blob: 6e8e2f25ca457b955aa2567096b43ce771ed609a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:analysis_server/plugin/edit/fix/fix_core.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/plugin/edit/fix/fix_dart.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/correction/fix.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/correction/fix_internal.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/ast.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/standard_resolution_map.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/error/error.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/file_system/file_system.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/analysis/ast_provider_driver.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/analysis/driver.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/ast_provider.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/error/codes.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/parser.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/source.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/source/package_map_resolver.dart';
import 'package:analyzer_plugin/protocol/protocol_common.dart'
hide AnalysisError;
import 'package:analyzer_plugin/utilities/fixes/fixes.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:test_reflective_loader/test_reflective_loader.dart';
import '../../abstract_single_unit.dart';
main() {
defineReflectiveSuite(() {
typedef bool AnalysisErrorFilter(AnalysisError error);
* Base class for fix processor tests.
class BaseFixProcessorTest extends AbstractSingleUnitTest {
AnalysisErrorFilter errorFilter = (AnalysisError error) {
return error.errorCode != HintCode.UNUSED_CATCH_CLAUSE &&
error.errorCode != HintCode.UNUSED_CATCH_STACK &&
error.errorCode != HintCode.UNUSED_ELEMENT &&
error.errorCode != HintCode.UNUSED_FIELD &&
error.errorCode != HintCode.UNUSED_LOCAL_VARIABLE;
String myPkgLibPath = '/packages/my_pkg/lib';
String flutterPkgLibPath = '/packages/flutter/lib';
Fix fix;
SourceChange change;
String resultCode;
assert_undefinedFunction_create_returnType_bool(String lineWithTest) async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
main() {
bool b = true;
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.CREATE_FUNCTION, '''
main() {
bool b = true;
bool test() {
assertHasFix(FixKind kind, String expected, {String target}) async {
AnalysisError error = await _findErrorToFix();
fix = await _assertHasFix(kind, error);
change = fix.change;
// apply to "file"
List<SourceFileEdit> fileEdits = change.edits;
expect(fileEdits, hasLength(1));
String fileContent = testCode;
if (target != null) {
expect(fileEdits.first.file, convertPath(target));
fileContent = getFile(target).readAsStringSync();
resultCode = SourceEdit.applySequence(fileContent, change.edits[0].edits);
// verify
expect(resultCode, expected);
assertHasFixAllFix(ErrorCode errorCode, FixKind kind, String expected,
{String target}) async {
AnalysisError error = await _findErrorToFixOfType(errorCode);
fix = await _assertHasFix(kind, error, hasFixAllFix: true);
change = fix.change;
// apply to "file"
List<SourceFileEdit> fileEdits = change.edits;
expect(fileEdits, hasLength(1));
String fileContent = testCode;
if (target != null) {
expect(fileEdits.first.file, convertPath(target));
fileContent = getFile(target).readAsStringSync();
resultCode = SourceEdit.applySequence(fileContent, change.edits[0].edits);
// verify
expect(resultCode, expected);
assertNoFix(FixKind kind) async {
AnalysisError error = await _findErrorToFix();
await _assertNoFix(kind, error);
List<LinkedEditSuggestion> expectedSuggestions(
LinkedEditSuggestionKind kind, List<String> values) {
return {
return new LinkedEditSuggestion(value, kind);
void setUp() {
verifyNoTestUnitErrors = false;
* Computes fixes and verifies that there is a fix of the given kind.
Future<Fix> _assertHasFix(FixKind kind, AnalysisError error,
{bool hasFixAllFix: false}) async {
if (hasFixAllFix && !kind.canBeAppliedTogether()) {
fail('Expected to find and return fix-all FixKind for $kind, '
'but kind.canBeAppliedTogether is ${kind.canBeAppliedTogether}');
// Compute the fixes for this AnalysisError
final List<Fix> fixes = await _computeFixes(error);
// If hasFixAllFix is false, assert that none of the fixes are a fix-all fix
if (!hasFixAllFix) {
for (Fix fix in fixes) {
if (fix.isFixAllFix()) {
fail('The boolean hasFixAllFix is false, but such a fix was found '
'in the computed set of fixes: $fixes, error: $error.');
// If hasFixAllFix is true, assert that there exists such a fix in the list
else {
bool foundFixAllFix = false;
for (Fix fix in fixes) {
if (fix.isFixAllFix()) {
foundFixAllFix = true;
if (!foundFixAllFix) {
fail('The boolean hasFixAllFix is true, but no fix-all fix was found '
'in the computed set of fixes: $fixes, error: $error.');
Fix foundFix = null;
if (!hasFixAllFix) {
foundFix = fixes.firstWhere(
(fix) => fix.kind == kind && !fix.isFixAllFix(),
orElse: () => null,
} else {
foundFix = fixes.lastWhere(
(fix) => fix.kind == kind && fix.isFixAllFix(),
orElse: () => null,
if (foundFix == null) {
fail('Expected to find fix $kind in\n${fixes.join('\n')}, hasFixAllFix = '
return foundFix;
void _assertLinkedGroup(LinkedEditGroup group, List<String> expectedStrings,
[List<LinkedEditSuggestion> expectedSuggestions]) {
List<Position> expectedPositions = _findResultPositions(expectedStrings);
expect(group.positions, unorderedEquals(expectedPositions));
if (expectedSuggestions != null) {
expect(group.suggestions, unorderedEquals(expectedSuggestions));
Future _assertNoFix(FixKind kind, AnalysisError error) async {
List<Fix> fixes = await _computeFixes(error);
for (Fix fix in fixes) {
if (fix.kind == kind) {
fail('Unexpected fix $kind in\n${fixes.join('\n')}');
Future<List<AnalysisError>> _computeErrors() async {
return (await driver.getResult(convertPath(testFile))).errors;
* Computes fixes for the given [error] in [testUnit].
Future<List<Fix>> _computeFixes(AnalysisError error) async {
DartFixContext fixContext = new _DartFixContextImpl(
new AstProviderForDriver(driver),
await _computeErrors());
return await new DefaultFixContributor().internalComputeFixes(fixContext);
* Configures the [SourceFactory] to have the `my_pkg` package in
* `/packages/my_pkg/lib` folder.
void _configureMyPkg(Map<String, String> pathToCode) {
pathToCode.forEach((path, code) {
newFile('$myPkgLibPath/$path', content: code);
// configure SourceFactory
Folder myPkgFolder = getFolder(myPkgLibPath);
UriResolver pkgResolver = new PackageMapUriResolver(resourceProvider, {
'my_pkg': [myPkgFolder]
SourceFactory sourceFactory = new SourceFactory(
[new DartUriResolver(sdk), pkgResolver, resourceResolver]);
driver.configure(sourceFactory: sourceFactory);
// force 'my_pkg' resolution
.map((path) => "import 'package:my_pkg/$path';")
Future<AnalysisError> _findErrorToFix() async {
List<AnalysisError> errors = await _computeErrors();
if (errorFilter != null) {
errors = errors.where(errorFilter).toList();
expect(errors, hasLength(1));
return errors[0];
Future<AnalysisError> _findErrorToFixOfType(ErrorCode errorCode) async {
List<AnalysisError> errors = await _computeErrors();
if (errorFilter != null) {
errors = errors.where(errorFilter).toList();
return errors.firstWhere((error) => errorCode == error.errorCode);
List<Position> _findResultPositions(List<String> searchStrings) {
List<Position> positions = <Position>[];
for (String search in searchStrings) {
int offset = resultCode.indexOf(search);
positions.add(new Position(testFile, offset));
return positions;
class FixProcessorTest extends BaseFixProcessorTest {
test_addAsync_asyncFor() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
import 'dart:async';
void main(Stream<String> names) {
await for (String name in names) {
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.ADD_ASYNC, '''
import 'dart:async';
Future main(Stream<String> names) async {
await for (String name in names) {
test_addAsync_BAD_nullFunctionBody() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
var F = await;
await assertNoFix(DartFixKind.ADD_ASYNC);
@FailingTest(issue: '')
test_addAsync_blockFunctionBody() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
foo() {}
main() {
await foo();
List<AnalysisError> errors = await _computeErrors();
expect(errors, hasLength(2));
errors.sort((a, b) => a.message.compareTo(b.message));
// No fix for ";".
AnalysisError error = errors[0];
expect(error.message, "Expected to find ';'.");
List<Fix> fixes = await _computeFixes(error);
expect(fixes, isEmpty);
// Has fix for "await".
AnalysisError error = errors[1];
expect(error.message, startsWith("Undefined name 'await' in function"));
List<Fix> fixes = await _computeFixes(error);
// has exactly one fix
expect(fixes, hasLength(1));
Fix fix = fixes[0];
expect(fix.kind, DartFixKind.ADD_ASYNC);
// apply to "file"
List<SourceFileEdit> fileEdits = fix.change.edits;
expect(fileEdits, hasLength(1));
resultCode = SourceEdit.applySequence(testCode, fileEdits[0].edits);
// verify
expect(resultCode, '''
foo() {}
main() async {
await foo();
test_addAsync_closure() async {
errorFilter = (AnalysisError error) {
return error.errorCode == StaticWarningCode.UNDEFINED_IDENTIFIER_AWAIT;
await resolveTestUnit('''
import 'dart:async';
void takeFutureCallback(Future callback()) {}
void doStuff() => takeFutureCallback(() => await 1);
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.ADD_ASYNC, '''
import 'dart:async';
void takeFutureCallback(Future callback()) {}
void doStuff() => takeFutureCallback(() async => await 1);
@FailingTest(issue: '')
test_addAsync_expressionFunctionBody() async {
errorFilter = (AnalysisError error) {
return error.errorCode == StaticWarningCode.UNDEFINED_IDENTIFIER_AWAIT;
await resolveTestUnit('''
foo() {}
main() => await foo();
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.ADD_ASYNC, '''
foo() {}
main() async => await foo();
@FailingTest(issue: '')
test_addAsync_returnFuture() async {
errorFilter = (AnalysisError error) {
return error.errorCode == StaticWarningCode.UNDEFINED_IDENTIFIER_AWAIT;
await resolveTestUnit('''
foo() {}
int main() {
await foo();
return 42;
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.ADD_ASYNC, '''
import 'dart:async';
foo() {}
Future<int> main() async {
await foo();
return 42;
@FailingTest(issue: '')
test_addAsync_returnFuture_alreadyFuture() async {
errorFilter = (AnalysisError error) {
return error.errorCode == StaticWarningCode.UNDEFINED_IDENTIFIER_AWAIT;
await resolveTestUnit('''
import 'dart:async';
foo() {}
Future<int> main() {
await foo();
return 42;
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.ADD_ASYNC, '''
import 'dart:async';
foo() {}
Future<int> main() async {
await foo();
return 42;
@FailingTest(issue: '')
test_addAsync_returnFuture_dynamic() async {
errorFilter = (AnalysisError error) {
return error.errorCode == StaticWarningCode.UNDEFINED_IDENTIFIER_AWAIT;
await resolveTestUnit('''
foo() {}
dynamic main() {
await foo();
return 42;
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.ADD_ASYNC, '''
foo() {}
dynamic main() async {
await foo();
return 42;
@FailingTest(issue: '')
test_addAsync_returnFuture_noType() async {
errorFilter = (AnalysisError error) {
return error.errorCode == StaticWarningCode.UNDEFINED_IDENTIFIER_AWAIT;
await resolveTestUnit('''
foo() {}
main() {
await foo();
return 42;
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.ADD_ASYNC, '''
foo() {}
main() async {
await foo();
return 42;
test_addExplicitCast_assignment_general() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
f(A a) {
B b;
b = a;
class A {}
class B {}
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.ADD_EXPLICIT_CAST, '''
f(A a) {
B b;
b = a as B;
class A {}
class B {}
test_addExplicitCast_assignment_general_all() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
f(A a) {
B b, b2;
b = a;
b2 = a;
class A {}
class B {}
await assertHasFixAllFix(StaticTypeWarningCode.INVALID_ASSIGNMENT,
f(A a) {
B b, b2;
b = a as B;
b2 = a as B;
class A {}
class B {}
test_addExplicitCast_assignment_list() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
f(List<A> a) {
List<B> b;
b = a.where((e) => e is B).toList();
class A {}
class B {}
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.ADD_EXPLICIT_CAST, '''
f(List<A> a) {
List<B> b;
b = a.where((e) => e is B).cast<B>().toList();
class A {}
class B {}
test_addExplicitCast_assignment_list_all() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
f(List<A> a) {
List<B> b, b2;
b = a.where((e) => e is B).toList();
b2 = a.where((e) => e is B).toList();
class A {}
class B {}
await assertHasFixAllFix(StaticTypeWarningCode.INVALID_ASSIGNMENT,
f(List<A> a) {
List<B> b, b2;
b = a.where((e) => e is B).cast<B>().toList();
b2 = a.where((e) => e is B).cast<B>().toList();
class A {}
class B {}
test_addExplicitCast_assignment_map() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
f(Map<A, B> a) {
Map<B, A> b;
b = a;
class A {}
class B {}
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.ADD_EXPLICIT_CAST, '''
f(Map<A, B> a) {
Map<B, A> b;
b = a.cast<B, A>();
class A {}
class B {}
test_addExplicitCast_assignment_map_all() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
f(Map<A, B> a) {
Map<B, A> b, b2;
b = a;
b2 = a;
class A {}
class B {}
await assertHasFixAllFix(StaticTypeWarningCode.INVALID_ASSIGNMENT,
f(Map<A, B> a) {
Map<B, A> b, b2;
b = a.cast<B, A>();
b2 = a.cast<B, A>();
class A {}
class B {}
test_addExplicitCast_assignment_needsParens() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
f(A a) {
B b;
b = a..m();
class A {
int m() => 0;
class B {}
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.ADD_EXPLICIT_CAST, '''
f(A a) {
B b;
b = (a..m()) as B;
class A {
int m() => 0;
class B {}
test_addExplicitCast_assignment_needsParens_all() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
f(A a) {
B b, b2;
b = a..m();
b2 = a..m();
class A {
int m() => 0;
class B {}
await assertHasFixAllFix(StaticTypeWarningCode.INVALID_ASSIGNMENT,
f(A a) {
B b, b2;
b = (a..m()) as B;
b2 = (a..m()) as B;
class A {
int m() => 0;
class B {}
test_addExplicitCast_assignment_set() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
f(Set<A> a) {
Set<B> b;
b = a;
class A {}
class B {}
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.ADD_EXPLICIT_CAST, '''
f(Set<A> a) {
Set<B> b;
b = a.cast<B>();
class A {}
class B {}
test_addExplicitCast_assignment_set_all() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
f(Set<A> a) {
Set<B> b, b2;
b = a;
b2 = a;
class A {}
class B {}
await assertHasFixAllFix(StaticTypeWarningCode.INVALID_ASSIGNMENT,
f(Set<A> a) {
Set<B> b, b2;
b = a.cast<B>();
b2 = a.cast<B>();
class A {}
class B {}
test_addExplicitCast_BAD_as() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
f(A a) {
C c = a as B;
class A {}
class B {}
class C {}
await assertNoFix(DartFixKind.ADD_EXPLICIT_CAST);
test_addExplicitCast_BAD_cast() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
f(List<A> a) {
List<B> b = a.cast<A>();
class A {}
class B {}
await assertNoFix(DartFixKind.ADD_EXPLICIT_CAST);
test_addExplicitCast_declaration_general() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
f(A a) {
B b = a;
class A {}
class B {}
