blob: 9ba85b88657e4803c026f565002242e1b38431f9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import "dart:async" show Future, Stream;
import "dart:convert" show utf8;
import "dart:io" show File;
import "dart:typed_data" show Uint8List;
import "package:testing/testing.dart"
show Chain, ChainContext, Result, Step, TestDescription, runMe;
import "package:yaml/yaml.dart" show YamlList, YamlMap, YamlNode, loadYamlNode;
import 'package:front_end/src/api_prototype/compiler_options.dart'
show CompilerOptions;
import 'package:front_end/src/api_prototype/memory_file_system.dart'
show MemoryFileSystem;
import 'package:front_end/src/compute_platform_binaries_location.dart'
show computePlatformBinariesLocation;
import 'package:front_end/src/fasta/fasta_codes.dart' show FormattedMessage;
import 'package:front_end/src/fasta/severity.dart'
show Severity, severityEnumValues;
import 'package:front_end/src/fasta/hybrid_file_system.dart'
show HybridFileSystem;
import "../../tool/_fasta/entry_points.dart" show BatchCompiler;
class MessageTestDescription extends TestDescription {
final Uri uri;
final String shortName;
final String name;
final YamlMap data;
final Example example;
final String problem;
MessageTestDescription(this.uri, this.shortName,,,
this.example, this.problem);
class MessageTestSuite extends ChainContext {
final List<Step> steps = const <Step>[
const Validate(),
const Compile(),
final MemoryFileSystem fileSystem;
final BatchCompiler compiler;
: fileSystem = new MemoryFileSystem(Uri.parse("org-dartlang-fasta:///")),
compiler = new BatchCompiler(null);
/// Convert all the examples found in `messages.yaml` to a test
/// description. In addition, create a test description for each kind of
/// problem that a message can have. This problem will then be reported as a
/// failure by the [Validate] step that can be suppressed via the status
/// file.
Stream<MessageTestDescription> list(Chain suite) async* {
Uri uri = suite.uri.resolve("messages.yaml");
File file = new File.fromUri(uri);
YamlMap messages = loadYamlNode(await file.readAsString(), sourceUrl: uri);
for (String name in messages.keys) {
YamlNode messageNode = messages.nodes[name];
var message = messageNode.value;
if (message is String) continue;
List<String> unknownKeys = <String>[];
List<Example> examples = <Example>[];
String externalTest;
bool frontendInternal = false;
String analyzerCode;
String dart2jsCode;
Severity severity;
YamlNode badSeverity;
for (String key in message.keys) {
YamlNode node = message.nodes[key];
var value = node.value;
switch (key) {
case "template":
case "tip":
case "severity":
severity = severityEnumValues[value];
if (severity == null) {
badSeverity = node;
case "frontendInternal":
frontendInternal = value;
case "analyzerCode":
analyzerCode = value;
case "dart2jsCode":
dart2jsCode = value;
case "bytes":
YamlList list = node;
if (list.first is List) {
for (YamlList bytes in list.nodes) {
int i = 0;
examples.add(new BytesExample("bytes${++i}", name, bytes));
} else {
examples.add(new BytesExample("bytes", name, list));
case "declaration":
if (node is YamlList) {
int i = 0;
for (YamlNode declaration in node.nodes) {
examples.add(new DeclarationExample(
"declaration${++i}", name, declaration));
} else {
examples.add(new DeclarationExample("declaration", name, node));
case "expression":
if (node is YamlList) {
int i = 0;
for (YamlNode expression in node.nodes) {
examples.add(new ExpressionExample(
"expression${++i}", name, expression));
} else {
examples.add(new ExpressionExample("expression", name, node));
case "script":
if (node is YamlList) {
int i = 0;
for (YamlNode script in node.nodes) {
.add(new ScriptExample("script${++i}", name, script, this));
} else {
examples.add(new ScriptExample("script", name, node, this));
case "statement":
if (node is YamlList) {
int i = 0;
for (YamlNode statement in node.nodes) {
new StatementExample("statement${++i}", name, statement));
} else {
examples.add(new StatementExample("statement", name, node));
case "external":
externalTest = node.value;
MessageTestDescription createDescription(
String subName, Example example, String problem,
{location}) {
String shortName = "$name/$subName";
if (problem != null) {
String filename = relativize(uri);
location ??= message.span.start;
int line = location.line;
int column = location.column;
problem = "$filename:$line:$column: error:\n$problem";
return new MessageTestDescription(uri.resolve("#$shortName"), shortName,
name, messageNode, example, problem);
for (Example example in examples) {
yield createDescription(, example, null);
yield createDescription(
? "Unknown keys: ${unknownKeys.join(' ')}."
: null);
yield createDescription(
badSeverity != null
? "Unknown severity: '${badSeverity.value}'."
: null,
location: badSeverity?.span?.start);
bool exampleAndAnalyzerCodeRequired = severity != Severity.context &&
severity != Severity.internalProblem &&
severity != Severity.ignored;
yield createDescription(
exampleAndAnalyzerCodeRequired &&
externalTest != null &&
!(new File.fromUri(suite.uri.resolve(externalTest))
? "Given external example for $name points to a nonexisting file "
: null);
yield createDescription(
exampleAndAnalyzerCodeRequired &&
examples.isEmpty &&
externalTest == null
? "No example for $name, please add at least one example."
