blob: 84180f1d2604d4d46a1ee16116e5172443b9aed8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// Declarations for variable arguments support
/// (rest params and spread operator).
/// These are currently *not* supported by dart2js or Dartium.
library js.varargs;
class _Rest {
const _Rest();
/// Annotation to tag ES6 rest parameters (
/// This is *not* supported by dart2js or Dartium (yet).
/// This is meant to be used by the Dart Dev Compiler
/// when compiling helper functions of its runtime to ES6.
/// The following function:
/// foo(a, b, @rest others) { ... }
/// Will be compiled to ES6 code like the following:
/// function foo(a, b, ...others) { ... }
/// Which is roughly equivalent to the following ES5 code:
/// function foo(a, b/*, ...others*/) {
/// var others = [], 2);
/// ...
/// }
const _Rest rest = const _Rest();
/// Intrinsic function that maps to the ES6 spread operator
/// (
/// This is *not* supported by dart2js or Dartium (yet),
/// and *cannot* be called at runtime.
/// This is meant to be used by the Dart Dev Compiler when
/// compiling its runtime to ES6.
/// The following expression:
/// foo(a, b, spread(others))
/// Will be compiled to ES6 code like the following:
/// foo(a, b, ...others)
/// Which is roughly equivalent to the following ES5 code:
/// foo.apply(null, [a, b].concat(others))
dynamic spread(args) {
throw new StateError('The spread function cannot be called, '
'it should be compiled away.');