blob: 550fe92960f54ca37e70da20b971d6acdb282294 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import "package:expect/expect.dart";
class A {}
class B extends A {
static Object returnValue;
static Object argument;
Object operator +(Object x) {
argument = x;
return returnValue;
void main() {
B origB = new B();
B b = origB;
B.returnValue = new B();
B.argument = null;
Expect.identical(B.returnValue, b += 2); // No error - types compatible
Expect.identical(B.returnValue, b);
Expect.identical(2, B.argument);
b = origB;
B.returnValue = new A();
B.argument = null;
Expect.throwsTypeError(() {
b += 3;
// The exception should have happened after the call to operator+ but before
// the assignment to b.
Expect.identical(origB, b);
Expect.identical(3, B.argument);
b = origB;
B.returnValue = new B();
B.argument = null;
Expect.identical(B.returnValue, ++b); // No error - types compatible
Expect.identical(B.returnValue, b);
Expect.identical(1, B.argument);
b = origB;
B.returnValue = new A();
B.argument = null;
Expect.throwsTypeError(() {
// The exception should have happened after the call to operator+ but before
// the assignment to b.
Expect.identical(origB, b);
Expect.identical(1, B.argument);
b = origB;
B.returnValue = new B();
B.argument = null;
Expect.identical(origB, b++); // No error - types compatible
Expect.identical(B.returnValue, b);
Expect.identical(1, B.argument);
b = origB;
B.returnValue = new A();
B.argument = null;
Expect.throwsTypeError(() {
// The exception should have happened after the call to operator+ but before
// the assignment to b.
Expect.identical(origB, b);
Expect.identical(1, B.argument);