blob: c8f52ea999e6644deed065d837cca5a874a5381b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:analysis_server/protocol/protocol.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/channel/channel.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/socket_server.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
* Instances of the class [DevAnalysisServer] implement a simple analysis
* server implementation, used to analyze one or more packages and then
* terminate the server.
class DevAnalysisServer {
static bool get _terminalSupportsAnsi {
return stdout.supportsAnsiEscapes &&
stdioType(stdout) == StdioType.terminal;
* An object that can handle either a WebSocket connection or a connection
* to the client over stdio.
final SocketServer socketServer;
int _nextId = 0;
DevChannel _channel;
* Initialize a newly created stdio server.
void initServer() {
_channel = new DevChannel();
* Analyze the given directories and display any results to stdout.
* Return a future that will be completed with an exit code when analysis
* finishes.
Future<int> processDirectories(List<String> directories) async {
final String bold = _terminalSupportsAnsi ? '\u001b[1m' : '';
final String none = _terminalSupportsAnsi ? '\u001b[0m' : '';
print('Analyzing ${directories.join(', ')}...');
Stopwatch timer = new Stopwatch()..start();
Completer<int> whenComplete = new Completer();
int exitCode = 0;
void handleStatusNotification(Notification notification) {
Map<String, dynamic> params = notification.params;
if (params.containsKey('analysis')) {
bool isAnalyzing = params['analysis']['isAnalyzing'];
if (!isAnalyzing) {
double seconds = timer.elapsedMilliseconds / 1000.0;
print('Completed in ${seconds.toStringAsFixed(1)}s.');
void handleErrorsNotification(Notification notification) {
String filePath = notification.params['file'];
List<Map> errors = notification.params['errors'];
if (errors.isEmpty) {
filePath = path.relative(filePath);
for (Map error in errors) {
if (error['type'] == 'TODO') {
String severity = error['severity'].toLowerCase();
if (severity == 'warning' && exitCode < 1) {
exitCode = 1;
} else if (severity == 'error' && exitCode < 2) {
exitCode = 2;
String message = error['message'];
if (message.endsWith('.')) {
message = message.substring(0, message.length - 1);
String code = error['code'];
int line = error['location']['startLine'];
int column = error['location']['startColumn'];
print(' $severity • $bold$message$none at $filePath:$line:$column • '
void handleServerError(Notification notification) {
Map<String, dynamic> params = notification.params;
String message = params['message'];
String stackTrace = params['stackTrace'];
if (stackTrace != null) {
exitCode = 3;
// Ensure we terminate training if we get an exception from the analysis
// server.
StreamSubscription<Notification> notificationSubscriptions =
_channel.onNotification.listen((Notification notification) {
if (notification.event == 'server.status') {
} else if (notification.event == 'analysis.errors') {
} else if (notification.event == 'server.error') {
.sendRequest(new Request('${_nextId++}', 'server.setSubscriptions', {
'subscriptions': ['STATUS'],
directories = => path.normalize(path.absolute(dir))).toList();
_channel.sendRequest(new Request(
{'included': directories, 'excluded': []},
return whenComplete.future.whenComplete(() {
_channel.sendRequest(new Request(
{'included': [], 'excluded': []},
class DevChannel implements ServerCommunicationChannel {
final StreamController<Request> _requestController =
new StreamController.broadcast();
final StreamController<Notification> _notificationController =
new StreamController.broadcast();
final Map<String, Completer<Response>> _responseCompleters = {};
Stream<Notification> get onNotification =>;
void close() {
void listen(
void Function(Request request) onRequest, {
Function onError,
void Function() onDone,
}) {
onError: onError,
onDone: onDone,
void sendNotification(Notification notification) {
Future<Response> sendRequest(Request request) {
Completer<Response> completer = new Completer();
_responseCompleters[] = completer;
return completer.future;
void sendResponse(Response response) {
Completer<Response> completer = _responseCompleters.remove(;