blob: b45b4c1501155afee7e6246eeb268ea906e55a66 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library vm.bytecode.assembler;
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'dbc.dart';
import 'exceptions.dart' show ExceptionsTable;
class Label {
final bool allowsBackwardJumps;
List<int> _jumps = <int>[];
int offset = -1;
Label({this.allowsBackwardJumps: false});
bool get isBound => offset >= 0;
int jumpOperand(int jumpOffset) {
if (isBound) {
if (offset <= jumpOffset && !allowsBackwardJumps) {
throw 'Backward jump to this label is not allowed';
// Jump instruction takes an offset in DBC words.
return (offset - jumpOffset) >> BytecodeAssembler.kLog2BytesPerBytecode;
return 0;
List<int> bind(int offset) {
this.offset = offset;
final jumps = _jumps;
_jumps = null;
return jumps;
class BytecodeAssembler {
static const int kBitsPerInt = 64;
static const int kLog2BytesPerBytecode = 2;
// TODO(alexmarkov): figure out more efficient storage for generated bytecode.
final List<int> bytecode = new List<int>();
final Uint32List _encodeBufferIn;
final Uint8List _encodeBufferOut;
final ExceptionsTable exceptionsTable = new ExceptionsTable();
bool isUnreachable = false;
BytecodeAssembler._(this._encodeBufferIn, this._encodeBufferOut);
factory BytecodeAssembler() {
final buf = new Uint32List(1);
return new BytecodeAssembler._(buf, new Uint8List.view(buf.buffer));
int get offset => bytecode.length;
int get offsetInWords => bytecode.length >> kLog2BytesPerBytecode;
void bind(Label label) {
final List<int> jumps = label.bind(offset);
for (int jumpOffset in jumps) {
patchJump(jumpOffset, label.jumpOperand(jumpOffset));
if (jumps.isNotEmpty || label.allowsBackwardJumps) {
isUnreachable = false;
void emitWord(int word) {
if (isUnreachable) {
_encodeBufferIn[0] = word; // TODO(alexmarkov): Which endianness to use?
int _getOpcodeAt(int pos) {
return bytecode[pos]; // TODO(alexmarkov): Take endianness into account.
void _setWord(int pos, int word) {
_encodeBufferIn[0] = word; // TODO(alexmarkov): Which endianness to use?
bytecode.setRange(pos, pos + _encodeBufferOut.length, _encodeBufferOut);
int _unsigned(int v, int bits) {
assert(bits < kBitsPerInt);
final int mask = (1 << bits) - 1;
if ((v & mask) != v) {
throw 'Value $v is out of unsigned $bits-bit range';
return v;
int _signed(int v, int bits) {
assert(bits < kBitsPerInt);
final int shift = kBitsPerInt - bits;
if (((v << shift) >> shift) != v) {
throw 'Value $v is out of signed $bits-bit range';
final int mask = (1 << bits) - 1;
return v & mask;
int _uint8(int v) => _unsigned(v, 8);
int _uint16(int v) => _unsigned(v, 16);
// int _int8(int v) => _signed(v, 8);
int _int16(int v) => _signed(v, 16);
int _int24(int v) => _signed(v, 24);
int _encode0(Opcode opcode) => _uint8(opcode.index);
int _encodeA(Opcode opcode, int ra) =>
_uint8(opcode.index) | (_uint8(ra) << 8);
int _encodeAD(Opcode opcode, int ra, int rd) =>
_uint8(opcode.index) | (_uint8(ra) << 8) | (_uint16(rd) << 16);
// TODO(alexmarkov) This format is currently unused. Restore it if needed, or
// remove it once bytecode instruction set is finalized.
// int _encodeAX(Opcode opcode, int ra, int rx) =>
// _uint8(opcode.index) | (_uint8(ra) << 8) | (_int16(rx) << 16);
int _encodeD(Opcode opcode, int rd) =>
_uint8(opcode.index) | (_uint16(rd) << 16);
int _encodeX(Opcode opcode, int rx) =>
_uint8(opcode.index) | (_int16(rx) << 16);
int _encodeABC(Opcode opcode, int ra, int rb, int rc) =>
_uint8(opcode.index) |
(_uint8(ra) << 8) |
(_uint8(rb) << 16) |
(_uint8(rc) << 24);
// TODO(alexmarkov) This format is currently unused. Restore it if needed, or
// remove it once bytecode instruction set is finalized.
// int _encodeABY(Opcode opcode, int ra, int rb, int ry) =>
// _uint8(opcode.index) |
// (_uint8(ra) << 8) |
// (_uint8(rb) << 16) |
// (_int8(ry) << 24);
int _encodeT(Opcode opcode, int rt) =>
_uint8(opcode.index) | (_int24(rt) << 8);
void emitBytecode0(Opcode opcode) {
assert(BytecodeFormats[opcode].encoding == Encoding.k0);
void _emitJumpBytecode(Opcode opcode, Label label) {
if (!isUnreachable) {
// Do not use label if not generating instruction.