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.ADD_EXPLICIT_CAST, '''
f(A a) {
B b = a as B;
class A {}
class B {}
test_addExplicitCast_declaration_general_all() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
f(A a) {
B b = a;
B b2 = a;
class A {}
class B {}
await assertHasFixAllFix(StaticTypeWarningCode.INVALID_ASSIGNMENT,
f(A a) {
B b = a as B;
B b2 = a as B;
class A {}
class B {}
test_addExplicitCast_declaration_list() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
f(List<A> a) {
List<B> b = a.where((e) => e is B).toList();
class A {}
class B {}
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.ADD_EXPLICIT_CAST, '''
f(List<A> a) {
List<B> b = a.where((e) => e is B).cast<B>().toList();
class A {}
class B {}
test_addExplicitCast_declaration_list_all() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
f(List<A> a) {
List<B> b = a.where((e) => e is B).toList();
List<B> b2 = a.where((e) => e is B).toList();
class A {}
class B {}
await assertHasFixAllFix(StaticTypeWarningCode.INVALID_ASSIGNMENT,
f(List<A> a) {
List<B> b = a.where((e) => e is B).cast<B>().toList();
List<B> b2 = a.where((e) => e is B).cast<B>().toList();
class A {}
class B {}
test_addExplicitCast_declaration_map() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
f(Map<A, B> a) {
Map<B, A> b = a;
class A {}
class B {}
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.ADD_EXPLICIT_CAST, '''
f(Map<A, B> a) {
Map<B, A> b = a.cast<B, A>();
class A {}
class B {}
test_addExplicitCast_declaration_map_all() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
f(Map<A, B> a) {
Map<B, A> b = a;
Map<B, A> b2 = a;
class A {}
class B {}
await assertHasFixAllFix(StaticTypeWarningCode.INVALID_ASSIGNMENT,
f(Map<A, B> a) {
Map<B, A> b = a.cast<B, A>();
Map<B, A> b2 = a.cast<B, A>();
class A {}
class B {}
test_addExplicitCast_declaration_needsParens() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
f(A a) {
B b = a..m();
class A {
int m() => 0;
class B {}
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.ADD_EXPLICIT_CAST, '''
f(A a) {
B b = (a..m()) as B;
class A {
int m() => 0;
class B {}
test_addExplicitCast_declaration_needsParens_all() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
f(A a) {
B b = a..m();
B b2 = a..m();
class A {
int m() => 0;
class B {}
await assertHasFixAllFix(StaticTypeWarningCode.INVALID_ASSIGNMENT,
f(A a) {
B b = (a..m()) as B;
B b2 = (a..m()) as B;
class A {
int m() => 0;
class B {}
test_addExplicitCast_declaration_set() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
f(Set<A> a) {
Set<B> b = a;
class A {}
class B {}
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.ADD_EXPLICIT_CAST, '''
f(Set<A> a) {
Set<B> b = a.cast<B>();
class A {}
class B {}
test_addExplicitCast_declaration_set_all() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
f(Set<A> a) {
Set<B> b = a;
Set<B> b2 = a;
class A {}
class B {}
await assertHasFixAllFix(StaticTypeWarningCode.INVALID_ASSIGNMENT,
f(Set<A> a) {
Set<B> b = a.cast<B>();
Set<B> b2 = a.cast<B>();
class A {}
class B {}
test_addFieldFormalParameters_flutter() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
class MyWidget extends StatelessWidget {
final int a;
final int b;
final int c;
MyWidget({Key key, this.a}) : super(key: key);
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.ADD_FIELD_FORMAL_PARAMETERS, '''
import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
class MyWidget extends StatelessWidget {
final int a;
final int b;
final int c;
MyWidget({Key key, this.a, this.b, this.c}) : super(key: key);
test_addFieldFormalParameters_hasRequiredParameter() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
class Test {
final int a;
final int b;
final int c;
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.ADD_FIELD_FORMAL_PARAMETERS, '''
class Test {
final int a;
final int b;
final int c;
Test(this.a, this.b, this.c);
test_addFieldFormalParameters_noParameters() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
class Test {
final int a;
final int b;
final int c;
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.ADD_FIELD_FORMAL_PARAMETERS, '''
class Test {
final int a;
final int b;
final int c;
Test(this.a, this.b, this.c);
test_addFieldFormalParameters_noRequiredParameter() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
class Test {
final int a;
final int b;
final int c;
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.ADD_FIELD_FORMAL_PARAMETERS, '''
class Test {
final int a;
final int b;
final int c;
Test(this.a, this.b, [this.c]);
test_addFieldFormalParameters_notAllFinal() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
class Test {
final int a;
int b;
final int c;
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.ADD_FIELD_FORMAL_PARAMETERS, '''
class Test {
final int a;
int b;
final int c;
Test(this.a, this.c);
test_addMissingParameter_constructor_named_required_hasOne() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
class A {
A.named(int a) {}
main() {
new A.named(1, 2.0);
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.ADD_MISSING_PARAMETER_REQUIRED, '''
class A {
A.named(int a, double d) {}
main() {
new A.named(1, 2.0);
test_addMissingParameter_constructor_unnamed_required_hasOne() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
class A {
A(int a) {}
main() {
new A(1, 2.0);
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.ADD_MISSING_PARAMETER_REQUIRED, '''
class A {
A(int a, double d) {}
main() {
new A(1, 2.0);
test_addMissingParameter_function_positional_hasNamed() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
test({int a}) {}
main() {
test_addMissingParameter_function_positional_hasZero() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
test() {}
main() {
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.ADD_MISSING_PARAMETER_POSITIONAL, '''
test([int i]) {}
main() {
test_addMissingParameter_function_required_hasNamed() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
test({int a}) {}
main() {
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.ADD_MISSING_PARAMETER_REQUIRED, '''
test(int i, {int a}) {}
main() {
test_addMissingParameter_function_required_hasOne() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
test(int a) {}
main() {
test(1, 2.0);
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.ADD_MISSING_PARAMETER_REQUIRED, '''
test(int a, double d) {}
main() {
test(1, 2.0);
test_addMissingParameter_function_required_hasZero() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
test() {}
main() {
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.ADD_MISSING_PARAMETER_REQUIRED, '''
test(int i) {}
main() {
test_addMissingParameter_method_positional_hasOne() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
class A {
test(int a) {}
main() {
test(1, 2.0);
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.ADD_MISSING_PARAMETER_POSITIONAL, '''
class A {
test(int a, [double d]) {}
main() {
test(1, 2.0);
test_addMissingParameter_method_required_hasOne() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
class A {
test(int a) {}
main() {
test(1, 2.0);
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.ADD_MISSING_PARAMETER_REQUIRED, '''
class A {
test(int a, double d) {}
main() {
test(1, 2.0);
test_addMissingParameter_method_required_hasZero() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
class A {
test() {}
main() {
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.ADD_MISSING_PARAMETER_REQUIRED, '''
class A {
test(int i) {}
main() {
test_addMissingParameterNamed_constructor_hasNamed() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
class A {
A(int a, {int b}) {}
main() {
new A(1, b: 2, named: 3.0);
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.ADD_MISSING_PARAMETER_NAMED, '''
class A {
A(int a, {int b, double named}) {}
main() {
new A(1, b: 2, named: 3.0);
test_addMissingParameterNamed_constructor_hasRequired() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
class A {
A(int a) {}
main() {
new A(1, named: 2.0);
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.ADD_MISSING_PARAMETER_NAMED, '''
class A {
A(int a, {double named}) {}
main() {
new A(1, named: 2.0);
test_addMissingParameterNamed_constructor_noParameters() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
class A {
A() {}
main() {
new A(named: 42);
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.ADD_MISSING_PARAMETER_NAMED, '''
class A {
A({int named}) {}
main() {
new A(named: 42);
test_addMissingParameterNamed_constructor_noParameters_named() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
class A { {}
main() {
new 42);
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.ADD_MISSING_PARAMETER_NAMED, '''
class A {{int named}) {}
main() {
new 42);
test_addMissingParameterNamed_function_hasNamed() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
test(int a, {int b: 0}) {}
main() {
test(1, b: 2, named: 3.0);
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.ADD_MISSING_PARAMETER_NAMED, '''
test(int a, {int b: 0, double named}) {}
main() {
test(1, b: 2, named: 3.0);
test_addMissingParameterNamed_function_hasRequired() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
test(int a) {}
main() {
test(1, named: 2.0);
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.ADD_MISSING_PARAMETER_NAMED, '''
test(int a, {double named}) {}
main() {
test(1, named: 2.0);
test_addMissingParameterNamed_function_noParameters() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
test() {}
main() {
test(named: 42);
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.ADD_MISSING_PARAMETER_NAMED, '''
test({int named}) {}
main() {
test(named: 42);
test_addMissingParameterNamed_method_hasNamed() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
class A {
test(int a, {int b: 0}) {}
main() {
test(1, b: 2, named: 3.0);
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.ADD_MISSING_PARAMETER_NAMED, '''
class A {
test(int a, {int b: 0, double named}) {}
main() {
test(1, b: 2, named: 3.0);
test_addMissingParameterNamed_method_hasOptionalPositional() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
class A {
test(int a, [int b]) {}
main() {
test(1, 2, named: 3.0);
await assertNoFix(DartFixKind.ADD_MISSING_PARAMETER_NAMED);
test_addMissingParameterNamed_method_hasRequired() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
class A {
test(int a) {}
main() {
test(1, named: 2.0);
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.ADD_MISSING_PARAMETER_NAMED, '''
class A {
test(int a, {double named}) {}
main() {
test(1, named: 2.0);
test_addMissingParameterNamed_method_noParameters() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
class A {
test() {}
main() {
test(named: 42);
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.ADD_MISSING_PARAMETER_NAMED, '''
class A {
test({int named}) {}
main() {
test(named: 42);
test_addMissingRequiredArg_cons_flutter_children() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
class MyWidget extends Widget {
MyWidget({@required List<Widget> children});
build() {
return new MyWidget();
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.ADD_MISSING_REQUIRED_ARGUMENT, '''
import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
class MyWidget extends Widget {
MyWidget({@required List<Widget> children});
build() {
return new MyWidget(children: <Widget>[],);
test_addMissingRequiredArg_cons_flutter_hasTrailingComma() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
class MyWidget extends Widget {
MyWidget({@required int a, @required int b});
build() {
return new MyWidget(a: 1,);
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.ADD_MISSING_REQUIRED_ARGUMENT, '''
import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
class MyWidget extends Widget {
MyWidget({@required int a, @required int b});
build() {
return new MyWidget(a: 1, b: null,);
test_addMissingRequiredArg_cons_single() async {
addSource('/project/libA.dart', r'''
library libA;
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
class A {
A({@required int a}) {}
await resolveTestUnit('''
import 'libA.dart';
main() {
A a = new A();
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.ADD_MISSING_REQUIRED_ARGUMENT, '''
import 'libA.dart';
main() {
A a = new A(a: null);
test_addMissingRequiredArg_cons_single_closure() async {
addSource('/project/libA.dart', r'''
library libA;
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
typedef void VoidCallback();
class A {
A({@required VoidCallback onPressed}) {}
await resolveTestUnit('''
import 'libA.dart';
main() {
A a = new A();
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.ADD_MISSING_REQUIRED_ARGUMENT, '''
import 'libA.dart';
main() {
A a = new A(onPressed: () {});
test_addMissingRequiredArg_cons_single_closure_2() async {
addSource('/project/libA.dart', r'''
library libA;
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
typedef void Callback(e);
class A {
A({@required Callback callback}) {}
await resolveTestUnit('''
import 'libA.dart';
main() {
A a = new A();
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.ADD_MISSING_REQUIRED_ARGUMENT, '''
import 'libA.dart';
main() {
A a = new A(callback: (e) {});
test_addMissingRequiredArg_cons_single_closure_3() async {
addSource('/project/libA.dart', r'''
library libA;
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
typedef void Callback(a,b,c);
class A {
A({@required Callback callback}) {}
await resolveTestUnit('''
import 'libA.dart';
main() {
A a = new A();
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.ADD_MISSING_REQUIRED_ARGUMENT, '''
import 'libA.dart';
main() {
A a = new A(callback: (a, b, c) {});
test_addMissingRequiredArg_cons_single_closure_4() async {
addSource('/project/libA.dart', r'''
library libA;
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
typedef int Callback(int a, String b,c);
class A {
A({@required Callback callback}) {}
await resolveTestUnit('''
import 'libA.dart';
main() {
A a = new A();
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.ADD_MISSING_REQUIRED_ARGUMENT, '''
import 'libA.dart';
main() {
A a = new A(callback: (int a, String b, c) {});
test_addMissingRequiredArg_cons_single_list() async {
addSource('/project/libA.dart', r'''
library libA;
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
class A {
A({@required List<String> names}) {}
await resolveTestUnit('''
import 'libA.dart';
main() {
A a = new A();
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.ADD_MISSING_REQUIRED_ARGUMENT, '''
import 'libA.dart';
main() {
A a = new A(names: <String>[]);
test_addMissingRequiredArg_multiple() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
test({@required int a, @required int bcd}) {}
main() {
test(a: 3);
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.ADD_MISSING_REQUIRED_ARGUMENT, '''
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
test({@required int a, @required int bcd}) {}
main() {
test(a: 3, bcd: null);
test_addMissingRequiredArg_multiple_2() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
test({@required int a, @required int bcd}) {}
main() {
// For now we expect one error per missing arg (
List<AnalysisError> errors = await _computeErrors();
expect(errors, hasLength(2));
List<AnalysisError> filteredErrors = errors
.where((e) => e.message == "The parameter 'a' is required.")
