blob: 40c664ca31414a939dfd87409f64a35125c6ada2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library vm.metadata.bytecode;
import 'package:kernel/ast.dart';
import '../bytecode/constant_pool.dart' show ConstantPool;
import '../bytecode/disassembler.dart' show BytecodeDisassembler;
import '../bytecode/exceptions.dart' show ExceptionsTable;
/// Metadata containing bytecode.
/// In kernel binary, bytecode metadata is encoded as following:
/// type BytecodeMetadata {
/// UInt flags (HasExceptionsTable, HasNullableFields, HasClosures)
/// ConstantPool constantPool
/// List<Byte> bytecodes
/// (optional, present if HasExceptionsTable)
/// ExceptionsTable exceptionsTable
/// (optional, present if HasNullableFields)
/// List<CanonicalName> nullableFields
/// (optional, present if HasClosures)
/// List<ClosureBytecode> closures
/// }
/// type ClosureBytecode {
/// ConstantIndex closureFunction
/// List<Byte> bytecodes
/// ExceptionsTable exceptionsTable
/// }
/// Encoding of ExceptionsTable is described in
/// pkg/vm/lib/bytecode/exceptions.dart.
/// Encoding of ConstantPool is described in
/// pkg/vm/lib/bytecode/constant_pool.dart.
class BytecodeMetadata {
static const hasExceptionsTableFlag = 1 << 0;
static const hasNullableFieldsFlag = 1 << 1;
static const hasClosuresFlag = 1 << 2;
final ConstantPool constantPool;
final List<int> bytecodes;
final ExceptionsTable exceptionsTable;
final List<Reference> nullableFields;
final List<ClosureBytecode> closures;
bool get hasExceptionsTable => exceptionsTable.blocks.isNotEmpty;
bool get hasNullableFields => nullableFields.isNotEmpty;
bool get hasClosures => closures.isNotEmpty;
int get flags =>
(hasExceptionsTable ? hasExceptionsTableFlag : 0) |
(hasNullableFields ? hasNullableFieldsFlag : 0) |
(hasClosures ? hasClosuresFlag : 0);
BytecodeMetadata(this.constantPool, this.bytecodes, this.exceptionsTable,
this.nullableFields, this.closures);
// TODO(alexmarkov): Consider printing constant pool before bytecode.
String toString() => "\n"
"Bytecode {\n"
"${new BytecodeDisassembler().disassemble(bytecodes, exceptionsTable)}}\n"
"${nullableFields.isEmpty ? '' : 'Nullable fields: ${ => ref.asField).toList()}\n'}"
/// Bytecode of a nested function (closure).
/// Closures share the constant pool of a top-level member.
class ClosureBytecode {
final int closureFunctionConstantIndex;
final List<int> bytecodes;
final ExceptionsTable exceptionsTable;
this.closureFunctionConstantIndex, this.bytecodes, this.exceptionsTable);
void writeToBinary(BinarySink sink) {
factory ClosureBytecode.readFromBinary(BinarySource source) {
final closureFunctionConstantIndex = source.readUInt();
final List<int> bytecodes = source.readByteList();
final exceptionsTable = new ExceptionsTable.readFromBinary(source);
return new ClosureBytecode(
closureFunctionConstantIndex, bytecodes, exceptionsTable);
String toString() {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
sb.writeln('Closure CP#$closureFunctionConstantIndex {');
new BytecodeDisassembler().disassemble(bytecodes, exceptionsTable));
return sb.toString();
/// Repository for [BytecodeMetadata].
class BytecodeMetadataRepository extends MetadataRepository<BytecodeMetadata> {
final String tag = 'vm.bytecode';
final Map<TreeNode, BytecodeMetadata> mapping =
<TreeNode, BytecodeMetadata>{};
void writeToBinary(BytecodeMetadata metadata, Node node, BinarySink sink) {
metadata.constantPool.writeToBinary(node, sink);
if (metadata.hasExceptionsTable) {
if (metadata.hasNullableFields) {
metadata.nullableFields.forEach((ref) => sink
if (metadata.hasClosures) {
metadata.closures.forEach((c) => c.writeToBinary(sink));
BytecodeMetadata readFromBinary(Node node, BinarySource source) {
int flags = source.readUInt();
final ConstantPool constantPool =
new ConstantPool.readFromBinary(node, source);
final List<int> bytecodes = source.readByteList();
final exceptionsTable =
((flags & BytecodeMetadata.hasExceptionsTableFlag) != 0)
? new ExceptionsTable.readFromBinary(source)
: new ExceptionsTable();
final List<Reference> nullableFields =
((flags & BytecodeMetadata.hasNullableFieldsFlag) != 0)
? new List<Reference>.generate(source.readUInt(),
(_) => source.readCanonicalNameReference().getReference())
: const <Reference>[];
final List<ClosureBytecode> closures =
((flags & BytecodeMetadata.hasClosuresFlag) != 0)
? new List<ClosureBytecode>.generate(source.readUInt(),
(_) => new ClosureBytecode.readFromBinary(source))
: const <ClosureBytecode>[];
return new BytecodeMetadata(
constantPool, bytecodes, exceptionsTable, nullableFields, closures);