blob: 857a3ec87e70057a4ccbfee46790549240fd9782 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2022, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Runner V8/JSShell script for testing dart2wasm, takes ".wasm" files as
// arguments.
// Run as follows on D8:
// $> d8 run_wasm.js \
// -- /abs/path/to/<dart_module>.mjs <dart_module>.wasm [<ffi_module>.wasm] \
// [-- Dart commandline arguments...]
// Run as follows on JSC:
// $> export JSC_useWebAssemblyTypedFunctionReferences=1
// $> export JSC_useWebAssemblyExtendedConstantExpressions=1
// $> export JSC_useWebAssemblyGC=1
// $> jsc run_wasm.js -- <dart_module>.ms <dart_module>.wasm \
// [-- Dart commandline arguments...]
// Run as follows on JSShell:
// $> js run_wasm.js \
// /abs/path/to/<dart_module>.mjs <dart_module>.wasm [<ffi_module>.wasm] \
// [-- Dart commandline arguments...]
// (Notice the missing -- here!)
// Please note we require an absolute path for the JS runtime. This is a
// workaround for a discrepancy in D8. Specifically, `import`(used to load .mjs
// files) searches for imports relative to run_wasm.js, but `readbuffer`(used to
// read in .wasm files) searches relative to CWD. A path relative to
// `run_wasm.js` will also work.
// Or with the `run_dart2wasm_d8` helper script:
// $> sdk/bin/run_dart2wasm_d8 <dart_module>.wasm [<ffi_module>.wasm]
// If an FFI module is specified, it will be instantiated first, and its
// exports will be supplied as imports to the Dart module under the 'ffi'
// module name.
const jsRuntimeArg = 0;
const wasmArg = 1;
const ffiArg = 2;
// This script is intended to be used by D8, JSShell or JSC. We distinguish
// them by the functions they offer to read files:
// Engine | Shell | FileRead | Arguments
// --------------------------------------------------------------
// V8 | D8 | readbuffer | arguments (arg0 arg1)
// JavaScriptCore | JSC | readFile | arguments (arg0 arg1)
// SpiderMonkey | JSShell | readRelativeToScript | scriptArgs (-- arg0 arg1)
const isD8 = (typeof readbuffer === "function");
const isJSC = (typeof readFile === "function");
const isJSShell = (typeof readRelativeToScript === "function");
if (isD8) {
// D8's performance.measure is API incompatible with the browser version.
// (see also dart2js's `sdk/**/js_runtime/lib/preambles/d8.js`)
delete performance.measure;
// d8's `setTimeout` doesn't work as expected (it doesn't wait before calling
// the callback), and d8 also doesn't have `setInterval` and `queueMicrotask`.
// So we define our own event loop with these functions.
// The code below is copied form dart2js, with some modifications:
// sdk/lib/_internal/js_runtime/lib/preambles/d8.js
(function(self, scriptArguments) {
// Using strict mode to avoid accidentally defining global variables.
"use strict"; // Should be first statement of this function.
// Task queue as cyclic list queue.
var taskQueue = new Array(8); // Length is power of 2.
var head = 0;
var tail = 0;
var mask = taskQueue.length - 1;
function addTask(elem) {
taskQueue[head] = elem;
head = (head + 1) & mask;
if (head == tail) _growTaskQueue();
function removeTask() {
if (head == tail) return;
var result = taskQueue[tail];
taskQueue[tail] = undefined;
tail = (tail + 1) & mask;
return result;
function _growTaskQueue() {
// head == tail.
var length = taskQueue.length;
var split = head;
taskQueue.length = length * 2;
if (split * 2 < length) { // split < length / 2
for (var i = 0; i < split; i++) {
taskQueue[length + i] = taskQueue[i];
taskQueue[i] = undefined;
head += length;
} else {
for (var i = split; i < length; i++) {
taskQueue[length + i] = taskQueue[i];
taskQueue[i] = undefined;
tail += length;
mask = taskQueue.length - 1;
// Mapping from timer id to timer function.
