blob: 1d249feabbd4e36e1bc1af799ddc03676418efd0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:collection';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/ast.dart' show AstNode;
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/syntactic_entity.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/token.dart' show TokenType;
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/type.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/type_provider.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/type_system.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/error/listener.dart' show ErrorReporter;
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/extensions.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/generic_inferrer.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/greatest_lower_bound.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/least_greatest_closure.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/least_upper_bound.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/normalize.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/replace_top_bottom_visitor.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/replacement_visitor.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/runtime_type_equality.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/subtype.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/top_merge.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/type.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/type_algebra.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/type_constraint_gatherer.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/type_demotion.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/type_provider.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/type_schema.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/type_schema_elimination.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/well_bounded.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/resolver/flow_analysis_visitor.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/inference_log.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/utilities/extensions/collection.dart';
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
class ExtensionTypeErasure extends ReplacementVisitor {
const ExtensionTypeErasure();
DartType perform(DartType type) {
return type.accept(this) ?? type;
DartType? visitInterfaceType(covariant InterfaceTypeImpl type) {
if (type.representationType case var representationType?) {
var erased = representationType.accept(this) ?? representationType;
erased as TypeImpl;
// If the extension type is nullable, apply it to the erased.
if (type.nullabilitySuffix == NullabilitySuffix.question) {
return erased.withNullability(NullabilitySuffix.question);
// Use the erased as is, still might be nullable.
return erased;
return super.visitInterfaceType(type);
/// Fresh type parameters created to unify two lists of type parameters.
class RelatedTypeParameters {
static final _empty = RelatedTypeParameters._(const [], const []);
final List<TypeParameterElement> typeParameters;
final List<TypeParameterType> typeParameterTypes;
/// The [TypeSystem] implementation.
class TypeSystemImpl implements TypeSystem {
/// The provider of types for the system.
final TypeProviderImpl typeProvider;
/// The cached instance of `Object?`.
InterfaceTypeImpl? _objectQuestion;
/// The cached instance of `Object!`.
InterfaceTypeImpl? _objectNone;
/// The cached instance of `Null!`.
InterfaceTypeImpl? _nullNone;
late final GreatestLowerBoundHelper _greatestLowerBoundHelper;
late final LeastUpperBoundHelper _leastUpperBoundHelper;
/// The implementation of the subtyping relation.
late final SubtypeHelper _subtypeHelper;
required TypeProvider typeProvider,
}) : typeProvider = typeProvider as TypeProviderImpl {
_greatestLowerBoundHelper = GreatestLowerBoundHelper(this);
_leastUpperBoundHelper = LeastUpperBoundHelper(this);
_subtypeHelper = SubtypeHelper(this);
InterfaceTypeImpl get nullNone =>
_nullNone ??= (typeProvider.nullType as InterfaceTypeImpl)
InterfaceTypeImpl get objectNone =>
_objectNone ??= (typeProvider.objectType as InterfaceTypeImpl)
InterfaceTypeImpl get objectQuestion =>
_objectQuestion ??= (typeProvider.objectType as InterfaceTypeImpl)
/// Returns true iff the type [t] accepts function types, and requires an
/// implicit coercion if interface types with a `call` method are passed in.
/// This is true for:
/// - all function types
/// - the special type `Function` that is a supertype of all function types
/// - `FutureOr<T>` where T is one of the two cases above.
/// Note that this returns false if [t] is a top type such as Object.
bool acceptsFunctionType(DartType t) {
if (t.isDartAsyncFutureOr) {
return acceptsFunctionType((t as InterfaceType).typeArguments[0]);
return t is FunctionType || t.isDartCoreFunction;
bool anyParameterType(FunctionType ft, bool Function(DartType t) predicate) {
return ft.parameters.any((p) => predicate(p.type));
/// Checks if an instance of [left] could possibly also be an instance of
/// [right]. For example, an instance of `num` could be `int`, so
/// canBeSubtypeOf(`num`, `int`) would return `true`, even though `num` is
/// not a subtype of `int`. More generally, we check if there could be a
/// type that implements both [left] and [right], regardless of whether
/// [left] is a subtype of [right], or [right] is a subtype of [left].
/// If [eraseTypes] is not null, this function uses that function to erase the
/// extension types within [left] and [right]. Otherwise, it uses the
/// extension type erasure.
bool canBeSubtypeOf(DartType left, DartType right,
{(DartType, DartType) Function(DartType, DartType)? eraseTypes}) {
(left, right) = eraseTypes != null
? eraseTypes(left, right)
: (left.extensionTypeErasure, right.extensionTypeErasure);
// If one is `Null`, then the other must be nullable.
var leftIsNullable = isPotentiallyNullable(left);
var rightIsNullable = isPotentiallyNullable(right);
if (left.isDartCoreNull) {
return rightIsNullable;
} else if (right.isDartCoreNull) {
return leftIsNullable;
// If none is `Null`, but both are nullable, they match at `Null`.
if (leftIsNullable && rightIsNullable) {
return true;
// Could be `void Function() vs. Object`.
// Could be `void Function() vs. Function`.
if (left is FunctionTypeImpl && right is InterfaceTypeImpl) {
return right.isDartCoreFunction || right.isDartCoreObject;
// Could be `Object vs. void Function()`.
// Could be `Function vs. void Function()`.
if (left is InterfaceTypeImpl && right is FunctionTypeImpl) {
return left.isDartCoreFunction || left.isDartCoreObject;
// FutureOr<T> = T || Future<T>
// So, we attempt to match both to the right.
if (left.isDartAsyncFutureOr) {
var base = futureOrBase(left);
var future = typeProvider.futureType(base);
return canBeSubtypeOf(base, right, eraseTypes: eraseTypes) ||
canBeSubtypeOf(future, right, eraseTypes: eraseTypes);
// FutureOr<T> = T || Future<T>
// So, we attempt to match both to the left.
if (right.isDartAsyncFutureOr) {
var base = futureOrBase(right);
var future = typeProvider.futureType(base);
return canBeSubtypeOf(left, base, eraseTypes: eraseTypes) ||
canBeSubtypeOf(left, future, eraseTypes: eraseTypes);
if (left is InterfaceTypeImpl && right is InterfaceTypeImpl) {
var leftElement = left.element;
var rightElement = right.element;
// Can happen in JavaScript.
if (left.isDartCoreInt && right.isDartCoreDouble ||
left.isDartCoreDouble && right.isDartCoreInt) {
return true;
bool canBeSubtypeOfInterfaces(InterfaceType left, InterfaceType right) {
assert(left.element == right.element);
var leftArguments = left.typeArguments;
var rightArguments = right.typeArguments;
assert(leftArguments.length == rightArguments.length);
for (var i = 0; i < leftArguments.length; i++) {
if (!canBeSubtypeOf(leftArguments[i], rightArguments[i],
eraseTypes: eraseTypes)) {
return false;
return true;
// If the left is enum, we know types of all its instances.
if (leftElement is EnumElementImpl) {
for (var constant in leftElement.constants) {
var constantType = constant.type;
if (isSubtypeOf(constantType, right)) {
return true;
return false;
if (leftElement == rightElement) {
return canBeSubtypeOfInterfaces(left, right);
if (leftElement is ClassElementImpl) {
// If we know all subtypes, only they can implement the right.
var allSubtypes = leftElement.allSubtypes;
if (allSubtypes != null) {
for (var candidate in [left, ...allSubtypes]) {
var asRight = candidate.asInstanceOf(rightElement);
if (asRight != null) {
if (_canBeEqualArguments(asRight, right)) {
return true;
return false;
if (rightElement is ClassElementImpl) {
// If we know all subtypes, only they can implement the left.
