blob: 6b0d4877d72e5b776538d742e4a5fbdd013f2c4e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library kernel.text_serializer;
import '../ast.dart';
import '../visitor.dart' show ExpressionVisitor;
// ==== Serialize/deserialize combinators ====
abstract class TextSerializer<T> {
const TextSerializer();
T readFrom(Iterator<Object> stream);
void writeTo(StringBuffer buffer, T object);
/// True if this serializer/deserializer writes/reads nothing. This is true
/// for the serializer [Nothing] and also some serializers derived from it.
bool get isEmpty => false;
class Nothing extends TextSerializer<void> {
const Nothing();
void readFrom(Iterator<Object> stream) {}
void writeTo(StringBuffer buffer, void ignored) {}
bool get isEmpty => true;
// == Serializer/deserializers for basic Dart types
class DartInt extends TextSerializer<int> {
const DartInt();
int readFrom(Iterator<Object> stream) {
if (stream.current is! String) {
throw StateError("expected an atom, found a list");
int result = int.parse(stream.current);
return result;
void writeTo(StringBuffer buffer, int object) {
class DartDouble extends TextSerializer<double> {
const DartDouble();
double readFrom(Iterator<Object> stream) {
if (stream.current is! String) {
throw StateError("expected an atom, found a list");
double result = double.parse(stream.current);
return result;
void writeTo(StringBuffer buffer, double object) {
class DartBool extends TextSerializer<bool> {
const DartBool();
bool readFrom(Iterator<Object> stream) {
if (stream.current is! String) {
throw StateError("expected an atom, found a list");
bool result;
if (stream.current == "true") {
result = true;
} else if (stream.current == "false") {
result = false;
} else {
throw StateError("expected 'true' or 'false', found '${stream.current}'");
return result;
void writeTo(StringBuffer buffer, bool object) {
buffer.write(object ? 'true' : 'false');
// == Serializers for tagged (disjoint) unions.
// They require a function mapping serializables to a tag string. This is
// implemented by Tagger visitors.
class ExpressionTagger extends ExpressionVisitor<String> {
const ExpressionTagger();
String visitIntLiteral(IntLiteral _) => "int";
String visitDoubleLiteral(DoubleLiteral _) => "double";
String visitBoolLiteral(BoolLiteral _) => "bool";
String visitNullLiteral(NullLiteral _) => "null";
// A tagged union of serializer/deserializers.
class Case<T extends Expression> extends TextSerializer<T> {
final List<String> tags;
final List<TextSerializer<T>> serializers;
const Case(this.tags, this.serializers);
T readFrom(Iterator<Object> stream) {
if (stream.current is! Iterator) {
throw StateError("expected list, found atom");
Iterator nested = stream.current;
if (nested.current is! String) {
throw StateError("expected atom, found list");
String tag = nested.current;
for (int i = 0; i < tags.length; ++i) {
if (tags[i] == tag) {
T result = serializers[i].readFrom(nested);
if (stream.moveNext()) {
throw StateError("extra cruft in tagged '${tag}'");
return result;
throw StateError("unrecognized tag '${tag}'");
void writeTo(StringBuffer buffer, T object) {
String tag = object.accept(const ExpressionTagger());
for (int i = 0; i < tags.length; ++i) {
if (tags[i] == tag) {
if (!serializers[i].isEmpty) {
buffer.write(" ");
serializers[i].writeTo(buffer, object);
throw StateError("unrecognized tag '${tag}");
// A serializer/deserializer that unwraps/wraps nodes before serialization and
// after deserialization.
class Wrapped<S, K> extends TextSerializer<K> {
final S Function(K) unwrap;
final K Function(S) wrap;
final TextSerializer<S> contents;
const Wrapped(this.unwrap, this.wrap, this.contents);
K readFrom(Iterator<Object> stream) {
return wrap(contents.readFrom(stream));
void writeTo(StringBuffer buffer, K object) {
contents.writeTo(buffer, unwrap(object));
bool get isEmpty => contents.isEmpty;
// S-expressions
// An S-expression is an atom or an S-list, an atom is a string that does not
// contain the delimiters '(', ')', or ' ', and an S-list is a space delimited
// sequence of S-expressions enclosed in parentheses:
// <S-expression> ::= <Atom>
// | <S-list>
// <S-list> ::= '(' ')'
// | '(' <S-expression> {' ' <S-expression>}* ')'
// We use an iterator to read S-expressions. The iterator produces a stream
// of atoms (strings) and nested iterators (S-lists).
class TextIterator implements Iterator<Object /* String | TextIterator */ > {
static int space = ' '.codeUnitAt(0);
static int lparen = '('.codeUnitAt(0);
static int rparen = ')'.codeUnitAt(0);
final String input;
int index;
TextIterator(this.input, this.index);
// Consume spaces.
void skipWhitespace() {
while (index < input.length && input.codeUnitAt(index) == space) {
// Consume the rest of a nested S-expression and the closing delimiter.
void skipToEndOfNested() {
if (current is TextIterator) {
TextIterator it = current;
while (it.moveNext());
index = it.index + 1;
void skipToEndOfAtom() {
do {
if (index >= input.length) return;
int codeUnit = input.codeUnitAt(index);
if (codeUnit == space || codeUnit == rparen) return;
} while (true);
Object current = null;
bool moveNext() {
if (index >= input.length || input.codeUnitAt(index) == rparen) {
current = null;
return false;
if (input.codeUnitAt(index) == lparen) {
current = new TextIterator(input, index + 1);
return true;
int start = index;
current = input.substring(start, index);
return true;
// ==== Serializers for BasicLiterals
const TextSerializer<BasicLiteral> basicLiteralSerializer = Case([
], [
const TextSerializer<IntLiteral> intLiteralSerializer =
Wrapped(unwrapIntLiteral, wrapIntLiteral, DartInt());
int unwrapIntLiteral(IntLiteral literal) => literal.value;
IntLiteral wrapIntLiteral(int value) => new IntLiteral(value);
const TextSerializer<DoubleLiteral> doubleLiteralSerializer =
Wrapped(unwrapDoubleLiteral, wrapDoubleLiteral, DartDouble());
double unwrapDoubleLiteral(DoubleLiteral literal) => literal.value;
DoubleLiteral wrapDoubleLiteral(double value) => new DoubleLiteral(value);
const TextSerializer<BoolLiteral> boolLiteralSerializer =
Wrapped(unwrapBoolLiteral, wrapBoolLiteral, DartBool());
bool unwrapBoolLiteral(BoolLiteral literal) => literal.value;
BoolLiteral wrapBoolLiteral(bool value) => new BoolLiteral(value);
const TextSerializer<NullLiteral> nullLiteralSerializer =
Wrapped(unwrapNullLiteral, wrapNullLiteral, Nothing());
void unwrapNullLiteral(NullLiteral literal) {}
NullLiteral wrapNullLiteral(void ignored) => new NullLiteral();