal_test/05: CompileTimeError, OK # Error if web int literal cannot be represented exactly, see
-int64_literal_test/10: CompileTimeError, OK # Error if web int literal cannot be represented exactly, see
-int64_literal_test/20: CompileTimeError, OK # Error if web int literal cannot be represented exactly, see
-int64_literal_test/40: CompileTimeError, OK # Error if web int literal cannot be represented exactly, see
-int64_literal_test/none: CompileTimeError, OK # Error if web int literal cannot be represented exactly, see
-list_test: CompileTimeError, OK # Error if web int literal cannot be represented exactly, see
-mint_arithmetic_test: CompileTimeError, OK # Error if web int literal cannot be represented exactly, see
-mint_compares_test: CompileTimeError, OK # Error if web int literal cannot be represented exactly, see
-mint_identical_test: CompileTimeError, OK # Error if web int literal cannot be represented exactly, see
-mixin_type_parameter_inference_error_test/none: CompileTimeError
-mixin_type_parameter_inference_previous_mixin_test/01: CompileTimeError
-mixin_type_parameter_inference_previous_mixin_test/02: CompileTimeError
-mixin_type_parameter_inference_previous_mixin_test/05: CompileTimeError
-mixin_type_parameter_inference_previous_mixin_test/none: CompileTimeError
-mixin_type_parameter_inference_test/01: CompileTimeError
-mixin_type_parameter_inference_test/02: CompileTimeError
-mixin_type_parameter_inference_test/03: CompileTimeError
-mixin_type_parameter_inference_test/08: CompileTimeError
-mixin_type_parameter_inference_test/09: CompileTimeError
-mixin_type_parameter_inference_test/10: CompileTimeError
-mixin_type_parameter_inference_test/12: CompileTimeError
-mixin_type_parameter_inference_test/13: CompileTimeError
-mixin_type_parameter_inference_test/16: CompileTimeError
-mixin_type_parameter_inference_test/none: CompileTimeError
-number_identity_test: CompileTimeError, OK # Error if web int literal cannot be represented exactly, see
-partial_tearoff_instantiation_test/05: Pass # for the wrong reason.
-partial_tearoff_instantiation_test/06: Pass # for the wrong reason.
-partial_tearoff_instantiation_test/07: Pass # for the wrong reason.
-partial_tearoff_instantiation_test/08: Pass # for the wrong reason.
-type_alias_equality_test/02: RuntimeError # Issue 32784
-[ $compiler == dart2js && $fasta && $host_checked && $strong ]
+[ $compiler == dart2js && $host_checked && $strong ]
 abstract_override_adds_optional_args_concrete_subclass_test: MissingCompileTimeError
 abstract_override_adds_optional_args_concrete_test: MissingCompileTimeError
 additional_interface_adds_optional_args_concrete_subclass_test: MissingCompileTimeError
@@ -690,7 +686,23 @@
 wrong_number_type_arguments_test/01: MissingCompileTimeError
 wrong_number_type_arguments_test/none: Pass
-[ $compiler == dart2js && $fasta && $minified && $strong ]
+[ $compiler == dart2js && $minified ]
+cyclic_type2_test: RuntimeError # Issue 31054
+cyclic_type_test/0*: RuntimeError # Issue 31054
+f_bounded_quantification4_test: RuntimeError # Issue 31054
+f_bounded_quantification5_test: RuntimeError # Issue 31054
+generic_closure_test/01: RuntimeError # Uses runtimeType.toString()
+mixin_mixin2_test: RuntimeError # Issue 31054
+mixin_mixin3_test: RuntimeError # Issue 31054
+mixin_mixin4_test: RuntimeError # Issue 31054
+mixin_mixin5_test: RuntimeError # Issue 31054
+mixin_mixin6_test: RuntimeError # Issue 31054
+mixin_mixin_bound2_test: RuntimeError # Issue 31054
+mixin_mixin_bound_test: RuntimeError # Issue 31054
+mixin_mixin_type_arguments_test: RuntimeError # Issue 31054
+runtime_type_function_test: RuntimeError # Uses runtimeType.toString()
+[ $compiler == dart2js && $minified && $strong ]
 abstract_override_adds_optional_args_concrete_subclass_test: MissingCompileTimeError
 abstract_override_adds_optional_args_concrete_test: MissingCompileTimeError
 additional_interface_adds_optional_args_concrete_subclass_test: MissingCompileTimeError
@@ -842,28 +854,6 @@
 wrong_number_type_arguments_test/01: MissingCompileTimeError
 wrong_number_type_arguments_test/none: Pass
-[ $compiler == dart2js && $fasta && !$strong ]
-*: SkipByDesign
-[ $compiler == dart2js && !$fasta ]
-*: SkipByDesign
-[ $compiler == dart2js && $minified ]
-cyclic_type2_test: RuntimeError # Issue 31054
-cyclic_type_test/0*: RuntimeError # Issue 31054
-f_bounded_quantification4_test: RuntimeError # Issue 31054
-f_bounded_quantification5_test: RuntimeError # Issue 31054
-generic_closure_test/01: RuntimeError # Uses runtimeType.toString()
-mixin_mixin2_test: RuntimeError # Issue 31054
-mixin_mixin3_test: RuntimeError # Issue 31054
-mixin_mixin4_test: RuntimeError # Issue 31054
-mixin_mixin5_test: RuntimeError # Issue 31054
-mixin_mixin6_test: RuntimeError # Issue 31054
-mixin_mixin_bound2_test: RuntimeError # Issue 31054
-mixin_mixin_bound_test: RuntimeError # Issue 31054
-mixin_mixin_type_arguments_test: RuntimeError # Issue 31054
-runtime_type_function_test: RuntimeError # Uses runtimeType.toString()
 [ $compiler == dart2js && $strong ]
 async_await_test/02: RuntimeError
 async_await_test/03: RuntimeError
@@ -1100,3 +1090,6 @@
 type_promotion_functions_test/none: CompileTimeError
 type_promotion_more_specific_test/04: CompileTimeError
 type_variable_promotion_test: RuntimeError
+[ $compiler == dart2js && !$strong ]
+*: SkipByDesign