blob: a4b24f7dd3a49b03d2287ca26f44bd73a7a645b1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// @dart = 2.7
// Check that exception messages for truncating operations contains the
// operands.
import 'package:expect/expect.dart';
confuse(x) => x;
void find1(expected, thunk) {
if (thunk == null) return;
var returned, exceptionText;
try {
returned = thunk();
} catch (e) {
exceptionText = '$e';
if (exceptionText == null) {
'Expected exception containing "$expected", returned: $returned');
'Expected "$expected" in "$exceptionText"');
void find(expected, [thunk1, thunk2, thunk3, thunk4]) {
find1(expected, thunk1);
find1(expected, thunk2);
find1(expected, thunk3);
find1(expected, thunk4);
main() {
var NaN = double.nan;
var Infinity = double.infinity;
find(' Infinity: 123 ~/ 0', () => confuse(123) ~/ confuse(0),
() => confuse(123) ~/ 0, () => 123 ~/ confuse(0), () => 123 ~/ 0);
'-Infinity: 123 ~/ -0.0',
() => confuse(123) ~/ confuse(-0.0),
() => confuse(123) ~/ -0.0,
() => 123 ~/ confuse(-0.0),
() => 123 ~/ -0.0);
find(' NaN: NaN ~/ 123', () => confuse(NaN) ~/ confuse(123),
() => confuse(NaN) ~/ 123, () => NaN ~/ confuse(123), () => NaN ~/ 123);
' Infinity: 1e+200 ~/ 1e-200',
() => confuse(1e200) ~/ confuse(1e-200),
() => confuse(1e200) ~/ 1e-200,
() => 1e200 ~/ confuse(1e-200),
() => 1e200 ~/ 1e-200);
find('NaN.toInt()', () => confuse(NaN).toInt(), () => NaN.toInt());
find(' Infinity.toInt()', () => confuse(Infinity).toInt(),
() => Infinity.toInt());
find('-Infinity.toInt()', () => confuse(-Infinity).toInt(),
() => (-Infinity).toInt());
find('NaN.ceil()', () => confuse(NaN).ceil(), () => NaN.ceil());
find(' Infinity.ceil()', () => confuse(Infinity).ceil(),
() => Infinity.ceil());
find('-Infinity.ceil()', () => confuse(-Infinity).ceil(),
() => (-Infinity).ceil());
find('NaN.floor()', () => confuse(NaN).floor(), () => NaN.floor());
find(' Infinity.floor()', () => confuse(Infinity).floor(),
() => Infinity.floor());
find('-Infinity.floor()', () => confuse(-Infinity).floor(),
() => (-Infinity).floor());
find('NaN.round()', () => confuse(NaN).round(), () => NaN.round());
find(' Infinity.round()', () => confuse(Infinity).round(),
() => Infinity.round());
find('-Infinity.round()', () => confuse(-Infinity).round(),
() => (-Infinity).round());
// `truncate()` is the same as `toInt()`.
// We could change the runtime so that `truncate` is reported.
find('NaN.toInt()', () => confuse(NaN).truncate(), () => NaN.truncate());
find(' Infinity.toInt()', () => confuse(Infinity).truncate(),
() => Infinity.truncate());
find('-Infinity.toInt()', () => confuse(-Infinity).truncate(),
() => (-Infinity).truncate());