blob: d150ab1faca465b10148b18040151168ae768a63 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/nullability_suffix.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/type.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/type_visitor.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/extensions.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/type.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/type_schema.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/type_visitor.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/summary2/function_type_builder.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/summary2/named_type_builder.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/summary2/record_type_builder.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/utilities/extensions/collection.dart';
/// Generates a fresh copy of the given type parameters, with their bounds
/// substituted to reference the new parameters.
/// The returned object contains the fresh type parameter list as well as a
/// mapping to be used for replacing other types to use the new type parameters.
FreshTypeParameters getFreshTypeParameters(
List<TypeParameterElement> typeParameters) {
var freshParameters = List<TypeParameterElementImpl>.generate(
(i) => TypeParameterElementImpl(typeParameters[i].name, -1),
growable: false,
var map = <TypeParameterElement, DartType>{};
for (int i = 0; i < typeParameters.length; ++i) {
map[typeParameters[i]] = TypeParameterTypeImpl(
element: freshParameters[i],
nullabilitySuffix: NullabilitySuffix.none,
var substitution = Substitution.fromMap(map);
for (int i = 0; i < typeParameters.length; ++i) {
// TODO(kallentu): : Clean up TypeParameterElementImpl casting once
// variance is added to the interface.
var typeParameter = typeParameters[i] as TypeParameterElementImpl;
if (!typeParameter.isLegacyCovariant) {
freshParameters[i].variance = typeParameter.variance;
var bound = typeParameter.bound;
if (bound != null) {
var newBound = substitution.substituteType(bound);
freshParameters[i].bound = newBound;
return FreshTypeParameters(freshParameters, substitution);
/// Given a generic function [type] of a class member (so that it does not
/// carry its element and type arguments), substitute its type parameters with
/// the [newTypeParameters] in the formal parameters and return type.
FunctionType replaceTypeParameters(
FunctionTypeImpl type,
List<TypeParameterElement> newTypeParameters,
) {
assert(newTypeParameters.length == type.typeFormals.length);
if (newTypeParameters.isEmpty) {
return type;
var typeArguments = newTypeParameters
.map((e) => e.instantiate(nullabilitySuffix: NullabilitySuffix.none))
var substitution = Substitution.fromPairs(type.typeFormals, typeArguments);
ParameterElement transformParameter(ParameterElement p) {
var type = substitution.substituteType(p.type);
return p.copyWith(type: type);
return FunctionTypeImpl(
typeFormals: newTypeParameters,
returnType: substitution.substituteType(type.returnType),
nullabilitySuffix: type.nullabilitySuffix,
/// Returns a type where all occurrences of the given type parameters have been
/// replaced with the corresponding types.
/// This will copy only the sub-terms of [type] that contain substituted
/// variables; all other [DartType] objects will be reused.
/// In particular, if no type parameters were substituted, this is guaranteed
/// to return the [type] instance (not a copy), so the caller may use
/// [identical] to efficiently check if a distinct type was created.
DartType substitute(
DartType type,
Map<TypeParameterElement, DartType> substitution,
) {
if (substitution.isEmpty) {
return type;
return Substitution.fromMap(substitution).substituteType(type);
/// 1. Substituting T=X! into T! yields X!
/// 3. Substituting T=X? into T! yields X?
/// 7. Substituting T=X! into T? yields X?
/// 9. Substituting T=X? into T? yields X?
NullabilitySuffix uniteNullabilities(NullabilitySuffix a, NullabilitySuffix b) {
if (a == NullabilitySuffix.question || b == NullabilitySuffix.question) {
return NullabilitySuffix.question;
return NullabilitySuffix.none;
class FreshTypeParameters {
final List<TypeParameterElement> freshTypeParameters;
final Substitution substitution;
FreshTypeParameters(this.freshTypeParameters, this.substitution);
FunctionType applyToFunctionType(FunctionType type) {
return FunctionTypeImpl(
typeFormals: freshTypeParameters,
parameters: {
var type = substitute(parameter.type);
return parameter.copyWith(type: type);
returnType: substitute(type.returnType),
nullabilitySuffix: type.nullabilitySuffix,
DartType substitute(DartType type) => substitution.substituteType(type);
/// Substitution that is based on the [map].
