[VM bytecode] Triage failures in interpreted mode.

Change-Id: I7c896386ef38b5ea5aceab5b6090363a34e960e6
Reviewed-on: https://dart-review.googlesource.com/75794
Commit-Queue: Régis Crelier <regis@google.com>
Reviewed-by: Alexander Markov <alexmarkov@google.com>
diff --git a/tests/corelib_2/corelib_2.status b/tests/corelib_2/corelib_2.status
index 8467f2f..00dc6b1 100644
--- a/tests/corelib_2/corelib_2.status
+++ b/tests/corelib_2/corelib_2.status
@@ -414,7 +414,7 @@
 [ !$strong && ($runtime == dart_precompiled || $runtime == vm) ]
 list_test/*: RuntimeError # VM doesn't implement strong mode covariance checks
-[ $arch == simarm || $arch == simarm64 || $arch == simdbc64 ]
+[ $arch == simarm || $arch == simarm64 || $arch == simdbc64 || $compiler == dartkb ]
 bigint_parse_radix_test: Pass, Slow # Bigint computations are slow on simulated architectures.
 bigint_test: Pass, Slow, Timeout # Bigint computations are slow on simulated architectures.
diff --git a/tests/language_2/language_2_kernel.status b/tests/language_2/language_2_kernel.status
index 583cd3c..06730ab 100644
--- a/tests/language_2/language_2_kernel.status
+++ b/tests/language_2/language_2_kernel.status
@@ -422,12 +422,14 @@
 const_dynamic_type_literal_test/02: Pass
 map_literal3_test/01: Pass
 map_literal3_test/02: Pass
+no_such_method_dispatcher_test: Pass, RuntimeError # Please triage.
 type_alias_equality_test/02: RuntimeError # Issue 32783
 vm/bool_check_stack_traces_test/01: RuntimeError # No support for line numbers in stacktraces
 vm/bool_check_stack_traces_test/none: RuntimeError # No support for line numbers in stacktraces
 vm/causal_async_exception_stack2_test: RuntimeError # No support for line numbers in stacktraces
 vm/causal_async_exception_stack_test: RuntimeError # No support for line numbers in stacktraces
 vm/regress_28325_test: RuntimeError # No support for line numbers in stacktraces
+vm/regress_flutter_21957_test: Pass, RuntimeError # Please triage.
 [ $compiler == dartkp && $mode == debug && $runtime == dart_precompiled && $strong ]
 external_test/13: Crash
diff --git a/tests/lib_2/lib_2_kernel.status b/tests/lib_2/lib_2_kernel.status
index 39fe5ed..5c76d47 100644
--- a/tests/lib_2/lib_2_kernel.status
+++ b/tests/lib_2/lib_2_kernel.status
@@ -65,6 +65,19 @@
 isolate/browser/package_resolve_browser_hook_test: CompileTimeError
 isolate/browser/package_resolve_browser_test: CompileTimeError
+# The failures below still need to be investigated and possibly fixed, or marked as skipped.
+[ $compiler == dartkb && $strong ]
+convert/streamed_conversion_json_utf8_decode_test: Crash # Assert fault about installed LazyCompile stub in bytecode function.
+isolate/isolate_complex_messages_test: Crash # Non-canonical type arguments.
+isolate/mandel_isolate_test: Pass, Crash # Assert fault about installed LazyCompile stub in bytecode function.
+isolate/spawn_uri_exported_main_test: RuntimeError # Please triage.
+mirrors/dart2js_mirrors_test: Crash # Not able to compile bytecode function.
+mirrors/generic_local_function_test: Crash # Assert fault about installed LazyCompile stub in bytecode function.
+mirrors/intercepted_class_test: Pass, Crash # ICData issue when optimizing.
+mirrors/library_uri_io_test: RuntimeError # Platform.script points to dill file.
+mirrors/method_mirror_location_test: Crash # Not able to compile bytecode function.
+mirrors/mirrors_test: Crash # Not able to compile bytecode function.
