blob: e45c96c2ad74369678d1c5185884d5c1b792ca6c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of js_ast;
final _any = AnyTypeRef._();
final _unknown = UnknownTypeRef._();
final _null = NullTypeRef();
/// JavaScript type reference, designed to support a subset of the type systems
/// of the Closure Compiler and TypeScript:
/// -
/// -
/// Note that some subtleties like "nullability" or "optionality" are handled
/// using unions (with a [NullTypeRef] or with an "undefined" named typeref).
/// Also, primitives aren't modeled differently than named / qualified types,
/// as it brings little value for now. Primitive-specific type formatting is
/// handled by the type printers (for instance, the knowledge that
/// `number|null` is just `number` in TypeScript, and is `number?` in Closure).
abstract class TypeRef extends Expression {
int get precedenceLevel => PRIMARY;
factory TypeRef.any() => _any;
factory TypeRef.void_() => TypeRef.named('void');
factory TypeRef.unknown() => _unknown;
factory TypeRef.generic(TypeRef rawType, Iterable<TypeRef> typeArgs) {
if (typeArgs.isEmpty) {
throw ArgumentError.value(typeArgs, "typeArgs", "is empty");
return GenericTypeRef(rawType, typeArgs.toList());
factory TypeRef.array([TypeRef elementType]) => ArrayTypeRef(elementType);
factory TypeRef.object([TypeRef keyType, TypeRef valueType]) {
// TODO(ochafik): Roll out a dedicated ObjectTypeRef?
var rawType = TypeRef.named('Object');
return keyType == null && valueType == null
? rawType
: GenericTypeRef(rawType, [keyType ?? _any, valueType ?? _any]);
factory TypeRef.function(
[TypeRef returnType, Map<Identifier, TypeRef> paramTypes]) =>
FunctionTypeRef(returnType, paramTypes);
factory TypeRef.record(Map<Identifier, TypeRef> types) =>
factory TypeRef.string() => TypeRef.named('string');
factory TypeRef.number() => TypeRef.named('number');
factory TypeRef.undefined() => TypeRef.named('undefined');
factory TypeRef.boolean() => TypeRef.named('boolean');
factory TypeRef.qualified(List<Identifier> path) => QualifiedTypeRef(path);
factory TypeRef.named(String name) =>
bool get isAny => this is AnyTypeRef;
bool get isUnknown => this is UnknownTypeRef;
bool get isNull => this is NullTypeRef;
TypeRef or(TypeRef other) => UnionTypeRef([this, other]);
TypeRef orUndefined() => or(TypeRef.undefined());
TypeRef orNull() => or(_null);
TypeRef toOptional() => OptionalTypeRef(this);
class AnyTypeRef extends TypeRef {
AnyTypeRef._() : super();
factory AnyTypeRef() => _any;
T accept<T>(NodeVisitor<T> visitor) => visitor.visitAnyTypeRef(this);
void visitChildren(NodeVisitor visitor) {}
_clone() => AnyTypeRef();
class NullTypeRef extends QualifiedTypeRef {
NullTypeRef() : super([Identifier("null")]);
_clone() => NullTypeRef();
class UnknownTypeRef extends TypeRef {
UnknownTypeRef._() : super();
factory UnknownTypeRef() => _unknown;
T accept<T>(NodeVisitor<T> visitor) => visitor.visitUnknownTypeRef(this);
void visitChildren(NodeVisitor visitor) {}
_clone() => UnknownTypeRef();
class QualifiedTypeRef extends TypeRef {
final List<Identifier> path;
T accept<T>(NodeVisitor<T> visitor) => visitor.visitQualifiedTypeRef(this);
void visitChildren(NodeVisitor visitor) =>
path.forEach((p) => p.accept(visitor));
_clone() => QualifiedTypeRef(path);
class ArrayTypeRef extends TypeRef {
final TypeRef elementType;
T accept<T>(NodeVisitor<T> visitor) => visitor.visitArrayTypeRef(this);
void visitChildren(NodeVisitor visitor) {
_clone() => ArrayTypeRef(elementType);
class GenericTypeRef extends TypeRef {
final TypeRef rawType;
final List<TypeRef> typeArgs;
GenericTypeRef(this.rawType, this.typeArgs);
T accept<T>(NodeVisitor<T> visitor) => visitor.visitGenericTypeRef(this);
void visitChildren(NodeVisitor visitor) {
typeArgs.forEach((p) => p.accept(visitor));
_clone() => GenericTypeRef(rawType, typeArgs);
class UnionTypeRef extends TypeRef {
final List<TypeRef> types;
T accept<T>(NodeVisitor<T> visitor) => visitor.visitUnionTypeRef(this);
void visitChildren(NodeVisitor visitor) {
types.forEach((p) => p.accept(visitor));
_clone() => UnionTypeRef(types);
TypeRef or(TypeRef other) {
if (types.contains(other)) return this;
return UnionTypeRef([]
class OptionalTypeRef extends TypeRef {
final TypeRef type;
T accept<T>(NodeVisitor<T> visitor) => visitor.visitOptionalTypeRef(this);
void visitChildren(NodeVisitor visitor) {
_clone() => OptionalTypeRef(type);
TypeRef orUndefined() => this;
class RecordTypeRef extends TypeRef {
final Map<Identifier, TypeRef> types;
T accept<T>(NodeVisitor<T> visitor) => visitor.visitRecordTypeRef(this);
void visitChildren(NodeVisitor visitor) {
types.values.forEach((p) => p.accept(visitor));
_clone() => RecordTypeRef(types);
class FunctionTypeRef extends TypeRef {
final TypeRef returnType;
final Map<Identifier, TypeRef> paramTypes;
FunctionTypeRef(this.returnType, this.paramTypes);
T accept<T>(NodeVisitor<T> visitor) => visitor.visitFunctionTypeRef(this);
void visitChildren(NodeVisitor visitor) {
paramTypes.forEach((n, t) {
_clone() => FunctionTypeRef(returnType, paramTypes);