abstract class MapSubstitution extends Substitution {
const MapSubstitution();
Map<TypeParameterElement, DartType> get map;
abstract class Substitution {
static const MapSubstitution empty = _NullSubstitution.instance;
const Substitution();
DartType? getSubstitute(TypeParameterElement parameter, bool upperBound);
InterfaceType mapInterfaceType(InterfaceType type) {
return substituteType(type) as InterfaceType;
Iterable<InterfaceType> mapInterfaceTypes(Iterable<InterfaceType> types) {
DartType substituteType(DartType type, {bool contravariant = false}) {
var visitor = _TopSubstitutor(this, contravariant);
return type.accept(visitor);
/// Substitutes both variables from [first] and [second], favoring those from
/// [first] if they overlap.
/// Neither substitution is applied to the results of the other, so this does
/// *not* correspond to a sequence of two substitutions. For example,
/// combining `{T -> List<G>}` with `{G -> String}` does not correspond to
/// `{T -> List<String>}` because the result from substituting `T` is not
/// searched for occurrences of `G`.
static Substitution combine(Substitution first, Substitution second) {
if (first == _NullSubstitution.instance) return second;
if (second == _NullSubstitution.instance) return first;
return _CombinedSubstitution(first, second);
/// Substitutes the type parameters on the class of [type] with the
/// type arguments provided in [type].
static MapSubstitution fromInterfaceType(InterfaceType type) {
if (type.typeArguments.isEmpty) {
return _NullSubstitution.instance;
return fromPairs(type.element.typeParameters, type.typeArguments);
/// Substitutes each parameter to the type it maps to in [map].
static MapSubstitution fromMap(Map<TypeParameterElement, DartType> map) {
if (map.isEmpty) {
return _NullSubstitution.instance;
return _MapSubstitution(map);
/// Substitutes the Nth parameter in [parameters] with the Nth type in
/// [types].
static MapSubstitution fromPairs(
List<TypeParameterElement> parameters,
List<DartType> types,
) {
assert(parameters.length == types.length);
if (parameters.isEmpty) {
return _NullSubstitution.instance;
return fromMap(
Map<TypeParameterElement, DartType>.fromIterables(
/// Substitutes all occurrences of the given type parameters with the
/// corresponding upper or lower bound, depending on the variance of the
/// context where it occurs.
/// For example the type `(T) => T` with the bounds `bottom <: T <: num`
/// becomes `(bottom) => num` (in this example, `num` is the upper bound,
/// and `bottom` is the lower bound).
/// This is a way to obtain an upper bound for a type while eliminating all
/// references to certain type variables.
static Substitution fromUpperAndLowerBounds(
Map<TypeParameterElement, DartType> upper,
Map<TypeParameterElement, DartType> lower,
) {
if (upper.isEmpty && lower.isEmpty) {
return _NullSubstitution.instance;
return _UpperLowerBoundsSubstitution(upper, lower);
class _CombinedSubstitution extends Substitution {
final Substitution first;
final Substitution second;
_CombinedSubstitution(this.first, this.second);
DartType? getSubstitute(TypeParameterElement parameter, bool upperBound) {
return first.getSubstitute(parameter, upperBound) ??
second.getSubstitute(parameter, upperBound);
class _FreshTypeParametersSubstitutor extends _TypeSubstitutor {
final Map<TypeParameterElement, DartType> substitution = {};
_FreshTypeParametersSubstitutor(_TypeSubstitutor super.outer);
List<TypeParameterElement> freshTypeParameters(
List<TypeParameterElement> elements) {
if (elements.isEmpty) {
return const <TypeParameterElement>[];
var freshElements = List.generate(elements.length, (index) {
// TODO(kallentu): : Clean up TypeParameterElementImpl casting once
// variance is added to the interface.