// The timer id is written on the function as .$timerId.
// That field is cleared when the timer is cancelled, but it is not returned
// from the queue until its time comes.
var timerIds = {};
var timerIdCounter = 1; // Counter used to assign ids.
// Zero-timer queue as simple array queue using push/shift.
var zeroTimerQueue = [];
function addTimer(f, ms) {
ms = Math.max(0, ms);
var id = timerIdCounter++;
// A callback can be scheduled at most once.
console.assert(f.$timerId === undefined);
f.$timerId = id;
timerIds[id] = f;
if (ms == 0 && !isNextTimerDue()) {
} else {
addDelayedTimer(f, ms);
return id;
function nextZeroTimer() {
while (zeroTimerQueue.length > 0) {
var action = zeroTimerQueue.shift();
if (action.$timerId !== undefined) return action;
function nextEvent() {
var action = removeTask();
if (action) {
return action;
do {
action = nextZeroTimer();
if (action) break;
var nextList = nextDelayedTimerQueue();
if (!nextList) {
var newTime = nextList.shift();
zeroTimerQueue = nextList;
} while (true)
var id = action.$timerId;
clearTimerId(action, id);
return action;
// Mocking time.
var timeOffset = 0;
var now = function() {
// Install the mock Date object only once.
// Following calls to "now" will just use the new (mocked)
// method directly.
now =;
var originalDate = Date;
var originalNow =;
function advanceTimeTo(time) {
var now = originalNow();
if (timeOffset < time - now) {
timeOffset = time - now;
function installMockDate() {
var NewDate = function Date(Y, M, D, h, m, s, ms) {
if (this instanceof Date) {
// Assume a construct call.
switch (arguments.length) {
case 0: return new originalDate(originalNow() + timeOffset);
case 1: return new originalDate(Y);
case 2: return new originalDate(Y, M);
case 3: return new originalDate(Y, M, D);
case 4: return new originalDate(Y, M, D, h);
case 5: return new originalDate(Y, M, D, h, m);
case 6: return new originalDate(Y, M, D, h, m, s);
default: return new originalDate(Y, M, D, h, m, s, ms);
return new originalDate(originalNow() + timeOffset).toString();
NewDate.UTC = originalDate.UTC;
NewDate.parse = originalDate.parse; = function now() { return originalNow() + timeOffset; };
NewDate.prototype = originalDate.prototype;
originalDate.prototype.constructor = NewDate;
Date = NewDate;
// Heap priority queue with key index.
// Each entry is list of [timeout, callback1 ... callbackn].
var timerHeap = [];
var timerIndex = {};
function addDelayedTimer(f, ms) {
var timeout = now() + ms;
var timerList = timerIndex[timeout];
if (timerList == null) {
timerList = [timeout, f];
timerIndex[timeout] = timerList;
var index = timerHeap.length;
timerHeap.length += 1;
bubbleUp(index, timeout, timerList);
} else {
function isNextTimerDue() {
if (timerHeap.length == 0) return false;
var head = timerHeap[0];
return head[0] < originalNow() + timeOffset;
function nextDelayedTimerQueue() {
if (timerHeap.length == 0) return null;
var result = timerHeap[0];
var last = timerHeap.pop();
if (timerHeap.length > 0) {
bubbleDown(0, last[0], last);
return result;
function bubbleUp(index, key, value) {
while (index != 0) {
var parentIndex = (index - 1) >> 1;
var parent = timerHeap[parentIndex];
var parentKey = parent[0];
if (key > parentKey) break;
timerHeap[index] = parent;
index = parentIndex;
timerHeap[index] = value;
function bubbleDown(index, key, value) {
while (true) {
var leftChildIndex = index * 2 + 1;
if (leftChildIndex >= timerHeap.length) break;
var minChildIndex = leftChildIndex;
var minChild = timerHeap[leftChildIndex];
var minChildKey = minChild[0];
var rightChildIndex = leftChildIndex + 1;
if (rightChildIndex < timerHeap.length) {
var rightChild = timerHeap[rightChildIndex];
var rightKey = rightChild[0];
if (rightKey < minChildKey) {
minChildIndex = rightChildIndex;
minChild = rightChild;
minChildKey = rightKey;
if (minChildKey > key) break;
timerHeap[index] = minChild;
index = minChildIndex;
timerHeap[index] = value;
function addInterval(f, ms) {
ms = Math.max(0, ms);
var id = timerIdCounter++;
function repeat() {
// Reactivate with the same id.
