Add tests for where coercions do and don't happen in patterns.
These tests reflect the intended behavior after lands.
Change-Id: I7ce1991dfc9b247b0c6ce6ee2714b5f207a4040d
Reviewed-by: Erik Ernst <>
Commit-Queue: Bob Nystrom <>
diff --git a/tests/language/patterns/call_tear_off_test.dart b/tests/language/patterns/call_tear_off_test.dart
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e5a9028
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/language/patterns/call_tear_off_test.dart
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2023, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
+// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
+// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+// SharedOptions=--enable-experiment=patterns,records
+/// Test that implicit call tear-offs are inserted based on the pattern's
+/// context type, but not when destructuring.
+import "package:expect/expect.dart";
+main() {
+ testValueExpression();
+ testDestructureRefutable();
+class C {
+ const C();
+ int call(int x) => x;
+class Box<T> {
+ final T value;
+ Box(this.value);
+typedef IntFn = int Function(int);
+void testValueExpression() {
+ // Inserts tear-off in value expression.
+ var (IntFn a) = C();
+ Expect.isTrue(a is IntFn);
+ Expect.isFalse(a is C);
+ var (IntFn b,) = (C(),);
+ Expect.isTrue(b is IntFn);
+ Expect.isFalse(b is C);
+ var [IntFn c] = [C()];
+ Expect.isTrue(c is IntFn);
+ Expect.isFalse(c is C);
+ var {'x': IntFn d} = {'x': C()};
+ Expect.isTrue(d is IntFn);
+ Expect.isFalse(d is C);
+ var Box<IntFn>(value: e) = Box(C());
+ Expect.isTrue(e is IntFn);
+ Expect.isFalse(e is C);
+void testDestructureRefutable() {
+ // Does not tear-off during destructuring. In a refutable pattern, this means
+ // the value doesn't match the tested type.
+ (C,) record = (C(),);
+ if (record case (IntFn b,)) {
+'Should not match.');
+ }
+ List<C> list = [C()];
+ if (list case [IntFn c]) {
+'Should not match.');
+ }
+ Map<String, C> map = {'x': C()};
+ if (map case {'x': IntFn d}) {
+'Should not match.');
+ }
+ Box<C> box = Box(C());
+ if (box case Box(value: IntFn e)) {
+'Should not match.');
+ }