blob: 5f8b8d3f3c2d87e33f520a7e10178e9c029b77d1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:front_end/src/api_prototype/front_end.dart';
import 'package:front_end/src/testing/compiler_common.dart';
import 'package:kernel/kernel.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
void main() {
test('summary has no source-info by default', () async {
var summary = await summarize(['a.dart'], allSources);
var component = loadComponentFromBytes(summary!);
// Note: the kernel representation always includes the Uri entries, but
// doesn't include the actual source here.
for (Source source in component.uriToSource.values) {
expect(source.source.length, 0);
expect(source.lineStarts!.length, 0);
test('summary includes declarations, but no method bodies', () async {
var summary = await summarize(['a.dart'], allSources);
var component = loadComponentFromBytes(summary!);
var aLib = findLibrary(component, 'a.dart');
expect(aLib.importUri.path, '/a/b/c/a.dart');
var classA = aLib.classes.first;
expect(, 'A');
var fooMethod = classA.procedures.first;
expect(, 'foo');
expect(fooMethod.function.body is EmptyStatement, isTrue);
test('dependencies can be combined without conflict', () async {
var summaryA = await summarize(['a.dart'], allSources);
var sourcesWithA = new Map<String, dynamic>.from(allSources);
sourcesWithA['a.dill'] = summaryA;
var summaryBC = await summarize(['b.dart', 'c.dart'], sourcesWithA,
additionalDills: ['a.dill']);
var sourcesWithABC = new Map<String, dynamic>.from(sourcesWithA);
sourcesWithABC['bc.dill'] = summaryBC;
// Note: a is loaded first, bc.dill have a.dart as an external reference so
// we want to ensure loading them here will not create a problem.
var summaryD = await summarize(['d.dart'], sourcesWithABC,
additionalDills: ['a.dill', 'bc.dill']);
test('dependencies can be combined in any order', () async {
var summaryA = await summarize(['a.dart'], allSources);
var sourcesWithA = new Map<String, dynamic>.from(allSources);
sourcesWithA['a.dill'] = summaryA;
var summaryBC = await summarize(['b.dart', 'c.dart'], sourcesWithA,
additionalDills: ['a.dill']);
var sourcesWithABC = new Map<String, dynamic>.from(sourcesWithA);
sourcesWithABC['bc.dill'] = summaryBC;
// Note: unlike the previous test now bc.dill is loaded first and contains
// an external definition of library a.dart. Using this order also works
// because we share a CanonicalName root to resolve names across multiple
// dill files and because of how the kernel loader merges definitions.
var summaryD = await summarize(['d.dart'], sourcesWithABC,
additionalDills: ['bc.dill', 'a.dill']);
test('dependencies not included in truncated summaries', () async {
// Note: by default this test is loading the SDK from summaries.
var summaryA = await summarize(['a.dart'], allSources, truncate: true);
var component = loadComponentFromBytes(summaryA!);
expect(component.libraries.length, 1);
component.libraries.single.importUri.path.endsWith('a.dart'), isTrue);
var sourcesWithA = new Map<String, dynamic>.from(allSources);
sourcesWithA['a.dill'] = summaryA;
var summaryB = await summarize(['b.dart'], sourcesWithA,
additionalDills: ['a.dill'], truncate: true);
component = loadComponentFromBytes(summaryB!);
expect(component.libraries.length, 1);
component.libraries.single.importUri.path.endsWith('b.dart'), isTrue);
test('summarization by default is not hermetic', () async {
var errors = [];
var options = new CompilerOptions()..onDiagnostic = errors.add;
await summarize(['b.dart'], allSources, options: options);
expect(errors, isEmpty);
// TODO(sigmund): test trimDependencies when it is part of the public API.
var allSources = <String, String>{
'a.dart': 'class A { foo() { print("hi"); } }',
'b.dart': 'import "a.dart"; class B extends A {}',
'c.dart': 'class C { bar() => 1; }',
'd.dart': '''
import "a.dart";
import "b.dart";
import "c.dart";
class D extends B with C implements A { }''',
/// Helper function to check that some expectations from the summary of D.
void checkDSummary(List<int> summary) {
var component = loadComponentFromBytes(summary);
var aLib = findLibrary(component, 'a.dart');
var bLib = findLibrary(component, 'b.dart');
var dLib = findLibrary(component, 'd.dart');
// The type-hierarchy for A, B, D is visible and correct
var aClass = aLib.classes.firstWhere((c) => == 'A');
var bClass = bLib.classes.firstWhere((c) => == 'B');
expect(bClass.superclass, same(aClass));
var dClass = dLib.classes.firstWhere((c) => == 'D');
expect(dClass.superclass!.superclass, same(bClass));
var dInterface = dClass.implementedTypes.first.classNode;
expect(dInterface, same(aClass));