blob: fe0f726670cd732129e10e98cf8be2bffa9f1820 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2024, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:convert' show jsonEncode;
import 'dart:io'
show Directory, File, Platform, Process, ProcessResult, exitCode;
import 'package:args/args.dart' show ArgParser;
import 'package:args/src/arg_results.dart';
import '../tool/coverage_merger.dart' as coverageMerger;
part 'coverage_suite_expected.dart';
bool debug = false;
Future<void> main([List<String> arguments = const <String>[]]) async {
Directory coverageTmpDir =
try {
await _run(coverageTmpDir, arguments);
} finally {
if (debug) {
print("Data available in $coverageTmpDir");
} else {
coverageTmpDir.deleteSync(recursive: true);
Future<void> _run(Directory coverageTmpDir, List<String> arguments) async {
Stopwatch totalRuntime = new Stopwatch()..start();
List<String> results = [];
List<String> logs = [];
Options options = Options.parse(arguments);
debug = options.debug;
List<Future<ProcessResult>> futures = [];
if (options.verbose) {
print("NOTE: Will run with ${options.numberOfWorkers} shards.");
print("Note: Has ${Platform.numberOfProcessors} cores.");
for (int i = 0; i < options.numberOfWorkers; i++) {
print("Starting shard ${i + 1} of ${options.numberOfWorkers}");
futures.add(, [
"--shard=${i + 1}",
// Wait for isolates to terminate and clean up.
Iterable<ProcessResult> runResults = await Future.wait(futures);
print("Run finished.");
Map<Uri, coverageMerger.CoverageInfo>? coverageData =
await coverageMerger.mergeFromDirUri(
silent: true,
extraCoverageIgnores: ["coverage-ignore(suite):"],
extraCoverageBlockIgnores: ["coverage-ignore-block(suite):"],
addAndRemoveCommentsInFiles: options.addAndRemoveCommentsInFiles,
if (coverageData == null) throw "Failure in coverage.";
void addResult(String testName, bool pass, {String? log}) {
"name": "coverage/$testName",
"configuration": options.configurationName,
"suite": "coverage",
"test_name": testName,
"expected": "Pass",
"result": pass ? "Pass" : "Fail",
"matches": pass,
if (log != null) {
"name": "coverage/$testName",
"configuration": options.configurationName,
"suite": "coverage",
"test_name": testName,
"result": pass ? "Pass" : "Fail",
"log": log,
if (options.verbose || log != null) {
String result = pass ? "PASS" : "FAIL";
print("${testName}: ${result}");
if (log != null) {
print(" ${log.replaceAll('\n', '\n ')}");
StringBuffer updatedExpectations = new StringBuffer();
// Copyright (c) 2024, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of "coverage_suite.dart";
// This is the currently recorded state
// using out/ReleaseX64/dart-sdk/bin/dart (which for instance makes a
// difference for compute_platform_binaries_location.dart).
const Map<String, ({int hitCount, int missCount})> _expect = {
for (MapEntry<Uri, coverageMerger.CoverageInfo> coverageEntry
in coverageData.entries) {
if (coverageEntry.value.error) {
// TODO(jensj): More info here would be good.
addResult(coverageEntry.key.toString(), false, log: "Error");
} else {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
int hitCount = coverageEntry.value.hitCount;
int missCount = coverageEntry.value.missCount;
double percent = (hitCount / (hitCount + missCount) * 100);
if (percent.isNaN) percent = 100;
if (options.updateExpectations) {
updatedExpectations.writeln(" // $percent%.");
updatedExpectations.writeln(" \"${coverageEntry.key}\": "
"(hitCount: $hitCount, missCount: $missCount,),");
bool pass = true;
({int hitCount, int missCount})? expected =
if (expected != null) {
// TODO(jensj): Should we warn if hitCount goes down?
// Or be ok with it if both hitCount and missCount goes up?
// Or something else?
double expectedPercent = (expected.hitCount /
(expected.hitCount + expected.missCount) *
if (expectedPercent.isNaN) expectedPercent = 100;
int requireAtLeast = expectedPercent.floor();
pass = percent >= requireAtLeast;
if (!pass) {
sb.write("\n\nExpected at least $requireAtLeast%, got $percent% "
"($hitCount hits (expected: ${expected.hitCount}) and "
"$missCount misses (expected: ${expected.missCount})).");
sb.write("\n\nTo re-run this test, run:");
var extraFlags = _assertsEnabled ? ' --enable-asserts' : '';
// It looks like coverage results vary slightly based on the number of
// tasks, so include a `--tasks=` argument in the repro instructions.
