blob: 66322d7a6429c4c661a0c3ff53e45732e91d5c76 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import "vm_service_helper.dart" as vmService;
class VMServiceHeapHelperSpecificExactLeakFinder
extends vmService.LaunchingVMServiceHelper {
final Set _interestsClassNames = {};
final Map<Uri, Map<String, List<String>>> _interests =
new Map<Uri, Map<String, List<String>>>();
final Map<Uri, Map<String, List<String>>> _prettyPrints =
new Map<Uri, Map<String, List<String>>>();
final bool throwOnPossibleLeak;
bool verbose = false;
int? timeout;
List<Interest> interests = const [],
List<Interest> prettyPrints = const [],
this.throwOnPossibleLeak = false,
}) {
if (interests.isEmpty) throw "Empty list of interests given";
for (Interest interest in interests) {
Map<String, List<String>>? classToFields = _interests[interest.uri];
if (classToFields == null) {
classToFields = Map<String, List<String>>();
_interests[interest.uri] = classToFields;
List<String>? fields = classToFields[interest.className];
if (fields == null) {
fields = <String>[];
classToFields[interest.className] = fields;
for (Interest interest in prettyPrints) {
Map<String, List<String>>? classToFields = _prettyPrints[interest.uri];
if (classToFields == null) {
classToFields = Map<String, List<String>>();
_prettyPrints[interest.uri] = classToFields;
List<String>? fields = classToFields[interest.className];
if (fields == null) {
fields = <String>[];
classToFields[interest.className] = fields;
Future<void> pause() async {
await serviceClient.pause(!);
late vmService.VM _vm;
late vmService.IsolateRef _isolateRef;
late int _iterationNumber;
int get iterationNumber => _iterationNumber;
/// Best effort check if the isolate is idle.
Future<bool> isIdle() async {
dynamic tmp = await serviceClient.getIsolate(!);
if (tmp is vmService.Isolate) {
vmService.Isolate isolate = tmp;
return isolate.pauseEvent!.topFrame == null;
return false;
bool _processHasExited = false;
void processExited(int exitCode) {
_processHasExited = true;
Future<void> run() async {
_vm = await serviceClient.getVM();
if (_vm.isolates!.length == 0) {
print("Didn't get any isolates. Will wait 1 second and retry.");
await Future.delayed(new Duration(seconds: 1));
_vm = await serviceClient.getVM();
if (_vm.isolates!.length != 1) {
throw "Expected 1 isolate, got ${_vm.isolates!.length}";
_isolateRef = _vm.isolates!.single;
await forceGC(!);
assert(await isPausedAtStart(!));
await serviceClient.resume(!);
_iterationNumber = 1;
while (true) {
if (!shouldDoAnotherIteration(_iterationNumber)) break;
Future<bool> f = waitUntilPaused(!);
if (timeout != null) {
f = f.timeout(new Duration(seconds: timeout!));
try {
await f;
} catch (e) {
await Future.delayed(const Duration(seconds: 2));
if (_processHasExited) {
// Seems OK for it to have thrown when the process exited
// Process is still alive so don't swallow the throw.
print("Iteration: #$_iterationNumber");
Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch()..start();
vmService.AllocationProfile allocationProfile =
await forceGC(!);
print("Forced GC in ${stopwatch.elapsedMilliseconds} ms");
List<Leak> leaks = [];
for (vmService.ClassHeapStats member in allocationProfile.members!) {
if (_interestsClassNames.contains(member.classRef!.name)) {
vmService.Class c = (await serviceClient.getObject(!, member.classRef!.id!)) as vmService.Class;
String? uriString = c.location?.script?.uri;
if (uriString == null) continue;
Uri uri = Uri.parse(uriString);
Map<String, List<String>>? uriInterest = _interests[uri];
if (uriInterest == null) continue;
List<String>? fieldsForClass = uriInterest[];
if (fieldsForClass == null) continue;
List<String> fieldsForClassPrettyPrint = fieldsForClass;
uriInterest = _prettyPrints[uri];
if (uriInterest != null) {
if (uriInterest[] != null) {
fieldsForClassPrettyPrint = uriInterest[]!;
if (member.instancesCurrent != 0) {
if (verbose) {
print("Has ${member.instancesCurrent} instances of "
leaks.addAll(await _findLeaks(_isolateRef, member.classRef!,
fieldsForClass, fieldsForClassPrettyPrint));
if (leaks.isNotEmpty) {
for (Leak leak in leaks) {
leakDetected(leak.duplicate, leak.count, leak.prettyPrints);
if (throwOnPossibleLeak) {
throw "Leaks found";
} else {
print("Looked for leaks in ${stopwatch.elapsedMilliseconds} ms");
Future<vmService.Success> f = serviceClient.resume(!);
if (timeout != null) {
f = f.timeout(new Duration(seconds: timeout!));
await f;
Future<List<Leak>> _findLeaks(
vmService.IsolateRef isolateRef,
vmService.ClassRef classRef,
List<String> fieldsForClass,
List<String> fieldsForClassPrettyPrint) async {
vmService.InstanceRef instancesAsList =
(await serviceClient.getInstancesAsList(!,!,
includeSubclasses: false,
includeImplementers: false,
// Create dart code that `toString`s a class instance according to
// the fields given as wanting printed. Both for finding duplicates (1) and
// for pretty printing entries (for instance to be able to differentiate
// them) (2).
