blob: e343fc7628ca73756bb1cb845f976e56590fdee5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include "vm/compiler/ffi.h"
namespace dart {
namespace ffi {
#if defined(TARGET_ARCH_X64)
static const size_t kSizeUnknown = 0;
static const intptr_t kNumElementSizes = kFfiVoidCid - kFfiPointerCid + 1;
static const size_t element_size_table[kNumElementSizes] = {
sizeof(intptr_t), // kFfiPointerCid
kSizeUnknown, // kFfiNativeFunctionCid
1, // kFfiInt8Cid
2, // kFfiInt16Cid
4, // kFfiInt32Cid
8, // kFfiInt64Cid
1, // kFfiUint8Cid
2, // kFfiUint16Cid
4, // kFfiUint32Cid
8, // kFfiUint64Cid
sizeof(intptr_t), // kFfiIntPtrCid
4, // kFfiFloatCid
8, // kFfiDoubleCid
kSizeUnknown, // kFfiVoidCid
Representation WordRep() {
return compiler::target::kWordSize > 4 ? kUnboxedInt64 : kUnboxedInt32;
size_t ElementSizeInBytes(intptr_t class_id) {
ASSERT(class_id != kFfiNativeFunctionCid);
ASSERT(class_id != kFfiVoidCid);
if (!RawObject::IsFfiTypeClassId(class_id)) {
// subtype of Pointer
class_id = kFfiPointerCid;
intptr_t index = class_id - kFfiPointerCid;
return element_size_table[index];
bool ElementIsSigned(intptr_t class_id) {
switch (class_id) {
case kFfiFloatCid:
case kFfiDoubleCid:
case kFfiInt8Cid:
case kFfiInt16Cid:
case kFfiInt32Cid:
case kFfiInt64Cid:
case kFfiIntPtrCid:
return true;
case kFfiUint8Cid:
case kFfiUint16Cid:
case kFfiUint32Cid:
case kFfiUint64Cid:
case kFfiPointerCid:
default: // Subtypes of Pointer.
return false;
Representation TypeRepresentation(const AbstractType& result_type) {
switch (result_type.type_class_id()) {
case kFfiFloatCid:
case kFfiDoubleCid:
return kUnboxedDouble;
case kFfiInt8Cid:
case kFfiInt16Cid:
case kFfiInt32Cid:
case kFfiUint8Cid:
case kFfiUint16Cid:
case kFfiUint32Cid:
return kUnboxedInt32;
case kFfiInt64Cid:
case kFfiUint64Cid:
return kUnboxedInt64;
case kFfiIntPtrCid:
case kFfiPointerCid:
default: // Subtypes of Pointer.
return WordRep();
// Converts a Ffi [signature] to a list of Representations.
// Note that this ignores first argument (receiver) which is dynamic.
ZoneGrowableArray<Representation>* ArgumentRepresentations(
const Function& signature) {
intptr_t num_arguments = signature.num_fixed_parameters() - 1;
auto result = new ZoneGrowableArray<Representation>(num_arguments);
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < num_arguments; i++) {
AbstractType& arg_type =
AbstractType::Handle(signature.ParameterTypeAt(i + 1));
return result;
// Takes a list of argument representations, and converts it to a list of
// argument locations based on calling convention.
ZoneGrowableArray<Location>* ArgumentLocations(
const ZoneGrowableArray<Representation>& arg_reps) {
intptr_t num_arguments = arg_reps.length();
auto result = new ZoneGrowableArray<Location>(num_arguments);
result->FillWith(Location(), 0, num_arguments);
Location* data = result->data();
// Loop through all arguments and assign a register or a stack location.
intptr_t regs_used = 0;
intptr_t xmm_regs_used = 0;
intptr_t nth_stack_argument = 0;
bool on_stack;
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < num_arguments; i++) {
on_stack = true;
switch (arg_reps.At(i)) {
case kUnboxedInt32:
case kUnboxedInt64:
if (regs_used < CallingConventions::kNumArgRegs) {
data[i] = Location::RegisterLocation(
if (CallingConventions::kArgumentIntRegXorXmmReg) {
on_stack = false;
case kUnboxedDouble:
if (xmm_regs_used < CallingConventions::kNumXmmArgRegs) {
data[i] = Location::FpuRegisterLocation(
if (CallingConventions::kArgumentIntRegXorXmmReg) {
on_stack = false;
if (on_stack) {
// SAMIR_TODO: Is this correct?
data[i] = Location::StackSlot(nth_stack_argument, RSP);
return result;
size_t ElementSizeInBytes(intptr_t class_id) {
} // namespace ffi
} // namespace dart