expect(filteredErrors, hasLength(1));
List<Fix> fixes = await _computeFixes(filteredErrors.first);
List<Fix> filteredFixes = fixes
.where((fix) => fix.change.message == "Add required argument 'a'")
expect(filteredFixes, hasLength(1));
change = filteredFixes.first.change;
resultCode = SourceEdit.applySequence(testCode, change.edits[0].edits);
// verify
expect(resultCode, '''
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
test({@required int a, @required int bcd}) {}
main() {
test(a: null);
test_addMissingRequiredArg_single() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
test({@required int abc}) {}
main() {
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.ADD_MISSING_REQUIRED_ARGUMENT, '''
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
test({@required int abc}) {}
main() {
test(abc: null);
test_addMissingRequiredArg_single_normal() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
test(String x, {@required int abc}) {}
main() {
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.ADD_MISSING_REQUIRED_ARGUMENT, '''
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
test(String x, {@required int abc}) {}
main() {
test("foo", abc: null);
test_addMissingRequiredArg_single_with_details() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
test({@Required("Really who doesn't need an abc?") int abc}) {}
main() {
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.ADD_MISSING_REQUIRED_ARGUMENT, '''
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
test({@Required("Really who doesn't need an abc?") int abc}) {}
main() {
test(abc: null);
test_addStatic_multipleFields() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
class C {
const int x = 0, y = 0;
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.ADD_STATIC, '''
class C {
static const int x = 0, y = 0;
test_addStatic_oneField() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
class C {
const int x = 0;
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.ADD_STATIC, '''
class C {
static const int x = 0;
test_boolean() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
main() {
boolean v;
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.REPLACE_BOOLEAN_WITH_BOOL, '''
main() {
bool v;
test_boolean_all() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
main() {
boolean v;
boolean w;
await assertHasFixAllFix(StaticWarningCode.UNDEFINED_CLASS_BOOLEAN,
main() {
bool v;
bool w;
test_canBeNullAfterNullAware_chain() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
main(x) {
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.REPLACE_WITH_NULL_AWARE, '''
main(x) {
test_canBeNullAfterNullAware_methodInvocation() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
main(x) {
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.REPLACE_WITH_NULL_AWARE, '''
main(x) {
test_canBeNullAfterNullAware_propertyAccess() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
main(x) {
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.REPLACE_WITH_NULL_AWARE, '''
main(x) {
test_changeToStaticAccess_method() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
class A {
static foo() {}
main(A a) {;
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.CHANGE_TO_STATIC_ACCESS, '''
class A {
static foo() {}
main(A a) {;
test_changeToStaticAccess_method_importType() async {
addSource('/project/libA.dart', r'''
library libA;
class A {
static foo() {}
addSource('/project/libB.dart', r'''
library libB;
import 'libA.dart';
class B extends A {}
await resolveTestUnit('''
import 'libB.dart';
main(B b) {;
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.CHANGE_TO_STATIC_ACCESS, '''
import 'libA.dart';
import 'libB.dart';
main(B b) {;
test_changeToStaticAccess_method_prefixLibrary() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
import 'dart:async' as pref;
main(pref.Future f) {
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.CHANGE_TO_STATIC_ACCESS, '''
import 'dart:async' as pref;
main(pref.Future f) {
test_changeToStaticAccess_property() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
class A {
static get foo => 42;
main(A a) {;
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.CHANGE_TO_STATIC_ACCESS, '''
class A {
static get foo => 42;
main(A a) {;
test_changeToStaticAccess_property_importType() async {
addSource('/project/libA.dart', r'''
library libA;
class A {
static get foo => null;
addSource('/project/libB.dart', r'''
library libB;
import 'libA.dart';
class B extends A {}
await resolveTestUnit('''
import 'libB.dart';
main(B b) {;
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.CHANGE_TO_STATIC_ACCESS, '''
import 'libA.dart';
import 'libB.dart';
main(B b) {;
test_changeTypeAnnotation_BAD_multipleVariables() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
main() {
String a, b = 42;
await assertNoFix(DartFixKind.CHANGE_TYPE_ANNOTATION);
test_changeTypeAnnotation_BAD_notVariableDeclaration() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
main() {
String v;
v = 42;
await assertNoFix(DartFixKind.CHANGE_TYPE_ANNOTATION);
test_changeTypeAnnotation_OK_generic() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
main() {
String v = <int>[];
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.CHANGE_TYPE_ANNOTATION, '''
main() {
List<int> v = <int>[];
test_changeTypeAnnotation_OK_simple() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
main() {
String v = 'abc'.length;
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.CHANGE_TYPE_ANNOTATION, '''
main() {
int v = 'abc'.length;
test_convertToNamedArguments_BAD_ambiguous() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
class A {
A({int a, int b});
main() {
new A(1, 2);
await assertNoFix(DartFixKind.CONVERT_TO_NAMED_ARGUMENTS);
test_convertToNamedArguments_BAD_noCompatibleParameter() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
class A {
A({String a});
main() {
new A(1);
await assertNoFix(DartFixKind.CONVERT_TO_NAMED_ARGUMENTS);
test_convertToNamedArguments_OK_instanceCreation() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
class A {
A({int a, double b});
main() {
new A(1.2, 3);
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.CONVERT_TO_NAMED_ARGUMENTS, '''
class A {
A({int a, double b});
main() {
new A(b: 1.2, a: 3);
test_convertToNamedArguments_OK_instanceCreation_hasPositional() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
class A {
A(int a, {int b});
main() {
new A(1, 2);
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.CONVERT_TO_NAMED_ARGUMENTS, '''
class A {
A(int a, {int b});
main() {
new A(1, b: 2);
test_convertToNamedArguments_OK_methodInvocation() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
class C {
void foo({int a}) {}
main(C c) {;
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.CONVERT_TO_NAMED_ARGUMENTS, '''
class C {
void foo({int a}) {}
main(C c) { 1);
test_createClass() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
main() {
Test v = null;
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.CREATE_CLASS, '''
main() {
Test v = null;
class Test {
_assertLinkedGroup(change.linkedEditGroups[0], ['Test v =', 'Test {']);
test_createClass_BAD_hasUnresolvedPrefix() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
main() {
prefix.Test v = null;
await assertNoFix(DartFixKind.CREATE_CLASS);
test_createClass_inLibraryOfPrefix() async {
String libCode = r'''
library my.lib;
class A {}
addSource('/project/lib.dart', libCode);
await resolveTestUnit('''
import 'lib.dart' as lib;
main() {
lib.A a = null;
lib.Test t = null;
AnalysisError error = await _findErrorToFix();
fix = await _assertHasFix(DartFixKind.CREATE_CLASS, error);
change = fix.change;
// apply to "lib.dart"
List<SourceFileEdit> fileEdits = change.edits;
expect(fileEdits, hasLength(1));
SourceFileEdit fileEdit = change.edits[0];
expect(fileEdit.file, convertPath('/project/lib.dart'));
expect(SourceEdit.applySequence(libCode, fileEdit.edits), r'''
library my.lib;
class A {}
class Test {
expect(change.linkedEditGroups, hasLength(1));
test_createClass_innerLocalFunction() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
f() {
g() {
Test v = null;
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.CREATE_CLASS, '''
f() {
g() {
Test v = null;
class Test {
_assertLinkedGroup(change.linkedEditGroups[0], ['Test v =', 'Test {']);
test_createClass_instanceCreation_withoutNew_fromFunction() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
main() {
Test ();
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.CREATE_CLASS, '''
main() {
Test ();
class Test {
_assertLinkedGroup(change.linkedEditGroups[0], ['Test ()', 'Test {']);
test_createClass_instanceCreation_withoutNew_fromMethod() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
class A {
main() {
Test ();
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.CREATE_CLASS, '''
class A {
main() {
Test ();
class Test {
_assertLinkedGroup(change.linkedEditGroups[0], ['Test ()', 'Test {']);
test_createClass_itemOfList() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
main() {
var a = [Test];
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.CREATE_CLASS, '''
main() {
var a = [Test];
class Test {
_assertLinkedGroup(change.linkedEditGroups[0], ['Test];', 'Test {']);
test_createClass_itemOfList_inAnnotation() async {
errorFilter = (AnalysisError error) {
return error.errorCode == StaticWarningCode.UNDEFINED_IDENTIFIER;
await resolveTestUnit('''
class MyAnnotation {
const MyAnnotation(a, b);
@MyAnnotation(int, const [Test])
main() {}
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.CREATE_CLASS, '''
class MyAnnotation {
const MyAnnotation(a, b);
@MyAnnotation(int, const [Test])
main() {}
class Test {
_assertLinkedGroup(change.linkedEditGroups[0], ['Test])', 'Test {']);
test_createConstructor_forFinalFields() async {
errorFilter = (AnalysisError error) {
return error.message.contains("'a'");
await resolveTestUnit('''
class Test {
final int a;
final int b = 2;
final int c;
class Test {
final int a;
final int b = 2;
final int c;
Test(this.a, this.c);
test_createConstructor_forFinalFields_flutter() async {
errorFilter = (AnalysisError error) {
return error.message.contains("'a'");
await resolveTestUnit('''
import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
class MyWidget extends StatelessWidget {
final int a;
final int b = 2;
final int c;
import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
class MyWidget extends StatelessWidget {
final int a;
final int b = 2;
final int c;
const MyWidget({Key key, this.a, this.c}) : super(key: key);
test_createConstructor_forFinalFields_flutter_childLast() async {
errorFilter = (AnalysisError error) {
return error.message.contains("'a'");
await resolveTestUnit('''
import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
class MyWidget extends StatelessWidget {
final int a;
final Widget child;
final int b;
import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
class MyWidget extends StatelessWidget {
final int a;
final Widget child;
final int b;
const MyWidget({Key key, this.a, this.b, this.child}) : super(key: key);
test_createConstructor_forFinalFields_flutter_childrenLast() async {
errorFilter = (AnalysisError error) {
return error.message.contains("'a'");
await resolveTestUnit('''
import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
class MyWidget extends StatelessWidget {
final int a;
final List<Widget> children;
final int b;
import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
class MyWidget extends StatelessWidget {
final int a;
final List<Widget> children;
final int b;
const MyWidget({Key key, this.a, this.b, this.children}) : super(key: key);
test_createConstructor_insteadOfSyntheticDefault() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
class A {
int field;
method() {}
main() {
new A(1, 2.0);
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.CREATE_CONSTRUCTOR, '''
class A {
int field;
A(int i, double d);
method() {}
main() {
new A(1, 2.0);
test_createConstructor_named() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
class A {
method() {}
main() {
new A.named(1, 2.0);
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.CREATE_CONSTRUCTOR, '''
class A {
A.named(int i, double d);
method() {}
main() {
new A.named(1, 2.0);
_assertLinkedGroup(change.linkedEditGroups[0], ['named(int ', 'named(1']);
test_createConstructor_named_emptyClassBody() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
class A {}
main() {
new A.named(1);
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.CREATE_CONSTRUCTOR, '''
class A {
A.named(int i);
main() {
new A.named(1);
_assertLinkedGroup(change.linkedEditGroups[0], ['named(int ', 'named(1']);
test_createConstructorForFinalFields_inTopLevelMethod() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
main() {
final int v;
test_createConstructorForFinalFields_topLevelField() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
final int v;
test_createConstructorSuperExplicit() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
class A {
A(bool p1, int p2, double p3, String p4, {p5});
class B extends A {
B() {}
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.ADD_SUPER_CONSTRUCTOR_INVOCATION, '''
class A {
A(bool p1, int p2, double p3, String p4, {p5});
class B extends A {
B() : super(false, 0, 0.0, '') {}
test_createConstructorSuperExplicit_hasInitializers() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
class A {
A(int p);
class B extends A {
int field;
B() : field = 42 {}
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.ADD_SUPER_CONSTRUCTOR_INVOCATION, '''
class A {
A(int p);
class B extends A {
int field;
B() : field = 42, super(0) {}
test_createConstructorSuperExplicit_named() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
class A {
A.named(int p);
class B extends A {
B() {}
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.ADD_SUPER_CONSTRUCTOR_INVOCATION, '''
class A {
A.named(int p);
class B extends A {
B() : super.named(0) {}
test_createConstructorSuperExplicit_named_private() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
class A {
A._named(int p);
class B extends A {
B() {}
test_createConstructorSuperExplicit_typeArgument() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
class A<T> {
A(T p);
class B extends A<int> {
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.ADD_SUPER_CONSTRUCTOR_INVOCATION, '''
class A<T> {
A(T p);
class B extends A<int> {
B() : super(0);
test_createConstructorSuperImplicit() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
class A {
A(p1, int p2, List<String> p3, [int p4]);
class B extends A {
int existingField;
void existingMethod() {}
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.CREATE_CONSTRUCTOR_SUPER, '''
class A {
A(p1, int p2, List<String> p3, [int p4]);
class B extends A {
int existingField;
B(p1, int p2, List<String> p3) : super(p1, p2, p3);
void existingMethod() {}
test_createConstructorSuperImplicit_fieldInitializer() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
class A {
int _field;
class B extends A {
int existingField;
void existingMethod() {}
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.CREATE_CONSTRUCTOR_SUPER, '''
class A {
int _field;
class B extends A {
int existingField;
B(int field) : super(field);
void existingMethod() {}
test_createConstructorSuperImplicit_importType() async {
addSource('/project/libA.dart', r'''
library libA;
class A {}
addSource('/project/libB.dart', r'''
library libB;
import 'libA.dart';
class B {
B(A a);
await resolveTestUnit('''
import 'libB.dart';
class C extends B {
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.CREATE_CONSTRUCTOR_SUPER, '''
import 'libA.dart';
import 'libB.dart';
class C extends B {
C(A a) : super(a);
test_createConstructorSuperImplicit_named() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
class A {
A.named(p1, int p2);
class B extends A {
int existingField;
void existingMethod() {}
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.CREATE_CONSTRUCTOR_SUPER, '''
class A {
A.named(p1, int p2);
class B extends A {
int existingField;
B.named(p1, int p2) : super.named(p1, p2);
void existingMethod() {}
test_createConstructorSuperImplicit_private() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
class A {
class B extends A {
await assertNoFix(DartFixKind.CREATE_CONSTRUCTOR_SUPER);
test_createConstructorSuperImplicit_typeArgument() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
class C<T> {
final T x;
class D extends C<int> {
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.CREATE_CONSTRUCTOR_SUPER, '''
class C<T> {
final T x;
class D extends C<int> {
D(int x) : super(x);
test_createField_BAD_inEnum() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
enum MyEnum {
main() {;
await assertNoFix(DartFixKind.CREATE_FIELD);
test_createField_BAD_inSDK() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
main(List p) { = 1;
await assertNoFix(DartFixKind.CREATE_FIELD);
test_createField_getter_multiLevel() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
class A {
class B {
A a;
class C {
B b;
main(C c) {
int v = c.b.a.test;
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.CREATE_FIELD, '''
class A {
int test;
class B {
A a;
class C {
B b;
main(C c) {
int v = c.b.a.test;
test_createField_getter_qualified_instance() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
class A {
main(A a) {
int v = a.test;
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.CREATE_FIELD, '''
class A {
int test;
main(A a) {
int v = a.test;
test_createField_getter_qualified_instance_differentLibrary() async {
addSource('/project/other.dart', '''
* A comment to push the offset of the braces for the following class
* declaration past the end of the content of the test file. Used to catch an
* index out of bounds exception that occurs when using the test source instead
* of the target source to compute the location at which to insert the field.
class A {
await resolveTestUnit('''
import 'other.dart';
main(A a) {
int v = a.test;
await assertHasFix(
* A comment to push the offset of the braces for the following class
* declaration past the end of the content of the test file. Used to catch an
* index out of bounds exception that occurs when using the test source instead
* of the target source to compute the location at which to insert the field.
class A {
int test;
target: '/project/other.dart');
test_createField_getter_qualified_instance_dynamicType() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
class A {
B b;
void f(Object p) {
p == b.test;
class B {
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.CREATE_FIELD, '''
class A {
B b;
void f(Object p) {
p == b.test;
class B {
var test;
test_createField_getter_qualified_propagatedType() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
class A {
A get self => this;
main() {
var a = new A();
int v = a.self.test;
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.CREATE_FIELD, '''
class A {
int test;
A get self => this;
main() {
var a = new A();
int v = a.self.test;
test_createField_getter_unqualified_instance_asInvocationArgument() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
class A {
main() {
f(String s) {}
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.CREATE_FIELD, '''
class A {
String test;
main() {
f(String s) {}
test_createField_getter_unqualified_instance_assignmentRhs() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
class A {
main() {
int v = test;
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.CREATE_FIELD, '''
class A {
int test;
main() {
int v = test;
test_createField_getter_unqualified_instance_asStatement() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
class A {
main() {
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.CREATE_FIELD, '''
class A {
var test;
main() {
test_createField_hint() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
class A {
main(A a) {
var x = a;
int v = x.test;
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.CREATE_FIELD, '''
class A {
int test;
main(A a) {
var x = a;
int v = x.test;
test_createField_hint_setter() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
class A {
main(A a) {
var x = a;
x.test = 0;
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.CREATE_FIELD, '''
class A {
int test;
main(A a) {
var x = a;
x.test = 0;
test_createField_importType() async {
addSource('/project/libA.dart', r'''
library libA;
class A {}
addSource('/project/libB.dart', r'''
library libB;
import 'libA.dart';
A getA() => null;
await resolveTestUnit('''
import 'libB.dart';
class C {
main(C c) {
c.test = getA();
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.CREATE_FIELD, '''
import 'libA.dart';
import 'libB.dart';
class C {
A test;
main(C c) {
c.test = getA();
test_createField_invalidInitializer_withoutType() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
class C {
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.CREATE_FIELD, '''
class C {
var text;
test_createField_invalidInitializer_withType() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
class C {
C(String this.text);
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.CREATE_FIELD, '''
class C {
String text;
C(String this.text);
test_createField_setter_generic_BAD() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
class A {
class B<T> {
List<T> items;
main(A a) {
a.test = items;
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.CREATE_FIELD, '''
class A {
List test;
class B<T> {
List<T> items;
main(A a) {
a.test = items;
test_createField_setter_generic_OK_local() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
class A<T> {
List<T> items;
main(A a) {
test = items;
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.CREATE_FIELD, '''
class A<T> {
List<T> items;
List<T> test;
main(A a) {
test = items;
test_createField_setter_qualified_instance_hasField() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
class A {
int aaa;
int zzz;
existingMethod() {}
main(A a) {
a.test = 5;
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.CREATE_FIELD, '''
class A {
int aaa;
int zzz;
int test;
existingMethod() {}
main(A a) {
a.test = 5;
test_createField_setter_qualified_instance_hasMethod() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
class A {
existingMethod() {}
main(A a) {
a.test = 5;
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.CREATE_FIELD, '''
class A {
int test;
existingMethod() {}
main(A a) {
a.test = 5;
test_createField_setter_qualified_static() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
class A {
main() {
A.test = 5;
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.CREATE_FIELD, '''
class A {
static int test;
main() {
A.test = 5;
test_createField_setter_unqualified_instance() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
class A {
main() {
test = 5;
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.CREATE_FIELD, '''
class A {
int test;
main() {
test = 5;
test_createField_setter_unqualified_static() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
class A {
static main() {
test = 5;
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.CREATE_FIELD, '''
class A {
static int test;
static main() {
test = 5;
test_createFile_forImport() async {
testFile = '/my/project/bin/test.dart';
await resolveTestUnit('''
import 'my_file.dart';
AnalysisError error = await _findErrorToFix();
fix = await _assertHasFix(DartFixKind.CREATE_FILE, error);
change = fix.change;
// validate change
List<SourceFileEdit> fileEdits = change.edits;
expect(fileEdits, hasLength(1));
SourceFileEdit fileEdit = change.edits[0];
expect(fileEdit.file, convertPath('/my/project/bin/my_file.dart'));
expect(fileEdit.fileStamp, -1);
expect(fileEdit.edits, hasLength(1));
expect(fileEdit.edits[0].replacement, contains('library my_file;'));
test_createFile_forImport_BAD_inPackage_lib_justLib() async {
newFile('/projects/my_package/pubspec.yaml', content: 'name: my_package');
testFile = '/projects/my_package/test.dart';
await resolveTestUnit('''
import 'lib';
await assertNoFix(DartFixKind.CREATE_FILE);
test_createFile_forImport_BAD_notDart() async {
testFile = '/my/project/bin/test.dart';
await resolveTestUnit('''
import 'my_file.txt';
await assertNoFix(DartFixKind.CREATE_FILE);
test_createFile_forImport_inPackage_lib() async {
newFile('/projects/my_package/pubspec.yaml', content: 'name: my_package');
testFile = '/projects/my_package/lib/test.dart';
await resolveTestUnit('''
import 'a/bb/c_cc/my_lib.dart';
AnalysisError error = await _findErrorToFix();
fix = await _assertHasFix(DartFixKind.CREATE_FILE, error);
change = fix.change;
// validate change
List<SourceFileEdit> fileEdits = change.edits;
expect(fileEdits, hasLength(1));
SourceFileEdit fileEdit = change.edits[0];
expect(fileEdit.fileStamp, -1);
expect(fileEdit.edits, hasLength(1));
test_createFile_forImport_inPackage_test() async {
newFile('/projects/my_package/pubspec.yaml', content: 'name: my_package');
testFile = '/projects/my_package/test/misc/test_all.dart';
await resolveTestUnit('''
import 'a/bb/my_lib.dart';
AnalysisError error = await _findErrorToFix();
fix = await _assertHasFix(DartFixKind.CREATE_FILE, error);
change = fix.change;
// validate change
List<SourceFileEdit> fileEdits = change.edits;
expect(fileEdits, hasLength(1));
SourceFileEdit fileEdit = change.edits[0];
expect(fileEdit.fileStamp, -1);
expect(fileEdit.edits, hasLength(1));
test_createFile_forPart() async {
testFile = convertPath('/my/project/bin/test.dart');
await resolveTestUnit('''
library my.lib;
part 'my_part.dart';
AnalysisError error = await _findErrorToFix();
fix = await _assertHasFix(DartFixKind.CREATE_FILE, error);
change = fix.change;
// validate change
List<SourceFileEdit> fileEdits = change.edits;
expect(fileEdits, hasLength(1));
SourceFileEdit fileEdit = change.edits[0];
expect(fileEdit.file, convertPath('/my/project/bin/my_part.dart'));
expect(fileEdit.fileStamp, -1);
expect(fileEdit.edits, hasLength(1));
expect(fileEdit.edits[0].replacement, contains('part of my.lib;'));
test_createFile_forPart_inPackageLib() async {
newFile('/my/pubspec.yaml', content: r'''
name: my_test
testFile = '/my/lib/test.dart';
library my.lib;
part 'my_part.dart';
''', Uri.parse('package:my/test.dart'));
// configure SourceFactory
UriResolver pkgResolver = new PackageMapUriResolver(resourceProvider, {
'my': <Folder>[getFolder('/my/lib')],
SourceFactory sourceFactory = new SourceFactory(
[new DartUriResolver(sdk), pkgResolver, resourceResolver]);
driver.configure(sourceFactory: sourceFactory);
testUnit = (await driver.getResult(convertPath(testFile))).unit;
// prepare fix
AnalysisError error = await _findErrorToFix();
fix = await _assertHasFix(DartFixKind.CREATE_FILE, error);
change = fix.change;
// validate change
List<SourceFileEdit> fileEdits = change.edits;
expect(fileEdits, hasLength(1));
SourceFileEdit fileEdit = change.edits[0];
expect(fileEdit.file, convertPath('/my/lib/my_part.dart'));
expect(fileEdit.fileStamp, -1);
expect(fileEdit.edits, hasLength(1));
expect(fileEdit.edits[0].replacement, contains('part of my.lib;'));
test_createGetter_BAD_inSDK() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
main(List p) {
int v =;
await assertNoFix(DartFixKind.CREATE_GETTER);
test_createGetter_hint_getter() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
class A {
main(A a) {
var x = a;
int v = x.test;
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.CREATE_GETTER, '''
class A {
int get test => null;
main(A a) {
var x = a;
int v = x.test;
test_createGetter_location_afterLastGetter() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
class A {
int existingField;
int get existingGetter => null;
existingMethod() {}
main(A a) {
int v = a.test;
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.CREATE_GETTER, '''
class A {
int existingField;
int get existingGetter => null;
int get test => null;
existingMethod() {}
main(A a) {
int v = a.test;
test_createGetter_multiLevel() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
class A {
class B {
A a;
class C {
B b;
main(C c) {
int v = c.b.a.test;
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.CREATE_GETTER, '''
class A {
int get test => null;
class B {
A a;
class C {
B b;
main(C c) {
int v = c.b.a.test;
test_createGetter_qualified_instance() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
class A {
main(A a) {
int v = a.test;
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.CREATE_GETTER, '''
class A {
int get test => null;
main(A a) {
int v = a.test;
test_createGetter_qualified_instance_differentLibrary() async {
addSource('/project/other.dart', '''
* A comment to push the offset of the braces for the following class
* declaration past the end of the content of the test file. Used to catch an
* index out of bounds exception that occurs when using the test source instead
* of the target source to compute the location at which to insert the field.
