blob: e710c609736c14289a7ad308841ae23c14e532a8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2022, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'profile.dart' as profile;
import 'space.dart';
import 'static_type.dart';
/// Calculates the intersection of [left] and [right].
/// This is used to tell if two field spaces on a pair of spaces being
/// subtracted have no common values.
Space intersect(Space left, Space right) {
// The intersection with an empty space is always empty.
if (left == Space.empty) return Space.empty;
if (right == Space.empty) return Space.empty;
// The intersection of a union is the union of the intersections of its arms.
if (left is UnionSpace) {
return new Space.union( => intersect(arm, right)).toList());
if (right is UnionSpace) {
return new Space.union( => intersect(left, arm)).toList());
// Otherwise, we're intersecting two [ExtractSpaces].
return _intersectExtracts(left as ExtractSpace, right as ExtractSpace);
/// Returns the intersection of two static types [left] and [right].
/// Returns `null` if the intersection is empty.
StaticType? intersectTypes(StaticType left, StaticType right) {
// If one type is a subtype, the subtype is the intersection.
if (left.isSubtypeOf(right)) return left;
if (right.isSubtypeOf(left)) return right;
if (left.isNullable) {
if (right.isNullable) {
StaticType? intersection =
intersectTypes(left.underlying, right.underlying);
if (intersection == null) return null;
return intersection.nullable;
} else {
return intersectTypes(left.underlying, right);
} else if (right.isNullable) {
return intersectTypes(left, right.underlying);
// If we allow sealed types to share subtypes, then this will need to be more
// sophisticated. Here:
// (A) (B)
// / \ / \
// C D E
// The intersection of A and B should be D. Here:
// (A) (B)
// | \ / |
// |\ \/ /|
// | \/\/ |
// C D E F
// It should be D, E.
// Unrelated types.
return null;
/// Returns the interaction of extract spaces [left] and [right].
Space _intersectExtracts(ExtractSpace left, ExtractSpace right) {
StaticType? type = intersectTypes(left.type, right.type);
// If the types are disjoint, the intersection is empty.
if (type == null) return Space.empty;
// Recursively intersect the fields.
List<String> fieldNames =
{...left.fields.keys, ...right.fields.keys}.toList();
// Sorting isn't needed for correctness, just to make the tests less brittle.
Map<String, Space> fields = <String, Space>{};
for (String name in fieldNames) {
Space field = _intersectFields(left.fields[name], right.fields[name]);
// If the fields are disjoint, then the entire space will have no values.
if (field == Space.empty) return Space.empty;
fields[name] = field;
return new Space(type, fields);
Space _intersectFields(Space? left, Space? right) {
if (left == null) return right!;
if (right == null) return left;
return intersect(left, right);