blob: f20a4ffabf419b948e80db51b85b7f0643545009 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// Indexed entity interfaces for modeling elements derived from Kernel IR.
import '../elements/entities.dart';
abstract class _Indexed {
int _index;
abstract class IndexedLibrary extends _Indexed implements LibraryEntity {
/// Library index used for fast lookup in [KernelToElementMapBase].
int get libraryIndex => _index;
int get hashCode => 7 * _index + 2;
abstract class IndexedClass extends _Indexed implements ClassEntity {
/// Class index used for fast lookup in [KernelToElementMapBase].
int get classIndex => _index;
int get hashCode => 7 * _index + 1;
abstract class IndexedMember extends _Indexed implements MemberEntity {
/// Member index used for fast lookup in [KernelToElementMapBase].
int get memberIndex => _index;
int get hashCode => 7 * _index;
abstract class IndexedFunction extends _Indexed
implements IndexedMember, FunctionEntity {}
abstract class IndexedConstructor
implements IndexedFunction, ConstructorEntity {}
abstract class IndexedField implements IndexedMember, FieldEntity {}
abstract class IndexedTypeVariable extends _Indexed
implements TypeVariableEntity {
/// Type variable index used for fast lookup in [KernelToElementMapBase].
int get typeVariableIndex => _index;
abstract class IndexedTypedef extends _Indexed implements TypedefEntity {
/// Typedef index used for fast lookup in [KernelToElementMapBase].
int get typedefIndex => _index;
abstract class IndexedLocal extends _Indexed implements Local {
int get localIndex => _index;
/// Base implementation for an index based map of entities of type [E].
abstract class EntityMapBase<E extends _Indexed> {
List<E> _list = <E>[];
/// Returns the [index]th entity in the map.
E getEntity(int index) => _list[index];
/// Returns the number entities in the map.
int get length => _list.length;
/// Index based map of entities of type [E].
class EntityMap<E extends _Indexed> extends EntityMapBase<E> {
/// Registers a new [entity].
/// The index of [entity] is set to match its index in the entity list in this
/// map.
E0 register<E0 extends E>(E0 entity) {
assert(entity != null);
assert(entity._index == null);
entity._index = _list.length;
return entity;
/// Base implementation of an index based map of entities of type [E] with a
/// corresponding data object of type [D].
abstract class EntityDataMapBase<E extends _Indexed, D>
extends EntityMapBase<E> {
List<D> _data = <D>[];
/// Returns the data object stored for the [index]th entity.
D getData(E entity) {
int index = entity._index;
if (index < length && index >= _data.length) {
throw new StateError(
'Data is in the process of being created for ${_list[index]}.');
return _data[index];
/// Index based map of entities of type [E] with a corresponding data object
/// of type [D].
class EntityDataMap<E extends _Indexed, D> extends EntityDataMapBase<E, D> {
/// Mark entity [index] as missing
void skipIndex(int index) {
assert(index == _list.length);
/// Registers a new [entity] with an associated [data] object.
/// The index of [entity] is set to match its index in the entity and data
/// lists in this map.
E0 register<E0 extends E, D0 extends D>(E0 entity, D0 data) {
assert(entity != null);
assert(entity._index == null);
entity._index = _list.length;
assert(data != null);
return entity;
/// Base implementation for an index based of entities of type [E] with a
/// corresponding data object of type [D] and an environment of type [V].
abstract class EntityDataEnvMapBase<E extends _Indexed, D, V>
extends EntityDataMapBase<E, D> {
List<V> _env = <V>[];
/// Returns the environment object stored for the [index]th entity.
V getEnv(E entity) {
int index = entity._index;
if (index < length && index >= _env.length) {
throw new StateError(
'Env is in the process of being created for ${_list[index]}.');
return _env[index];
/// Index based of entities of type [E] with a corresponding data object of
/// type [D] and an environment of type [V].
class EntityDataEnvMap<E extends _Indexed, D, V>
extends EntityDataEnvMapBase<E, D, V> {
/// Registers a new [entity] with an associated [data] object and environment
/// [env].
/// The index of [entity] is set to match its index in the entity, data and
/// environment lists in this map.
E0 register<E0 extends E, D0 extends D, V0 extends V>(
E0 entity, D0 data, V0 env) {
assert(entity != null);
assert(entity._index == null);
entity._index = _list.length;
assert(data != null);
assert(env != null);
return entity;