blob: e33e8cd652d0ed21e87d15327738b369207a07b7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// Support for client code that needs to interact with the requests, responses
/// and notifications that are part of the analysis server's wire protocol.
import 'dart:convert' hide JsonDecoder;
import 'package:analysis_server/protocol/protocol_generated.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/protocol/protocol_internal.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/utilities/cancellation.dart';
export 'package:analyzer_plugin/protocol/protocol.dart' show Enum;
/// A notification that can be sent from the server about an event that
/// occurred.
/// Clients may not extend, implement or mix-in this class.
class Notification {
/// The name of the JSON attribute containing the name of the event that
/// triggered the notification.
static const String EVENT = 'event';
/// The name of the JSON attribute containing the result values.
static const String PARAMS = 'params';
/// The name of the event that triggered the notification.
final String event;
/// A table mapping the names of notification parameters to their values, or
/// `null` if there are no notification parameters.
final Map<String, Object?>? params;
/// Initialize a newly created [Notification] to have the given [event] name.
/// If [params] is provided, it will be used as the params; otherwise no
/// params will be used.
Notification(this.event, [this.params]);
/// Initialize a newly created instance based on the given JSON data.
factory Notification.fromJson(Map<Object?, Object?> json) {
return Notification(json[Notification.EVENT] as String,
json[Notification.PARAMS] as Map<String, Object?>?);
/// Return a table representing the structure of the Json object that will be
/// sent to the client to represent this response.
Map<String, Object> toJson() {
var jsonObject = <String, Object>{};
jsonObject[EVENT] = event;
var params = this.params;
if (params != null) {
jsonObject[PARAMS] = params;
return jsonObject;
/// A request that was received from the client.
/// Clients may not extend, implement or mix-in this class.
class Request extends RequestOrResponse {
/// The name of the JSON attribute containing the id of the request.
static const String ID = 'id';
/// The name of the JSON attribute containing the name of the request.
static const String METHOD = 'method';
/// The name of the JSON attribute containing the request parameters.
static const String PARAMS = 'params';
/// The name of the optional JSON attribute indicating the time (milliseconds
/// since epoch) at which the client made the request.
static const String CLIENT_REQUEST_TIME = 'clientRequestTime';
/// The unique identifier used to identify this request.
final String id;
/// The method being requested.
final String method;
/// A table mapping the names of request parameters to their values.
final Map<String, Object?> params;
/// The time (milliseconds since epoch) at which the client made the request
/// or `null` if this information is not provided by the client.
final int? clientRequestTime;
/// Initialize a newly created [Request] to have the given [id] and [method]
/// name. If [params] is supplied, it is used as the "params" map for the
/// request. Otherwise an empty "params" map is allocated.
Request(, this.method,
[Map<String, Object?>? params, this.clientRequestTime])
: params = params ?? <String, Object?>{};
int get hashCode {
return id.hashCode;
/// Returns the amount of time (in milliseconds) since the client sent this
/// request or `null` if the client did not provide [clientRequestTime].
int? get timeSinceRequest {
var clientRequestTime = this.clientRequestTime;
return clientRequestTime != null
? - clientRequestTime
: null;
bool operator ==(Object other) {
return other is Request &&
id == &&
method == other.method &&
clientRequestTime == other.clientRequestTime &&
_equalMaps(params, other.params);
/// Return a table representing the structure of the Json object that will be
/// sent to the client to represent this response.
Map<String, Object> toJson() {
var jsonObject = <String, Object>{};
jsonObject[ID] = id;
jsonObject[METHOD] = method;
if (params.isNotEmpty) {
jsonObject[PARAMS] = params;
var clientRequestTime = this.clientRequestTime;
if (clientRequestTime != null) {
jsonObject[CLIENT_REQUEST_TIME] = clientRequestTime;
return jsonObject;
bool _equalLists(List<Object?> first, List<Object?> second) {
var length = first.length;
if (length != second.length) {
return false;
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
if (!_equalObjects(first[i], second[i])) {
return false;
return true;
bool _equalMaps(Map<Object?, Object?> first, Map<Object?, Object?> second) {
if (first.length != second.length) {
return false;
for (var key in first.keys) {
if (!second.containsKey(key)) {
return false;
if (!_equalObjects(first[key], second[key])) {
return false;
return true;
bool _equalObjects(Object? first, Object? second) {
if (first == null) {
return second == null;
if (second == null) {
return false;
if (first is Map) {
if (second is Map) {
return _equalMaps(first, second);
return false;
if (first is List) {
if (second is List) {
return _equalLists(first, second);
return false;
return first == second;
/// Return a request parsed from the given json, or `null` if the [data] is
/// not a valid json representation of a request. The [data] is expected to
/// have the following format:
/// {
/// 'clientRequestTime': millisecondsSinceEpoch
/// 'id': String,
/// 'method': methodName,
/// 'params': {
/// parameter_name: value
/// }
/// }
/// where both the parameters and clientRequestTime are optional.
