blob: 78d0975573595fa9dadddff4c8df19ed36aea25e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
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/// Constants and predicates used for encoding and decoding type recipes.
/// This library is shared between the compiler and the runtime system.
library dart2js._recipe_syntax;
abstract class Recipe {
// Operators.
static const int noOp = _comma;
static const int toType = _semicolon;
static const int pushDynamic = _at;
static const int pushVoid = _tilde;
static const int wrapFutureOr = _formfeed;
static const int startTypeArguments = _lessThan;
static const int endTypeArguments = _greaterThan;
static const int extensionOp = _ampersand;
// Number and name components.
static bool isDigit(int code) => code >= _digit0 && code <= _digit9;
static int digitValue(int code) => code - _digit0;
static bool isIdentifierStart(int ch) =>
(((ch | 32) - _lowercaseA) & 0xffff) < 26 ||
(ch == _underscore) ||
(ch == _dollar);
static const int period = _period;
// Private names.
static const int _formfeed = 0x0C; // '\f' in string literal.
static const int _dollar = 0x24;
static const int _ampersand = 0x26;
static const int _plus = 0x2B;
static const int _comma = 0x2C;
static const int _period = 0x2E;
static const int _digit0 = 0x30;
static const int _digit9 = 0x39;
static const int _semicolon = 0x3B;
static const int _lessThan = 0x3C;
static const int _greaterThan = 0x3E;
static const int _question = 0x3f;
static const int _at = 0x40;
static const int _underscore = 0x5F;
static const int _lowercaseA = 0x61;
static const int _tilde = 0x7E;
static const int _leftParen = 0x28;
static const int _rightParen = 0x29;
static const int _leftBracket = 0x5B;
static const int _rightBracket = 0x5D;
static const int _leftBrace = 0x7B;
static const int _rightBrace = 0x7D;