class A {
await resolveTestUnit('''
import 'other.dart';
main(A a) {
int v = a.test;
await assertHasFix(
* A comment to push the offset of the braces for the following class
* declaration past the end of the content of the test file. Used to catch an
* index out of bounds exception that occurs when using the test source instead
* of the target source to compute the location at which to insert the field.
class A {
int get test => null;
target: '/project/other.dart');
test_createGetter_qualified_instance_dynamicType() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
class A {
B b;
void f(Object p) {
p == b.test;
class B {
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.CREATE_GETTER, '''
class A {
B b;
void f(Object p) {
p == b.test;
class B {
get test => null;
test_createGetter_qualified_propagatedType() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
class A {
A get self => this;
main() {
var a = new A();
int v = a.self.test;
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.CREATE_GETTER, '''
class A {
A get self => this;
int get test => null;
main() {
var a = new A();
int v = a.self.test;
test_createGetter_setterContext() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
class A {
main(A a) {
a.test = 42;
await assertNoFix(DartFixKind.CREATE_GETTER);
test_createGetter_unqualified_instance_asInvocationArgument() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
class A {
main() {
f(String s) {}
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.CREATE_GETTER, '''
class A {
String get test => null;
main() {
f(String s) {}
test_createGetter_unqualified_instance_assignmentLhs() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
class A {
main() {
test = 42;
await assertNoFix(DartFixKind.CREATE_GETTER);
test_createGetter_unqualified_instance_assignmentRhs() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
class A {
main() {
int v = test;
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.CREATE_GETTER, '''
class A {
int get test => null;
main() {
int v = test;
test_createGetter_unqualified_instance_asStatement() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
class A {
main() {
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.CREATE_GETTER, '''
class A {
get test => null;
main() {
test_createLocalVariable_functionType_named() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
typedef MY_FUNCTION(int p);
foo(MY_FUNCTION f) {}
main() {
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.CREATE_LOCAL_VARIABLE, '''
typedef MY_FUNCTION(int p);
foo(MY_FUNCTION f) {}
main() {
test_createLocalVariable_functionType_named_generic() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
typedef MY_FUNCTION<T>(T p);
foo(MY_FUNCTION<int> f) {}
main() {
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.CREATE_LOCAL_VARIABLE, '''
typedef MY_FUNCTION<T>(T p);
foo(MY_FUNCTION<int> f) {}
main() {
MY_FUNCTION<int> bar;
test_createLocalVariable_functionType_synthetic() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
foo(f(int p)) {}
main() {
await assertNoFix(DartFixKind.CREATE_LOCAL_VARIABLE);
test_createLocalVariable_read_typeAssignment() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
main() {
int a = test;
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.CREATE_LOCAL_VARIABLE, '''
main() {
int test;
int a = test;
test_createLocalVariable_read_typeCondition() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
main() {
if (!test) {
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.CREATE_LOCAL_VARIABLE, '''
main() {
bool test;
if (!test) {
test_createLocalVariable_read_typeInvocationArgument() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
main() {
f(String p) {}
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.CREATE_LOCAL_VARIABLE, '''
main() {
String test;
f(String p) {}
_assertLinkedGroup(change.linkedEditGroups[0], ['String test;']);
_assertLinkedGroup(change.linkedEditGroups[1], ['test;', 'test);']);
test_createLocalVariable_read_typeInvocationTarget() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
main() {
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.CREATE_LOCAL_VARIABLE, '''
main() {
var test;
_assertLinkedGroup(change.linkedEditGroups[0], ['test;', 'test.add(']);
test_createLocalVariable_withImport() async {
addPackageSource('pkg', 'a/a.dart', '''
class A {}
addPackageSource('pkg', 'b/b.dart', '''
class B {}
addPackageSource('pkg', 'c/c.dart', '''
import 'package:pkg/a/a.dart';
import 'package:pkg/b/b.dart';
class C {
C(A a, B b);
await resolveTestUnit('''
import 'package:pkg/a/a.dart';
import 'package:pkg/c/c.dart';
main() {
A a;
new C(a, b);
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.CREATE_LOCAL_VARIABLE, '''
import 'package:pkg/a/a.dart';
import 'package:pkg/b/b.dart';
import 'package:pkg/c/c.dart';
main() {
A a;
B b;
new C(a, b);
List<LinkedEditGroup> groups = change.linkedEditGroups;
expect(groups, hasLength(2));
LinkedEditGroup typeGroup = groups[0];
List<Position> typePositions = typeGroup.positions;
expect(typePositions, hasLength(1));
expect(typePositions[0].offset, 112);
LinkedEditGroup nameGroup = groups[1];
List<Position> groupPositions = nameGroup.positions;
expect(groupPositions, hasLength(2));
expect(groupPositions[0].offset, 114);
expect(groupPositions[1].offset, 128);
test_createLocalVariable_write_assignment() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
main() {
test = 42;
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.CREATE_LOCAL_VARIABLE, '''
main() {
var test = 42;
test_createLocalVariable_write_assignment_compound() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
main() {
test += 42;
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.CREATE_LOCAL_VARIABLE, '''
main() {
int test;
test += 42;
test_createMissingOverrides_field_untyped() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
class A {
var f;
class B implements A {
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.CREATE_MISSING_OVERRIDES, '''
class A {
var f;
class B implements A {
var f;
test_createMissingOverrides_functionTypeAlias() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
typedef int Binary(int left, int right);
abstract class Emulator {
void performBinary(Binary binary);
class MyEmulator extends Emulator {
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.CREATE_MISSING_OVERRIDES, '''
typedef int Binary(int left, int right);
abstract class Emulator {
void performBinary(Binary binary);
class MyEmulator extends Emulator {
void performBinary(Binary binary) {
// TODO: implement performBinary
test_createMissingOverrides_functionTypedParameter() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
abstract class A {
forEach(int f(double p1, String p2));
class B extends A {
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.CREATE_MISSING_OVERRIDES, '''
abstract class A {
forEach(int f(double p1, String p2));
class B extends A {
forEach(int Function(double p1, String p2) f) {
// TODO: implement forEach
test_createMissingOverrides_generics_typeArguments() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
class Iterator<T> {
abstract class IterableMixin<T> {
Iterator<T> get iterator;
class Test extends IterableMixin<int> {
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.CREATE_MISSING_OVERRIDES, '''
class Iterator<T> {
abstract class IterableMixin<T> {
Iterator<T> get iterator;
class Test extends IterableMixin<int> {
// TODO: implement iterator
Iterator<int> get iterator => null;
test_createMissingOverrides_generics_typeParameters() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
abstract class ItemProvider<T> {
List<T> getItems();
class Test<V> extends ItemProvider<V> {
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.CREATE_MISSING_OVERRIDES, '''
abstract class ItemProvider<T> {
List<T> getItems();
class Test<V> extends ItemProvider<V> {
List<V> getItems() {
// TODO: implement getItems
test_createMissingOverrides_getter() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
abstract class A {
get g1;
int get g2;
class B extends A {
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.CREATE_MISSING_OVERRIDES, '''
abstract class A {
get g1;
int get g2;
class B extends A {
// TODO: implement g1
get g1 => null;
// TODO: implement g2
int get g2 => null;
test_createMissingOverrides_importPrefix() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
import 'dart:async' as aaa;
abstract class A {
Map<aaa.Future, List<aaa.Future>> g(aaa.Future p);
class B extends A {
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.CREATE_MISSING_OVERRIDES, '''
import 'dart:async' as aaa;
abstract class A {
Map<aaa.Future, List<aaa.Future>> g(aaa.Future p);
class B extends A {
Map<aaa.Future, List<aaa.Future>> g(aaa.Future p) {
// TODO: implement g
test_createMissingOverrides_mergeToField_getterSetter() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
class A {
int ma;
void mb() {}
double mc;
class B implements A {
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.CREATE_MISSING_OVERRIDES, '''
class A {
int ma;
void mb() {}
double mc;
class B implements A {
int ma;
double mc;
void mb() {
// TODO: implement mb
test_createMissingOverrides_method() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
abstract class A {
int m2();
String m3(int p1, double p2, Map<int, List<String>> p3);
String m4(p1, p2);
String m5(p1, [int p2 = 2, int p3, p4 = 4]);
String m6(p1, {int p2 = 2, int p3, p4: 4});
class B extends A {
String expectedCode = '''
abstract class A {
int m2();
String m3(int p1, double p2, Map<int, List<String>> p3);
String m4(p1, p2);
String m5(p1, [int p2 = 2, int p3, p4 = 4]);
String m6(p1, {int p2 = 2, int p3, p4: 4});
class B extends A {
m1() {
// TODO: implement m1
int m2() {
// TODO: implement m2
String m3(int p1, double p2, Map<int, List<String>> p3) {
// TODO: implement m3
String m4(p1, p2) {
// TODO: implement m4
String m5(p1, [int p2 = 2, int p3, p4 = 4]) {
// TODO: implement m5
String m6(p1, {int p2 = 2, int p3, p4 = 4}) {
// TODO: implement m6
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.CREATE_MISSING_OVERRIDES, expectedCode);
// end position should be on "m1", not on "m2", "m3", etc
Position endPosition = change.selection;
expect(endPosition, isNotNull);
expect(endPosition.file, testFile);
int endOffset = endPosition.offset;
String endString = expectedCode.substring(endOffset, endOffset + 25);
expect(endString, contains('m1'));
expect(endString, isNot(contains('m2')));
expect(endString, isNot(contains('m3')));
expect(endString, isNot(contains('m4')));
expect(endString, isNot(contains('m5')));
expect(endString, isNot(contains('m6')));
test_createMissingOverrides_method_emptyClassBody() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
abstract class A {
void foo();
class B extends A {}
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.CREATE_MISSING_OVERRIDES, '''
abstract class A {
void foo();
class B extends A {
void foo() {
// TODO: implement foo
test_createMissingOverrides_method_generic() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
class C<T> {}
class V<E> {}
abstract class A {
E1 foo<E1, E2 extends C<int>>(V<E2> v);
class B implements A {
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.CREATE_MISSING_OVERRIDES, '''
class C<T> {}
class V<E> {}
abstract class A {
E1 foo<E1, E2 extends C<int>>(V<E2> v);
class B implements A {
E1 foo<E1, E2 extends C<int>>(V<E2> v) {
// TODO: implement foo
test_createMissingOverrides_method_generic_withBounds() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
abstract class A<K, V> {
List<T> foo<T extends V>(K key);
class B<K, V> implements A<K, V> {
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.CREATE_MISSING_OVERRIDES, '''
abstract class A<K, V> {
List<T> foo<T extends V>(K key);
class B<K, V> implements A<K, V> {
List<T> foo<T extends V>(K key) {
// TODO: implement foo
test_createMissingOverrides_method_notEmptyClassBody() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
abstract class A {
void foo();
class B extends A {
void bar() {}
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.CREATE_MISSING_OVERRIDES, '''
abstract class A {
void foo();
class B extends A {
void bar() {}
void foo() {
// TODO: implement foo
test_createMissingOverrides_operator() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
abstract class A {
int operator [](int index);
void operator []=(int index, String value);
class B extends A {
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.CREATE_MISSING_OVERRIDES, '''
abstract class A {
int operator [](int index);
void operator []=(int index, String value);
class B extends A {
int operator [](int index) {
// TODO: implement []
void operator []=(int index, String value) {
// TODO: implement []=
test_createMissingOverrides_setter() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
abstract class A {
set s1(x);
set s2(int x);
void set s3(String x);
class B extends A {
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.CREATE_MISSING_OVERRIDES, '''
abstract class A {
set s1(x);
set s2(int x);
void set s3(String x);
class B extends A {
set s1(x) {
// TODO: implement s1
set s2(int x) {
// TODO: implement s2
set s3(String x) {
// TODO: implement s3
test_createMixin() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
main() {
Test v = null;
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.CREATE_MIXIN, '''
main() {
Test v = null;
mixin Test {
_assertLinkedGroup(change.linkedEditGroups[0], ['Test v =', 'Test {']);
test_createMixin_BAD_hasUnresolvedPrefix() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
main() {
prefix.Test v = null;
await assertNoFix(DartFixKind.CREATE_MIXIN);
test_createMixin_BAD_instanceCreation_withNew() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
main() {
new Test();
await assertNoFix(DartFixKind.CREATE_MIXIN);
test_createMixin_BAD_instanceCreation_withoutNew() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
main() {
await assertNoFix(DartFixKind.CREATE_MIXIN);
test_createMixin_inLibraryOfPrefix() async {
String libCode = r'''
library my.lib;
class A {}
addSource('/project/lib.dart', libCode);
await resolveTestUnit('''
import 'lib.dart' as lib;
main() {
lib.A a = null;
lib.Test t = null;
AnalysisError error = await _findErrorToFix();
fix = await _assertHasFix(DartFixKind.CREATE_MIXIN, error);
change = fix.change;
// apply to "lib.dart"
List<SourceFileEdit> fileEdits = change.edits;
expect(fileEdits, hasLength(1));
SourceFileEdit fileEdit = change.edits[0];
expect(fileEdit.file, convertPath('/project/lib.dart'));
expect(SourceEdit.applySequence(libCode, fileEdit.edits), r'''
library my.lib;
class A {}
mixin Test {
expect(change.linkedEditGroups, hasLength(1));
test_createMixin_innerLocalFunction() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
f() {
g() {
Test v = null;
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.CREATE_MIXIN, '''
f() {
g() {
Test v = null;
mixin Test {
_assertLinkedGroup(change.linkedEditGroups[0], ['Test v =', 'Test {']);
test_createMixin_itemOfList() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
main() {
var a = [Test];
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.CREATE_MIXIN, '''
main() {
var a = [Test];
mixin Test {
_assertLinkedGroup(change.linkedEditGroups[0], ['Test];', 'Test {']);
test_createMixin_itemOfList_inAnnotation() async {
errorFilter = (AnalysisError error) {
return error.errorCode == StaticWarningCode.UNDEFINED_IDENTIFIER;
await resolveTestUnit('''
class MyAnnotation {
const MyAnnotation(a, b);
@MyAnnotation(int, const [Test])
main() {}
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.CREATE_MIXIN, '''
class MyAnnotation {
const MyAnnotation(a, b);
@MyAnnotation(int, const [Test])
main() {}
mixin Test {
_assertLinkedGroup(change.linkedEditGroups[0], ['Test])', 'Test {']);
test_createNoSuchMethod_BAD_classTypeAlias() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
abstract class A {
class B = Object with A;
await assertNoFix(
test_createNoSuchMethod_OK() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
abstract class A {
int m2();
class B extends A {
existing() {}
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.CREATE_NO_SUCH_METHOD, '''
abstract class A {
int m2();
class B extends A {
existing() {}
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) => super.noSuchMethod(invocation);
test_creationFunction_forFunctionType_cascadeSecond() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
class A {
B ma() => null;
class B {
useFunction(int g(double a, String b)) {}
main() {
A a = new A();;
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.CREATE_FUNCTION, '''
class A {
B ma() => null;
class B {
useFunction(int g(double a, String b)) {}
main() {
A a = new A();;
int test(double a, String b) {
test_creationFunction_forFunctionType_coreFunction() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
main() {
useFunction(g: test);
useFunction({Function g}) {}
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.CREATE_FUNCTION, '''
main() {
useFunction(g: test);
useFunction({Function g}) {}
test() {
test_creationFunction_forFunctionType_dynamicArgument() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
main() {
useFunction(int g(a, b)) {}
