Bump shelf to 05f42601d22c9bfe490ceda50e812f83b7d1de77

Merges shelf_router and shelf_router_generator to the shelf mono repo.

> git log --format="%C(auto) %h %s" fadca32..05f4260
 https://dart.googlesource.com/shelf.git/+/05f4260 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/HEAD' into jonasfj/master
 https://dart.googlesource.com/shelf.git/+/4f4fa0a Fix pubspec repository for shelf_web_socket (#233)
 https://dart.googlesource.com/shelf.git/+/d4ff2ae Update READMEs, adjust mono_pkg.yaml
 https://dart.googlesource.com/shelf.git/+/d6efa6e Merge in shelf_router / shelf_router_generator.
 https://dart.googlesource.com/shelf.git/+/6d1f24d Add root readme (#229)
 https://dart.googlesource.com/shelf.git/+/d23cc89 Use the same lints across all packages (#228)
 https://dart.googlesource.com/shelf.git/+/3fdddb1 Merge CI steps across packages (#226)
 https://dart.googlesource.com/shelf.git/+/9b5a08a Upgrade mono_repo (#174)
 https://dart.googlesource.com/shelf.git/+/f04e60f Upgrade mono_repo (#169)
 https://dart.googlesource.com/shelf.git/+/ef1c1ae Merge pull request #165 from isoos/upgrade
 https://dart.googlesource.com/shelf.git/+/dc49716 bump version
 https://dart.googlesource.com/shelf.git/+/07bf70a Upgrade dependencies in shelf_router_generator
 https://dart.googlesource.com/shelf.git/+/640915e fix: mount remove trailing slash requirement (#146)
 https://dart.googlesource.com/shelf.git/+/138ca19 Migrate to pkg:lints (#161)
 https://dart.googlesource.com/shelf.git/+/d2d026b Bump mono_repo to v5.0.1 (#150)
 https://dart.googlesource.com/shelf.git/+/ac19cc9 Fix a number of hints and lints (#151)
 https://dart.googlesource.com/shelf.git/+/9cb612a shelf_router_generator: latest dependencies (#152)
 https://dart.googlesource.com/shelf.git/+/4947570 Fix SDK constraints 2.12.0-0 to 2.12.0 (#148)
 https://dart.googlesource.com/shelf.git/+/8a11fee Merge pull request #147 from isoos/fix-rnf
 https://dart.googlesource.com/shelf.git/+/789824d Fix Router.routeNotFound to enable multiple read() calls on it.
 https://dart.googlesource.com/shelf.git/+/fac496f Introduce `routeNotFound` sentinel for shelf_router 1.1.0 (#141)
 https://dart.googlesource.com/shelf.git/+/33206e9 remove handler from app (#131)
 https://dart.googlesource.com/shelf.git/+/02c49f7 remove handler from app (#129)
 https://dart.googlesource.com/shelf.git/+/12cd917 shelf_router_generator: Latest dependencies, null safety (#122)
 https://dart.googlesource.com/shelf.git/+/074341b Update dependencies and enable/fix a number of lints (#120)
 https://dart.googlesource.com/shelf.git/+/b094c25 shelf_router_generator: Support null-safe dependencies (#113)
 https://dart.googlesource.com/shelf.git/+/f07b3ef Prepare shelf_router 1.0.0
 https://dart.googlesource.com/shelf.git/+/4c73784 Remove Router.handler while we're at it
 https://dart.googlesource.com/shelf.git/+/b18f808 Remove checkNotNull
 https://dart.googlesource.com/shelf.git/+/cce2ad9 Oops, forgot to set _params
 https://dart.googlesource.com/shelf.git/+/797da6e Avoid lazy in router entry
 https://dart.googlesource.com/shelf.git/+/a03e120 Make default handler customizable
 https://dart.googlesource.com/shelf.git/+/ed942ce No unecessary version bump, don't test on stable
 https://dart.googlesource.com/shelf.git/+/e18b186 [WIP] Migrate shelf_router to Dart null safety
 https://dart.googlesource.com/shelf.git/+/2a7cdd5 Upgrade package:analyzer in shelf_router_generator.
 https://dart.googlesource.com/shelf.git/+/6466748 Router: allow to mount a Handler (#86)
 https://dart.googlesource.com/shelf.git/+/91b695d Seal classes in shelf_router and prepare 0.7.3 (#85)
 https://dart.googlesource.com/shelf.git/+/4b4f15c Fix most of the hints - thanks to `dart fix` (#81)
 https://dart.googlesource.com/shelf.git/+/e99bcd0 Relax dependency constraint on analyzer for shelf_router_generator. (#79)
 https://dart.googlesource.com/shelf.git/+/2893dab Remove author from pubspec.yaml (#73)
 https://dart.googlesource.com/shelf.git/+/ac41ee2 Updated Travis configuration to allow packages to be tested in parallel jobs (#59)
 https://dart.googlesource.com/shelf.git/+/ad11925 Fix package:shelf_router to ensure GET handlers also respond to HEAD requests (#36)
 https://dart.googlesource.com/shelf.git/+/6a07835 Relax dependency on package:analyzer
 https://dart.googlesource.com/shelf.git/+/02e05dc Merge pull request #27 from jonasfj/relax-deps
 https://dart.googlesource.com/shelf.git/+/84fdb64 relax dependency constraint on analyzer
 https://dart.googlesource.com/shelf.git/+/aea3117 Merge pull request #19 from jonasfj/test-unrelated-annotation
 https://dart.googlesource.com/shelf.git/+/563e435 Test that unrelated annotations does not affect code-gen
 https://dart.googlesource.com/shelf.git/+/213d63a Prepare for releasing 0.7.2
 https://dart.googlesource.com/shelf.git/+/910173d Add generated files
 https://dart.googlesource.com/shelf.git/+/d0e21d5 Added test case for string escaping
 https://dart.googlesource.com/shelf.git/+/663de80 Fix issue #10, use raw strings
 https://dart.googlesource.com/shelf.git/+/3a9cd9f Fix travis tests
 https://dart.googlesource.com/shelf.git/+/c7c3baf Use Function instead of dynamic for handler in shelf_router
 https://dart.googlesource.com/shelf.git/+/592fd64 Fixed #6, using Function instead of dynamic
 https://dart.googlesource.com/shelf.git/+/26e888f Bumped shelf_router_generator dependencies
 https://dart.googlesource.com/shelf.git/+/7622006 Updated shelf_router_generator README
 https://dart.googlesource.com/shelf.git/+/3aa13ea Fixing nits for shelf-router
 https://dart.googlesource.com/shelf.git/+/279af5d Prepared shelf_router_generator for initial release
 https://dart.googlesource.com/shelf.git/+/eb39128 Removed dependency overrides from shelf_router, and updated changelog
 https://dart.googlesource.com/shelf.git/+/8baca2f Added authors and tool for publishing packages
 https://dart.googlesource.com/shelf.git/+/9d9d82c Added packages shelf_router and shelf_router_generator