var allSubtypes = rightElement.allSubtypes;
if (allSubtypes != null) {
for (var candidate in [right, ...allSubtypes]) {
var asLeft = candidate.asInstanceOf(leftElement);
if (asLeft != null) {
if (canBeSubtypeOfInterfaces(left, asLeft)) {
return true;
return false;
if (left is RecordType) {
if (right is FunctionType) {
return false;
if (right is InterfaceType) {
return right.isDartCoreObject || right.isDartCoreRecord;
if (right is RecordType) {
if (left is FunctionType) {
return false;
if (left is InterfaceType) {
return left.isDartCoreObject || left.isDartCoreRecord;
if (left is RecordType && right is RecordType) {
if (left.positionalFields.length != right.positionalFields.length) {
return false;
for (var i = 0; i < left.positionalFields.length; i++) {
var leftField = left.positionalFields[i];
var rightField = right.positionalFields[i];
if (!canBeSubtypeOf(leftField.type, rightField.type,
eraseTypes: eraseTypes)) {
return false;
if (left.namedFields.length != right.namedFields.length) {
return false;
for (var i = 0; i < left.namedFields.length; i++) {
var leftField = left.namedFields[i];
var rightField = right.namedFields[i];
if ( != {
return false;
if (!canBeSubtypeOf(leftField.type, rightField.type,
eraseTypes: eraseTypes)) {
return false;
return true;
/// Returns [type] in which all promoted type variables have been replaced
/// with their unpromoted equivalents, and, if non-nullable by default,
/// replaces all legacy types with their non-nullable equivalents.
DartType demoteType(DartType type) {
var visitor = const DemotionVisitor();
return type.accept(visitor) ?? type;
/// Eliminates type variables from the context [type], replacing them with
/// `Null` or `Object` as appropriate.
/// For example in `List<T> list = const []`, the context type for inferring
/// the list should be changed from `List<T>` to `List<Null>` so the constant
/// doesn't depend on the type variables `T` (because it can't be
/// canonicalized at compile time, as `T` is unknown).
/// Conceptually this is similar to the "least closure", except instead of
/// eliminating `_` ([UnknownInferredType]) it eliminates all type variables
/// ([TypeParameterType]).
/// The equivalent CFE code can be found in the `TypeVariableEliminator`
/// class.
DartType eliminateTypeVariables(DartType type) {
return _TypeVariableEliminator(
/// Defines the "remainder" of `T` when `S` has been removed from
/// consideration by an instance check. This operation is used for type
/// promotion during flow analysis.
DartType factor(DartType T, DartType S) {
// * If T <: S then Never
if (isSubtypeOf(T, S)) {
return NeverTypeImpl.instance;
var T_nullability = T.nullabilitySuffix;
// * Else if T is R? and Null <: S then factor(R, S)
// * Else if T is R? then factor(R, S)?
if (T_nullability == NullabilitySuffix.question) {
var R = (T as TypeImpl).withNullability(NullabilitySuffix.none);
var factor_RS = factor(R, S) as TypeImpl;
if (isSubtypeOf(nullNone, S)) {
return factor_RS;
} else {
return factor_RS.withNullability(NullabilitySuffix.question);
// * Else if T is FutureOr<R> and Future<R> <: S then factor(R, S)
// * Else if T is FutureOr<R> and R <: S then factor(Future<R>, S)
if (T is InterfaceType && T.isDartAsyncFutureOr) {
var R = T.typeArguments[0];
var future_R = typeProvider.futureType(R);
if (isSubtypeOf(future_R, S)) {
return factor(R, S);
if (isSubtypeOf(R, S)) {
return factor(future_R, S);
return T;
DartType flatten(DartType T) {
if (identical(T, UnknownInferredType.instance)) {
return T;
// if T is S? then flatten(T) = flatten(S)?
var nullabilitySuffix = T.nullabilitySuffix;
if (nullabilitySuffix != NullabilitySuffix.none) {
var S = (T as TypeImpl).withNullability(NullabilitySuffix.none);
return (flatten(S) as TypeImpl).withNullability(nullabilitySuffix);
// If T is X & S for some type variable X and type S then:
if (T is TypeParameterTypeImpl) {
var S = T.promotedBound;
if (S != null) {
// * if S has future type U then flatten(T) = flatten(U)
var futureType = this.futureType(S);
if (futureType != null) {
return flatten(futureType);
// * otherwise, flatten(T) = flatten(X)
return flatten(
element: T.element,
nullabilitySuffix: nullabilitySuffix,
// If T has future type Future<S> or FutureOr<S> then flatten(T) = S
// If T has future type Future<S>? or FutureOr<S>? then flatten(T) = S?
var futureType = this.futureType(T);
if (futureType is InterfaceType) {
if (futureType.isDartAsyncFuture || futureType.isDartAsyncFutureOr) {
var S = futureType.typeArguments[0] as TypeImpl;
if (futureType.nullabilitySuffix == NullabilitySuffix.question) {
return S.withNullability(NullabilitySuffix.question);
return S;
// otherwise flatten(T) = T
return T;
DartType futureOrBase(DartType type) {
// If `T` is `FutureOr<S>` for some `S`,
// then `futureOrBase(T)` = `futureOrBase(S)`
if (type is InterfaceType && type.isDartAsyncFutureOr) {
return futureOrBase(
// Otherwise `futureOrBase(T)` = `T`.
return type;
/// We say that S is the future type of a type T in the following cases,
/// using the first applicable case:
DartType? futureType(DartType T) {
// T implements S, and there is a U such that S is Future<U>
if (T.nullabilitySuffix != NullabilitySuffix.question) {
var result = T.asInstanceOf(typeProvider.futureElement);
if (result != null) {
return result;
// T is S bounded, and there is a U such that S is FutureOr<U>,
// Future<U>?, or FutureOr<U>?.
return _futureTypeOfBounded(T);
/// Compute "future value type" of [T].
/// See `nnbd/`
/// See `#the-future-value-type-of-an-asynchronous-non-generator-function`
DartType futureValueType(DartType T) {
// futureValueType(`S?`) = futureValueType(`S`), for all `S`.
if (T.nullabilitySuffix != NullabilitySuffix.none) {
var S = (T as TypeImpl).withNullability(NullabilitySuffix.none);
return futureValueType(S);
// futureValueType(Future<`S`>) = `S`, for all `S`.
// futureValueType(FutureOr<`S`>) = `S`, for all `S`.
if (T is InterfaceType) {
if (T.isDartAsyncFuture || T.isDartAsyncFutureOr) {
return T.typeArguments[0];
// futureValueType(`dynamic`) = `dynamic`.
if (identical(T, DynamicTypeImpl.instance)) {
return T;
// futureValueType(`void`) = `void`.
if (identical(T, VoidTypeImpl.instance)) {
return T;
// Otherwise, for all `S`, futureValueType(`S`) = `Object?`.
return objectQuestion;
List<InterfaceType> gatherMixinSupertypeConstraintsForInference(
InterfaceElement mixinElement) {
List<InterfaceType> candidates;
if (mixinElement is MixinElement) {
candidates = mixinElement.superclassConstraints;
} else {
var supertype = mixinElement.supertype;
if (supertype == null) {
return const [];
candidates = [supertype];
if (mixinElement is ClassElement && mixinElement.isMixinApplication) {
return candidates
.where((type) => type.element.typeParameters.isNotEmpty)
/// Given a type [t], if [t] is an interface type with a `call` method
/// defined, return the function type for the `call` method, otherwise return
/// `null`.
/// This does not find extension methods (which are not defined on an
/// interface type); it is meant to find implicit call references.
FunctionType? getCallMethodType(DartType t) {
if (t is InterfaceType) {
return t
.lookUpMethod2(FunctionElement.CALL_METHOD_NAME, t.element.library)
return null;
/// Computes the set of free type parameters appearing in [rootType].
/// If a non-null [candidates] set is given, then only type parameters
/// appearing in it are considered; otherwise all type parameters are
/// considered.