var element = elements[index] as TypeParameterElementImpl;
var freshElement = TypeParameterElementImpl(, -1);
var freshType = freshElement.instantiate(
nullabilitySuffix: NullabilitySuffix.none,
substitution[element] = freshType;
if (!element.isLegacyCovariant) {
freshElement.variance = element.variance;
return freshElement;
}, growable: false);
for (var i = 0; i < freshElements.length; i++) {
var element = elements[i];
var bound = element.bound;
if (bound != null) {
var freshElement = freshElements[i];
freshElement.bound = bound.accept(this);
return freshElements;
DartType? lookup(TypeParameterElement parameter, bool upperBound) {
return substitution[parameter];
class _MapSubstitution extends MapSubstitution {
final Map<TypeParameterElement, DartType> map;
DartType? getSubstitute(TypeParameterElement parameter, bool upperBound) {
return map[parameter];
String toString() => '_MapSubstitution($map)';
class _NullSubstitution extends MapSubstitution {
static const _NullSubstitution instance = _NullSubstitution();
const _NullSubstitution();
Map<TypeParameterElement, DartType> get map => const {};
DartType getSubstitute(TypeParameterElement parameter, bool upperBound) {
return TypeParameterTypeImpl(
element: parameter,
nullabilitySuffix: NullabilitySuffix.none,
DartType substituteType(DartType type, {bool contravariant = false}) => type;
String toString() => "Substitution.empty";
class _TopSubstitutor extends _TypeSubstitutor {
final Substitution substitution;
_TopSubstitutor(this.substitution, bool contravariant) : super(null) {
if (contravariant) {
List<TypeParameterElement> freshTypeParameters(
List<TypeParameterElement> parameters) {
throw 'Create a fresh environment first';
DartType? lookup(TypeParameterElement parameter, bool upperBound) {
return substitution.getSubstitute(parameter, upperBound);
abstract class _TypeSubstitutor
LinkingTypeVisitor<DartType> {
final _TypeSubstitutor? outer;
bool covariantContext = true;
/// The number of times a variable from this environment has been used in
/// a substitution.
/// There is a strict requirement that we must return the same instance for
/// types that were not altered by the substitution. This counter lets us
/// check quickly if anything happened in a substitution.
int useCounter = 0;
_TypeSubstitutor(this.outer) {
covariantContext = outer == null ? true : outer!.covariantContext;
void bumpCountersUntil(_TypeSubstitutor target) {
var substitutor = this;
while (substitutor != target) {
substitutor = substitutor.outer!;
List<TypeParameterElement> freshTypeParameters(
List<TypeParameterElement> elements);
DartType? getSubstitute(TypeParameterElement parameter) {
_TypeSubstitutor? environment = this;
while (environment != null) {
var replacement = environment.lookup(parameter, covariantContext);
if (replacement != null) {
return replacement;
environment = environment.outer;
return null;
void invertVariance() {
covariantContext = !covariantContext;
DartType? lookup(TypeParameterElement parameter, bool upperBound);
_FreshTypeParametersSubstitutor newInnerEnvironment() {
return _FreshTypeParametersSubstitutor(this);
DartType visitDynamicType(DynamicType type) => type;
DartType visitFunctionType(FunctionType type) {
// This is a bit tricky because we have to generate fresh type parameters
// in order to change the bounds. At the same time, if the function type
// was unaltered, we have to return the [type] object (not a copy!).
// Substituting a type for a fresh type variable should not be confused
// with a "real" substitution.
// Create an inner environment to generate fresh type parameters. The use
// counter on the inner environment tells if the fresh type parameters have
// any uses, but does not tell if the resulting function type is distinct.
// Our own use counter will get incremented if something from our
// environment has been used inside the function.
int before = useCounter;
var inner = this;
var typeFormals = type.typeFormals;
if (typeFormals.isNotEmpty) {
inner = newInnerEnvironment();
typeFormals = inner.freshTypeParameters(typeFormals);
// Invert the variance when translating parameters.
var parameters = {
var type = parameter.type.accept(inner);
return parameter.copyWith(type: type);
var returnType = type.returnType.accept(inner);
var alias = _mapAlias(type.alias);
if (useCounter == before) return type;
return FunctionTypeImpl(
typeFormals: typeFormals,
parameters: parameters,
returnType: returnType,
nullabilitySuffix: type.nullabilitySuffix,
alias: alias,
DartType visitFunctionTypeBuilder(FunctionTypeBuilder type) {
// This is a bit tricky because we have to generate fresh type parameters
// in order to change the bounds. At the same time, if the function type
// was unaltered, we have to return the [type] object (not a copy!).
