blob: 746c5114ca269e5cfd98ae7911b8cd0a30cb93ab [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
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/// Logic to deobfuscate minified names that appear in error messages.
import 'package:source_maps/source_maps.dart';
import 'dart2js_mapping.dart';
import 'trace.dart';
String translate(String error, Dart2jsMapping mapping, StackTraceLine line,
TargetEntry entry) {
for (var decoder in _errorMapDecoders) {
var result = decoder.decode(error, mapping, line, entry);
// More than one decoder might be applied on a single error message. This
// can be useful, for example, if an error contains details about a member
// and the type.
if (result != null) error = result;
return error;
/// A decoder that matches an error against a regular expression and
/// uses data from the source-file and source-map file to translate minified
/// names to un-minified names.
abstract class ErrorMapDecoder {
RegExp get _matcher;
/// Decode [error] that was reported in [line] and has a corresponding [entry]
/// in the source-map file. The provided [mapping] includes additional
/// minification data that may be used to decode the error message.
String decode(String error, Dart2jsMapping mapping, StackTraceLine line,
TargetEntry entry) {
if (error == null) return null;
var match = _matcher.firstMatch(error);
if (match == null) return null;
var result = _decodeInternal(match, mapping, line, entry);
if (result == null) return null;
return '${error.substring(0, match.start)}'
'$result${error.substring(match.end, error.length)}';
String _decodeInternal(Match match, Dart2jsMapping mapping,
StackTraceLine line, TargetEntry entry);
typedef String ErrorDecoder(Match match, Dart2jsMapping mapping,
StackTraceLine line, TargetEntry entry);
class MinifiedNameDecoder extends ErrorMapDecoder {
final RegExp _matcher = new RegExp("minified:([a-zA-Z]*)");
String _decodeInternal(Match match, Dart2jsMapping mapping,
StackTraceLine line, TargetEntry entry) {
var minifiedName =;
var name = mapping.globalNames[minifiedName];
if (name == null) return null;
return name;
class CannotReadPropertyDecoder extends ErrorMapDecoder {
final RegExp _matcher = new RegExp("Cannot read property '([^']*)' of");
String _decodeInternal(Match match, Dart2jsMapping mapping,
StackTraceLine line, TargetEntry entry) {
var minifiedName =;
var name = mapping.instanceNames[minifiedName];
if (name == null) return null;
return "Cannot read property '$name' of";
List<ErrorMapDecoder> _errorMapDecoders = [
new MinifiedNameDecoder(),
new CannotReadPropertyDecoder()