/// The parameters can contain any number of name/value pairs. The
/// clientRequestTime must be an int representing the time at which the client
/// issued the request (milliseconds since epoch).
static Request? fromJson(Map<String, Object?> result) {
var id = result[Request.ID];
var method = result[Request.METHOD];
if (id is! String || method is! String) {
return null;
var time = result[Request.CLIENT_REQUEST_TIME];
if (time is! int?) {
return null;
var params = result[Request.PARAMS];
if (params is Map<String, Object?>?) {
return Request(id, method, params, time);
} else {
return null;
/// Return a request parsed from the given [data], or `null` if the [data] is
/// not a valid json representation of a request. The [data] is expected to
/// have the following format:
/// {
/// 'clientRequestTime': millisecondsSinceEpoch
/// 'id': String,
/// 'method': methodName,
/// 'params': {
/// parameter_name: value
/// }
/// }
/// where both the parameters and clientRequestTime are optional.
/// The parameters can contain any number of name/value pairs. The
/// clientRequestTime must be an int representing the time at which the client
/// issued the request (milliseconds since epoch).
static Request? fromString(String data) {
try {
var result = json.decode(data);
if (result is Map<String, Object?>) {
return Request.fromJson(result);
return null;
} catch (exception) {
return null;
/// An exception that occurred during the handling of a request that requires
/// that an error be returned to the client.
/// Clients may not extend, implement or mix-in this class.
class RequestFailure implements Exception {
/// The response to be returned as a result of the failure.
final Response response;
/// Initialize a newly created exception to return the given response.
/// An object that can handle requests and produce responses for them.
/// Clients may not extend, implement or mix-in this class.
abstract class RequestHandler {
/// Attempt to handle the given [request]. If the request is not recognized by
/// this handler, return `null` so that other handlers will be given a chance
/// to handle it. Otherwise, return the response that should be passed back to
/// the client.
Response? handleRequest(Request request, CancellationToken cancellationToken);
/// A request or response that was received from the client.
/// Clients may not extend, implement or mix-in this class.
abstract class RequestOrResponse {
/// The unique identifier associated with this request or response.
String get id;
/// A response to a request.
/// Clients may not extend, implement or mix-in this class.
class Response extends RequestOrResponse {
/// The [Response] instance that is returned when a real [Response] cannot
/// be provided at the moment.
static final Response DELAYED_RESPONSE = Response('DELAYED_RESPONSE');
/// The name of the JSON attribute containing the id of the request for which
/// this is a response.
static const String ID = 'id';
/// The name of the JSON attribute containing the error message.
static const String ERROR = 'error';
/// The name of the JSON attribute containing the result values.
static const String RESULT = 'result';
/// The unique identifier used to identify the request that this response is
/// associated with.
final String id;
/// The error that was caused by attempting to handle the request, or `null`
/// if there was no error.
final RequestError? error;
/// A table mapping the names of result fields to their values. Should be
/// `null` if there is no result to send.
Map<String, Object?>? result;
/// Initialize a newly created instance to represent a response to a request
/// with the given [id]. If [_result] is provided, it will be used as the
/// result; otherwise an empty result will be used. If an [error] is provided
/// then the response will represent an error condition.
Response(, {this.result, this.error});
/// Initialize a newly created instance to represent the CONTENT_MODIFIED
/// error condition.
Response.contentModified(Request request)
: this(,
error: RequestError(RequestErrorCode.CONTENT_MODIFIED,
'File was modified before the operation completed.'));
/// Create and return the `DEBUG_PORT_COULD_NOT_BE_OPENED` error response.
