blob: 792458f540347bdbbfcf1a52a4dfe73f419783f5 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
# for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
# BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
"""Templating to help generate structured text."""
import logging
import re
_logger = logging.getLogger('emitter')
def Format(template, **parameters):
"""Create a string using the same template syntax as Emitter.Emit."""
e = Emitter()
e._Emit(template, parameters)
return ''.join(e.Fragments())
class Emitter(object):
"""An Emitter collects string fragments to be assembled into a single string.
def __init__(self, bindings=None):
self._items = [] # A new list
self._bindings = bindings or Emitter.Frame({}, None)
def EmitRaw(self, item):
"""Emits literal string with no substitition."""
def Emit(self, template_source, **parameters):
"""Emits a template, substituting named parameters and returning emitters to
fill the named holes.
Ordinary substitution occurs at $NAME or $(NAME). If there is no parameter
called NAME, the text is left as-is. So long as you don't bind FOO as a
parameter, $FOO in the template will pass through to the generated text.
Substitution of $?NAME and $(?NAME) yields an empty string if NAME is not a
Values passed as named parameters should be strings or simple integral
values (int or long).
Named holes are created at $!NAME or $(!NAME). A hole marks a position in
the template that may be filled in later. An Emitter is returned for each
named hole in the template. The holes are filled by emitting to the
corresponding emitter.
Emit returns either a single Emitter if the template contains one hole or a
tuple of emitters for several holes, in the order that the holes occur in
the template.
The emitters for the holes remember the parameters passed to the initial
call to Emit. Holes can be used to provide a binding context.
return self._Emit(template_source, parameters)
def _Emit(self, template_source, parameters):
"""Implementation of Emit, with map in place of named parameters."""
template = self._ParseTemplate(template_source)
parameter_bindings = self._bindings.Extend(parameters)
hole_names = template._holes
if hole_names:
hole_map = {}
replacements = {}
for name in hole_names:
emitter = Emitter(parameter_bindings)
replacements[name] = emitter._items
hole_map[name] = emitter
full_bindings = parameter_bindings.Extend(replacements)
full_bindings = parameter_bindings
self._ApplyTemplate(template, full_bindings)
# Return None, a singleton or tuple of the hole names.
if not hole_names:
return None
if len(hole_names) == 1:
return hole_map[hole_names[0]]
return tuple(hole_map[name] for name in hole_names)
def Fragments(self):
"""Returns a list of all the string fragments emitted."""
def _FlattenTo(item, output):
if isinstance(item, list):
for subitem in item:
_FlattenTo(subitem, output)
elif isinstance(item, Emitter.DeferredLookup):
value = item._environment.Lookup(item._lookup._name,
_FlattenTo(value, output)
output = []
_FlattenTo(self._items, output)
return output
def Bind(self, var, template_source, **parameters):
"""Adds a binding for var to this emitter."""
template = self._ParseTemplate(template_source)
if template._holes:
raise RuntimeError('Cannot have holes in Emitter.Bind')
bindings = self._bindings.Extend(parameters)
value = Emitter(bindings)
value._ApplyTemplate(template, bindings)
self._bindings = self._bindings.Extend({var: value._items})
return value
def _ParseTemplate(self, source):
"""Converts the template string into a Template object."""
# TODO(sra): Cache the parsing.
items = []
holes = []
# Break source into a sequence of text fragments and substitution lookups.
pos = 0
while True:
match =, pos)
if not match:
text_fragment = source[pos : match.start()]
if text_fragment:
pos = match.end()
term =
name = or # $NAME and $(NAME)
if name:
item = Emitter.Lookup(name, term, term)
name = or # $!NAME and $(!NAME)
if name:
item = Emitter.Lookup(name, term, term)
name = or # $?NAME and $(?NAME)
if name:
item = Emitter.Lookup(name, term, '')
raise RuntimeError('Unexpected group')
if len(holes) != len(set(holes)):
raise RuntimeError('Cannot have repeated holes %s' % holes)
return Emitter.Template(items, holes)
_SUBST_RE = re.compile(
# $FOO $(FOO) $!FOO $(!FOO) $?FOO $(?FOO)
def _ApplyTemplate(self, template, bindings):
"""Emits the items from the parsed template."""
result = []
for item in template._items:
if isinstance(item, str):
if item:
elif isinstance(item, Emitter.Lookup):
# Bind lookup to the current environment (bindings)
# TODO(sra): More space efficient to do direct lookup.
result.append(Emitter.DeferredLookup(item, bindings))
raise RuntimeError('Unexpected template element')
# Collected fragments are in a sublist, so self._items contains one element
# (sublist) per template application.
class Lookup(object):
"""An element of a parsed template."""
def __init__(self, name, original, default):
self._name = name
self._original = original
self._value_if_missing = default
class DeferredLookup(object):
"""A lookup operation that is deferred until final string generation."""
# TODO(sra): A deferred lookup will be useful when we add expansions that
# have behaviour condtional on the contents, e.g. adding separators between
# a list of items.
def __init__(self, lookup, environment):
self._lookup = lookup
self._environment = environment
class Template(object):
"""A parsed template."""
def __init__(self, items, holes):
self._items = items # strings and lookups
self._holes = holes
class Frame(object):
"""A Frame is a set of bindings derived from a parent."""
def __init__(self, map, parent):
self._map = map
self._parent = parent
def Lookup(self, name, default):
if name in self._map:
return self._map[name]
if self._parent:
return self._parent.Lookup(name, default)
return default
def Extend(self, map):
return Emitter.Frame(map, self)