// 1:
String fieldsToStringCode =! +
"[" +
.map((value) => "$value: \"\${element.$value}\"")
.join(", ") +
// 2:
String fieldsToStringPrettyPrintCode =! +
"[" +
.map((value) => "$value: \"\${element.$value}\"")
.join(", ") +
// Expression evaluation to find duplicates: Put all entries into a map
// indexed by the `toString` code created above, mapping to list of that
// data.
vmService.InstanceRef mappedData = (await serviceClient.evaluate(!,!,
.fold({}, (dynamic index, dynamic element) {
String key = '$fieldsToStringCode';
var list = index[key] ??= [];
return index;
)) as vmService.InstanceRef;
// Expression calculation to find if any of the lists created as values
// above contains more than one entry (i.e. there's a duplicate).
vmService.InstanceRef duplicatesLengthRef = (await serviceClient.evaluate(!,!,
.where((dynamic element) => (element.length > 1) as bool)
)) as vmService.InstanceRef;
vmService.Instance duplicatesLength = (await serviceClient.getObject(!,!)) as vmService.Instance;
int? duplicates = int.tryParse(duplicatesLength.valueAsString!);
if (duplicates != 0) {
// There are duplicates. Expression calculation to encode the duplication
// data (both the string that caused it to be a duplicate and the pretty
// prints) as a string (to be able to easily get a hold of it here).
// It filters out the duplicates and then encodes it with a simple scheme
// of length-prefixed strings (and with everything separated by colons),
// e.g. encode the string "string" as "6:string" (length 6, string),
// and the list ["foo", "bar"] as "2:3:foo:3:bar" (2 entries, length 3,
// foo, length 3, bar).
vmService.ObjRef duplicatesDataRef = (await serviceClient.evaluate(!,!,
.where((element) => (element.value as List).length > 1)
.map((dynamic e) {
var keyPart = "\${e.key.length}:\${e.key}";
List value = e.value as List;
var valuePart1 = "\${value.length}";
var valuePart2 = value
.map((element) => '$fieldsToStringPrettyPrintCode')
.map((element) => "\${element.length}:\$element")
return "\${keyPart}:\${valuePart1}:\${valuePart2}";
)) as vmService.ObjRef;
if (duplicatesDataRef is! vmService.InstanceRef) {
if (duplicatesDataRef is vmService.ErrorRef) {
vmService.Error error = (await serviceClient.getObject(!,!)) as vmService.Error;
throw "Leak found, but trying to evaluate pretty printing "
"didn't go as planned.\n"
"Got error with message "
} else {
throw "Leak found, but trying to evaluate pretty printing "
"didn't go as planned.\n"
"Got type '${duplicatesDataRef.runtimeType}':"
vmService.Instance duplicatesData = (await serviceClient.getObject(!,!)) as vmService.Instance;
String encodedData = duplicatesData.valueAsString!;
try {
return parseEncodedLeakString(encodedData);
} catch (e) {
print("Failure on decoding '$encodedData'");
} else {
// No leaks.
return [];
static List<Leak> parseEncodedLeakString(String leakString) {
int index = 0;
int parseInt() {
int endPartIndex = leakString.indexOf(":", index);
String part = leakString.substring(index, endPartIndex);
int value = int.parse(part);
index = endPartIndex + 1;
return value;
String parseString() {
int value = parseInt();
String string = leakString.substring(index, index + value);
index = index + value + 1;
return string;
List<Leak> result = [];
while (index < leakString.length) {
String duplicate = parseString();
int count = parseInt();
List<String> prettyPrints = [];
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
String data = parseString();
result.add(new Leak(duplicate, count, prettyPrints));
return result;
int _latestLeakIteration = -1;
void leakDetected(String duplicate, int count, List<String> prettyPrints) {
if (_iterationNumber != _latestLeakIteration) {
print("WARNING: Duplicated pretty prints of objects.");
print("This might be a memory leak!");
_latestLeakIteration = _iterationNumber;
print("$duplicate ($count)");
for (String prettyPrint in prettyPrints) {
print(" => ${prettyPrint}");
void noLeakDetected() {}
bool shouldDoAnotherIteration(int iterationNumber) {
return true;
class Interest {
final Uri uri;
final String className;
final List<String> fieldNames;
Interest(this.uri, this.className, this.fieldNames);
class Leak {
final String duplicate;
final int count;
final List<String> prettyPrints;
Leak(this.duplicate, this.count, this.prettyPrints);