
  • [DAP] threadIds generated by the debug adapter now match the Isolate numbers of the underlying isolates.
  • [DAP] Global evaluation (evaluation without a frameId) is now available for top-levels if a file:// URI for a script is provided as the context for an evaluate request.


  • [DAP] Fixed an issue that could cause breakpoints to become unresolved when there are multiple isolates (such as during a test run).
  • [DAP] Fixed an issue where stack frames parsed in test failures could produce incorrect absolute paths in the source.path field if the working directory of the debug adapter did not match that of the launch/attach request.
  • [DAP] A new configuration option bool? allowAnsiColorOutput can enable using ansi color codes in Output events to improve readability of stack traces (fading out frames that are not user code).
  • Increase minimum Dart SDK version to 3.0.0.


  • [DAP] A new configuration option bool? showGettersInDebugViews allows getters to be shown wrapped in Variables/Evaluation responses so that they can be lazily expanded by the user. evaluateGettersInDebugViews must be false for this behaviour.
  • [DAP] runInTerminal requests are now sent after first responding to the launchRequest.
  • [DAP] Skipped tests are now marked with ! instead of in Output events.
  • [DAP] Implemented pause request.
  • [DAP] Fixed an issue that could leave breakpoints unresolved when adding/removing other breakpoints in a file.
  • Fixed a bug that was preventing clients from receiving IsolateReload events (see https://dartbug.com/49491).
  • Added notifications for DAP events.


  • Updated DDS protocol to version 1.6.
  • Add `postEvent RPC.


  • Pass-through expression evaluation types, method and class information.


  • [DAP] Fixed an issue that could result in unhandled exceptions from in-flight requests when the application/VM Service is shutting down.


  • Updated DDS protocol version to 1.5.
  • Added getPerfettoVMTimelineWithCpuSamples RPC.
  • Updated vm_service version to >=11.0.0 <12.0.0.


  • [DAP] Isolates that exit immediately after being paused (perhaps by another debugger or due to the app shutting down) will no longer cause a crash.


  • [DAP] Configuring and resuming isolates will no longer cause a crash if the isolate exits before the request is processed.


  • [DAP] Sentinel values (such as uninitialized fields/locals) will no longer cause scopesRequest/variablesRequest to fail, instead showing appropriate text (like “”) against the variable.


  • [DAP] Debug adapters now only call setLibraryDebuggable when the debuggable flag changes from the default/current values, reducing the amount of VM Service traffic for new isolates/reloads.
  • [DAP] breakpoint events are no longer sometimes sent prior to the response to the setBreakpointsRequest that created them.


  • [DAP] scopesRequest now returns a Globals scope containing global variables for the current frame.
  • [DAP] Responses to setBreakpointsRequest will now have verified: false and will send breakpoint events to update verified and/or line/column as the VM resolves them.


  • Updated vm_service version to >=9.0.0 <12.0.0.


  • [DAP] Added support for ,d (decimal), ,h (hex) and ,nq (no quotes) format specifiers to be used as suffixes to evaluation requests.
  • [DAP] Added support for format.hex in variablesRequest and evaluateRequest.


  • [DAP] Added support for displaying records in responses to variablesRequest.
  • A new exception ExistingDartDevelopmentServiceException (extending DartDevelopmentServiceException) is thrown when trying to connect DDS to a VM Service that already has a DDS instance. This new exception contains a ddsUri field that is populated with the URI of the existing DDS instance if provided by the target VM Service.


  • Update DDS protocol version to 1.4.
  • [DAP] Forward any events from the VM Service's ToolEvent stream as dart.toolEvent DAP events.


  • Updated vm_service version to >=9.0.0 <11.0.0.
  • Simplified the DevTools URI composed by DDS.
  • Fix issue where DDS was invoking an unimplemented RPC against a non-VM target.


  • Added DartDevelopmentService.setExternalDevToolsUri(Uri uri), adding support for registering an external DevTools server with DDS.


  • [DAP] Fix a crash handling errors when fetching full strings in evaluation and logging events.


  • Add support for registering and subscribing to custom service streams.
  • [DAP] Supplying incorrect types of arguments in launch/attach requests will now result in a clear error message in an error response instead of terminating the adapter.


  • [DAP] variables requests now treat lists from dart:typed_data (such as Uint8List) like standard List instances and return their elements instead of class fields.
  • [DAP] variables requests now return information about the number of items in lists to allow the client to page through them.
  • [DAP] terminated events are now always sent when detaching whether or not the debuggee terminates after unpause.
  • [DAP] Debug adapters can now add/overwrite orgDartlangSdkMappings to control mappings of org-dartlang-sdk:/// paths.


  • [DAP] Added support for sending progress notifications via DartDebugAdapter.startProgressNotification. Standard progress events are sent when a clients sets supportsProgressReporting: true in its capabilities, unless sendCustomProgressEvents: true is included in launch configuration, in which case prefixed (dart.) custom notifications will be sent instead.


  • Fixed issue where DDS wasn't correctly handling Sentinel responses in IsolateManager.initialize().


