| #!/usr/bin/env python |
| # Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file |
| # for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a |
| # BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| # This script builds and then uploads the Dart client sample app to AppEngine, |
| # where it is accessible by visiting http://dart.googleplex.com. |
| import os |
| import subprocess |
| import sys |
| |
| from os.path import abspath, basename, dirname, exists, join, split, relpath |
| import base64, re, os, shutil, subprocess, sys, tempfile, optparse |
| |
| APP_PATH = os.getcwd() |
| CLIENT_TOOLS_PATH = dirname(abspath(__file__)) |
| |
| # Add the client tools directory so we can find htmlconverter.py. |
| sys.path.append(CLIENT_TOOLS_PATH) |
| import htmlconverter |
| |
| def convertOne(infile, options): |
| outDirBase = 'outcode' |
| outfile = join(outDirBase, infile) |
| print 'converting %s to %s' % (infile, outfile) |
| |
| if 'dart' in options.target: |
| htmlconverter.convertForDartium( |
| infile, |
| outDirBase, |
| outfile.replace('.html', '-dart.html'), |
| options.verbose) |
| if 'js' in options.target: |
| htmlconverter.convertForChromium( |
| infile, options.dartc_extra_flags, |
| outfile.replace('.html', '-js.html'), |
| options.verbose) |
| |
| |
| def Flags(): |
| """ Consturcts a parser for extracting flags from the command line. """ |
| result = optparse.OptionParser() |
| result.add_option("-t", "--target", |
| help="The target html to generate", |
| metavar="[js,dart]", |
| default='js,dart') |
| result.add_option("--verbose", |
| help="Print verbose output", |
| default=False, |
| action="store_true") |
| result.add_option("--dartc_extra_flags", |
| help="Additional flag text to pass to dartc", |
| default="", |
| action="store") |
| #result.set_usage("update.py input.html -o OUTDIR -t chromium,dartium") |
| return result |
| |
| def getAllHtmlFiles(): |
| htmlFiles = [] |
| for filename in os.listdir(APP_PATH): |
| fName, fExt = os.path.splitext(filename) |
| if fExt.lower() == '.html': |
| htmlFiles.append(filename) |
| |
| return htmlFiles |
| |
| def main(): |
| os.chdir(CLIENT_PATH) # TODO(jimhug): I don't like chdir's in scripts... |
| |
| parser = Flags() |
| options, args = parser.parse_args() |
| #if len(args) < 1 or not options.out or not options.target: |
| # parser.print_help() |
| # return 1 |
| |
| REL_APP_PATH = relpath(APP_PATH) |
| for file in getAllHtmlFiles(): |
| infile = join(REL_APP_PATH, file) |
| convertOne(infile, options) |
| |
| if __name__ == '__main__': |
| main() |