[VM] Ensure the _TypedListView.{offsetInBytes,length} fields are always initialized with _Smi's

Until now a typed data view was first constructed and then afterwards the
constructor body validated that the offsetInBytes/length are non-null
and in range.

This CL moves the range check to the call sites of the constructor,
thereby guarenteeing that we will never initialize the
_TypedListView.{offsetInBytes,length} fields with non-_Smi values. (The
views are constructed only within the "dart:typed_data" library.  Neither the
embedder nor the runtime construct them.)

Further more this CL removes the redundant _defaultIfNull() call, since
the call sites already handled the `length == null` case.

This CL also starts annotating _TypedListView.{offsetInBytes,length}
with @pragma("vm:exact-result-type", "dart:core#_Smi") to ensure any
[LoadFieldInstr] will have the right type attached, thereby avoiding any
null-checks and mint-handling.

This improves dart-aot

On arm7hf:
    MD5: +38%, SHA256: +87%, SHA1: +89% (plus various typed data microbenchmarks)
    JsonParseDefaultReviver/StringBuffer/StringIdiomatic/JsonParseCustomReviver: -5-8% (probably due to not inlining static calls, will find out)

On arm8:
    MD5: +6.5%, SHA256: +12%, SHA1: 3.6%, JsonUtf8RoundTrip: 8% (plus various typed data microbenchmarks)
    DeltaBlue: -6.7% (probably due to not inlining static calls, will find out)

Issue https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/issues/35154
Issue https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/issues/31954

Change-Id: I37c822e6879f5a2d17fd9650a68cf2eee4326b01
Reviewed-on: https://dart-review.googlesource.com/c/84241
Commit-Queue: Martin Kustermann <kustermann@google.com>
Reviewed-by: Alexander Markov <alexmarkov@google.com>
Reviewed-by: Vyacheslav Egorov <vegorov@google.com>
3 files changed
tree: 2934c980b9ecd43b2052c0776fbcb75b2a96a7d0
  1. .github/
  2. build/
  3. client/
  4. docs/
  5. pkg/
  6. runtime/
  7. samples/
  8. samples-dev/
  9. sdk/
  10. tests/
  11. third_party/
  12. tools/
  13. utils/
  14. .clang-format
  15. .gitattributes
  16. .gitconfig
  17. .gitignore
  18. .gn
  19. .mailmap
  20. .packages
  21. .vpython
  23. BUILD.gn
  24. CHANGELOG.md
  25. codereview.settings
  27. dartdoc_options.yaml
  28. DEPS
  31. PRESUBMIT.py
  32. README.dart-sdk
  33. README.md


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