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.CREATE_FUNCTION, '''
main() {
useFunction(int g(a, b)) {}
int test(a, b) {
test_creationFunction_forFunctionType_function() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
main() {
useFunction(int g(double a, String b)) {}
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.CREATE_FUNCTION, '''
main() {
useFunction(int g(double a, String b)) {}
int test(double a, String b) {
test_creationFunction_forFunctionType_function_namedArgument() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
main() {
useFunction(g: test);
useFunction({int g(double a, String b)}) {}
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.CREATE_FUNCTION, '''
main() {
useFunction(g: test);
useFunction({int g(double a, String b)}) {}
int test(double a, String b) {
test_creationFunction_forFunctionType_importType() async {
addSource('/project/libA.dart', r'''
library libA;
class A {}
addSource('/project/libB.dart', r'''
library libB;
import 'libA.dart';
useFunction(int g(A a)) {}
await resolveTestUnit('''
import 'libB.dart';
main() {
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.CREATE_FUNCTION, '''
import 'libA.dart';
import 'libB.dart';
main() {
int test(A a) {
test_creationFunction_forFunctionType_method_enclosingClass_static() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
class A {
static foo() {
useFunction(int g(double a, String b)) {}
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.CREATE_METHOD, '''
class A {
static foo() {
static int test(double a, String b) {
useFunction(int g(double a, String b)) {}
test_creationFunction_forFunctionType_method_enclosingClass_static2() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
class A {
var f;
A() : f = useFunction(test);
useFunction(int g(double a, String b)) {}
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.CREATE_METHOD, '''
class A {
var f;
A() : f = useFunction(test);
static int test(double a, String b) {
useFunction(int g(double a, String b)) {}
test_creationFunction_forFunctionType_method_targetClass() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
main(A a) {
class A {
useFunction(int g(double a, String b)) {}
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.CREATE_METHOD, '''
main(A a) {
class A {
int test(double a, String b) {
useFunction(int g(double a, String b)) {}
test_creationFunction_forFunctionType_method_targetClass_hasOtherMember() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
main(A a) {
class A {
m() {}
useFunction(int g(double a, String b)) {}
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.CREATE_METHOD, '''
main(A a) {
class A {
m() {}
int test(double a, String b) {
useFunction(int g(double a, String b)) {}
test_creationFunction_forFunctionType_notFunctionType() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
main(A a) {
typedef A();
useFunction(g) {}
await assertNoFix(DartFixKind.CREATE_METHOD);
await assertNoFix(DartFixKind.CREATE_FUNCTION);
test_creationFunction_forFunctionType_unknownTarget() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
main(A a) {
class A {
useFunction(g) {}
await assertNoFix(DartFixKind.CREATE_METHOD);
test_expectedToken_semicolon() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
main() {
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.INSERT_SEMICOLON, '''
main() {
test_illegalAsyncReturnType_adjacentNodes() async {
errorFilter = (AnalysisError error) {
return error.errorCode == StaticTypeWarningCode.ILLEGAL_ASYNC_RETURN_TYPE;
await resolveTestUnit('''
import 'dart:async';
var v;int main() async => 0;
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.REPLACE_RETURN_TYPE_FUTURE, '''
import 'dart:async';
var v;Future<int> main() async => 0;
test_illegalAsyncReturnType_asyncLibrary_import() async {
errorFilter = (AnalysisError error) {
return error.errorCode == StaticTypeWarningCode.ILLEGAL_ASYNC_RETURN_TYPE;
await resolveTestUnit('''
library main;
int main() async {
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.REPLACE_RETURN_TYPE_FUTURE, '''
library main;
import 'dart:async';
Future<int> main() async {
test_illegalAsyncReturnType_asyncLibrary_usePrefix() async {
errorFilter = (AnalysisError error) {
return error.errorCode == StaticTypeWarningCode.ILLEGAL_ASYNC_RETURN_TYPE;
await resolveTestUnit('''
import 'dart:async' as al;
int main() async {
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.REPLACE_RETURN_TYPE_FUTURE, '''
import 'dart:async' as al;
al.Future<int> main() async {
test_illegalAsyncReturnType_complexTypeName() async {
errorFilter = (AnalysisError error) {
return error.errorCode == StaticTypeWarningCode.ILLEGAL_ASYNC_RETURN_TYPE;
await resolveTestUnit('''
import 'dart:async';
List<int> main() async {
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.REPLACE_RETURN_TYPE_FUTURE, '''
import 'dart:async';
Future<List<int>> main() async {
@failingTest // This is likely not going to be an error in dart 2.
test_illegalAsyncReturnType_void() async {
errorFilter = (AnalysisError error) {
return error.errorCode == StaticTypeWarningCode.ILLEGAL_ASYNC_RETURN_TYPE;
await resolveTestUnit('''
import 'dart:async';
void main() async {
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.REPLACE_RETURN_TYPE_FUTURE, '''
import 'dart:async';
Future main() async {
test_importLibraryPackage_preferDirectOverExport() async {
_configureMyPkg({'b.dart': 'class Test {}', 'a.dart': "export 'b.dart';"});
await resolveTestUnit('''
main() {
Test test = null;
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.IMPORT_LIBRARY_PROJECT1, '''
import 'package:my_pkg/b.dart';
main() {
Test test = null;
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.IMPORT_LIBRARY_PROJECT2, '''
import 'package:my_pkg/a.dart';
main() {
Test test = null;
test_importLibraryPackage_preferDirectOverExport_src() async {
myPkgLibPath = '/my/src/packages/my_pkg/lib';
_configureMyPkg({'b.dart': 'class Test {}', 'a.dart': "export 'b.dart';"});
await resolveTestUnit('''
main() {
Test test = null;
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.IMPORT_LIBRARY_PROJECT1, '''
import 'package:my_pkg/b.dart';
main() {
Test test = null;
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.IMPORT_LIBRARY_PROJECT2, '''
import 'package:my_pkg/a.dart';
main() {
Test test = null;
test_importLibraryProject_BAD_inLibSrc_differentContextRoot() async {
addPackageSource('bbb', 'b1.dart', r'''
import 'src/b2.dart';
addPackageSource('bbb', 'src/b2.dart', 'class Test {}');
await resolveTestUnit('''
import 'package:bbb/b1.dart';
main() {
Test t;
errorFilter = (AnalysisError error) {
return error.errorCode == StaticWarningCode.UNDEFINED_CLASS;
await assertNoFix(DartFixKind.IMPORT_LIBRARY_PROJECT3);
test_importLibraryProject_BAD_notInLib_BUILD() async {
testFile = '/project/lib/test.dart';
addSource('/other/test/lib.dart', 'class Test {}');
await resolveTestUnit('''
main() {
Test t;
await assertNoFix(DartFixKind.IMPORT_LIBRARY_PROJECT1);
test_importLibraryProject_BAD_notInLib_pubspec() async {
testFile = '/project/lib/test.dart';
addSource('/other/test/lib.dart', 'class Test {}');
await resolveTestUnit('''
main() {
Test t;
await assertNoFix(DartFixKind.IMPORT_LIBRARY_PROJECT1);
test_importLibraryProject_OK_inLibSrc_thisContextRoot() async {
testFile = '/project/lib/test.dart';
packageMap['project'] = [newFolder('/project/lib')];
addSource('/project/lib/src/lib.dart', 'class Test {}');
await resolveTestUnit('''
main() {
Test t;
errorFilter = (AnalysisError error) {
return error.errorCode == StaticWarningCode.UNDEFINED_CLASS;
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.IMPORT_LIBRARY_PROJECT3, '''
import 'package:project/src/lib.dart';
main() {
Test t;
test_importLibraryProject_withClass_annotation() async {
testFile = '/project/lib/test.dart';
addSource('/project/lib/lib.dart', '''
library lib;
class Test {
const Test(int p);
await resolveTestUnit('''
main() {
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.IMPORT_LIBRARY_PROJECT1, '''
import 'lib.dart';
main() {
test_importLibraryProject_withClass_hasOtherLibraryWithPrefix() async {
testFile = '/project/bin/test.dart';
addSource('/project/bin/a.dart', '''
library a;
class One {}
addSource('/project/bin/b.dart', '''
library b;
class One {}
class Two {}
await resolveTestUnit('''
import 'b.dart' show Two;
main () {
new Two();
new One();
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.IMPORT_LIBRARY_PROJECT1, '''
import 'a.dart';
import 'b.dart' show Two;
main () {
new Two();
new One();
test_importLibraryProject_withClass_inParentFolder() async {
testFile = '/project/bin/test.dart';
addSource('/project/lib.dart', '''
library lib;
class Test {}
await resolveTestUnit('''
main() {
Test t = null;
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.IMPORT_LIBRARY_PROJECT1, '''
import '../lib.dart';
main() {
Test t = null;
test_importLibraryProject_withClass_inRelativeFolder() async {
testFile = '/project/bin/test.dart';
addSource('/project/lib/sub/folder/lib.dart', '''
library lib;
class Test {}
await resolveTestUnit('''
main() {
Test t = null;
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.IMPORT_LIBRARY_PROJECT1, '''
import '../lib/sub/folder/lib.dart';
main() {
Test t = null;
test_importLibraryProject_withClass_inSameFolder() async {
testFile = '/project/bin/test.dart';
addSource('/project/bin/lib.dart', '''
library lib;
class Test {}
await resolveTestUnit('''
main() {
Test t = null;
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.IMPORT_LIBRARY_PROJECT1, '''
import 'lib.dart';
main() {
Test t = null;
test_importLibraryProject_withClass_instanceCreation_const() async {
testFile = '/project/lib/test.dart';
addSource('/project/lib/lib.dart', '''
class Test {
const Test();
await resolveTestUnit('''
main() {
return const Test();
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.IMPORT_LIBRARY_PROJECT1, '''
import 'lib.dart';
main() {
return const Test();
test_importLibraryProject_withClass_instanceCreation_const_namedConstructor() async {
testFile = '/project/lib/test.dart';
addSource('/project/lib/lib.dart', '''
class Test {
const Test.named();
await resolveTestUnit('''
main() {
const Test.named();
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.IMPORT_LIBRARY_PROJECT1, '''
import 'lib.dart';
main() {
const Test.named();
test_importLibraryProject_withClass_instanceCreation_implicit() async {
testFile = '/project/lib/test.dart';
addSource('/project/lib/lib.dart', '''
class Test {
const Test();
await resolveTestUnit('''
main() {
return Test();
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.IMPORT_LIBRARY_PROJECT1, '''
import 'lib.dart';
main() {
return Test();
test_importLibraryProject_withClass_instanceCreation_new() async {
testFile = '/project/lib/test.dart';
addSource('/project/lib/lib.dart', '''
class Test {
const Test();
await resolveTestUnit('''
main() {
return new Test();
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.IMPORT_LIBRARY_PROJECT1, '''
import 'lib.dart';
main() {
return new Test();
test_importLibraryProject_withClass_instanceCreation_new_namedConstructor() async {
testFile = '/project/lib/test.dart';
addSource('/project/lib/lib.dart', '''
class Test {
await resolveTestUnit('''
main() {
new Test.named();
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.IMPORT_LIBRARY_PROJECT1, '''
import 'lib.dart';
main() {
new Test.named();
test_importLibraryProject_withFunction() async {
testFile = '/project/lib/test.dart';
addSource('/project/lib/lib.dart', '''
library lib;
myFunction() {}
await resolveTestUnit('''
main() {
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.IMPORT_LIBRARY_PROJECT1, '''
import 'lib.dart';
main() {
test_importLibraryProject_withFunction_unresolvedMethod() async {
testFile = '/project/lib/test.dart';
addSource('/project/lib/lib.dart', '''
library lib;
myFunction() {}
await resolveTestUnit('''
class A {
main() {
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.IMPORT_LIBRARY_PROJECT1, '''
import 'lib.dart';
class A {
main() {
test_importLibraryProject_withFunctionTypeAlias() async {
testFile = '/project/bin/test.dart';
addSource('/project/bin/lib.dart', '''
library lib;
typedef MyFunction();
await resolveTestUnit('''
main() {
MyFunction t = null;
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.IMPORT_LIBRARY_PROJECT1, '''
import 'lib.dart';
main() {
MyFunction t = null;
test_importLibraryProject_withTopLevelVariable() async {
testFile = '/project/lib/test.dart';
addSource('/project/lib/lib.dart', '''
library lib;
int MY_VAR = 42;
await resolveTestUnit('''
main() {
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.IMPORT_LIBRARY_PROJECT1, '''
import 'lib.dart';
main() {
test_importLibrarySdk_withClass_AsExpression() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
main(p) {
p as Future;
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.IMPORT_LIBRARY_SDK, '''
import 'dart:async';
main(p) {
p as Future;
test_importLibrarySdk_withClass_instanceCreation_explicitNew() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
class C {
foo() {
new Future();
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.IMPORT_LIBRARY_SDK, '''
import 'dart:async';
class C {
foo() {
new Future();
test_importLibrarySdk_withClass_instanceCreation_explicitNew_namedConstructor() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
class C {
foo() {
new Future.value(0);
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.IMPORT_LIBRARY_SDK, '''
import 'dart:async';
class C {
foo() {
new Future.value(0);
test_importLibrarySdk_withClass_instanceCreation_implicitNew() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
class C {
foo() {
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.IMPORT_LIBRARY_SDK, '''
import 'dart:async';
class C {
foo() {
test_importLibrarySdk_withClass_instanceCreation_implicitNew_namedConstructor() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
class C {
foo() {
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.IMPORT_LIBRARY_SDK, '''
import 'dart:async';
class C {
foo() {
test_importLibrarySdk_withClass_invocationTarget() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
main() {
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.IMPORT_LIBRARY_SDK, '''
import 'dart:async';
main() {
test_importLibrarySdk_withClass_IsExpression() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
main(p) {
p is Future;
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.IMPORT_LIBRARY_SDK, '''
import 'dart:async';
main(p) {
p is Future;
test_importLibrarySdk_withClass_itemOfList() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
main() {
var a = [Future];
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.IMPORT_LIBRARY_SDK, '''
import 'dart:async';
main() {
var a = [Future];
test_importLibrarySdk_withClass_itemOfList_inAnnotation() async {
errorFilter = (AnalysisError error) {
return error.errorCode == StaticWarningCode.UNDEFINED_IDENTIFIER;
await resolveTestUnit('''
class MyAnnotation {
const MyAnnotation(a, b);
@MyAnnotation(int, const [Future])
main() {}
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.IMPORT_LIBRARY_SDK, '''
import 'dart:async';
class MyAnnotation {
const MyAnnotation(a, b);
@MyAnnotation(int, const [Future])
main() {}
test_importLibrarySdk_withClass_typeAnnotation() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
main() {
Future f = null;
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.IMPORT_LIBRARY_SDK, '''
import 'dart:async';
main() {
Future f = null;
test_importLibrarySdk_withClass_typeAnnotation_PrefixedIdentifier() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
main() {
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.IMPORT_LIBRARY_SDK, '''
import 'dart:async';
main() {
test_importLibrarySdk_withClass_typeArgument() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
main() {
List<Future> futures = [];
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.IMPORT_LIBRARY_SDK, '''
import 'dart:async';
main() {
List<Future> futures = [];
test_importLibrarySdk_withTopLevelVariable() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
main() {
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.IMPORT_LIBRARY_SDK, '''
import 'dart:math';
main() {
test_importLibrarySdk_withTopLevelVariable_annotation() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
main() {
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.IMPORT_LIBRARY_SDK, '''
import 'dart:math';
main() {
test_importLibraryShow_project() async {
testFile = '/project/bin/test.dart';
addSource('/project/bin/lib.dart', '''
class A {}
class B {}
await resolveTestUnit('''
import 'lib.dart' show A;
main() {
A a;
B b;
await assertNoFix(DartFixKind.IMPORT_LIBRARY_PROJECT1);
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.IMPORT_LIBRARY_SHOW, '''
import 'lib.dart' show A, B;
main() {
A a;
B b;
test_importLibraryShow_sdk() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
import 'dart:async' show Stream;
main() {
Stream s = null;
Future f = null;
await assertNoFix(DartFixKind.IMPORT_LIBRARY_SDK);
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.IMPORT_LIBRARY_SHOW, '''
import 'dart:async' show Future, Stream;
main() {
Stream s = null;
Future f = null;
test_impreciseIntAsDouble() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