repeat.$timerId = id;
timerIds[id] = repeat;
addDelayedTimer(repeat, ms);
repeat.$timerId = id;
timerIds[id] = repeat;
addDelayedTimer(repeat, ms);
return id;
function cancelTimer(id) {
var f = timerIds[id];
if (f == null) return;
clearTimerId(f, id);
function clearTimerId(f, id) {
f.$timerId = undefined;
delete timerIds[id];
async function eventLoop(action) {
if (isJSC) asyncTestStart(1);
while (action) {
try {
await action();
} catch (e) {
// JSC doesn't report/print uncaught async exceptions for some reason.
if (isJSC) {
print('Error: ' + e);
print('Stack: ' + e.stack);
if (typeof onerror == "function") {
onerror(e, null, -1);
} else {
throw e;
action = nextEvent();
if (isJSC) asyncTestPassed();
// Global properties. "self" refers to the global object, so adding a
// property to "self" defines a global variable.
self.self = self;
self.dartMainRunner = function(main, ignored_args) {
// Initialize.
var action = async function() { await main(scriptArguments, null); }
self.setTimeout = addTimer;
self.clearTimeout = cancelTimer;
self.setInterval = addInterval;
self.clearInterval = cancelTimer;
self.queueMicrotask = addTask;
// Signals `Stopwatch._initTicker` to use `` to get ticks instead of
// ``, as it's not available in d8.
self.dartUseDateNowForTicks = true;
})(this, []);
// We would like this itself to be a ES module rather than a script, but
// unfortunately d8 does not return a failed error code if an unhandled
// exception occurs asynchronously in an ES module.
const main = async () => {
var args = (isD8 || isJSC) ? arguments : scriptArgs;
var dartArgs = [];
const argsSplit = args.indexOf("--");
if (argsSplit != -1) {
dartArgs = args.slice(argsSplit + 1);
args = args.slice(0, argsSplit);
const dart2wasm = await import(args[jsRuntimeArg]);
/// Returns whether the `js-string` built-in is supported.
function detectImportedStrings() {
let bytes = [
0, 97, 115, 109, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 4, 1, 96, 0,
0, 2, 23, 1, 14, 119, 97, 115, 109, 58, 106, 115, 45,
115, 116, 114, 105, 110, 103, 4, 99, 97, 115, 116, 0, 0
return !WebAssembly.validate(
new Uint8Array(bytes), {builtins: ['js-string']});
function compile(filename, withJsStringBuiltins) {
// Create a Wasm module from the binary Wasm file.
var bytes;
if (isJSC) {
bytes = readFile(filename, "binary");
} else if (isD8) {
bytes = readbuffer(filename);
} else {
bytes = readRelativeToScript(filename, "binary");
return WebAssembly.compile(
withJsStringBuiltins ? {builtins: ['js-string']} : {}
globalThis.window ??= globalThis;
let importObject = {};
// Is an FFI module specified?
if (args.length > 2) {
// Instantiate FFI module.
var ffiInstance = await WebAssembly.instantiate(await compile(args[ffiArg], false), {});
// Make its exports available as imports under the 'ffi' module name.
importObject.ffi = ffiInstance.exports;
// Instantiate the Dart module, importing from the global scope.
var dartInstance = await dart2wasm.instantiate(
compile(args[wasmArg], detectImportedStrings()),
// Call `main`. If tasks are placed into the event loop (by scheduling tasks
// explicitly or awaiting Futures), these will automatically keep the script
// alive even after `main` returns.
await dart2wasm.invoke(dartInstance, ...dartArgs);
dartMainRunner(main, []);