List<TypeParameterElement>? getFreeParameters(DartType rootType,
{Set<TypeParameterElement>? candidates}) {
List<TypeParameterElement>? parameters;
Set<DartType> visitedTypes = HashSet<DartType>();
Set<TypeParameterElement> boundTypeParameters =
void appendParameters(DartType? type) {
if (type == null) {
if (visitedTypes.contains(type)) {
if (type is TypeParameterType) {
var element = type.element;
if ((candidates == null || candidates.contains(element)) &&
!boundTypeParameters.contains(element)) {
parameters ??= <TypeParameterElement>[];
} else {
if (type is FunctionType) {
assert(!type.typeFormals.any((t) => boundTypeParameters.contains(t)));
appendParameters(type.returnType); => p.type).forEach(appendParameters);
// TODO(scheglov):
} else if (type is InterfaceType) {
return parameters;
/// Returns the greatest closure of [type] with respect to [typeParameters].
/// See `resources/type-system/`
DartType greatestClosure(
DartType type,
List<TypeParameterElement> typeParameters,
) {
var typeParameterSet = Set<TypeParameterElement>.identity();
return LeastGreatestClosureHelper(
typeSystem: this,
topType: objectQuestion,
topFunctionType: typeProvider.functionType,
bottomType: NeverTypeImpl.instance,
eliminationTargets: typeParameterSet,
/// Returns the greatest closure of the given type [schema] with respect to
/// `_`.
/// The greatest closure of a type schema `P` with respect to `_` is defined
/// as `P` with every covariant occurrence of `_` replaced with `Null`, and
/// every contravariant occurrence of `_` replaced with `Object`.
/// If the schema contains no instances of `_`, the original schema object is
/// returned to avoid unnecessary allocation.
/// Note that the closure of a type schema is a proper type.
/// Note that the greatest closure of a type schema is always a supertype of
/// any type which matches the schema.
DartType greatestClosureOfSchema(DartType schema) {
topType: objectQuestion,
bottomType: NeverTypeImpl.instance,
isLeastClosure: false,
schema: schema,
DartType greatestLowerBound(DartType T1, DartType T2) {
return _greatestLowerBoundHelper.getGreatestLowerBound(T1, T2);
/// Given a generic function type `F<T0, T1, ... Tn>` and a context type C,
/// infer an instantiation of F, such that `F<S0, S1, ..., Sn>` <: C.
/// This is similar to [setupGenericTypeInference], but the return type is
/// also considered as part of the solution.
List<DartType> inferFunctionTypeInstantiation(
FunctionType contextType,
FunctionType fnType, {
ErrorReporter? errorReporter,
AstNode? errorNode,
required TypeSystemOperations typeSystemOperations,
required bool genericMetadataIsEnabled,
required bool strictInference,
required bool strictCasts,
required TypeConstraintGenerationDataForTesting? dataForTesting,
required AstNode? nodeForTesting,
}) {
if (contextType.typeFormals.isNotEmpty || fnType.typeFormals.isEmpty) {
return const <DartType>[];
inferenceLogWriter?.enterGenericInference(fnType.typeFormals, fnType);
// Create a TypeSystem that will allow certain type parameters to be
// inferred. It will optimistically assume these type parameters can be
// subtypes (or supertypes) as necessary, and track the constraints that
// are implied by this.
var inferrer = GenericInferrer(this, fnType.typeFormals,
errorReporter: errorReporter,
errorEntity: errorNode,
genericMetadataIsEnabled: genericMetadataIsEnabled,
strictInference: strictInference,
typeSystemOperations: typeSystemOperations,
dataForTesting: dataForTesting);
inferrer.constrainGenericFunctionInContext(fnType, contextType,
nodeForTesting: nodeForTesting);
// Infer and instantiate the resulting type.
return inferrer.chooseFinalTypes();
InterfaceType instantiateInterfaceToBounds({
required InterfaceElement element,
required NullabilitySuffix nullabilitySuffix,
}) {
var typeParameters = element.typeParameters;
var typeArguments = _defaultTypeArguments(typeParameters);
return element.instantiate(
typeArguments: typeArguments,
nullabilitySuffix: nullabilitySuffix,
/// Given a [DartType] [type], if [type] is an uninstantiated
/// parameterized type then instantiate the parameters to their
/// bounds. See the issue for the algorithm description.
// TODO(scheglov): Move this method to elements for classes, typedefs,
// and generic functions; compute lazily and cache.
DartType instantiateToBounds(DartType type,
{List<bool>? hasError, Map<TypeParameterElement, DartType>? knownTypes}) {
List<TypeParameterElement> typeFormals = typeFormalsAsElements(type);
List<DartType> arguments = instantiateTypeFormalsToBounds(typeFormals,
hasError: hasError, knownTypes: knownTypes);
return instantiateType(type, arguments);
@Deprecated('Use instantiateInterface/TypeAliasToBounds() instead')
DartType instantiateToBounds2({
ClassElement? classElement,
TypeAliasElement? typeAliasElement,
required NullabilitySuffix nullabilitySuffix,
}) {
if (classElement != null) {
return instantiateInterfaceToBounds(
element: classElement,
nullabilitySuffix: nullabilitySuffix,
} else if (typeAliasElement != null) {
return instantiateTypeAliasToBounds(
element: typeAliasElement,
nullabilitySuffix: nullabilitySuffix,
} else {
throw ArgumentError('Missing element');
/// Given a [DartType] [type] and a list of types
/// [typeArguments], instantiate the type formals with the
/// provided actuals. If [type] is not a parameterized type,
/// no instantiation is done.
DartType instantiateType(DartType type, List<DartType> typeArguments) {
if (type is FunctionType) {
return type.instantiate(typeArguments);
} else if (type is InterfaceTypeImpl) {
// TODO(scheglov): Use `ClassElement.instantiate()`, don't use raw types.
return type.element.instantiate(
typeArguments: typeArguments,
nullabilitySuffix: type.nullabilitySuffix,
} else {
return type;
DartType instantiateTypeAliasToBounds({
required TypeAliasElement element,
required NullabilitySuffix nullabilitySuffix,
}) {
var typeParameters = element.typeParameters;
var typeArguments = _defaultTypeArguments(typeParameters);
return element.instantiate(
typeArguments: typeArguments,
nullabilitySuffix: nullabilitySuffix,
/// Given uninstantiated [typeFormals], instantiate them to their bounds.
/// See the issue for the algorithm description.
List<DartType> instantiateTypeFormalsToBounds(
List<TypeParameterElement> typeFormals,
{List<bool>? hasError,
Map<TypeParameterElement, DartType>? knownTypes}) {
int count = typeFormals.length;
if (count == 0) {
return const <DartType>[];
Set<TypeParameterElement> all = <TypeParameterElement>{};
// all ground
Map<TypeParameterElement, DartType> defaults = knownTypes ?? {};
// not ground
Map<TypeParameterElement, DartType> partials = {};
for (TypeParameterElement typeParameter in typeFormals) {
if (!defaults.containsKey(typeParameter)) {
var bound = typeParameter.bound ?? DynamicTypeImpl.instance;
partials[typeParameter] = bound;
bool hasProgress = true;
while (hasProgress) {
hasProgress = false;
for (TypeParameterElement parameter in partials.keys) {
DartType value = partials[parameter]!;
var freeParameters = getFreeParameters(value, candidates: all);
if (freeParameters == null) {
defaults[parameter] = value;
hasProgress = true;
} else if (freeParameters.every(defaults.containsKey)) {
defaults[parameter] =
hasProgress = true;
// If we stopped making progress, and not all types are ground,
// then the whole type is malbounded and an error should be reported
// if errors are requested, and a partially completed type should
// be returned.
if (partials.isNotEmpty) {
if (hasError != null) {
hasError[0] = true;
var domain = defaults.keys.toList();
var range = defaults.values.toList();
// Build a substitution Phi mapping each uncompleted type variable to
// dynamic, and each completed type variable to its default.