double x = 1000000000000000000000000;
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.CHANGE_TO_NEAREST_PRECISE_VALUE, '''
double x = 999999999999999983222784;
test_impreciseIntAsDouble_asCapitalHex() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
double x = 0X1000000000000000000000001;
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.CHANGE_TO_NEAREST_PRECISE_VALUE, '''
double x = 0x1000000000000000000000000;
test_impreciseIntAsDouble_asHex() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
double x = 0x1000000000000000000000001;
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.CHANGE_TO_NEAREST_PRECISE_VALUE, '''
double x = 0x1000000000000000000000000;
test_impreciseIntAsDouble_maxValue() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
double x = 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000;
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.CHANGE_TO_NEAREST_PRECISE_VALUE, '''
double x = 179769313486231570814527423731704356798070567525844996598917476803157260780028538760589558632766878171540458953514382464234321326889464182768467546703537516986049910576551282076245490090389328944075868508455133942304583236903222948165808559332123348274797826204144723168738177180919299881250404026184124858368;
test_impreciseIntAsDouble_maxValue_asHex() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
double x = 0x100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000;
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.CHANGE_TO_NEAREST_PRECISE_VALUE, '''
double x = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFF800000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000;
test_isNotNull() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
main(p) {
p is! Null;
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.USE_NOT_EQ_NULL, '''
main(p) {
p != null;
test_isNotNull_all() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
main(p, q) {
p is! Null;
q is! Null;
await assertHasFixAllFix(
main(p, q) {
p != null;
q != null;
test_isNull() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
main(p) {
p is Null;
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.USE_EQ_EQ_NULL, '''
main(p) {
p == null;
test_isNull_all() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
main(p, q) {
p is Null;
q is Null;
await assertHasFixAllFix(
main(p, q) {
p == null;
q == null;
test_makeEnclosingClassAbstract_declaresAbstractMethod() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
class A {
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.MAKE_CLASS_ABSTRACT, '''
abstract class A {
test_makeEnclosingClassAbstract_inheritsAbstractMethod() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
abstract class A {
class B extends A {
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.MAKE_CLASS_ABSTRACT, '''
abstract class A {
abstract class B extends A {
test_makeFieldNotFinal_hasType() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
class A {
final int fff = 1;
main() {
fff = 2;
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.MAKE_FIELD_NOT_FINAL, '''
class A {
int fff = 1;
main() {
fff = 2;
test_makeFieldNotFinal_noType() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
class A {
final fff = 1;
main() {
fff = 2;
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.MAKE_FIELD_NOT_FINAL, '''
class A {
var fff = 1;
main() {
fff = 2;
test_noException_1() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
main(p) {
p i s Null;
List<AnalysisError> errors = await _computeErrors();
for (var error in errors) {
await _computeFixes(error);
test_nonBoolCondition_addNotNull() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
main(String p) {
if (p) {
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.ADD_NE_NULL, '''
main(String p) {
if (p != null) {
test_nonBoolCondition_addNotNull_all() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
main(String p, String q) {
if (p) {
if (q) {
await assertHasFixAllFix(
StaticTypeWarningCode.NON_BOOL_CONDITION, DartFixKind.ADD_NE_NULL, '''
main(String p, String q) {
if (p != null) {
if (q != null) {
test_removeDeadCode_condition() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
main(int p) {
if (true || p > 5) {
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.REMOVE_DEAD_CODE, '''
main(int p) {
if (true) {
test_removeDeadCode_statements_one() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
int main() {
return 42;
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.REMOVE_DEAD_CODE, '''
int main() {
return 42;
test_removeDeadCode_statements_two() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
int main() {
return 42;
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.REMOVE_DEAD_CODE, '''
int main() {
return 42;
test_removeParentheses_inGetterDeclaration() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
class A {
int get foo() => 0;
class A {
int get foo => 0;
test_removeParentheses_inGetterInvocation() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
class A {
int get foo => 0;
main(A a) {;
class A {
int get foo => 0;
main(A a) {;
test_removeUnnecessaryCast_assignment() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
main(Object p) {
if (p is String) {
String v = ((p as String));
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.REMOVE_UNNECESSARY_CAST, '''
main(Object p) {
if (p is String) {
String v = p;
test_removeUnnecessaryCast_assignment_all() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
main(Object p, Object q) {
if (p is String) {
String v = ((p as String));
if (q is int) {
int v = ((q as int));
await assertHasFixAllFix(
main(Object p, Object q) {
if (p is String) {
String v = p;
if (q is int) {
int v = q;
test_removeUnusedCatchClause() async {
errorFilter = (AnalysisError error) => true;
await resolveTestUnit('''
main() {
try {
throw 42;
} on int catch (e) {
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.REMOVE_UNUSED_CATCH_CLAUSE, '''
main() {
try {
throw 42;
} on int {
test_removeUnusedCatchStack() async {
errorFilter = (AnalysisError error) => true;
await resolveTestUnit('''
main() {
try {
throw 42;
} catch (e, stack) {
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.REMOVE_UNUSED_CATCH_STACK, '''
main() {
try {
throw 42;
} catch (e) {
test_removeUnusedImport() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
import 'dart:math';
main() {
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.REMOVE_UNUSED_IMPORT, '''
main() {
test_removeUnusedImport_all() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
import 'dart:math';
import 'dart:math';
import 'dart:math';
main() {
await assertHasFixAllFix(
main() {
test_removeUnusedImport_all_diverseImports() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
import 'dart:math';
import 'dart:math';
import 'dart:async';
main() {
await assertHasFixAllFix(
main() {
test_removeUnusedImport_all_diverseImports2() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:math' as math;
import 'dart:async';
var tau = math.pi * 2;
main() {
await assertHasFixAllFix(
import 'dart:math' as math;
var tau = math.pi * 2;
main() {
test_removeUnusedImport_all_singleLine() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
import 'dart:math'; import 'dart:math'; import 'dart:math';
main() {
await assertHasFixAllFix(
main() {
test_removeUnusedImport_anotherImportOnLine() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
import 'dart:math'; import 'dart:async';
main() {
Future f;
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.REMOVE_UNUSED_IMPORT, '''
import 'dart:async';
main() {
Future f;
test_removeUnusedImport_severalLines() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
main() {
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.REMOVE_UNUSED_IMPORT, '''
main() {
@FailingTest(issue: '')
test_replaceVarWithDynamic() async {
errorFilter = (AnalysisError error) {
return error.errorCode == ParserErrorCode.VAR_AS_TYPE_NAME;
await resolveTestUnit('''
class A {
Map<String, var> m;
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.REPLACE_VAR_WITH_DYNAMIC, '''
class A {
Map<String, dynamic> m;
test_replaceWithConstInstanceCreation_explicitNew() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
class A {
const A();
const a = new A();
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.USE_CONST, '''
class A {
const A();
const a = const A();
test_replaceWithConstInstanceCreation_implicitNew() async {
// This test fails because the implicit `new` isn't yet recognized.
await resolveTestUnit('''
class A {
const A();
const a = A();
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.USE_CONST, '''
class A {
const A();
const a = const A();
test_undefinedClass_useSimilar_BAD_prefixed() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
import 'dart:async' as c;
main() {
c.Fture v = null;
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.CHANGE_TO, '''
import 'dart:async' as c;
main() {
c.Future v = null;
test_undefinedClass_useSimilar_fromImport() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
main() {
Stirng s = 'abc';
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.CHANGE_TO, '''
main() {
String s = 'abc';
test_undefinedClass_useSimilar_fromThisLibrary() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
class MyClass {}
main() {
MyCalss v = null;
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.CHANGE_TO, '''
class MyClass {}
main() {
MyClass v = null;
test_undefinedFunction_create_bottomArgument() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
main() {
test(throw 42);
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.CREATE_FUNCTION, '''
main() {
test(throw 42);
void test(param0) {
test_undefinedFunction_create_duplicateArgumentNames() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
class C {
int x;
foo(C c1, C c2) {
bar(c1.x, c2.x);
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.CREATE_FUNCTION, '''
class C {
int x;
foo(C c1, C c2) {
bar(c1.x, c2.x);
void bar(int x, int x2) {
test_undefinedFunction_create_dynamicArgument() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
main() {
dynamic v;
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.CREATE_FUNCTION, '''
main() {
dynamic v;
void test(v) {
test_undefinedFunction_create_dynamicReturnType() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
main() {
dynamic v = test();
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.CREATE_FUNCTION, '''
main() {
dynamic v = test();
test() {
test_undefinedFunction_create_fromFunction() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
main() {
int v = myUndefinedFunction(1, 2.0, '3');
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.CREATE_FUNCTION, '''
main() {
int v = myUndefinedFunction(1, 2.0, '3');
int myUndefinedFunction(int i, double d, String s) {
test_undefinedFunction_create_fromMethod() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
class A {
main() {
int v = myUndefinedFunction(1, 2.0, '3');
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.CREATE_FUNCTION, '''
class A {
main() {
int v = myUndefinedFunction(1, 2.0, '3');
int myUndefinedFunction(int i, double d, String s) {
test_undefinedFunction_create_generic_BAD() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
class A<T> {
Map<int, T> items;
main() {
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.CREATE_FUNCTION, '''
class A<T> {
Map<int, T> items;
main() {
void process(Map items) {
test_undefinedFunction_create_generic_OK() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
class A {
List<int> items;
main() {
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.CREATE_FUNCTION, '''
class A {
List<int> items;
main() {
void process(List<int> items) {
['List<int> items) {'],
['List<int>', 'Iterable<int>', 'Object']));
test_undefinedFunction_create_importType() async {
addSource('/project/lib.dart', r'''
library lib;
import 'dart:async';
Future getFuture() => null;
await resolveTestUnit('''
import 'lib.dart';
main() {
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.CREATE_FUNCTION, '''
import 'dart:async';
import 'lib.dart';
main() {
void test(Future future) {
test_undefinedFunction_create_nullArgument() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
main() {
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.CREATE_FUNCTION, '''
main() {
void test(param0) {
test_undefinedFunction_create_returnType_bool_expressions() async {
await assert_undefinedFunction_create_returnType_bool("!test();");
await assert_undefinedFunction_create_returnType_bool("b && test();");
await assert_undefinedFunction_create_returnType_bool("test() && b;");
await assert_undefinedFunction_create_returnType_bool("b || test();");
await assert_undefinedFunction_create_returnType_bool("test() || b;");
test_undefinedFunction_create_returnType_bool_statements() async {
await assert_undefinedFunction_create_returnType_bool("assert ( test() );");
await assert_undefinedFunction_create_returnType_bool("if ( test() ) {}");
await assert_undefinedFunction_create_returnType_bool(
"while ( test() ) {}");
await assert_undefinedFunction_create_returnType_bool(
"do {} while ( test() );");
test_undefinedFunction_create_returnType_fromAssignment_eq() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
main() {
int v;
v = myUndefinedFunction();
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.CREATE_FUNCTION, '''
main() {
int v;
v = myUndefinedFunction();
int myUndefinedFunction() {
test_undefinedFunction_create_returnType_fromAssignment_plusEq() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
main() {
int v;
v += myUndefinedFunction();
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.CREATE_FUNCTION, '''
main() {
int v;
v += myUndefinedFunction();
num myUndefinedFunction() {
test_undefinedFunction_create_returnType_fromBinary_right() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
main() {
0 + myUndefinedFunction();
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.CREATE_FUNCTION, '''
main() {
0 + myUndefinedFunction();
num myUndefinedFunction() {
test_undefinedFunction_create_returnType_fromInitializer() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
main() {
int v = myUndefinedFunction();
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.CREATE_FUNCTION, '''
main() {
int v = myUndefinedFunction();
int myUndefinedFunction() {
test_undefinedFunction_create_returnType_fromInvocationArgument() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
foo(int p) {}
main() {
foo( myUndefinedFunction() );
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.CREATE_FUNCTION, '''
foo(int p) {}
main() {
foo( myUndefinedFunction() );
int myUndefinedFunction() {
test_undefinedFunction_create_returnType_fromReturn() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
int main() {
return myUndefinedFunction();
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.CREATE_FUNCTION, '''
int main() {
return myUndefinedFunction();
int myUndefinedFunction() {
test_undefinedFunction_create_returnType_void() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
main() {
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.CREATE_FUNCTION, '''
main() {
void myUndefinedFunction() {
test_undefinedFunction_useSimilar_fromImport() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
main() {
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.CHANGE_TO, '''
main() {
test_undefinedFunction_useSimilar_prefixed_fromImport() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
import 'dart:core' as c;
main() {
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.CHANGE_TO, '''
import 'dart:core' as c;
main() {
test_undefinedFunction_useSimilar_prefixed_ignoreLocal() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
import 'dart:async' as c;
main() {
await assertNoFix(DartFixKind.CHANGE_TO);
test_undefinedFunction_useSimilar_thisLibrary() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
myFunction() {}
main() {
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.CHANGE_TO, '''
myFunction() {}
main() {
test_undefinedGetter_useSimilar_hint() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
class A {
int myField;
main(A a) {
var x = a;
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.CHANGE_TO, '''
class A {
int myField;
main(A a) {
var x = a;
test_undefinedGetter_useSimilar_qualified() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
class A {
int myField;
main(A a) {
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.CHANGE_TO, '''
class A {
int myField;
main(A a) {
test_undefinedGetter_useSimilar_qualified_static() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
class A {
static int MY_NAME = 1;
main() {
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.CHANGE_TO, '''
class A {
static int MY_NAME = 1;
main() {
test_undefinedGetter_useSimilar_unqualified() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
class A {
int myField;
main() {
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.CHANGE_TO, '''
class A {
int myField;
main() {
test_undefinedMethod_create_BAD_inSDK() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
main() {;
await assertNoFix(DartFixKind.CREATE_METHOD);
test_undefinedMethod_create_BAD_targetIsEnum() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