: null);
yield createDescription(
exampleAndAnalyzerCodeRequired &&
!frontendInternal &&
analyzerCode == null
? "No analyzer code for $name."
"\nTry running"
" <BUILDDIR>/dart-sdk/bin/dartanalyzer --format=machine"
" on an example to find the code."
" The code is printed just before the file name."
: null);
yield createDescription(
exampleAndAnalyzerCodeRequired &&
!frontendInternal &&
analyzerCode != null &&
dart2jsCode == null
? "No dart2js code for $name."
" Try using *ignored* or *fatal*"
: null);
String formatProblems(String message, Example example, List<List> problems) {
var span = example.node.span;
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
..write(": error: ")
for (List problem in problems) {
FormattedMessage message = problem[0];
String formatted = message.formatted;
buffer.write("\nCode: ${}");
buffer.write("\n > ");
buffer.write(formatted.replaceAll("\n", "\n > "));
return "$buffer";
abstract class Example {
final String name;
final String expectedCode;
Example(, this.expectedCode);
YamlNode get node;
Uint8List get bytes;
Map<String, Uint8List> get scripts {
return {"main.dart": bytes};
class BytesExample extends Example {
final YamlList node;
final Uint8List bytes;
BytesExample(String name, String code, this.node)
: bytes = new Uint8List.fromList(node.value),
super(name, code);
class DeclarationExample extends Example {
final YamlNode node;
final String declaration;
DeclarationExample(String name, String code, this.node)
: declaration = node.value,
super(name, code);
Uint8List get bytes {
return new Uint8List.fromList(utf8.encode("""
main() {
class StatementExample extends Example {
final YamlNode node;
final String statement;
StatementExample(String name, String code, this.node)
: statement = node.value,
super(name, code);
Uint8List get bytes {
return new Uint8List.fromList(utf8.encode("""
main() {
class ExpressionExample extends Example {
final YamlNode node;
final String expression;
ExpressionExample(String name, String code, this.node)
: expression = node.value,
super(name, code);
Uint8List get bytes {
return new Uint8List.fromList(utf8.encode("""
main() {
class ScriptExample extends Example {
final YamlNode node;
final Object script;
ScriptExample(String name, String code, this.node, MessageTestSuite suite)
: script = node.value,
super(name, code) {
if (script is! String && script is! Map) {
throw suite.formatProblems(
"A script must be either a String or a Map in $code:",
this, <List>[]);
Uint8List get bytes => throw "Unsupported: ScriptExample.bytes";
Map<String, Uint8List> get scripts {
Object script = this.script;
if (script is Map) {
var scriptFiles = <String, Uint8List>{};
script.forEach((fileName, value) {
scriptFiles[fileName] = new Uint8List.fromList(utf8.encode(value));
return scriptFiles;
} else {
return {"main.dart": new Uint8List.fromList(utf8.encode(script))};
class Validate extends Step<MessageTestDescription, Example, MessageTestSuite> {
const Validate();
String get name => "validate";
Future<Result<Example>> run(
MessageTestDescription description, MessageTestSuite suite) async {
if (description.problem != null) {
return fail(null, description.problem);
} else {
return pass(description.example);
class Compile extends Step<Example, Null, MessageTestSuite> {
const Compile();
String get name => "compile";
Future<Result<Null>> run(Example example, MessageTestSuite suite) async {
if (example == null) return pass(null);
String dir = "${example.expectedCode}/${}";
example.scripts.forEach((String fileName, Uint8List bytes) {
Uri uri = suite.fileSystem.currentDirectory.resolve("$dir/$fileName");
Uri main = suite.fileSystem.currentDirectory.resolve("$dir/main.dart");
Uri output =
print("Compiling $main");
List<List> problems = <List>[];
await suite.compiler.batchCompile(
new CompilerOptions()
..sdkSummary = computePlatformBinariesLocation()
..fileSystem = new HybridFileSystem(suite.fileSystem)
..onProblem = (FormattedMessage problem, Severity severity,
List<FormattedMessage> context) {
problems.add([problem, severity]);
..strongMode = true,
List<List> unexpectedProblems = <List>[];
for (List problem in problems) {
FormattedMessage message = problem[0];
if ( != example.expectedCode) {
if (unexpectedProblems.isEmpty) {
switch (problems.length) {
case 0:
return fail(
suite.formatProblems("No problem reported in ${}:",
example, problems));
case 1:
return pass(null);
return fail(
"Problem reported multiple times in ${}:",
return fail(
suite.formatProblems("Too many problems reported in ${}:",
example, problems));
Future<MessageTestSuite> createContext(
Chain suite, Map<String, String> environment) async {
return new MessageTestSuite();
String relativize(Uri uri) {
String base = "${Uri.base}";
String filename = "$uri";
if (filename.startsWith(base)) {
return filename.substring(base.length);
} else {
return filename;
main([List<String> arguments = const []]) =>
runMe(arguments, createContext, "../../testing.json");