for (TypeParameterElement parameter in partials.keys) {
// Set the default for an uncompleted type variable (T extends B)
// to be Phi(B)
for (TypeParameterElement parameter in partials.keys) {
defaults[parameter] = Substitution.fromPairs(domain, range)
List<DartType> orderedArguments = => defaults[p]!).toFixedList();
return orderedArguments;
/// accepted/future-releases/0546-patterns/
bool isAlwaysExhaustive(DartType type) {
if (type is InterfaceType) {
if (type.isDartCoreBool) {
return true;
if (type.isDartCoreNull) {
return true;
var element = type.element;
if (element is EnumElement) {
return true;
if (element is ClassElement && element.isSealed) {
return true;
if (element is ExtensionTypeElement) {
return isAlwaysExhaustive(type.extensionTypeErasure);
if (type.isDartAsyncFutureOr) {
return isAlwaysExhaustive(type.typeArguments[0]);
return false;
} else if (type is TypeParameterTypeImpl) {
var promotedBound = type.promotedBound;
if (promotedBound != null && isAlwaysExhaustive(promotedBound)) {
return true;
var bound = type.element.bound;
if (bound != null && isAlwaysExhaustive(bound)) {
return true;
return false;
} else if (type is RecordType) {
for (var field in type.fields) {
if (!isAlwaysExhaustive(field.type)) {
return false;
return true;
} else {
return false;
bool isAssignableTo(DartType fromType, DartType toType,
{bool strictCasts = false}) {
// An actual subtype
if (isSubtypeOf(fromType, toType)) {
return true;
// Accept the invalid type, we have already reported an error for it.
if (fromType is InvalidType) {
return true;
// A 'call' method tearoff.
if (fromType is InterfaceType &&
!isNullable(fromType) &&
acceptsFunctionType(toType)) {
var callMethodType = getCallMethodType(fromType);
if (callMethodType != null &&
isAssignableTo(callMethodType, toType, strictCasts: strictCasts)) {
return true;
// First make sure that the static analysis option, `strict-casts: true`
// disables all downcasts, including casts from `dynamic`.
if (strictCasts) {
return false;
// Now handle NNBD default behavior, where we disable non-dynamic downcasts.
return fromType is DynamicType;
/// A dynamic bounded type is either `dynamic` itself, or a type variable
/// whose bound is dynamic bounded, or an intersection (promoted type
/// parameter type) whose second operand is dynamic bounded.
bool isDynamicBounded(DartType type) {
if (identical(type, DynamicTypeImpl.instance)) {
return true;
if (type is TypeParameterTypeImpl) {
var bound = type.element.bound;
if (bound != null && isDynamicBounded(bound)) {
return true;
var promotedBound = type.promotedBound;
if (promotedBound != null && isDynamicBounded(promotedBound)) {
return true;
return false;
/// Check if [left] is equal to [right].
/// Implements:
/// See `resources/type-system/`
bool isEqualTo(DartType left, DartType right) {
return isSubtypeOf(left, right) && isSubtypeOf(right, left);
/// A function bounded type is either `Function` itself, or a type variable
/// whose bound is function bounded, or an intersection (promoted type
/// parameter type) whose second operand is function bounded.
bool isFunctionBounded(DartType type) {
if (type is FunctionType) {
return type.nullabilitySuffix != NullabilitySuffix.question;
if (type is InterfaceType && type.isDartCoreFunction) {
return type.nullabilitySuffix != NullabilitySuffix.question;
if (type is TypeParameterTypeImpl) {
var bound = type.element.bound;
if (bound != null && isFunctionBounded(bound)) {
return true;
var promotedBound = type.promotedBound;
if (promotedBound != null && isFunctionBounded(promotedBound)) {
return true;
return false;
/// We say that a type `T` is _incompatible with await_ if at least
/// one of the following criteria holds:
bool isIncompatibleWithAwait(DartType T) {
T as TypeImpl;
// `T` is `S?`, and `S` is incompatible with await.
if (T.nullabilitySuffix == NullabilitySuffix.question) {
var T_none = T.withNullability(NullabilitySuffix.none);
return isIncompatibleWithAwait(T_none);
// `T` is an extension type that does not implement `Future`.
if (T.element is ExtensionTypeElement) {
var anyFuture = typeProvider.futureType(objectQuestion);
if (!isSubtypeOf(T, anyFuture)) {
return true;
if (T is TypeParameterTypeImpl) {
// `T` is `X & B`, and `B` is incompatible with await.
if (T.promotedBound case var B?) {
return isIncompatibleWithAwait(B);
// `T` is a type variable with bound `S`, and `S` is incompatible
// with await.
if (T.element.bound case var S?) {
return isIncompatibleWithAwait(S);
return false;
/// Either [InvalidType] itself, or an intersection with it.
bool isInvalidBounded(DartType type) {
if (identical(type, InvalidTypeImpl.instance)) {
return true;
if (type is TypeParameterTypeImpl) {
var bound = type.element.bound;
if (bound != null && isInvalidBounded(bound)) {
return true;
var promotedBound = type.promotedBound;
if (promotedBound != null && isInvalidBounded(promotedBound)) {
return true;
return false;
/// Defines an (almost) total order on bottom and `Null` types. This does not
/// currently consistently order two different type variables with the same
/// bound.
bool isMoreBottom(DartType T, DartType S) {
var T_impl = T as TypeImpl;
var S_impl = S as TypeImpl;
var T_nullability = T_impl.nullabilitySuffix;
var S_nullability = S_impl.nullabilitySuffix;
// MOREBOTTOM(Never, T) = true
if (identical(T, NeverTypeImpl.instance)) {
return true;
// MOREBOTTOM(T, Never) = false
if (identical(S, NeverTypeImpl.instance)) {
return false;
// MOREBOTTOM(Null, T) = true
if (T_nullability == NullabilitySuffix.none && T.isDartCoreNull) {
return true;
// MOREBOTTOM(T, Null) = false
if (S_nullability == NullabilitySuffix.none && S.isDartCoreNull) {
return false;
if (T_nullability == NullabilitySuffix.question &&
S_nullability == NullabilitySuffix.question) {
var T2 = T_impl.withNullability(NullabilitySuffix.none);
var S2 = S_impl.withNullability(NullabilitySuffix.none);
return isMoreBottom(T2, S2);
// MOREBOTTOM(T, S?) = true
if (S_nullability == NullabilitySuffix.question) {
return true;
// MOREBOTTOM(T?, S) = false
if (T_nullability == NullabilitySuffix.question) {
return false;
// Type parameters.
if (T is TypeParameterTypeImpl && S is TypeParameterTypeImpl) {
// We have eliminated the possibility that T_nullability or S_nullability
// is anything except none by this point.
assert(T_nullability == NullabilitySuffix.none);
assert(S_nullability == NullabilitySuffix.none);
var T_element = T.element;
var S_element = S.element;
var T_promotedBound = T.promotedBound;
var S_promotedBound = S.promotedBound;
if (T_promotedBound != null && S_promotedBound != null) {
return isMoreBottom(T_promotedBound, S_promotedBound);
// MOREBOTTOM(X&T, S) = true
if (T_promotedBound != null) {
return true;
// MOREBOTTOM(T, Y&S) = false
if (S_promotedBound != null) {
return false;
// MOREBOTTOM(X extends T, Y extends S) = MOREBOTTOM(T, S)
// The invariant of the larger algorithm that this is only called with
// types that satisfy `BOTTOM(T)` or `NULL(T)`, and all such types, if
// they are type variables, have bounds which themselves are
// `BOTTOM` or `NULL` types.
var T_bound = T_element.bound!;
var S_bound = S_element.bound!;
return isMoreBottom(T_bound, S_bound);
return false;
/// Return `true` if the [leftType] is more specific than the [rightType]
/// (that is, if leftType << rightType), as defined in the Dart language spec.
