blob: 647e36d08814711ae9c3cc19f7d096bc10337ae0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2022, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// TODO(paulberry,rnystrom): Generics.
/// A static type in the type system.
class StaticType {
/// Built-in top type that all types are a subtype of.
static final StaticType top = new StaticType('top', inherits: []);
static final StaticType nullType = new StaticType('Null');
final String name;
late final StaticType nullable = new StaticType._nullable(this);
/// If this type is a nullable type, then this is the underlying type.
/// Otherwise `null`.
final StaticType? _underlying;
/// Whether this type is sealed. A sealed type is implicitly abstract and has
/// a closed set of known subtypes. This means that every instance of the
/// type must be an instance of one of those subtypes. Conversely, if an
/// instance is *not* an instance of one of those subtypes, that it must not
/// be an instance of this type.
/// Note that subtypes of a sealed type do not themselves have to be sealed.
/// Consider:
/// (A)
/// / \
/// B C
/// Here, A is sealed and B and C are not. There may be many unknown
/// subclasses of B and C, or classes implementing their interfaces. That
/// doesn't interfere with exhaustiveness checking because it's still the
/// case that any instance of A must be either a B or C *or some subtype of
/// one of those two types*.
final bool isSealed;
final Map<String, StaticType> _fields;
final List<StaticType> _supertypes = [];
final List<StaticType> _subtypes = [];
{this.isSealed = false,
List<StaticType>? inherits,
Map<String, StaticType> fields = const {}})
: _underlying = null,
_fields = fields {
if (inherits != null) {
for (StaticType type in inherits) {
} else {
int sealed = 0;
for (StaticType supertype in _supertypes) {
if (supertype.isSealed) sealed++;
// We don't allow a sealed type's subtypes to be shared with some other
// sibling supertype, as in D here:
// (A) (B)
// / \ / \
// C D E
// We could remove this restriction but doing so will require
// expandTypes() to be more complex. In the example here, if we subtract
// E from A, the result should be C|D. That requires knowing that B should
// be expanded, which expandTypes() doesn't currently handle.
if (sealed > 1) {
throw new ArgumentError('Can only have one sealed supertype.');
StaticType._nullable(StaticType underlying)
: name = '${}?',
_underlying = underlying,
isSealed = true,
// No fields because it may match null which doesn't have them.
_fields = {} {}
/// The static types of the fields this type exposes for record destructuring.
/// Includes inherited fields.
Map<String, StaticType> get fields {
return {
for (StaticType supertype in _supertypes) ...supertype.fields,
bool get isNullable => _underlying != null;
/// The immediate subtypes of this type.
Iterable<StaticType> get subtypes => _subtypes;
/// The underlying type of this nullable type. It's an error to call this on
/// a non-nullable type.
StaticType get underlying => _underlying!;
bool isSubtypeOf(StaticType other) {
if (this == other) return true;
// Null is a subtype of all nullable types.
if (this == nullType && other._underlying != null) return true;
// A nullable type is a subtype if the underlying type and Null both are.
StaticType? underlying = _underlying;
if (underlying != null) {
return underlying.isSubtypeOf(other) && nullType.isSubtypeOf(other);
// A non-nullable type is a subtype of the underlying type of a nullable
// type.
StaticType? otherUnderlying = other._underlying;
if (otherUnderlying != null) {
return isSubtypeOf(otherUnderlying);
for (StaticType supertype in _supertypes) {
if (supertype.isSubtypeOf(other)) return true;
return false;
String toString() => name;