emitWord(_encodeT(opcode, label.jumpOperand(offset)));
void emitTrap() {
isUnreachable = true;
void emitDrop1() {
void emitJump(Label label) {
_emitJumpBytecode(Opcode.kJump, label);
isUnreachable = true;
void emitJumpIfNoAsserts(Label label) {
_emitJumpBytecode(Opcode.kJumpIfNoAsserts, label);
void emitJumpIfNotZeroTypeArgs(Label label) {
_emitJumpBytecode(Opcode.kJumpIfNotZeroTypeArgs, label);
void emitJumpIfEqStrict(Label label) {
_emitJumpBytecode(Opcode.kJumpIfEqStrict, label);
void emitJumpIfNeStrict(Label label) {
_emitJumpBytecode(Opcode.kJumpIfNeStrict, label);
void emitJumpIfTrue(Label label) {
_emitJumpBytecode(Opcode.kJumpIfTrue, label);
void emitJumpIfFalse(Label label) {
_emitJumpBytecode(Opcode.kJumpIfFalse, label);
void emitJumpIfNull(Label label) {
_emitJumpBytecode(Opcode.kJumpIfNull, label);
void emitJumpIfNotNull(Label label) {
_emitJumpBytecode(Opcode.kJumpIfNotNull, label);
void patchJump(int pos, int rt) {
final Opcode opcode = Opcode.values[_getOpcodeAt(pos)];
_setWord(pos, _encodeT(opcode, rt));
void emitReturnTOS() {
isUnreachable = true;
void emitPush(int rx) {
emitWord(_encodeX(Opcode.kPush, rx));
void emitLoadConstant(int ra, int rd) {
emitWord(_encodeAD(Opcode.kLoadConstant, ra, rd));
void emitPushConstant(int rd) {
emitWord(_encodeD(Opcode.kPushConstant, rd));
void emitPushNull() {
void emitPushTrue() {
void emitPushFalse() {
void emitPushInt(int rx) {
emitWord(_encodeX(Opcode.kPushInt, rx));
void emitStoreLocal(int rx) {
emitWord(_encodeX(Opcode.kStoreLocal, rx));
void emitPopLocal(int rx) {
emitWord(_encodeX(Opcode.kPopLocal, rx));
void emitIndirectStaticCall(int ra, int rd) {
emitWord(_encodeAD(Opcode.kIndirectStaticCall, ra, rd));
void emitInstanceCall(int ra, int rd) {
emitWord(_encodeAD(Opcode.kInstanceCall, ra, rd));
void emitNativeCall(int rd) {
emitWord(_encodeD(Opcode.kNativeCall, rd));
void emitStoreStaticTOS(int rd) {
emitWord(_encodeD(Opcode.kStoreStaticTOS, rd));
void emitPushStatic(int rd) {
emitWord(_encodeD(Opcode.kPushStatic, rd));
void emitCreateArrayTOS() {
void emitAllocate(int rd) {
emitWord(_encodeD(Opcode.kAllocate, rd));
void emitAllocateT() {
void emitStoreIndexedTOS() {
void emitStoreFieldTOS(int rd) {
emitWord(_encodeD(Opcode.kStoreFieldTOS, rd));
void emitStoreContextParent() {
void emitStoreContextVar(int rd) {
emitWord(_encodeD(Opcode.kStoreContextVar, rd));
void emitLoadFieldTOS(int rd) {
emitWord(_encodeD(Opcode.kLoadFieldTOS, rd));
void emitLoadTypeArgumentsField(int rd) {
emitWord(_encodeD(Opcode.kLoadTypeArgumentsField, rd));
void emitLoadContextParent() {
void emitLoadContextVar(int rd) {
emitWord(_encodeD(Opcode.kLoadContextVar, rd));
void emitBooleanNegateTOS() {
void emitThrow(int ra) {
emitWord(_encodeA(Opcode.kThrow, ra));
isUnreachable = true;
void emitEntry(int rd) {
emitWord(_encodeD(Opcode.kEntry, rd));
void emitFrame(int rd) {
emitWord(_encodeD(Opcode.kFrame, rd));
void emitSetFrame(int ra) {
emitWord(_encodeA(Opcode.kSetFrame, ra));
void emitAllocateContext(int rd) {
emitWord(_encodeD(Opcode.kAllocateContext, rd));
void emitCloneContext() {
void emitMoveSpecial(int ra, SpecialIndex rd) {
emitWord(_encodeAD(Opcode.kMoveSpecial, ra, rd.index));
void emitInstantiateType(int rd) {
emitWord(_encodeD(Opcode.kInstantiateType, rd));
void emitInstantiateTypeArgumentsTOS(int ra, int rd) {
emitWord(_encodeAD(Opcode.kInstantiateTypeArgumentsTOS, ra, rd));
void emitAssertAssignable(int ra, int rd) {
emitWord(_encodeAD(Opcode.kAssertAssignable, ra, rd));
void emitAssertSubtype() {
void emitAssertBoolean(int ra) {
emitWord(_encodeA(Opcode.kAssertBoolean, ra));
void emitCheckStack() {
void emitCheckFunctionTypeArgs(int ra, int rd) {
emitWord(_encodeAD(Opcode.kCheckFunctionTypeArgs, ra, rd));
void emitEntryFixed(int ra, int rd) {
emitWord(_encodeAD(Opcode.kEntryFixed, ra, rd));
void emitEntryOptional(int ra, int rb, int rc) {
emitWord(_encodeABC(Opcode.kEntryOptional, ra, rb, rc));