Response.debugPortCouldNotBeOpened(Request request, dynamic error)
: this(,
error: RequestError(
RequestErrorCode.DEBUG_PORT_COULD_NOT_BE_OPENED, '$error'));
/// Initialize a newly created instance to represent the FILE_NOT_ANALYZED
/// error condition.
Response.fileNotAnalyzed(Request request, String file)
: this(,
error: RequestError(RequestErrorCode.FILE_NOT_ANALYZED,
'File is not analyzed: $file.'));
/// Initialize a newly created instance to represent the FORMAT_INVALID_FILE
/// error condition.
Response.formatInvalidFile(Request request)
: this(,
error: RequestError(RequestErrorCode.FORMAT_INVALID_FILE,
'Error during `${request.method}`: invalid file.'));
/// Initialize a newly created instance to represent the FORMAT_WITH_ERROR
/// error condition.
Response.formatWithErrors(Request request)
: this(,
error: RequestError(RequestErrorCode.FORMAT_WITH_ERRORS,
'Error during `edit.format`: source contains syntax errors.'));
/// Initialize a newly created instance to represent the
/// GET_ERRORS_INVALID_FILE error condition.
Response.getErrorsInvalidFile(Request request)
: this(,
error: RequestError(RequestErrorCode.GET_ERRORS_INVALID_FILE,
'Error during `analysis.getErrors`: invalid file.'));
/// Initialize a newly created instance to represent the
/// GET_FIXES_INVALID_FILE error condition.
Response.getFixesInvalidFile(Request request)
: this(,
error: RequestError(RequestErrorCode.GET_FIXES_INVALID_FILE,
'Error during `edit.getFixes`: invalid file.'));
/// Initialize a newly created instance to represent the
Response.getImportedElementsInvalidFile(Request request)
: this(,
error: RequestError(
'Error during `analysis.getImportedElements`: invalid file.'));
/// Initialize a newly created instance to represent the
/// GET_NAVIGATION_INVALID_FILE error condition.
Response.getNavigationInvalidFile(Request request)
: this(,
error: RequestError(RequestErrorCode.GET_NAVIGATION_INVALID_FILE,
'Error during `analysis.getNavigation`: invalid file.'));
/// Initialize a newly created instance to represent the
Response.getReachableSourcesInvalidFile(Request request)
: this(,
error: RequestError(
'Error during `analysis.getReachableSources`: invalid file.'));
/// Initialize a newly created instance to represent the
/// GET_SIGNATURE_INVALID_FILE error condition.
Response.getSignatureInvalidFile(Request request)
: this(,
error: RequestError(RequestErrorCode.GET_SIGNATURE_INVALID_FILE,
'Error during `analysis.getSignature`: invalid file.'));
/// Initialize a newly created instance to represent the
Response.getSignatureInvalidOffset(Request request)
: this(,
error: RequestError(RequestErrorCode.GET_SIGNATURE_INVALID_OFFSET,
'Error during `analysis.getSignature`: invalid offset.'));
/// Initialize a newly created instance to represent the
Response.getSignatureUnknownFunction(Request request)
: this(,
error: RequestError(RequestErrorCode.GET_SIGNATURE_UNKNOWN_FUNCTION,
'Error during `analysis.getSignature`: unknown function.'));
/// Initialize a newly created instance to represent the
Response.importElementsInvalidFile(Request request)
: this(,
error: RequestError(RequestErrorCode.IMPORT_ELEMENTS_INVALID_FILE,
'Error during `edit.importElements`: invalid file.'));
/// Initialize a newly created instance to represent an error condition caused
/// by an analysis.reanalyze [request] that specifies an analysis root that is
/// not in the current list of analysis roots.
Response.invalidAnalysisRoot(Request request, String rootPath)
: this(,
error: RequestError(RequestErrorCode.INVALID_ANALYSIS_ROOT,
'Invalid analysis root: $rootPath'));
/// Initialize a newly created instance to represent an error condition caused
/// by a [request] that specifies an execution context whose context root does
/// not exist.
Response.invalidExecutionContext(Request request, String contextId)
: this(,
error: RequestError(RequestErrorCode.INVALID_EXECUTION_CONTEXT,
'Invalid execution context: $contextId'));
/// Initialize a newly created instance to represent the
/// INVALID_FILE_PATH_FORMAT error condition.