 [ $compiler == dartkp && $mode == debug && $runtime == dart_precompiled && $strong ]
 isolate/static_function_test: Skip # Flaky (https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/issues/30063).
diff --git a/tests/standalone_2/standalone_2_kernel.status b/tests/standalone_2/standalone_2_kernel.status
index 3019ae9..bf4382f 100644
--- a/tests/standalone_2/standalone_2_kernel.status
+++ b/tests/standalone_2/standalone_2_kernel.status
@@ -34,9 +34,6 @@
 oom_error_stacktrace_test: RuntimeError
 out_of_memory_test: RuntimeError
-[ $compiler == dartkb ]
-no_lazy_dispatchers_test: SkipByDesign # KBC interpreter doesn't support --no_lazy_dispatchers
 [ $fasta ]
 deferred_transitive_import_error_test: CompileTimeError
 package/package1_test: CompileTimeError
@@ -56,6 +53,23 @@
 [ $compiler == app_jitk && ($mode == debug || $mode == release) ]
 dart_developer_disabled_env_test: RuntimeError
+# The failures below still need to be investigated and possibly fixed, or marked as skipped.
+[ $compiler == dartkb && $strong ]
+io/dart_std_io_pipe_test: Pass, Crash # Trap bytecode encountered.
+io/file_lock_test: Pass, Crash # Trap bytecode encountered.
+io/http_client_connect_test: Pass, RuntimeError # Please triage.
+io/http_outgoing_size_test: Pass, RuntimeError # Please triage.
+io/platform_test: RuntimeError # Platform.script points to dill file.
+io/process_sync_test: Crash # Bytecode compilation.
+io/skipping_dart2js_compilations_test: Crash # Assert fault about installed LazyCompile stub in bytecode function.
+io/test_extension_fail_test: RuntimeError # Platform.script points to dill file.
+io/test_extension_test: RuntimeError # Platform.script points to dill file.
+io/web_socket_typed_data_test: Pass, RuntimeError # Please triage.
+no_lazy_dispatchers_test: SkipByDesign # KBC interpreter doesn't support --no_lazy_dispatchers
+package/scenarios/packages_file_strange_formatting/empty_lines_test: CompileTimeError # Please triage.
+package/scenarios/packages_file_strange_formatting/mixed_line_ends_test: CompileTimeError # Please triage.
+package/scenarios/packages_option_only/packages_option_only_test: CompileTimeError # Please triage.
 [ $compiler == dartkp && $mode == debug && $runtime == dart_precompiled && $strong ]
 io/compile_all_test: Crash # Issue 32373
 io/raw_socket_test: Crash
@@ -164,7 +178,7 @@
 io/directory_chdir_test: Skip # Timeout
 io/echo_server_stream_test: Pass, Slow
-# Enabling of dartk for sim{arm,arm64,dbc64} revelaed these test failures, which
+# Enabling of dartk for sim{arm,arm64,dbc64} revealed these test failures, which
 # are to be triaged.  Isolate tests are skipped on purpose due to the usage of
 # batch mode.
 [ $strong && ($arch == simarm || $arch == simarm64 || $arch == simdbc64) && ($compiler == dartk || $compiler == dartkb) ]
@@ -173,10 +187,10 @@
 io/directory_list_sync_test: Timeout, Pass # Please triage.
 io/file_blocking_lock_test: Pass, Crash # Please triage.
 io/file_lock_test: Slow, Pass
-io/platform_test: RuntimeError # Please triage.
+io/platform_test: RuntimeError # Platform.script points to dill file.
 io/process_sync_test: Timeout, Pass
-io/test_extension_fail_test: RuntimeError # Please traige.
-io/test_extension_test: RuntimeError # Please traige.
+io/test_extension_fail_test: RuntimeError # Platform.script points to dill file.
+io/test_extension_test: RuntimeError # Platform.script points to dill file.
 map_insert_remove_oom_test: Skip # Heap limit too low.
 package/scenarios/packages_file_strange_formatting/empty_lines_test: CompileTimeError # Please triage.
 package/scenarios/packages_file_strange_formatting/mixed_line_ends_test: CompileTimeError # Please triage.