/// In strong mode, this is equivalent to [isSubtypeOf].
@Deprecated('Use isSubtypeOf() instead.')
bool isMoreSpecificThan(DartType leftType, DartType rightType) {
return isSubtypeOf(leftType, rightType);
/// Defines a total order on top and Object types.
bool isMoreTop(DartType T, DartType S) {
var T_impl = T as TypeImpl;
var S_impl = S as TypeImpl;
var T_nullability = T_impl.nullabilitySuffix;
var S_nullability = S_impl.nullabilitySuffix;
// MORETOP(void, S) = true
if (identical(T, VoidTypeImpl.instance)) {
return true;
// MORETOP(T, void) = false
if (identical(S, VoidTypeImpl.instance)) {
return false;
// MORETOP(dynamic, S) = true
if (identical(T, DynamicTypeImpl.instance) ||
identical(T, InvalidTypeImpl.instance)) {
return true;
// MORETOP(T, dynamic) = false
if (identical(S, DynamicTypeImpl.instance) ||
identical(S, InvalidTypeImpl.instance)) {
return false;
// MORETOP(Object, S) = true
if (T_nullability == NullabilitySuffix.none && T.isDartCoreObject) {
return true;
// MORETOP(T, Object) = false
if (S_nullability == NullabilitySuffix.none && S.isDartCoreObject) {
return false;
if (T_nullability == NullabilitySuffix.question &&
S_nullability == NullabilitySuffix.question) {
var T2 = T_impl.withNullability(NullabilitySuffix.none);
var S2 = S_impl.withNullability(NullabilitySuffix.none);
return isMoreTop(T2, S2);
// MORETOP(T, S?) = true
if (S_nullability == NullabilitySuffix.question) {
return true;
// MORETOP(T?, S) = false
if (T_nullability == NullabilitySuffix.question) {
return false;
// MORETOP(FutureOr<T>, FutureOr<S>) = MORETOP(T, S)
if (T is InterfaceTypeImpl &&
T.isDartAsyncFutureOr &&
S is InterfaceTypeImpl &&
S.isDartAsyncFutureOr) {
assert(T_nullability == NullabilitySuffix.none);
assert(S_nullability == NullabilitySuffix.none);
var T2 = T.typeArguments[0];
var S2 = S.typeArguments[0];
return isMoreTop(T2, S2);
return false;
bool isNonNullable(DartType type) {
if (type is DynamicType ||
type is InvalidType ||
type is UnknownInferredType ||
type is VoidType ||
type.isDartCoreNull) {
return false;
} else if (type is TypeParameterTypeImpl && type.promotedBound != null) {
return isNonNullable(type.promotedBound!);
} else if (type.nullabilitySuffix == NullabilitySuffix.question) {
return false;
} else if (type is InterfaceTypeImpl) {
if (type.isDartAsyncFutureOr) {
return isNonNullable(type.typeArguments[0]);
if (type.element is ExtensionTypeElement) {
return type.interfaces.isNotEmpty;
} else if (type is TypeParameterType) {
var bound = type.element.bound;
return bound != null && isNonNullable(bound);
return true;
/// Return `true` for things in the equivalence class of `Null`.
bool isNull(DartType type) {
var typeImpl = type as TypeImpl;
var nullabilitySuffix = typeImpl.nullabilitySuffix;
// NULL(Null) is true
// Also includes `Null?` from the rules below.
if (type.isDartCoreNull) {
return true;
// NULL(T?) is true iff NULL(T) or BOTTOM(T)
// The case for `Null?` is already checked above.
if (nullabilitySuffix == NullabilitySuffix.question) {
var T = typeImpl.withNullability(NullabilitySuffix.none);
return T.isBottom;
// NULL(T) is false otherwise
return false;
bool isNullable(DartType type) {
if (type is DynamicType ||
type is InvalidType ||
type is UnknownInferredType ||
type is VoidType ||
type.isDartCoreNull) {
return true;
} else if (type is TypeParameterTypeImpl && type.promotedBound != null) {
return isNullable(type.promotedBound!);
} else if (type.nullabilitySuffix == NullabilitySuffix.question) {
return true;
} else if (type is InterfaceTypeImpl) {
if (type.isDartAsyncFutureOr) {
return isNullable(type.typeArguments[0]);
return false;
/// Return `true` for any type which is in the equivalence class of `Object`.
bool isObject(DartType type) {
var typeImpl = type as TypeImpl;
if (typeImpl.nullabilitySuffix != NullabilitySuffix.none) {
return false;
// OBJECT(Object) is true
if (type.isDartCoreObject) {
return true;
// OBJECT(FutureOr<T>) is OBJECT(T)
if (type is InterfaceTypeImpl && type.isDartAsyncFutureOr) {
var T = type.typeArguments[0];
return isObject(T);
// OBJECT(T) is false otherwise
return false;
bool isPotentiallyNonNullable(DartType type) => !isNullable(type);
bool isPotentiallyNullable(DartType type) => !isNonNullable(type);
bool isStrictlyNonNullable(DartType type) {
if (type is DynamicType ||
type is InvalidType ||
type is UnknownInferredType ||
type is VoidType ||
type.isDartCoreNull) {
return false;
} else if (type.nullabilitySuffix != NullabilitySuffix.none) {
return false;
} else if (type is InterfaceTypeImpl) {
if (type.isDartAsyncFutureOr) {
return isStrictlyNonNullable(type.typeArguments[0]);
if (type.element is ExtensionTypeElement) {
return type.interfaces.isNotEmpty;
} else if (type is TypeParameterType) {
return isStrictlyNonNullable(type.bound);
return true;
/// Check if [leftType] is a subtype of [rightType].
/// Implements:
/// See `resources/type-system/`
bool isSubtypeOf(DartType leftType, DartType rightType) {
return _subtypeHelper.isSubtypeOf(leftType, rightType);
/// Return `true` for any type which is in the equivalence class of top types.
bool isTop(DartType type) {
// TOP(?) is true
if (identical(type, UnknownInferredType.instance)) {
return true;
// TOP(dynamic) is true
if (identical(type, DynamicTypeImpl.instance) ||
identical(type, InvalidTypeImpl.instance)) {
return true;
// TOP(void) is true
if (identical(type, VoidTypeImpl.instance)) {
return true;
var typeImpl = type as TypeImpl;
var nullabilitySuffix = typeImpl.nullabilitySuffix;
// TOP(T?) is true iff TOP(T) or OBJECT(T)
if (nullabilitySuffix == NullabilitySuffix.question) {
var T = typeImpl.withNullability(NullabilitySuffix.none);
return isTop(T) || isObject(T);
// TOP(FutureOr<T>) is TOP(T)
if (type is InterfaceTypeImpl && type.isDartAsyncFutureOr) {
assert(nullabilitySuffix == NullabilitySuffix.none);
var T = type.typeArguments[0];
return isTop(T);
// TOP(T) is false otherwise
return false;
/// Whether [type] is a valid superinterface for an extension type.
bool isValidExtensionTypeSuperinterface(DartType type) {
if (type is! InterfaceType) {
return false;
if (type.nullabilitySuffix == NullabilitySuffix.question) {
return false;
if (type.isDartAsyncFutureOr ||
type.isDartCoreFunction ||
type.isDartCoreNull ||
type.isDartCoreRecord) {
return false;
return true;
/// See `15.2 Super-bounded types` in the language specification.
TypeBoundedResult isWellBounded(
DartType type, {
required bool allowSuperBounded,
}) {
return TypeBoundedHelper(this).isWellBounded(
allowSuperBounded: allowSuperBounded,
/// Returns the least closure of [type] with respect to [typeParameters].
