blob: 1733898d2c6fdfe0b9759347b9b56088912c48e7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:kernel/ast.dart' as ir;
/// Helper class that traverses a kernel AST subtree to see if it has any
/// continue statements in the body of any switch cases (having continue
/// statements results in a more complex generated code).
class SwitchContinueAnalysis extends ir.Visitor<bool> {
static bool containsContinue(ir.Statement switchCaseBody) {
return switchCaseBody.accept(new SwitchContinueAnalysis._());
bool visitContinueSwitchStatement(ir.ContinueSwitchStatement continueStmt) {
// TODO(efortuna): Check what the target of this continue statement actually
// IS, because depending on where the label points if we have a nested
// switch statement we might be able to output simpler code (not the complex
// switch statement).
return true;
bool visitBlock(ir.Block block) {
for (ir.Statement statement in block.statements) {
if (statement.accept(this)) {
return true;
return false;
bool visitLabeledStatement(ir.LabeledStatement statement) {
return statement.body.accept(this);
bool visitDoStatement(ir.DoStatement doStatement) {
return doStatement.body.accept(this);
bool visitForStatement(ir.ForStatement forStatement) {
return forStatement.body.accept(this);
bool visitForInStatement(ir.ForInStatement forInStatement) {
return forInStatement.body.accept(this);
bool visitSwitchStatement(ir.SwitchStatement switchStatement) {
for (var switchCase in switchStatement.cases) {
if (switchCase.accept(this)) {
return true;
return false;
bool visitSwitchCase(ir.SwitchCase switchCase) {
return switchCase.body.accept(this);
bool visitIfStatement(ir.IfStatement ifStatement) {
return ifStatement.then.accept(this) ||
(ifStatement.otherwise != null && ifStatement.otherwise.accept(this));
bool visitTryCatch(ir.TryCatch tryCatch) {
if (tryCatch.body.accept(this)) {
for (var catchStatement in tryCatch.catches) {
if (catchStatement.accept(this)) {
return true;
return false;
bool visitWhileStatement(ir.WhileStatement statement) {
return statement.body.accept(this);
bool visitCatch(ir.Catch catchStatement) {
return catchStatement.body.accept(this);
bool visitTryFinally(ir.TryFinally tryFinally) {
return tryFinally.body.accept(this) && tryFinally.finalizer.accept(this);
bool visitFunctionDeclaration(ir.FunctionDeclaration declaration) {
return declaration.function.accept(this);
bool visitFunctionNode(ir.FunctionNode node) {
return node.body.accept(this);
bool defaultStatement(ir.Statement node) {
if (node is ir.ExpressionStatement ||
node is ir.EmptyStatement ||
node is ir.BreakStatement ||
node is ir.ReturnStatement ||
node is ir.AssertStatement ||
node is ir.YieldStatement ||
node is ir.VariableDeclaration) {
return false;
throw 'Statement type ${node.runtimeType} not handled in '
bool defaultNode(ir.Node node) => false;