  • [DAP] Removed an unused parameter resumeIfStarting from DartDebugAdapter.connectDebugger.
  • [DAP] Fixed some issues where removing breakpoints could fail if an isolate exited during an update or multiple client breakpoints mapped to the same VM breakpoint.
  • [DAP] Paths provided to DAP now always have Windows drive letters normalized to uppercase to avoid some issues where paths may be treated case sensitively.
  • Fixed issue where DDS wasn't correctly handling Sentinel responses in IsolateManager.initialize().


  • Fixed an issue where debug adapters would not automatically close after terminating/disconnecting from the debugee.


  • Updated devtools_shared version to 2.14.1.


  • Fix an issue where DAP adapters could try to remove the same breakpoint multiple times.


  • Internal DAP changes.


  • Updated vm_service version to 9.0.0.


  • Reduce latency of streamListen calls through improved locking behavior.


  • Add support for serving DevTools via package:dds/devtools_server.dart.


  • Re-release 2.1.6+1.


  • Roll back to 2.1.4.


  • Roll back to 2.1.5.


  • Fix dependencies.


  • Improve performance of CPU sample caching.


  • Update to new CpuSamplesEvent format for CPU sample caching for improved performance.
  • Add additional context in the case of failure to ascii decode headers caused by utf8 content on the stream.


  • A new library package:dds/dap.dart exposes classes required to build a custom DAP debug-adapter on top of the base Dart DAP functionality in DDS. For more details on DAP support in Dart see this README.


  • Ensure cancelling multiple historical streams with the same name doesn't cause an asynchronous StateError to be thrown.


  • Silently handle exceptions that occur within RPC request handlers.


  • Fix another possibility of LateInitializationError being thrown when trying to cleanup after an error during initialization.


  • Added getAvailableCachedCpuSamples and getCachedCpuSamples.


  • Fix possibility of LateInitializationError being thrown when trying to cleanup after an error during initialization.


  • Update package:vm_service to ^7.0.0.


  • Breaking change: add null safety support.
  • Breaking change: minimum Dart SDK revision bumped to 2.12.0.


  • Add support for launching DevTools from DDS.
  • Fixed issue where two clients subscribing to the same stream in close succession could result in DDS sending multiple streamListen requests to the VM service.


  • Update dependencies.


  • Add 30 second keep alive period for SSE connections.


  • Update package:vm_service to 6.0.1-nullsafety.0.


  • Return an RpcException error with code kServiceDisappeared if the VM service connection disappears with an outstanding forwarded request.



  • Fixed issue where DartDevelopmentServiceException could have a null message.


  • Added package:dds/vm_service_extensions.dart, which adds DDS functionality to package:vm_service when imported.
    • Added onEventWithHistory method and onLoggingEventWithHistory, onStdoutEventWithHistory, onStderrEventWithHistory, and onExtensionEventWithHistory getters.
  • Added getStreamHistory RPC.


  • Fixed unhandled StateError that could be thrown if the VM service disconnected while a request was outstanding.


  • Added errorCode to DartDevelopmentServiceException to communicate the underlying reason of the failure.


  • Improve internal error handling for situations with less than graceful shutdowns.


  • Added event caching for Stdout, Stderr, and Extension streams. When a client subscribes to one of these streams, they will be sent up to 10,000 historical events from the stream.


  • Fixed issue where evaluate and evaluateInFrame requests were not being forwarded to the VM service properly when no external compilation service was registered.


  • Added done property to DartDevelopmentService.
  • Throw DartDeveloperServiceException when shutdown occurs during startup.
  • Fixed issue where StateError was thrown when DDS was shutdown with pending requests.


  • Fixed issue where clients subscribing to the Service stream were not being sent ServiceRegistered events on connection.


  • Fixed issue where isolateIds were expected to take the form isolates/123 although this is not required by the VM service specification.


  • Fixed issue where DartDevelopmentService.sseUri did not return a URI with a sse scheme.


  • Add IPv6 hosting support.
  • Fix handling of requests that are outstanding when a client channel is closed.


  • Fixed issue where an exception could be thrown during startup if the target process had an isolate without an associated pause event.


  • Added support for SSE connections from web-based clients.


  • Fixed another issue where a StateError could be raised within DartDevelopmentService when a client has disconnected after the target VM service has shutdown.


  • Fixed issue where DDS was expecting a client provided implementation of compileExpression to return a response with two layers of response objects.


  • Fixed issue where a StateError could be raised within DartDevelopmentService when a client has disconnected after the target VM service has shutdown.


  • Fixed issue where evaluate and evaluateInFrame were not invoking client provided implementations of compileExpression.


  • Fixed issue where forwarding requests with no RPC parameters would return an RPC error.


  • Added getDartDevelopmentServiceVersion RPC.
  • Added DDS protocol to VM service getSupportedProtocols response.
  • Added example/example.dart.
  • Allow for JSON-RPC 2.0 requests which are missing the jsonrpc parameter.


  • Initial release.