| # Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file |
| # for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a |
| # BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| [ $compiler == ddc ] |
| convert/chunked_conversion_utf88_test: Slow, Pass |
| convert/json_utf8_chunk_test: Slow, Pass |
| convert/streamed_conversion_utf8_decode_test: Slow, Pass # Issue 29922 |
| convert/utf85_test: Slow, Pass |
| html/callback_list_test: Skip # Test requires user interaction to accept permissions. |
| html/custom/entered_left_view/*: Skip # Issue 31577 |
| html/fileapi_*: SkipByDesign # Issue 53864 |
| html/interactive_geolocation_test: Skip # Requires allowing geo location. |
| isolate/*: SkipByDesign # No support for dart:isolate in dart4web (http://dartbug.com/30538) |
| js/js_util/js_prefix_test: SkipByDesign # JS$ prefix not implemented on ddc. |
| mirrors/*: SkipByDesign # Mirrors not supported on web in Dart 2.0. |
| typed_data/int64_list_load_store_test: SkipByDesign # ddc does not support Int64List |
| typed_data/typed_data_hierarchy_int64_test: SkipByDesign # ddc does not support Int64List |
| |
| [ $compiler == ddc && $runtime == chrome ] |
| html/canvasrendering/draw_image_video_element_test: SkipByDesign # Issue #53985: video is not played on Chrome inactive tabs |
| html/js_dispatch_property_test: Skip # Timeout Issue 31030 |
| html/request_animation_frame_test: SkipByDesign # Issue #53985: requestAnimationFrame is not executed on Chrome inactive tabs |
| html/transition_event_test: SkipByDesign # Issue #53985: css transitions are not executed on Chrome inactive tabs |
| |
| [ $compiler == ddc && $runtime == d8 ] |
| html/*: SkipByDesign # Browser tests |
| |
| [ $compiler == ddc && $runtime == ff ] |
| html/mediadevices_test: SkipByDesign # Not supported on FF, likely requires user-interaction that causes timeout |
| |
| [ $compiler == ddc && $system == linux ] |
| html/interactive_geolocation_test: Skip # Requires allowing geo location. |
| |
| [ $compiler == ddc && $system == macos ] |
| html/interactive_media_test: Skip # Requires interactive camera, microphone permissions. |
| |
| [ $compiler == ddc && $system == windows ] |
| html/xhr_test: Skip # Times out. Issue 21527 |