blob: e57e350ff9215cf3a3529e31b7dda0eeba0b727d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/*element: main:[null]*/
main() {
// Test that we trust the explicit type of a local.
/*element: _trustLocals:[exact=JSBool]*/ _trustLocals(
int Function(int) /*[null|subclass=Closure]*/ f) {
int c = f(0);
return c /*invoke: [null|subclass=JSInt]*/ == 0;
/*element: trustLocals:[null]*/
trustLocals() {
_trustLocals(/*[exact=JSUInt31]*/ (/*[exact=JSUInt31]*/ o) => o);
// Test that we infer the type of a dynamic local from the type of the function.
/*element: _trustFunctions:[exact=JSBool]*/
_trustFunctions(int Function(int) /*[null|subclass=Closure]*/ f) {
dynamic c = f(0);
c = f(0);
return c /*invoke: [null|subclass=JSInt]*/ == 0;
/*element: trustFunctions:[null]*/
trustFunctions() {
_trustFunctions(/*[exact=JSUInt31]*/ (/*[exact=JSUInt31]*/ o) => o);
// Test that we infer the type of a 'var' local from the type of the function.
/*element: _inferFromFunctions:[exact=JSBool]*/
_inferFromFunctions(int Function(int) /*[null|subclass=Closure]*/ f) {
var c = f(0);
return c /*invoke: [null|subclass=JSInt]*/ == 0;
/*element: inferFromFunctions:[null]*/
inferFromFunctions() {
_inferFromFunctions(/*[exact=JSUInt31]*/ (/*[exact=JSUInt31]*/ o) => o);