blob: 8b6336a69749417fa62372557e6a6174c0cd48fc [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library test;
abstract class A {
int get x;
abstract class B {
int get x;
abstract class C {
num get x;
abstract class D {
double get x;
// Superclasses have a consistent type for `x` so inferrence succeeds.
class E extends A implements B {
var /*@topType=int*/ x;
// Superclasses don't have a consistent type for `x` so inference fails, even if
// the types are related.
class F extends A implements C {
var /*@topType=dynamic*/ /*@error=CantInferTypeDueToInconsistentOverrides*/ /*@error=OverrideTypeMismatchReturnType*/ /*@error=OverrideTypeMismatchReturnType*/ x;
class G extends A implements D {
var /*@topType=dynamic*/ /*@error=CantInferTypeDueToInconsistentOverrides*/ /*@error=OverrideTypeMismatchReturnType*/ /*@error=OverrideTypeMismatchReturnType*/ x;
class H extends C implements D {
var /*@topType=dynamic*/ /*@error=CantInferTypeDueToInconsistentOverrides*/ /*@error=OverrideTypeMismatchReturnType*/ /*@error=OverrideTypeMismatchReturnType*/ x;
main() {}