// TODO(paulberry): why do coverage results vary based on the number
// of tasks? (Note: possibly due to
"\n\n dart$extraFlags pkg/front_end/test/coverage_suite.dart "
sb.write("\n\n Or update the expectations directly via");
"\n\n dart$extraFlags pkg/front_end/test/coverage_suite.dart "
"--tasks=${options.numberOfWorkers} "
"--add-and-remove-comments "
addResult(coverageEntry.key.toString(), pass,
log: sb.isEmpty ? null : sb.toString());
if (options.updateExpectations) {
File f = new File.fromUri(
ProcessResult formatResult =
Process.runSync(Platform.resolvedExecutable, ["format", f.path]);
print("Formatting exit-code: ${formatResult.exitCode}");
// Write results.json and logs.json.
Uri resultJsonUri = options.outputDirectory.resolve("results.json");
Uri logsJsonUri = options.outputDirectory.resolve("logs.json");
await writeLinesToFile(resultJsonUri, results);
await writeLinesToFile(logsJsonUri, logs);
print("Log files written to ${resultJsonUri.toFilePath()} and"
" ${logsJsonUri.toFilePath()}");
print("Entire run took ${totalRuntime.elapsed}.");
if (debug) {
for (ProcessResult run in runResults) {
if (run.exitCode != 0) {
bool timedOutOrCrashed = runResults.any((p) => p.exitCode != 0);
if (timedOutOrCrashed) {
print("Warning: At least one processes exited with a non-0 exit code.");
// Always return 0 or the try bot will become purple.
exitCode = 0;
int getDefaultThreads() {
int numberOfWorkers = 1;
if (Platform.numberOfProcessors > 2) {
numberOfWorkers = Platform.numberOfProcessors - 1;
if (numberOfWorkers > 5) numberOfWorkers = 5;
return numberOfWorkers;
Future<void> writeLinesToFile(Uri uri, List<String> lines) async {
await File.fromUri(uri).writeAsString( => "$line\n").join());
class Options {
final String? configurationName;
final bool verbose;
final bool debug;
final bool updateExpectations;
final bool addAndRemoveCommentsInFiles;
final Uri outputDirectory;
final int numberOfWorkers;
this.outputDirectory, {
required this.numberOfWorkers,
static Options parse(List<String> args) {
var parser = new ArgParser()
abbr: "n",
help: "configuration name to use for emitting json result files")
help: "directory to which results.json and logs.json are written")
abbr: "v", help: "print additional information", defaultsTo: false)
..addFlag("debug", help: "debug mode", defaultsTo: false)
abbr: "j",
help: "The number of parallel tasks to run.",
defaultsTo: "${getDefaultThreads()}")
help: "update expectations", defaultsTo: false)
help: "Automatically remove old and then "
"re-add ignore comments in files",
defaultsTo: false)
// These are not used but are here for compatibility with the test system.
..addOption("shards", help: "(Ignored) Number of shards", defaultsTo: "1")
help: "(Ignored) Which shard to run", defaultsTo: "1");
ArgResults parsedOptions = parser.parse(args);
String outputPath = parsedOptions["output-directory"] ?? ".";
Uri outputDirectory = Uri.base.resolveUri(;
bool verbose = parsedOptions["verbose"];
bool debug = parsedOptions["debug"];
String tasksString = parsedOptions["tasks"];
int? tasks = int.tryParse(tasksString);
if (tasks == null || tasks < 1) {
throw "--tasks (-j) has to be an integer >= 1";
bool updateExpectations = parsedOptions["update-expectations"];
bool addAndRemoveCommentsInFiles = parsedOptions["add-and-remove-comments"];
if (verbose) {
print("NOTE: Created with options\n "
"named config = ${parsedOptions["named-configuration"]},\n "
"verbose = ${verbose},\n "
"debug = ${debug},\n "
"${outputDirectory},\n "
"numberOfWorkers: ${tasks},\n "
"updateExpectations = ${updateExpectations}\n "
"addAndRemoveCommentsInFiles = ${addAndRemoveCommentsInFiles}");
return Options(
numberOfWorkers: tasks,
final bool _assertsEnabled = () {
bool assertsEnabled = false;
assert(assertsEnabled = true);
return assertsEnabled;