blob: b01e544332629e5510ba4fedb768b83914bcbf7a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
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/// Null pattern implementation of the [CompilerOutput] interface.
library compiler.null_api;
import '../compiler_new.dart';
/// Null pattern implementation of the [CompilerOutput] interface.
class NullCompilerOutput implements CompilerOutput {
const NullCompilerOutput();
OutputSink createOutputSink(String name, String extension, OutputType type) {
return NullSink.outputProvider(name, extension, type);
BinaryOutputSink createBinarySink(Uri uri) {
return new NullBinarySink(uri);
/// A sink that drains into /dev/null.
class NullSink implements OutputSink {
final String name;
void add(String value) {}
void close() {}
String toString() => name;
/// Convenience method for getting an [api.CompilerOutputProvider].
static NullSink outputProvider(
String name, String extension, OutputType type) {
return new NullSink('$name.$extension.$type');
class NullBinarySink implements BinaryOutputSink {
final Uri uri;
void write(List<int> buffer, [int start = 0, int end]) {}
void close() {}
String toString() => 'NullBinarySink($uri)';