enum MyEnum {A, B}
main() {;
await assertNoFix(DartFixKind.CREATE_METHOD);
test_undefinedMethod_create_generic_BAD_argumentType() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
class A<T> {
B b;
Map<int, T> items;
main() {
class B {
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.CREATE_METHOD, '''
class A<T> {
B b;
Map<int, T> items;
main() {
class B {
void process(Map items) {}
test_undefinedMethod_create_generic_BAD_returnType() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
class A<T> {
main() {
T t = new B().compute();
class B {
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.CREATE_METHOD, '''
class A<T> {
main() {
T t = new B().compute();
class B {
compute() {}
test_undefinedMethod_create_generic_OK_literal() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
class A {
B b;
List<int> items;
main() {
class B {}
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.CREATE_METHOD, '''
class A {
B b;
List<int> items;
main() {
class B {
void process(List<int> items) {}
test_undefinedMethod_create_generic_OK_local() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
class A<T> {
List<T> items;
main() {
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.CREATE_METHOD, '''
class A<T> {
List<T> items;
main() {
void process(List<T> items) {}
test_undefinedMethod_createQualified_emptyClassBody() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
class A {}
main() {
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.CREATE_METHOD, '''
class A {
static void myUndefinedMethod() {}
main() {
test_undefinedMethod_createQualified_fromClass() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
class A {
main() {
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.CREATE_METHOD, '''
class A {
static void myUndefinedMethod() {}
main() {
test_undefinedMethod_createQualified_fromClass_hasOtherMember() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
class A {
foo() {}
main() {
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.CREATE_METHOD, '''
class A {
foo() {}
static void myUndefinedMethod() {}
main() {
test_undefinedMethod_createQualified_fromInstance() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
class A {
main(A a) {
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.CREATE_METHOD, '''
class A {
void myUndefinedMethod() {}
main(A a) {
test_undefinedMethod_createQualified_targetIsFunctionType() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
typedef A();
main() {
await assertNoFix(DartFixKind.CREATE_METHOD);
test_undefinedMethod_createQualified_targetIsUnresolved() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
main() {
await assertNoFix(DartFixKind.CREATE_METHOD);
test_undefinedMethod_createUnqualified_duplicateArgumentNames() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
class C {
int x;
class D {
foo(C c1, C c2) {
bar(c1.x, c2.x);
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.CREATE_METHOD, '''
class C {
int x;
class D {
foo(C c1, C c2) {
bar(c1.x, c2.x);
void bar(int x, int x2) {}
test_undefinedMethod_createUnqualified_parameters() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
class A {
main() {
myUndefinedMethod(0, 1.0, '3');
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.CREATE_METHOD, '''
class A {
main() {
myUndefinedMethod(0, 1.0, '3');
void myUndefinedMethod(int i, double d, String s) {}
// linked positions
int index = 0;
change.linkedEditGroups[index++], ['void myUndefinedMethod(']);
['myUndefinedMethod(0', 'myUndefinedMethod(int']);
['int i'],
['int', 'num', 'Object', 'Comparable<num>']));
_assertLinkedGroup(change.linkedEditGroups[index++], ['i,']);
['double d'],
['double', 'num', 'Object', 'Comparable<num>']));
_assertLinkedGroup(change.linkedEditGroups[index++], ['d,']);
['String s'],
['String', 'Object', 'Comparable<String>']));
_assertLinkedGroup(change.linkedEditGroups[index++], ['s)']);
test_undefinedMethod_createUnqualified_parameters_named() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
class A {
main() {
myUndefinedMethod(0, bbb: 1.0, ccc: '2');
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.CREATE_METHOD, '''
class A {
main() {
myUndefinedMethod(0, bbb: 1.0, ccc: '2');
void myUndefinedMethod(int i, {double bbb, String ccc}) {}
// linked positions
int index = 0;
change.linkedEditGroups[index++], ['void myUndefinedMethod(']);
['myUndefinedMethod(0', 'myUndefinedMethod(int']);
['int i'],
['int', 'num', 'Object', 'Comparable<num>']));
_assertLinkedGroup(change.linkedEditGroups[index++], ['i,']);
['double bbb'],
['double', 'num', 'Object', 'Comparable<num>']));
['String ccc'],
['String', 'Object', 'Comparable<String>']));
test_undefinedMethod_createUnqualified_returnType() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
class A {
main() {
int v = myUndefinedMethod();
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.CREATE_METHOD, '''
class A {
main() {
int v = myUndefinedMethod();
int myUndefinedMethod() {}
// linked positions
_assertLinkedGroup(change.linkedEditGroups[0], ['int myUndefinedMethod(']);
['myUndefinedMethod();', 'myUndefinedMethod() {']);
test_undefinedMethod_createUnqualified_staticFromField() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
class A {
static var f = myUndefinedMethod();
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.CREATE_METHOD, '''
class A {
static var f = myUndefinedMethod();
static myUndefinedMethod() {}
test_undefinedMethod_createUnqualified_staticFromMethod() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
class A {
static main() {
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.CREATE_METHOD, '''
class A {
static main() {
static void myUndefinedMethod() {}
test_undefinedMethod_hint_createQualified_fromInstance() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
class A {
main() {
var a = new A();
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.CREATE_METHOD, '''
class A {
void myUndefinedMethod() {}
main() {
var a = new A();
test_undefinedMethod_parameterType_differentPrefixInTargetUnit() async {
String code2 = r'''
library test2;
import 'test3.dart' as bbb;
export 'test3.dart';
class D {
addSource('/project/test2.dart', code2);
addSource('/project/test3.dart', r'''
library test3;
class E {}
await resolveTestUnit('''
library test;
import 'test2.dart' as aaa;
main(aaa.D d, aaa.E e) {;
AnalysisError error = await _findErrorToFix();
fix = await _assertHasFix(DartFixKind.CREATE_METHOD, error);
change = fix.change;
// apply to "test2.dart"
List<SourceFileEdit> fileEdits = change.edits;
expect(fileEdits, hasLength(1));
SourceFileEdit fileEdit = change.edits[0];
expect(fileEdit.file, convertPath('/project/test2.dart'));
expect(SourceEdit.applySequence(code2, fileEdit.edits), r'''
library test2;
import 'test3.dart' as bbb;
export 'test3.dart';
class D {
void foo(bbb.E e) {}
test_undefinedMethod_parameterType_inTargetUnit() async {
String code2 = r'''
library test2;
class D {
class E {}
addSource('/project/test2.dart', code2);
await resolveTestUnit('''
library test;
import 'test2.dart' as test2;
main(test2.D d, test2.E e) {;
AnalysisError error = await _findErrorToFix();
fix = await _assertHasFix(DartFixKind.CREATE_METHOD, error);
change = fix.change;
// apply to "test2.dart"
List<SourceFileEdit> fileEdits = change.edits;
expect(fileEdits, hasLength(1));
SourceFileEdit fileEdit = change.edits[0];
expect(fileEdit.file, convertPath('/project/test2.dart'));
expect(SourceEdit.applySequence(code2, fileEdit.edits), r'''
library test2;
class D {
void foo(E e) {}
class E {}
test_undefinedMethod_useSimilar_ignoreOperators() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
main(Object object) {
await assertNoFix(DartFixKind.CHANGE_TO);
test_undefinedMethod_useSimilar_qualified() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
class A {
myMethod() {}
main() {
A a = new A();
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.CHANGE_TO, '''
class A {
myMethod() {}
main() {
A a = new A();
test_undefinedMethod_useSimilar_unqualified_superClass() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
class A {
myMethod() {}
class B extends A {
main() {
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.CHANGE_TO, '''
class A {
myMethod() {}
class B extends A {
main() {
test_undefinedMethod_useSimilar_unqualified_thisClass() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
class A {
myMethod() {}
main() {
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.CHANGE_TO, '''
class A {
myMethod() {}
main() {
test_undefinedParameter_convertFlutterChild_BAD_listNotWidget() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
build() {
return new Container(
child: new Row(
child: <Widget>[
new Container(),
await assertNoFix(DartFixKind.CONVERT_FLUTTER_CHILD);
test_undefinedParameter_convertFlutterChild_OK_hasList() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
build() {
return new Container(
child: new Row(
child: [
new Text('111'),
new Text('222'),
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.CONVERT_FLUTTER_CHILD, '''
import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
build() {
return new Container(
child: new Row(
children: <Widget>[
new Text('111'),
new Text('222'),
test_undefinedParameter_convertFlutterChild_OK_hasTypedList() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
build() {
return new Container(
child: new Row(
child: <Widget>[
new Text('111'),
new Text('222'),
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.CONVERT_FLUTTER_CHILD, '''
import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
build() {
return new Container(
child: new Row(
children: <Widget>[
new Text('111'),
new Text('222'),
test_undefinedParameter_convertFlutterChild_OK_multiLine() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
build() {
return new Scaffold(
body: new Row(
child: new Container(
width: 200.0,
height: 300.0,
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.CONVERT_FLUTTER_CHILD, '''
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
build() {
return new Scaffold(
body: new Row(
children: <Widget>[
new Container(
width: 200.0,
height: 300.0,
test_undefinedParameter_convertFlutterChild_OK_widgetVariable() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
build() {
var text = new Text('foo');
new Row(
child: text,
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.CONVERT_FLUTTER_CHILD, '''
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
build() {
var text = new Text('foo');
new Row(
children: <Widget>[text],
test_undefinedParameter_convertFlutterChildren_BAD_notWidget() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
build() {
return new Center(
children: [
new Object(),
await assertNoFix(DartFixKind.CONVERT_FLUTTER_CHILDREN);
test_undefinedParameter_convertFlutterChildren_OK_multiLine() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
build() {
return new Center(
children: [
new Container(
width: 200.0,
height: 300.0,
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.CONVERT_FLUTTER_CHILDREN, '''
import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
build() {
return new Center(
child: new Container(
width: 200.0,
height: 300.0,
test_undefinedParameter_convertFlutterChildren_OK_singleLine() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
build() {
return new Center(
children: [
new Text('foo'),
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.CONVERT_FLUTTER_CHILDREN, '''
import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
build() {
return new Center(
child: new Text('foo'),
test_undefinedParameter_convertFlutterChildren_OK_singleLine2() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
build() {
var text = new Text('foo');
new Center(
children: [text],
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.CONVERT_FLUTTER_CHILDREN, '''
import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
build() {
var text = new Text('foo');
new Center(
child: text,
test_undefinedSetter_useSimilar_hint() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
class A {
int myField;
main(A a) {
var x = a;
x.myFild = 42;
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.CHANGE_TO, '''
class A {
int myField;
main(A a) {
var x = a;
x.myField = 42;
test_undefinedSetter_useSimilar_qualified() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
class A {
int myField;
main(A a) {
a.myFild = 42;
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.CHANGE_TO, '''
class A {
int myField;
main(A a) {
a.myField = 42;
test_undefinedSetter_useSimilar_unqualified() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
class A {
int myField;
main() {
myFild = 42;
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.CHANGE_TO, '''
class A {
int myField;
main() {
myField = 42;
test_useEffectiveIntegerDivision() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
main() {
var a = 5;
var b = 2;
print((a / b).toInt());
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.USE_EFFECTIVE_INTEGER_DIVISION, '''
main() {
var a = 5;
var b = 2;
print(a ~/ b);
test_useImportPrefix_withClass() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
import 'dart:async' as pref;
main() {
pref.Stream s = null;
Future f = null;
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.IMPORT_LIBRARY_PREFIX, '''
import 'dart:async' as pref;
main() {
pref.Stream s = null;
pref.Future f = null;
test_useImportPrefix_withTopLevelVariable() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
import 'dart:math' as pref;
main() {
await assertHasFix(DartFixKind.IMPORT_LIBRARY_PREFIX, '''
import 'dart:math' as pref;
main() {
void _addMetaPackageSource() {
addPackageSource('meta', 'meta.dart', r'''
library meta;
const Required required = const Required();
class Required {
final String reason;
const Required([this.reason]);
class LintFixTest extends BaseFixProcessorTest {
AnalysisError error;
Future applyFix(FixKind kind) async {
fix = await _assertHasFix(kind, error);
change = fix.change;
// apply to "file"
List<SourceFileEdit> fileEdits = change.edits;
expect(fileEdits, hasLength(1));
resultCode = SourceEdit.applySequence(testCode, change.edits[0].edits);
assertNoFix(FixKind kind) async {
await _assertNoFix(kind, error);
Future<void> findLint(String src, String lintCode, {int length: 1}) async {
int errorOffset = src.indexOf('/*LINT*/');
await resolveTestUnit(src.replaceAll('/*LINT*/', ''));
error = new AnalysisError(
new LintCode(lintCode, '<ignored>'));
test_addRequiredAnnotation() async {
String src = '''
void function({String /*LINT*/param}) {
assert(param != null);
await findLint(src, LintNames.always_require_non_null_named_parameters);
await applyFix(DartFixKind.LINT_ADD_REQUIRED);
void function({@required String param}) {
assert(param != null);
test_isNotEmpty() async {
String src = '''
f(c) {
if (/*LINT*/!c.isEmpty) {}
await findLint(src, LintNames.prefer_is_not_empty);
await applyFix(DartFixKind.USE_IS_NOT_EMPTY);
f(c) {
if (c.isNotEmpty) {}
test_lint_addMissingOverride_field() async {
String src = '''
class abstract Test {
int get t;
class Sub extends Test {
int /*LINT*/t = 42;
await findLint(src, LintNames.annotate_overrides);
await applyFix(DartFixKind.LINT_ADD_OVERRIDE);
class abstract Test {
int get t;
class Sub extends Test {
int t = 42;
test_lint_addMissingOverride_getter() async {
String src = '''
class Test {
int get t => null;
class Sub extends Test {
int get /*LINT*/t => null;
await findLint(src, LintNames.annotate_overrides);
await applyFix(DartFixKind.LINT_ADD_OVERRIDE);
class Test {
int get t => null;
class Sub extends Test {
int get t => null;
test_lint_addMissingOverride_method() async {
String src = '''
class Test {
void t() { }
class Sub extends Test {
void /*LINT*/t() { }
await findLint(src, LintNames.annotate_overrides);
await applyFix(DartFixKind.LINT_ADD_OVERRIDE);
class Test {
void t() { }
class Sub extends Test {
void t() { }
test_lint_addMissingOverride_method_with_doc_comment() async {
String src = '''
class Test {
void t() { }
class Sub extends Test {
/// Doc comment.
void /*LINT*/t() { }
await findLint(src, LintNames.annotate_overrides);
await applyFix(DartFixKind.LINT_ADD_OVERRIDE);
class Test {
void t() { }
class Sub extends Test {
/// Doc comment.
void t() { }
test_lint_addMissingOverride_method_with_doc_comment_2() async {
String src = '''
class Test {
void t() { }
class Sub extends Test {
* Doc comment.
void /*LINT*/t() { }
await findLint(src, LintNames.annotate_overrides);
await applyFix(DartFixKind.LINT_ADD_OVERRIDE);
class Test {
void t() { }
class Sub extends Test {
* Doc comment.
void t() { }
test_lint_addMissingOverride_method_with_doc_comment_and_metadata() async {
String src = '''
class Test {
void t() { }
class Sub extends Test {
/// Doc comment.
void /*LINT*/t() { }
await findLint(src, LintNames.annotate_overrides);
await applyFix(DartFixKind.LINT_ADD_OVERRIDE);
class Test {
void t() { }
class Sub extends Test {
/// Doc comment.
void t() { }
test_lint_addMissingOverride_method_with_non_doc_comment() async {
String src = '''
class Test {
void t() { }
class Sub extends Test {
// Non-doc comment.
void /*LINT*/t() { }
await findLint(src, LintNames.annotate_overrides);
await applyFix(DartFixKind.LINT_ADD_OVERRIDE);
class Test {
void t() { }
class Sub extends Test {
// Non-doc comment.