Diff: https://dart.googlesource.com/shelf.git/+/fadca320b04689be9ec960013843a0d9ee6c4fc4~..05f42601d22c9bfe490ceda50e812f83b7d1de77/
Change-Id: Icb576d2a6005a036963508c7e32a65752dfb3033
Reviewed-on: https://dart-review.googlesource.com/c/sdk/+/245903
Commit-Queue: Nate Bosch <nbosch@google.com>
Auto-Submit: Nate Bosch <nbosch@google.com>
Reviewed-by: Kevin Moore <kevmoo@google.com>
Commit-Queue: Kevin Moore <kevmoo@google.com>
1 file changed
tree: 612a61fcc49763147f5e1b923fc3fec6dc9dc527
  1. .dart_tool/
  2. .github/
  3. benchmarks/
  4. build/
  5. docs/
  6. pkg/
  7. runtime/
  8. samples/
  9. samples-dev/
  10. samples_2/
  11. sdk/
  12. tests/
  13. third_party/
  14. tools/
  15. utils/
  16. .clang-format
  17. .gitattributes
  18. .gitconfig
  19. .gitignore
  20. .gn
  21. .mailmap
  22. .style.yapf
  23. .vpython
  25. BUILD.gn
  26. CHANGELOG.md
  27. codereview.settings
  29. DEPS
  31. OWNERS
  33. PRESUBMIT.py
  34. README.dart-sdk
  35. README.md
  36. sdk_args.gni
  37. SECURITY.md


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