blob: c8d1d0fd69ec1b11724fabd68d993faca5a6ca27 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library analyzer_cli.test.error;
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'utils.dart';
const badDeclaration = 'var int foo;';
const badDeclarationMessage = 'Error in test.dart: '
'Variables can\'t be declared using both \'var\' and a type name.\n';
void main() {
group('error', () {
test("a valid Dart file doesn't throw any errors", () {
expect(errorsForFile('void main() => print("Hello, world!");'), isNull);
test("an empty Dart file doesn't throw any errors", () {
expect(errorsForFile(''), isNull);
test("an error on the first line", () {
expect(errorsForFile('$badDeclaration\n'), equals(badDeclarationMessage));
test("an error on the last line", () {
expect(errorsForFile('\n$badDeclaration'), equals(badDeclarationMessage));
test("an error in the middle", () {
errorsForFile('\n$badDeclaration\n'), equals(badDeclarationMessage));
var veryLongString = new List.filled(107, ' ').join('');
test("an error at the end of a very long line", () {
expect(errorsForFile('$veryLongString $badDeclaration'),
test("an error at the beginning of a very long line", () {
expect(errorsForFile('$badDeclaration $veryLongString'),
test("an error in the middle of a very long line", () {
expect(errorsForFile('$veryLongString $badDeclaration$veryLongString'),