Response.invalidFilePathFormat(Request request, path)
: this(,
error: RequestError(RequestErrorCode.INVALID_FILE_PATH_FORMAT,
'Invalid file path format: $path'));
/// Initialize a newly created instance to represent an error condition caused
/// by a [request] that had invalid parameter. [path] is the path to the
/// invalid parameter, in JavaScript notation (e.g. "" means that the
/// parameter "foo" contained a key "bar" whose value was the wrong type).
/// [expectation] is a description of the type of data that was expected.
Response.invalidParameter(Request request, String path, String expectation)
: this(,
error: RequestError(RequestErrorCode.INVALID_PARAMETER,
"Invalid parameter '$path'. $expectation."));
/// Initialize a newly created instance to represent an error condition caused
/// by a malformed request.
: this('',
error: RequestError(
RequestErrorCode.INVALID_REQUEST, 'Invalid request'));
/// Initialize a newly created instance to represent the
/// ORGANIZE_DIRECTIVES_ERROR error condition.
Response.organizeDirectivesError(Request request, String message)
: this(,
error: RequestError(
RequestErrorCode.ORGANIZE_DIRECTIVES_ERROR, message));
/// Initialize a newly created instance to represent the
Response.refactoringRequestCancelled(Request request)
: this(,
error: RequestError(RequestErrorCode.REFACTORING_REQUEST_CANCELLED,
'The `edit.getRefactoring` request was cancelled.'));
/// Initialize a newly created instance to represent the SERVER_ERROR error
/// condition.
factory Response.serverError(Request request, exception, stackTrace) {
var error =
RequestError(RequestErrorCode.SERVER_ERROR, exception.toString());
if (stackTrace != null) {
error.stackTrace = stackTrace.toString();
return Response(, error: error);
/// Initialize a newly created instance to represent the
/// SORT_MEMBERS_INVALID_FILE error condition.
Response.sortMembersInvalidFile(Request request)
: this(,
error: RequestError(RequestErrorCode.SORT_MEMBERS_INVALID_FILE,
'Error during `edit.sortMembers`: invalid file.'));
/// Initialize a newly created instance to represent the
/// SORT_MEMBERS_PARSE_ERRORS error condition.
Response.sortMembersParseErrors(Request request, int numErrors)
: this(,
error: RequestError(RequestErrorCode.SORT_MEMBERS_PARSE_ERRORS,
'Error during `edit.sortMembers`: file has $numErrors scan/parse errors.'));
/// Initialize a newly created instance to represent an error condition caused
/// by a [request] that cannot be handled by any known handlers.
Response.unknownRequest(Request request)
: this(,
error: RequestError(
RequestErrorCode.UNKNOWN_REQUEST, 'Unknown request'));
/// Initialize a newly created instance to represent an error condition caused
/// by a [request] for a service that is not supported.
Response.unsupportedFeature(String requestId, String message)
: this(requestId,
error: RequestError(RequestErrorCode.UNSUPPORTED_FEATURE, message));
/// Return a table representing the structure of the Json object that will be
/// sent to the client to represent this response.
Map<String, Object> toJson() {
var jsonObject = <String, Object>{};
jsonObject[ID] = id;
var error = this.error;
if (error != null) {
jsonObject[ERROR] = error.toJson(clientUriConverter: null);
var result = this.result;
if (result != null) {
jsonObject[RESULT] = result;
return jsonObject;
/// Initialize a newly created instance based on the given JSON data.
static Response? fromJson(Map<String, Object?> json) {
try {
var id = json[Response.ID];
if (id is! String) {
return null;
RequestError? decodedError;
var error = json[Response.ERROR];
if (error is Map) {
decodedError = RequestError.fromJson(
ResponseDecoder(null), '.error', error,
clientUriConverter: null);
Map<String, Object?>? decodedResult;
var result = json[Response.RESULT];
if (result is Map<String, Object?>) {
decodedResult = result;
return Response(id, error: decodedError, result: decodedResult);
} catch (exception) {
return null;
/// Return a response parsed from the given [data], or `null` if the [data] is
/// not a valid json representation of a response. The [data] is expected to
/// have the following format:
/// {
/// 'id': String,
/// 'result': {
/// parameter_name: value
/// }
/// }
/// where the result is optional.
/// The result can contain any number of name/value pairs.
static Response? fromString(String data) {
try {
var result = json.decode(data);
if (result is Map<String, Object?>) {
return Response.fromJson(result);
return null;
} catch (exception) {
return null;