blob: 9a91a832124226ddfdf5094aebbd275e2eccf6f3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include "dart_api.h"
#include "dart_tools_api.h"
namespace dart {
namespace embedder {
// Initialize all subsystems of the embedder.
// Returns true on success and false otherwise, in which case error would
// contain error message.
DART_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT bool InitOnce(char** error);
// Common arguments that are passed to isolate creation callback and to
// API methods that create isolates.
struct IsolateCreationData {
// URI for the main script that will be running in the isolate.
const char* script_uri;
// Advisory name of the main method that will be run by isolate.
// Only used for error messages.
const char* main;
// Isolate creation flags. Might be absent.
Dart_IsolateFlags* flags;
// Isolate callback data.
void* callback_data;
// Create and initialize kernel-service isolate. This method should be used
// when VM invokes isolate creation callback with DART_KERNEL_ISOLATE_NAME as
// script_uri.
// The isolate is created from the given snapshot (might be kernel data or
// app-jit snapshot).
CreateKernelServiceIsolate(const IsolateCreationData& data,
const uint8_t* buffer,
intptr_t buffer_size,
char** error);
// Service isolate configuration.
struct VmServiceConfiguration {
enum {
kBindHttpServerToAFreePort = 0,
kDoNotAutoStartHttpServer = -1
// Address to which HTTP server will be bound.
const char* ip;
// Default port. See enum above for special values.
int port;
// TODO(vegorov) document these ones.
bool dev_mode;
bool deterministic;
bool disable_auth_codes;
// Create and initialize vm-service isolate. This method should be used
// when VM invokes isolate creation callback with DART_VM_SERVICE_ISOLATE_NAME
// as script_uri.
// The isolate is created from the given kernel binary that is expected to
// contain all necessary vmservice libraries.
CreateVmServiceIsolate(const IsolateCreationData& data,
const VmServiceConfiguration& config,
const uint8_t* kernel_buffer,
intptr_t kernel_buffer_size,
char** error);
} // namespace embedder
} // namespace dart