void t() { }
test_lint_removeInterpolationBraces() async {
String src = r'''
main() {
var v = 42;
print('v: /*LINT*/${ v}');
await findLint(src, LintNames.unnecessary_brace_in_string_interp,
length: 4);
main() {
var v = 42;
print('v: $v');
test_makeFieldFinal_noKeyword() async {
String src = '''
class C {
/*LINT*/f = 2;
await findLint(src, LintNames.prefer_final_fields);
await applyFix(DartFixKind.MAKE_FINAL);
class C {
final f = 2;
test_makeFieldFinal_type() async {
String src = '''
class C {
int /*LINT*/f = 2;
await findLint(src, LintNames.prefer_final_fields);
await applyFix(DartFixKind.MAKE_FINAL);
class C {
final int f = 2;
test_makeFieldFinal_var() async {
String src = '''
class C {
var /*LINT*/f = 2;
await findLint(src, LintNames.prefer_final_fields);
await applyFix(DartFixKind.MAKE_FINAL);
class C {
final f = 2;
test_makeLocalFinal_type() async {
String src = '''
bad() {
int /*LINT*/x = 2;
await findLint(src, LintNames.prefer_final_locals);
await applyFix(DartFixKind.MAKE_FINAL);
bad() {
final int x = 2;
test_makeLocalFinal_var() async {
String src = '''
bad() {
var /*LINT*/x = 2;
await findLint(src, LintNames.prefer_final_locals);
await applyFix(DartFixKind.MAKE_FINAL);
bad() {
final x = 2;
test_removeAwait_intLiteral() async {
String src = '''
bad() async {
print(/*LINT*/await 23);
await findLint(src, LintNames.await_only_futures);
await applyFix(DartFixKind.REMOVE_AWAIT);
bad() async {
test_removeAwait_StringLiteral() async {
String src = '''
bad() async {
print(/*LINT*/await 'hola');
await findLint(src, LintNames.await_only_futures);
await applyFix(DartFixKind.REMOVE_AWAIT);
bad() async {
test_removeEmptyCatch_newLine() async {
String src = '''
void foo() {
try {}
catch (e) {/*LINT*/}
finally {}
await findLint(src, LintNames.empty_catches);
await applyFix(DartFixKind.REMOVE_EMPTY_CATCH);
void foo() {
try {}
finally {}
test_removeEmptyCatch_sameLine() async {
String src = '''
void foo() {
try {} catch (e) {/*LINT*/} finally {}
await findLint(src, LintNames.empty_catches);
await applyFix(DartFixKind.REMOVE_EMPTY_CATCH);
void foo() {
try {} finally {}
test_removeEmptyConstructorBody() async {
String src = '''
class C {
C() {/*LINT*/}
await findLint(src, LintNames.empty_constructor_bodies);
class C {
test_removeEmptyElse_newLine() async {
String src = '''
void foo(bool cond) {
if (cond) {
else /*LINT*/;
await findLint(src, LintNames.avoid_empty_else);
await applyFix(DartFixKind.REMOVE_EMPTY_ELSE);
void foo(bool cond) {
if (cond) {
test_removeEmptyElse_sameLine() async {
String src = '''
void foo(bool cond) {
if (cond) {
} else /*LINT*/;
await findLint(src, LintNames.avoid_empty_else);
await applyFix(DartFixKind.REMOVE_EMPTY_ELSE);
void foo(bool cond) {
if (cond) {
test_removeEmptyStatement_insideBlock() async {
String src = '''
void foo() {
while(true) {
await findLint(src, LintNames.empty_statements);
await applyFix(DartFixKind.REMOVE_EMPTY_STATEMENT);
void foo() {
while(true) {
test_removeEmptyStatement_outOfBlock_otherLine() async {
String src = '''
void foo() {
await findLint(src, LintNames.empty_statements);
await applyFix(DartFixKind.REPLACE_WITH_BRACKETS);
void foo() {
while(true) {}
test_removeEmptyStatement_outOfBlock_sameLine() async {
String src = '''
void foo() {
await findLint(src, LintNames.empty_statements);
await applyFix(DartFixKind.REPLACE_WITH_BRACKETS);
void foo() {
while(true) {}
test_removeInitializer_field() async {
String src = '''
class Test {
int /*LINT*/x = null;
await findLint(src, LintNames.avoid_init_to_null);
await applyFix(DartFixKind.REMOVE_INITIALIZER);
class Test {
int x;
test_removeInitializer_listOfVariableDeclarations() async {
String src = '''
String a = 'a', /*LINT*/b = null, c = 'c';
await findLint(src, LintNames.avoid_init_to_null);
await applyFix(DartFixKind.REMOVE_INITIALIZER);
String a = 'a', b, c = 'c';
test_removeInitializer_topLevel() async {
String src = '''
var /*LINT*/x = null;
await findLint(src, LintNames.avoid_init_to_null);
await applyFix(DartFixKind.REMOVE_INITIALIZER);
var x;
test_removeMethodDeclaration_getter() async {
String src = '''
class A {
int x;
class B extends A {
int get /*LINT*/x => super.x;
await findLint(src, LintNames.unnecessary_override);
await applyFix(DartFixKind.REMOVE_METHOD_DECLARATION);
class A {
int x;
class B extends A {
test_removeMethodDeclaration_method() async {
String src = '''
class A {
String /*LINT*/toString() => super.toString();
await findLint(src, LintNames.unnecessary_override);
await applyFix(DartFixKind.REMOVE_METHOD_DECLARATION);
class A {
test_removeMethodDeclaration_setter() async {
String src = '''
class A {
int x;
class B extends A {
set /*LINT*/x(int other) {
this.x = other;
await findLint(src, LintNames.unnecessary_override);
await applyFix(DartFixKind.REMOVE_METHOD_DECLARATION);
class A {
int x;
class B extends A {
test_removeThisExpression_methodInvocation_oneCharacterOperator() async {
String src = '''
class A {
void foo() {
await findLint(src, LintNames.unnecessary_this);
await applyFix(DartFixKind.REMOVE_THIS_EXPRESSION);
class A {
void foo() {
test_removeThisExpression_methodInvocation_twoCharactersOperator() async {
String src = '''
class A {
void foo() {
await findLint(src, LintNames.unnecessary_this);
await applyFix(DartFixKind.REMOVE_THIS_EXPRESSION);
class A {
void foo() {
test_removeThisExpression_notAThisExpression() async {
String src = '''
void foo() {
final /*LINT*/;
await findLint(src, LintNames.unnecessary_this);
await assertNoFix(DartFixKind.REMOVE_THIS_EXPRESSION);
test_removeThisExpression_propertyAccess_oneCharacterOperator() async {
String src = '''
class A {
int x;
void foo() {
/*LINT*/this.x = 2;
await findLint(src, LintNames.unnecessary_this);
await applyFix(DartFixKind.REMOVE_THIS_EXPRESSION);
class A {
int x;
void foo() {
x = 2;
test_removeThisExpression_propertyAccess_twoCharactersOperator() async {
String src = '''
class A {
int x;
void foo() {
/*LINT*/this?.x = 2;
await findLint(src, LintNames.unnecessary_this);
await applyFix(DartFixKind.REMOVE_THIS_EXPRESSION);
class A {
int x;
void foo() {
x = 2;
test_removeTypeAnnotation_avoidAnnotatingWithDynamic_InsideFunctionTypedFormalParameter() async {
String src = '''
bad(void foo(/*LINT*/dynamic x)) {
return null;
await findLint(src, LintNames.avoid_annotating_with_dynamic);
await applyFix(DartFixKind.REMOVE_TYPE_NAME);
bad(void foo(x)) {
return null;
test_removeTypeAnnotation_avoidAnnotatingWithDynamic_NamedParameter() async {
String src = '''
bad({/*LINT*/dynamic defaultValue}) {
return null;
await findLint(src, LintNames.avoid_annotating_with_dynamic);
await applyFix(DartFixKind.REMOVE_TYPE_NAME);
bad({defaultValue}) {
return null;
test_removeTypeAnnotation_avoidAnnotatingWithDynamic_NormalParameter() async {
String src = '''
bad(/*LINT*/dynamic defaultValue) {
return null;
await findLint(src, LintNames.avoid_annotating_with_dynamic);
await applyFix(DartFixKind.REMOVE_TYPE_NAME);
bad(defaultValue) {
return null;
test_removeTypeAnnotation_avoidAnnotatingWithDynamic_OptionalParameter() async {
String src = '''
bad([/*LINT*/dynamic defaultValue]) {
return null;
await findLint(src, LintNames.avoid_annotating_with_dynamic);
await applyFix(DartFixKind.REMOVE_TYPE_NAME);
bad([defaultValue]) {
return null;
test_removeTypeAnnotation_avoidReturnTypesOnSetters_void() async {
String src = '''
/*LINT*/void set speed2(int ms) {}
await findLint(src, LintNames.avoid_return_types_on_setters);
await applyFix(DartFixKind.REMOVE_TYPE_NAME);
set speed2(int ms) {}
test_removeTypeAnnotation_avoidTypesOnClosureParameters_FunctionTypedFormalParameter() async {
String src = '''
var functionWithFunction = (/*LINT*/int f(int x)) => f(0);
await findLint(src, LintNames.avoid_types_on_closure_parameters);
await applyFix(DartFixKind.REPLACE_WITH_IDENTIFIER);
var functionWithFunction = (f) => f(0);
test_removeTypeAnnotation_avoidTypesOnClosureParameters_NamedParameter() async {
String src = '''
var x = ({/*LINT*/Future<int> defaultValue}) {
return null;
await findLint(src, LintNames.avoid_types_on_closure_parameters);
await applyFix(DartFixKind.REMOVE_TYPE_NAME);
var x = ({defaultValue}) {
return null;
test_removeTypeAnnotation_avoidTypesOnClosureParameters_NormalParameter() async {
String src = '''
var x = (/*LINT*/Future<int> defaultValue) {
return null;
await findLint(src, LintNames.avoid_types_on_closure_parameters);
await applyFix(DartFixKind.REMOVE_TYPE_NAME);
var x = (defaultValue) {
return null;
test_removeTypeAnnotation_avoidTypesOnClosureParameters_OptionalParameter() async {
String src = '''
var x = ([/*LINT*/Future<int> defaultValue]) {
return null;
await findLint(src, LintNames.avoid_types_on_closure_parameters);
await applyFix(DartFixKind.REMOVE_TYPE_NAME);
var x = ([defaultValue]) {
return null;
test_removeTypeAnnotation_typeInitFormals_void() async {
String src = '''
class C {
int f;
C(/*LINT*/int this.f);
await findLint(src, LintNames.type_init_formals);
await applyFix(DartFixKind.REMOVE_TYPE_NAME);
class C {
int f;
test_renameToCamelCase_BAD_parameter_optionalNamed() async {
String src = '''
foo({int /*LINT*/my_integer_variable}) {
await findLint(src, LintNames.non_constant_identifier_names);
await assertNoFix(DartFixKind.RENAME_TO_CAMEL_CASE);
test_renameToCamelCase_OK_localVariable() async {
String src = '''
main() {
int /*LINT*/my_integer_variable = 42;
int foo;
await findLint(src, LintNames.non_constant_identifier_names);
await applyFix(DartFixKind.RENAME_TO_CAMEL_CASE);
main() {
int myIntegerVariable = 42;
int foo;
test_renameToCamelCase_OK_parameter_closure() async {
String src = '''
main() {
[0, 1, 2].forEach((/*LINT*/my_integer_variable) {
await findLint(src, LintNames.non_constant_identifier_names);
await applyFix(DartFixKind.RENAME_TO_CAMEL_CASE);
main() {
[0, 1, 2].forEach((myIntegerVariable) {
test_renameToCamelCase_OK_parameter_function() async {
String src = '''
main(int /*LINT*/my_integer_variable) {
await findLint(src, LintNames.non_constant_identifier_names);
await applyFix(DartFixKind.RENAME_TO_CAMEL_CASE);
main(int myIntegerVariable) {
test_renameToCamelCase_OK_parameter_method() async {
String src = '''
class A {
main(int /*LINT*/my_integer_variable) {
await findLint(src, LintNames.non_constant_identifier_names);
await applyFix(DartFixKind.RENAME_TO_CAMEL_CASE);
class A {
main(int myIntegerVariable) {
test_renameToCamelCase_OK_parameter_optionalPositional() async {
String src = '''
main([int /*LINT*/my_integer_variable]) {
await findLint(src, LintNames.non_constant_identifier_names);
await applyFix(DartFixKind.RENAME_TO_CAMEL_CASE);
main([int myIntegerVariable]) {
test_replaceFinalWithConst_method() async {
String src = '''
/*LINT*/final int a = 1;
await findLint(src, LintNames.prefer_const_declarations);
await applyFix(DartFixKind.REPLACE_FINAL_WITH_CONST);
const int a = 1;
test_replaceWithConditionalAssignment_withCodeBeforeAndAfter() async {
String src = '''
class Person {
String _fullName;
void foo() {
/*LINT*/if (_fullName == null) {
_fullName = getFullUserName(this);
await findLint(src, LintNames.prefer_conditional_assignment);
class Person {
String _fullName;
void foo() {
_fullName ??= getFullUserName(this);
test_replaceWithConditionalAssignment_withOneBlock() async {
String src = '''
class Person {
String _fullName;
void foo() {
/*LINT*/if (_fullName == null) {
_fullName = getFullUserName(this);
await findLint(src, LintNames.prefer_conditional_assignment);
class Person {
String _fullName;
void foo() {
_fullName ??= getFullUserName(this);
test_replaceWithConditionalAssignment_withoutBlock() async {
String src = '''
class Person {
String _fullName;
void foo() {
/*LINT*/if (_fullName == null)
_fullName = getFullUserName(this);
await findLint(src, LintNames.prefer_conditional_assignment);
class Person {
String _fullName;
void foo() {
_fullName ??= getFullUserName(this);
test_replaceWithConditionalAssignment_withTwoBlock() async {
String src = '''
class Person {
String _fullName;
void foo() {
/*LINT*/if (_fullName == null) {{
_fullName = getFullUserName(this);
await findLint(src, LintNames.prefer_conditional_assignment);
class Person {
String _fullName;
void foo() {
_fullName ??= getFullUserName(this);
test_replaceWithLiteral_linkedHashMap_withCommentsInGeneric() async {
String src = '''
import 'dart:collection';
final a = /*LINT*/new LinkedHashMap<int,/*comment*/int>();
await findLint(src, LintNames.prefer_collection_literals);
await applyFix(DartFixKind.REPLACE_WITH_LITERAL);
import 'dart:collection';
final a = <int,/*comment*/int>{};
test_replaceWithLiteral_linkedHashMap_withDynamicGenerics() async {
String src = '''
import 'dart:collection';
final a = /*LINT*/new LinkedHashMap<dynamic,dynamic>();
await findLint(src, LintNames.prefer_collection_literals);
await applyFix(DartFixKind.REPLACE_WITH_LITERAL);
import 'dart:collection';
final a = <dynamic,dynamic>{};
test_replaceWithLiteral_linkedHashMap_withGeneric() async {
String src = '''
import 'dart:collection';
final a = /*LINT*/new LinkedHashMap<int,int>();
await findLint(src, LintNames.prefer_collection_literals);
await applyFix(DartFixKind.REPLACE_WITH_LITERAL);
import 'dart:collection';
final a = <int,int>{};
test_replaceWithLiteral_linkedHashMap_withoutGeneric() async {
String src = '''
import 'dart:collection';
final a = /*LINT*/new LinkedHashMap();
await findLint(src, LintNames.prefer_collection_literals);
await applyFix(DartFixKind.REPLACE_WITH_LITERAL);
import 'dart:collection';
final a = {};
test_replaceWithLiteral_list_withGeneric() async {
String src = '''
final a = /*LINT*/new List<int>();
await findLint(src, LintNames.prefer_collection_literals);
await applyFix(DartFixKind.REPLACE_WITH_LITERAL);
final a = <int>[];
test_replaceWithLiteral_list_withoutGeneric() async {
String src = '''
final a = /*LINT*/new List();
await findLint(src, LintNames.prefer_collection_literals);
await applyFix(DartFixKind.REPLACE_WITH_LITERAL);
final a = [];
test_replaceWithLiteral_map_withGeneric() async {
String src = '''
final a = /*LINT*/new Map<int,int>();
await findLint(src, LintNames.prefer_collection_literals);
await applyFix(DartFixKind.REPLACE_WITH_LITERAL);
final a = <int,int>{};
test_replaceWithLiteral_map_withoutGeneric() async {
String src = '''
final a = /*LINT*/new Map();
await findLint(src, LintNames.prefer_collection_literals);
await applyFix(DartFixKind.REPLACE_WITH_LITERAL);
final a = {};
test_replaceWithTearOff_function_oneParameter() async {
String src = '''
final x = /*LINT*/(name) {
await findLint(src, LintNames.unnecessary_lambdas);
await applyFix(DartFixKind.REPLACE_WITH_TEAR_OFF);
final x = print;
test_replaceWithTearOff_function_zeroParameters() async {
String src = '''
void foo(){}
Function finalVar() {
return /*LINT*/() {
await findLint(src, LintNames.unnecessary_lambdas);
await applyFix(DartFixKind.REPLACE_WITH_TEAR_OFF);
void foo(){}
Function finalVar() {
return foo;
test_replaceWithTearOff_lambda_asArgument() async {
String src = '''
void foo() {
bool isPair(int a) => a % 2 == 0;
final finalList = <int>[];
finalList.where(/*LINT*/(number) =>
await findLint(src, LintNames.unnecessary_lambdas);
await applyFix(DartFixKind.REPLACE_WITH_TEAR_OFF);
void foo() {
bool isPair(int a) => a % 2 == 0;
final finalList = <int>[];
test_replaceWithTearOff_method_oneParameter() async {
String src = '''
var a = /*LINT*/(x) => finalList.remove(x);
await findLint(src, LintNames.unnecessary_lambdas);
await applyFix(DartFixKind.REPLACE_WITH_TEAR_OFF);
var a = finalList.remove;
test_replaceWithTearOff_method_zeroParameter() async {
String src = '''
final Object a;
Function finalVar() {
return /*LINT*/() {
return a.toString();
await findLint(src, LintNames.unnecessary_lambdas);
await applyFix(DartFixKind.REPLACE_WITH_TEAR_OFF);
final Object a;
Function finalVar() {
return a.toString;
void verifyResult(String expectedResult) {
expect(resultCode, expectedResult);
class _DartFixContextImpl implements DartFixContext {
final ResourceProvider resourceProvider;
final AnalysisDriver analysisDriver;
final AstProvider astProvider;
final CompilationUnit unit;
final AnalysisError error;
final List<AnalysisError> errors;
_DartFixContextImpl(this.resourceProvider, this.analysisDriver,
this.astProvider, this.unit, this.error, this.errors);
GetTopLevelDeclarations get getTopLevelDeclarations =>