/// See `resources/type-system/`
DartType leastClosure(
DartType type,
List<TypeParameterElement> typeParameters,
) {
var typeParameterSet = Set<TypeParameterElement>.identity();
return LeastGreatestClosureHelper(
typeSystem: this,
topType: objectQuestion,
topFunctionType: typeProvider.functionType,
bottomType: NeverTypeImpl.instance,
eliminationTargets: typeParameterSet,
/// Returns the least closure of the given type [schema] with respect to `_`.
/// The least closure of a type schema `P` with respect to `_` is defined as
/// `P` with every covariant occurrence of `_` replaced with `Object`, an
/// every contravariant occurrence of `_` replaced with `Null`.
/// If the schema contains no instances of `_`, the original schema object is
/// returned to avoid unnecessary allocation.
/// Note that the closure of a type schema is a proper type.
/// Note that the least closure of a type schema is always a subtype of any
/// type which matches the schema.
DartType leastClosureOfSchema(DartType schema) {
topType: objectQuestion,
bottomType: NeverTypeImpl.instance,
isLeastClosure: true,
schema: schema,
DartType leastUpperBound(DartType T1, DartType T2) {
return _leastUpperBoundHelper.getLeastUpperBound(T1, T2);
/// Returns a nullable version of [type]. The result would be equivalent to
/// the union `type | Null` (if we supported union types).
DartType makeNullable(DartType type) {
// TODO(paulberry): handle type parameter types
return (type as TypeImpl).withNullability(NullabilitySuffix.question);
/// Attempts to find the appropriate substitution for the [typeParameters]
/// that can be applied to [srcTypes] to make it equal to [destTypes].
/// If no such substitution can be found, `null` is returned.
List<DartType>? matchSupertypeConstraints(
List<TypeParameterElement> typeParameters,
List<DartType> srcTypes,
List<DartType> destTypes, {
required TypeSystemOperations typeSystemOperations,
required bool genericMetadataIsEnabled,
required bool strictInference,
required bool strictCasts,
}) {
var inferrer = GenericInferrer(this, typeParameters,
genericMetadataIsEnabled: genericMetadataIsEnabled,
strictInference: strictInference,
typeSystemOperations: typeSystemOperations,
dataForTesting: null);
for (int i = 0; i < srcTypes.length; i++) {
inferrer.constrainReturnType(srcTypes[i], destTypes[i],
nodeForTesting: null);
inferrer.constrainReturnType(destTypes[i], srcTypes[i],
nodeForTesting: null);
var inferredTypes = inferrer
var substitution = Substitution.fromPairs(typeParameters, inferredTypes);
for (int i = 0; i < srcTypes.length; i++) {
var srcType = substitution.substituteType(srcTypes[i]);
var destType = destTypes[i];
if (srcType != destType) {
// Failed to find an appropriate substitution
return null;
return inferredTypes;
/// Compute the canonical representation of [T].
/// See `resources/type-system/`
DartType normalize(DartType T) {
return NormalizeHelper(this).normalize(T);
/// Returns a non-nullable version of [type]. This is equivalent to the
/// operation `NonNull` defined in the spec.
DartType promoteToNonNull(DartType type) {
if (type.isDartCoreNull) return NeverTypeImpl.instance;
if (type is TypeParameterTypeImpl) {
var element = type.element;
// NonNull(X & T) = X & NonNull(T)
if (type.promotedBound != null) {
var promotedBound = promoteToNonNull(type.promotedBound!);
return TypeParameterTypeImpl(
element: element,
nullabilitySuffix: NullabilitySuffix.none,
promotedBound: promotedBound,
// NonNull(X) = X & NonNull(B), where B is the bound of X
DartType? promotedBound = element.bound != null
? promoteToNonNull(element.bound!)
: typeProvider.objectType;
if (identical(promotedBound, element.bound)) {
promotedBound = null;
return TypeParameterTypeImpl(
element: element,
nullabilitySuffix: NullabilitySuffix.none,
promotedBound: promotedBound,
return (type as TypeImpl).withNullability(NullabilitySuffix.none);
/// Determine the type of a binary expression with the given [operator] whose
/// left operand has the type [leftType] and whose right operand has the type
/// [rightType], given that resolution has so far produced the [currentType].
DartType refineBinaryExpressionType(
DartType leftType,
TokenType operator,
DartType rightType,
DartType currentType,
MethodElement? operatorElement) {
if (operatorElement == null) return currentType;
return _refineNumericInvocationTypeNullSafe(
leftType, operatorElement, [rightType], currentType);
/// Determines the context type for the parameters of a method invocation
/// where the type of the target is [targetType], the method being invoked is
/// [methodElement], the context surrounding the method invocation is
/// [invocationContext], and the context type produced so far by resolution is
/// [currentType].
DartType refineNumericInvocationContext(
DartType? targetType,
Element? methodElement,
DartType invocationContext,
DartType currentType) {
if (targetType != null && methodElement is MethodElement) {
return _refineNumericInvocationContextNullSafe(
targetType, methodElement, invocationContext, currentType);
} else {
// No special rules apply.
return currentType;
/// Determines the type of a method invocation where the type of the target is
/// [targetType], the method being invoked is [methodElement], the types of
/// the arguments passed to the method are [argumentTypes], and the type
/// produced so far by resolution is [currentType].
// TODO(scheglov): I expected that [methodElement] is [MethodElement].
DartType refineNumericInvocationType(
DartType targetType,
Element? methodElement,
List<DartType> argumentTypes,
DartType currentType) {
if (methodElement is MethodElement) {
return _refineNumericInvocationTypeNullSafe(
targetType, methodElement, argumentTypes, currentType);
} else {
// No special rules apply.
return currentType;
/// Given two lists of type parameters, check that they have the same
/// number of elements, and their bounds are equal.
/// The return value will be a new list of fresh type parameters, that can
/// be used to instantiate both function types, allowing further comparison.
RelatedTypeParameters? relateTypeParameters(
List<TypeParameterElement> typeParameters1,
List<TypeParameterElement> typeParameters2,
) {
if (typeParameters1.length != typeParameters2.length) {
return null;
if (typeParameters1.isEmpty) {
return RelatedTypeParameters._empty;
var length = typeParameters1.length;
var freshTypeParameters = List.generate(length, (index) {
return TypeParameterElementImpl(
}, growable: false);
var freshTypeParameterTypes = List.generate(length, (index) {
return TypeParameterTypeImpl(
element: freshTypeParameters[index],
nullabilitySuffix: NullabilitySuffix.none,
}, growable: false);
var substitution1 = Substitution.fromPairs(
var substitution2 = Substitution.fromPairs(
for (var i = 0; i < typeParameters1.length; i++) {
var bound1 = typeParameters1[i].bound;
var bound2 = typeParameters2[i].bound;
if (bound1 == null && bound2 == null) {
bound1 ??= DynamicTypeImpl.instance;
bound2 ??= DynamicTypeImpl.instance;
bound1 = substitution1.substituteType(bound1);
bound2 = substitution2.substituteType(bound2);
if (!isEqualTo(bound1, bound2)) {
return null;
if (bound1 is! DynamicType) {
freshTypeParameters[i].bound = bound1;
return RelatedTypeParameters._(
/// Replaces all covariant occurrences of `dynamic`, `void`, and `Object` or
/// `Object?` with `Null` or `Never` and all contravariant occurrences of
/// `Null` or `Never` with `Object` or `Object?`.
DartType replaceTopAndBottom(DartType dartType) {
topType: objectQuestion,
bottomType: NeverTypeImpl.instance,
typeSystem: this,
type: dartType,
DartType resolveToBound(DartType type) {
if (type is TypeParameterTypeImpl) {
var promotedBound = type.promotedBound;
if (promotedBound != null) {
return resolveToBound(promotedBound);
var bound = type.element.bound;
if (bound == null) {
return objectQuestion;
var resolved = resolveToBound(bound) as TypeImpl;
var newNullabilitySuffix = uniteNullabilities(
return resolved.withNullability(newNullabilitySuffix);
return type;
/// Return `true` if runtime types [T1] and [T2] are equal.
