blob: 9baaf86f2ab298399980376f6ab023f2028b1b6c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
class C {
factory C.fact() => null;
factory C.fact2() = D;
C.nonFact2() : this.nonFact();
static void staticFunction(int i) {}
class D extends C {}
void topLevelFunction(int i) {}
bad() {
void localFunction(int i) {}
List<int> a = <Object> /*@error=InvalidCastLiteralList*/ [];
Map<int, String> b = <Object, String> /*@error=InvalidCastLiteralMap*/ {};
Map<int, String> c = <int, Object> /*@error=InvalidCastLiteralMap*/ {};
int Function(Object) d = /*@error=InvalidCastFunctionExpr*/ (int i) => i;
D e = new C.fact();
D f = new C.fact2();
D g = new /*@error=InvalidCastNewExpr*/ C.nonFact();
D h = new /*@error=InvalidCastNewExpr*/ C.nonFact2();
void Function(Object) i =
C. /*@error=InvalidCastStaticMethod*/ staticFunction;
void Function(Object)
j = /*@error=InvalidCastTopLevelFunction*/ topLevelFunction;
void Function(Object) k = /*@error=InvalidCastLocalFunction*/ localFunction;
ok() {
void localFunction(int i) {}
List<int> a = <int>[];
Map<int, String> b = <int, String>{};
Map<int, String> c = <int, String>{};
int Function(int) d = (int i) => i;
D e = new C.fact();
D f = new C.fact2();
C g = new C.nonFact();
C h = new C.nonFact2();
void Function(int) i = C.staticFunction;
void Function(int) j = topLevelFunction;
void Function(int) k = localFunction;
main() {}