// Substituting a type for a fresh type variable should not be confused
// with a "real" substitution.
// Create an inner environment to generate fresh type parameters. The use
// counter on the inner environment tells if the fresh type parameters have
// any uses, but does not tell if the resulting function type is distinct.
// Our own use counter will get incremented if something from our
// environment has been used inside the function.
int before = useCounter;
var inner = this;
var typeFormals = type.typeFormals;
if (typeFormals.isNotEmpty) {
inner = newInnerEnvironment();
typeFormals = inner.freshTypeParameters(typeFormals);
// Invert the variance when translating parameters.
var parameters = {
var type = parameter.type.accept(inner);
return parameter.copyWith(type: type);
var returnType = type.returnType.accept(inner);
if (useCounter == before) return type;
return FunctionTypeBuilder(
DartType visitInterfaceType(InterfaceType type) {
if (type.typeArguments.isEmpty && type.alias == null) {
return type;
int before = useCounter;
var typeArguments = _mapList(type.typeArguments);
var alias = _mapAlias(type.alias);
if (useCounter == before) {
return type;
return InterfaceTypeImpl(
element: type.element,
typeArguments: typeArguments,
nullabilitySuffix: type.nullabilitySuffix,
alias: alias,
DartType visitInvalidType(InvalidType type) => type;
DartType visitNamedTypeBuilder(NamedTypeBuilder type) {
if (type.arguments.isEmpty) {
return type;
int before = useCounter;
var arguments = _mapList(type.arguments);
if (useCounter == before) {
return type;
return NamedTypeBuilder(
DartType visitNeverType(NeverType type) => type;
DartType visitRecordType(covariant RecordTypeImpl type) {
var before = useCounter;
var positionalFields = {
return RecordTypePositionalFieldImpl(
type: field.type.accept(this),
var namedFields = {
return RecordTypeNamedFieldImpl(
type: field.type.accept(this),
var alias = _mapAlias(type.alias);
if (useCounter == before) {
return type;
return RecordTypeImpl(
positionalFields: positionalFields,
namedFields: namedFields,
nullabilitySuffix: type.nullabilitySuffix,
alias: alias,
DartType visitRecordTypeBuilder(RecordTypeBuilder type) {
// TODO(scheglov): implement visitRecordTypeBuilder
throw UnimplementedError();
DartType visitTypeParameterType(TypeParameterType type) {
var argument = getSubstitute(type.element);
if (argument == null) {
return type;
var parameterSuffix = type.nullabilitySuffix;
var argumentSuffix = argument.nullabilitySuffix;
var nullability = uniteNullabilities(parameterSuffix, argumentSuffix);
return (argument as TypeImpl).withNullability(nullability);
DartType visitUnknownInferredType(UnknownInferredType type) => type;
DartType visitVoidType(VoidType type) => type;
InstantiatedTypeAliasElementImpl? _mapAlias(
InstantiatedTypeAliasElement? alias,
) {
if (alias == null) {
return null;
return InstantiatedTypeAliasElementImpl(
element: alias.element,
typeArguments: _mapList(alias.typeArguments),
List<DartType> _mapList(List<DartType> types) {
return => e.accept(this)).toFixedList();
class _UpperLowerBoundsSubstitution extends Substitution {
final Map<TypeParameterElement, DartType> upper;
final Map<TypeParameterElement, DartType> lower;
_UpperLowerBoundsSubstitution(this.upper, this.lower);
DartType? getSubstitute(TypeParameterElement parameter, bool upperBound) {
return upperBound ? upper[parameter] : lower[parameter];
String toString() => '_UpperLowerBoundsSubstitution($upper, $lower)';