/// nnbd/
bool runtimeTypesEqual(DartType T1, DartType T2) {
return RuntimeTypeEqualityHelper(this).equal(T1, T2);
/// Prepares to infer type arguments for a generic type, function, method, or
/// list/map literal, initializing a [GenericInferrer] using the downward
/// context type.
GenericInferrer setupGenericTypeInference({
required List<TypeParameterElement> typeParameters,
required DartType declaredReturnType,
required DartType contextReturnType,
ErrorReporter? errorReporter,
SyntacticEntity? errorEntity,
required bool genericMetadataIsEnabled,
bool isConst = false,
required bool strictInference,
required bool strictCasts,
required TypeSystemOperations typeSystemOperations,
required TypeConstraintGenerationDataForTesting? dataForTesting,
required AstNode? nodeForTesting,
}) {
// Create a GenericInferrer that will allow certain type parameters to be
// inferred. It will optimistically assume these type parameters can be
// subtypes (or supertypes) as necessary, and track the constraints that
// are implied by this.
var inferrer = GenericInferrer(this, typeParameters,
errorReporter: errorReporter,
errorEntity: errorEntity,
genericMetadataIsEnabled: genericMetadataIsEnabled,
strictInference: strictInference,
typeSystemOperations: typeSystemOperations,
dataForTesting: dataForTesting);
if (isConst) {
contextReturnType = eliminateTypeVariables(contextReturnType);
inferrer.constrainReturnType(declaredReturnType, contextReturnType,
nodeForTesting: nodeForTesting);
return inferrer;
/// Merges two types into a single type.
/// Compute the canonical representation of [T].
/// See `accepted/future-releases/nnbd/`
/// See `#classes-defined-in-opted-in-libraries`
DartType topMerge(DartType T, DartType S) {
return TopMergeHelper(this).topMerge(T, S);
/// Tries to promote from the first type from the second type, and returns the
/// promoted type if it succeeds, otherwise null.
DartType? tryPromoteToType(DartType to, DartType from) {
// Allow promoting to a subtype, for example:
// f(Base b) {
// if (b is SubTypeOfBase) {
// // promote `b` to SubTypeOfBase for this block
// }
// }
// This allows the variable to be used wherever the supertype (here `Base`)
// is expected, while gaining a more precise type.
if (isSubtypeOf(to, from)) {
return to;
// For a type parameter `T extends U`, allow promoting the upper bound
// `U` to `S` where `S <: U`, yielding a type parameter `T extends S`.
if (from is TypeParameterType) {
if (isSubtypeOf(to, from.bound)) {
var declaration = from.element.declaration;
return TypeParameterTypeImpl(
element: declaration,
nullabilitySuffix: _promotedTypeParameterTypeNullability(
promotedBound: to,
return null;
/// Given a [DartType] type, return the [TypeParameterElement]s corresponding
/// to its formal type parameters (if any).
/// @param type the type whose type arguments are to be returned
/// @return the type arguments associated with the given type
List<TypeParameterElement> typeFormalsAsElements(DartType type) {
if (type is FunctionType) {
return type.typeFormals;
} else if (type is InterfaceType) {
return type.element.typeParameters;
} else {
return const <TypeParameterElement>[];
/// Optimistically estimates, if type arguments of [left] can be equal to
/// the type arguments of [right]. Both types must be instantiations of the
/// same element.
bool _canBeEqualArguments(InterfaceType left, InterfaceType right) {
assert(left.element == right.element);
var leftArguments = left.typeArguments;
var rightArguments = right.typeArguments;
assert(leftArguments.length == rightArguments.length);
for (var i = 0; i < leftArguments.length; i++) {
var leftArgument = leftArguments[i];
var rightArgument = rightArguments[i];
if (!_canBeEqualTo(leftArgument, rightArgument)) {
return false;
return true;
/// Optimistically estimates, if [left] can be equal to [right].
bool _canBeEqualTo(DartType left, DartType right) {
if (left is InterfaceType && right is InterfaceType) {
if (left.element != right.element) {
return false;
return true;
List<DartType> _defaultTypeArguments(
List<TypeParameterElement> typeParameters,
) {
return {
var typeParameterImpl = typeParameter as TypeParameterElementImpl;
return typeParameterImpl.defaultType!;
/// `S` is the future type of a type `T` in the following cases, using the
/// first applicable case:
/// * see [futureType].
/// * `T` is `S` bounded, and there is a `U` such that `S` is `FutureOr<U>`,
/// `Future<U>?`, or `FutureOr<U>?`.
/// 17.15.3: For a given type `T0`, we introduce the notion of a `T0` bounded
/// type: `T0` itself is `T0` bounded; if `B` is `T0` bounded and `X` is a
/// type variable with bound `B` then `X` is `T0` bounded; finally, if `B`
/// is `T0` bounded and `X` is a type variable then `X&B` is `T0` bounded.
DartType? _futureTypeOfBounded(DartType T) {
if (T is InterfaceType) {
if (T.nullabilitySuffix != NullabilitySuffix.question) {
if (T.isDartAsyncFutureOr) {
return T;
} else {
if (T.isDartAsyncFutureOr || T.isDartAsyncFuture) {
return T;
if (T is TypeParameterTypeImpl) {
var bound = T.element.bound;
if (bound != null) {
var result = _futureTypeOfBounded(bound);
if (result != null) {
return result;
var promotedBound = T.promotedBound;
if (promotedBound != null) {
var result = _futureTypeOfBounded(promotedBound);
if (result != null) {
return result;
return null;
DartType _refineNumericInvocationContextNullSafe(
DartType targetType,
MethodElement methodElement,
DartType invocationContext,
DartType currentType) {
// If the method being invoked comes from an extension, don't refine the
// type because we can only make guarantees about methods defined in the
// SDK, and the numeric methods we refine are all instance methods.
if (methodElement.enclosingElement is ExtensionElement ||
methodElement.enclosingElement is ExtensionTypeElement) {
return currentType;
// If e is an expression of the form e1 + e2, e1 - e2, e1 * e2, e1 % e2 or
// e1.remainder(e2)...
if (const {'+', '-', '*', '%', 'remainder'}.contains( {
// ...where C is the context type of e and T is the static type of e1, and
// where T is a non-Never subtype of num...
// Notes:
// - We don't have to check for Never because if T is Never, the method
// element will fail to resolve so we'll never reach here.
// - We actually check against `num?` rather than `num`. It's equivalent
// from the standpoint of correctness (since it's illegal to call these
// methods on nullable types, and that's checked for elsewhere), but
// better from the standpoint of error recovery (since it allows e.g.
// `int? + int` to resolve to `int` rather than `num`).
var c = invocationContext;
var t = targetType;
var numType = typeProvider.numType;
if (isSubtypeOf(t, typeProvider.numTypeQuestion)) {
// Then:
// - If int <: C, not num <: C, and T <: int, then the context type of
// e2 is int.
// (Note: as above, we check the type of T against `int?`, because it's
// equivalent and leads to better error recovery.)
var intType = typeProvider.intType;
if (isSubtypeOf(intType, c) &&
!isSubtypeOf(numType, c) &&
isSubtypeOf(t, typeProvider.intTypeQuestion)) {
return intType;
// - If double <: C, not num <: C, and not T <: double, then the context
// type of e2 is double.
// (Note: as above, we check the type of T against `double?`, because
// it's equivalent and leads to better error recovery.)
var doubleType = typeProvider.doubleType;
if (isSubtypeOf(doubleType, c) &&
!isSubtypeOf(numType, c) &&
!isSubtypeOf(t, typeProvider.doubleTypeQuestion)) {
return doubleType;
// Otherwise, the context type of e2 is num.
return numType;
// If e is an expression of the form e1.clamp(e2, e3)...
if ( == 'clamp') {
// ...where C is the context type of e and T is the static type of e1
// where T is a non-Never subtype of num...
