blob: 9e3b65e7285bfef4576b6b19ac784fe71abc938c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the file.
library testing.test_root;
import 'dart:async' show Future;
import 'dart:convert' show json;
import 'dart:io' show File;
import '../testing.dart' show Chain;
import 'analyze.dart' show Analyze;
import 'suite.dart' show Dart, Suite;
/// Records properties of a test root. The information is read from a JSON file.
/// Example with comments:
/// {
/// # Path to the `.packages` file used.
/// "packages": "test/.packages",
/// # A list of test suites (collection of tests).
/// "suites": [
/// # A list of suite objects. See the subclasses of [Suite] below.
/// ],
/// "analyze": {
/// # Uris to analyze.
/// "uris": [
/// "lib/",
/// "bin/dartk.dart",
/// "bin/repl.dart",
/// "test/log_analyzer.dart",
/// "third_party/testing/lib/"
/// ],
/// # Regular expressions of file names to ignore when analyzing.
/// "exclude": [
/// "/third_party/dart-sdk/pkg/compiler/",
/// "/third_party/kernel/"
/// ]
/// }
/// }
class TestRoot {
final Uri packages;
final List<Suite> suites;
TestRoot(this.packages, this.suites);
Analyze get analyze => suites.last;
List<Uri> get urisToAnalyze => analyze.uris;
List<RegExp> get excludedFromAnalysis => analyze.exclude;
Iterable<Dart> get dartSuites {
return new List<Dart>.from(suites.where((Suite suite) => suite is Dart));
Iterable<Chain> get toolChains {
return new List<Chain>.from(suites.where((Suite suite) => suite is Chain));
String toString() {
return "TestRoot($suites, $urisToAnalyze)";
static Future<TestRoot> fromUri(Uri uri) async {
String jsonText = await new File.fromUri(uri).readAsString();
Map data = json.decode(jsonText);
Uri packages = uri.resolve(data["packages"]);
List<Suite> suites = data["suites"]
.map<Suite>((json) => new Suite.fromJsonMap(uri, json))
Analyze analyze = await Analyze.fromJsonMap(uri, data["analyze"], suites);
return new TestRoot(packages, suites);
static void addDefaults(Map data) {
data.putIfAbsent("packages", () => ".packages");
data.putIfAbsent("suites", () => []);
Map analyze = data.putIfAbsent("analyze", () => {});
analyze.putIfAbsent("uris", () => []);
analyze.putIfAbsent("exclude", () => []);