blob: 8e24f03386f9cf3b93cd38292caec1919285b0af [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the file.
library fasta.scanner;
import 'dart:convert' show unicodeReplacementCharacterRune, utf8;
import 'fasta_codes.dart' show LocatedMessage;
import '../scanner/token.dart' show Token;
import 'scanner/string_scanner.dart' show StringScanner;
import 'scanner/utf8_bytes_scanner.dart' show Utf8BytesScanner;
import 'scanner/recover.dart' show defaultRecoveryStrategy;
export 'scanner/token.dart'
export 'scanner/error_token.dart'
show ErrorToken, buildUnexpectedCharacterToken;
export 'scanner/token_constants.dart' show EOF_TOKEN;
export 'scanner/utf8_bytes_scanner.dart' show Utf8BytesScanner;
export 'scanner/string_scanner.dart' show StringScanner;
export '../scanner/token.dart' show Keyword, Token;
const int unicodeReplacementCharacter = unicodeReplacementCharacterRune;
typedef Token Recover(List<int> bytes, Token tokens, List<int> lineStarts);
abstract class Scanner {
/// A list of errors that occured during [tokenize] or `null` if none.
List<LocatedMessage> errors;
/// Set true if errors should be reported via the [errors] list.
// TODO(danrubel): Remove this once all scanner clients can process
// errors reported via the [errors] list.
bool reportErrors;
/// Returns true if an error occured during [tokenize].
bool get hasErrors;
List<int> get lineStarts;
Token tokenize();
class ScannerResult {
final Token tokens;
final List<int> lineStarts;
final bool hasErrors;
/// Returns a list of errors that occured during [tokenize] or `null` if none.
final List<LocatedMessage> errors;
ScannerResult(this.tokens, this.lineStarts, this.hasErrors, this.errors);
/// Scan/tokenize the given UTF8 [bytes].
/// If [recover] is null, then the [defaultRecoveryStrategy] is used.
ScannerResult scan(List<int> bytes,
{bool includeComments: false, Recover recover}) {
if (bytes.last != 0) {
throw new ArgumentError("[bytes]: the last byte must be null.");
Scanner scanner =
new Utf8BytesScanner(bytes, includeComments: includeComments);
return _tokenizeAndRecover(scanner, recover, bytes: bytes);
/// Scan/tokenize the given [source].
/// If [recover] is null, then the [defaultRecoveryStrategy] is used.
ScannerResult scanString(String source,
{bool includeComments: false,
bool scanLazyAssignmentOperators: false,
Recover recover}) {
assert(source != null, 'source must not be null');
StringScanner scanner =
new StringScanner(source, includeComments: includeComments);
return _tokenizeAndRecover(scanner, recover, source: source);
ScannerResult _tokenizeAndRecover(Scanner scanner, Recover recover,
{List<int> bytes, String source}) {
Token tokens = scanner.tokenize();
if (scanner.hasErrors) {
if (bytes == null) bytes = utf8.encode(source);
recover ??= defaultRecoveryStrategy;
tokens = recover(bytes, tokens, scanner.lineStarts);
return new ScannerResult(
tokens, scanner.lineStarts, scanner.hasErrors, scanner.errors);