// Notes:
// - We don't have to check for Never because if T is Never, the method
// element will fail to resolve so we'll never reach here.
// - We actually check against `num?` rather than `num`. It's
// equivalent from the standpoint of correctness (since it's illegal
// to call `num.clamp` on a nullable type or to pass it a nullable
// type as an argument, and that's checked for elsewhere), but better
// from the standpoint of error recovery (since it allows e.g.
// `int?.clamp(e2, e3)` to give the same context to `e2` and `e3` that
// `int.clamp(e2, e3` would).
var c = invocationContext;
var t = targetType;
var numType = typeProvider.numType;
if (isSubtypeOf(t, typeProvider.numTypeQuestion)) {
// Then:
// - If int <: C, not num <: C, and T <: int, then the context type of
// e2 and e3 is int.
// (Note: as above, we check the type of T against `int?`, because it's
// equivalent and leads to better error recovery.)
var intType = typeProvider.intType;
if (isSubtypeOf(intType, c) &&
!isSubtypeOf(numType, c) &&
isSubtypeOf(t, typeProvider.intTypeQuestion)) {
return intType;
// - If double <: C, not num <: C, and T <: double, then the context
// type of e2 and e3 is double.
var doubleType = typeProvider.doubleType;
if (isSubtypeOf(doubleType, c) &&
!isSubtypeOf(numType, c) &&
isSubtypeOf(t, typeProvider.doubleTypeQuestion)) {
return doubleType;
// - Otherwise the context type of e2 an e3 is num.
return numType;
// No special rules apply.
return currentType;
DartType _refineNumericInvocationTypeNullSafe(
DartType targetType,
MethodElement methodElement,
List<DartType> argumentTypes,
DartType currentType) {
// If the method being invoked comes from an extension, don't refine the
// type because we can only make guarantees about methods defined in the
// SDK, and the numeric methods we refine are all instance methods.
if (methodElement.enclosingElement is ExtensionElement ||
methodElement.enclosingElement is ExtensionTypeElement) {
return currentType;
// Let e be an expression of one of the forms e1 + e2, e1 - e2, e1 * e2,
// e1 % e2 or e1.remainder(e2)...
if (const {'+', '-', '*', '%', 'remainder'}.contains( {
// ...where the static type of e1 is a non-Never type T and T <: num...
// Notes:
// - We don't have to check for Never because if T is Never, the method
// element will fail to resolve so we'll never reach here.
// - We actually check against `num?` rather than `num`. It's equivalent
// from the standpoint of correctness (since it's illegal to call these
// methods on nullable types, and that's checked for elsewhere), but
// better from the standpoint of error recovery (since it allows e.g.
// `int? + int` to resolve to `int` rather than `num`).
var t = targetType;
if (isSubtypeOf(t, typeProvider.numTypeQuestion)) {
// ...and where the static type of e2 is S and S is assignable to num.
// (Note: we don't have to check that S is assignable to num because
// this is required by the signature of the method.)
if (argumentTypes.length == 1) {
var s = argumentTypes[0];
// Then:
// - If T <: double then the static type of e is double. This includes
// S being dynamic or Never.
// (Note: as above, we check against `double?` because it's equivalent
// and leads to better error recovery.)
var doubleType = typeProvider.doubleType;
var doubleTypeQuestion = typeProvider.doubleTypeQuestion;
if (isSubtypeOf(t, doubleTypeQuestion)) {
return doubleType;
// - If S <: double and not S <: Never, then the static type of e is
// double.
// (Again, we check against `double?` for error recovery.)
if (!s.isBottom && isSubtypeOf(s, doubleTypeQuestion)) {
return doubleType;
// - If T <: int, S <: int and not S <: Never, then the static type of
// e is int.
// (As above, we check against `int?` for error recovery.)
var intTypeQuestion = typeProvider.intTypeQuestion;
if (!s.isBottom &&
isSubtypeOf(t, intTypeQuestion) &&
isSubtypeOf(s, intTypeQuestion)) {
return typeProvider.intType;
// - Otherwise the static type of e is num.
return typeProvider.numType;
// Let e be a normal invocation of the form e1.clamp(e2, e3)...
if ( == 'clamp') {
// ...where the static types of e1, e2 and e3 are T1, T2 and T3
// respectively...
var t1 = targetType;
if (argumentTypes.length == 2) {
var t2 = argumentTypes[0];
var t3 = argumentTypes[1];
// ...and where T1, T2, and T3 are all non-Never subtypes of num.
// Notes:
// - We don't have to check T1 for Never because if T1 is Never, the
// method element will fail to resolve so we'll never reach here.
// - We actually check against `num?` rather than `num`. It's
// equivalent from the standpoint of correctness (since it's illegal
// to call `num.clamp` on a nullable type or to pass it a nullable
// type as an argument, and that's checked for elsewhere), but better
// from the standpoint of error recovery (since it allows e.g.
// `int?.clamp(int, int)` to resolve to `int` rather than `num`).
// - We don't check that T2 and T3 are subtypes of num because the
// signature of `num.clamp` requires it.
var numTypeQuestion = typeProvider.numTypeQuestion;
if (isSubtypeOf(t1, numTypeQuestion) && !t2.isBottom && !t3.isBottom) {
// Then:
// - If T1, T2 and T3 are all subtypes of int, the static type of e is
// int.
// (Note: as above, we check against `int?` because it's equivalent
// and leads to better error recovery.)
var intTypeQuestion = typeProvider.intTypeQuestion;
if (isSubtypeOf(t1, intTypeQuestion) &&
isSubtypeOf(t2, intTypeQuestion) &&
isSubtypeOf(t3, intTypeQuestion)) {
return typeProvider.intType;
// If T1, T2 and T3 are all subtypes of double, the static type of e
// is double.
// (As above, we check against `double?` for error recovery.)
var doubleTypeQuestion = typeProvider.doubleTypeQuestion;
if (isSubtypeOf(t1, doubleTypeQuestion) &&
isSubtypeOf(t2, doubleTypeQuestion) &&
isSubtypeOf(t3, doubleTypeQuestion)) {
return typeProvider.doubleType;
// Otherwise the static type of e is num.
return typeProvider.numType;
// No special rules apply.
return currentType;
DartType _removeBoundsOfGenericFunctionTypes(DartType type) {
bottomType: NeverTypeImpl.instance,
type: type,
static NullabilitySuffix _promotedTypeParameterTypeNullability(
NullabilitySuffix nullabilityOfType,
NullabilitySuffix nullabilityOfBound,
) {
if (nullabilityOfType == NullabilitySuffix.question &&
nullabilityOfBound == NullabilitySuffix.none) {
return NullabilitySuffix.none;
if (nullabilityOfType == NullabilitySuffix.question &&
nullabilityOfBound == NullabilitySuffix.question) {
return NullabilitySuffix.question;
// Intersection with a non-nullable type always yields a non-nullable type,
// as it's the most restrictive kind of types.
return NullabilitySuffix.none;
// TODO(scheglov): Ask the language team how to deal with it.
class _RemoveBoundsOfGenericFunctionTypeVisitor extends ReplacementVisitor {
final DartType _bottomType;
DartType visitTypeParameterBound(DartType type) {
return _bottomType;
static DartType run({
required DartType bottomType,
required DartType type,
}) {
var visitor = _RemoveBoundsOfGenericFunctionTypeVisitor._(bottomType);
var result = type.accept(visitor);
return result ?? type;
class _TypeVariableEliminator extends Substitution {
final DartType _topType;
final DartType _bottomType;
DartType getSubstitute(TypeParameterElement parameter, bool upperBound) {
return upperBound ? _bottomType : _topType;