blob: bce561c92a034fa634cad68df9556b9d986ea11e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Class for intrinsifying functions.
#include "vm/compiler/intrinsifier.h"
#include "vm/compiler/assembler/assembler.h"
#include "vm/compiler/backend/flow_graph.h"
#include "vm/compiler/backend/flow_graph_compiler.h"
#include "vm/compiler/backend/il_printer.h"
#include "vm/compiler/backend/linearscan.h"
#include "vm/compiler/frontend/flow_graph_builder.h"
#include "vm/compiler/jit/compiler.h"
#include "vm/cpu.h"
#include "vm/flags.h"
#include "vm/object.h"
#include "vm/parser.h"
#include "vm/symbols.h"
namespace dart {
DEFINE_FLAG(bool, intrinsify, true, "Instrinsify when possible");
DEFINE_FLAG(bool, trace_intrinsifier, false, "Trace intrinsifier");
namespace compiler {
bool Intrinsifier::CanIntrinsify(const Function& function) {
if (FLAG_trace_intrinsifier) {
THR_Print("CanIntrinsify %s ->", function.ToQualifiedCString());
if (!FLAG_intrinsify) return false;
// TODO(regis): We do not need to explicitly filter generic functions here,
// unless there are errors we don't detect at link time. Revisit if necessary.
if (function.IsClosureFunction()) {
if (FLAG_trace_intrinsifier) {
THR_Print("No, closure function.\n");
return false;
// Can occur because of compile-all flag.
if (function.is_external()) {
if (FLAG_trace_intrinsifier) {
THR_Print("No, external function.\n");
return false;
if (!function.is_intrinsic() && !CanIntrinsifyFieldAccessor(function)) {
if (FLAG_trace_intrinsifier) {
THR_Print("No, not intrinsic function.\n");
return false;
switch (function.recognized_kind()) {
case MethodRecognizer::kInt64ArrayGetIndexed:
case MethodRecognizer::kInt64ArraySetIndexed:
case MethodRecognizer::kUint64ArrayGetIndexed:
case MethodRecognizer::kUint64ArraySetIndexed:
// TODO(ajcbik): consider 32-bit as well.
if (target::kBitsPerWord == 64) {
if (FLAG_trace_intrinsifier) {
THR_Print("No, 64-bit int intrinsic on 32-bit platform.\n");
return false;
if (FLAG_trace_intrinsifier) {
return true;
bool Intrinsifier::CanIntrinsifyFieldAccessor(const Function& function) {
const bool is_getter = function.IsImplicitGetterFunction();
const bool is_setter = function.IsImplicitSetterFunction();
if (!is_getter && !is_setter) return false;
Field& field = Field::Handle(function.accessor_field());
// The checks further down examine the field and its guard.
// In JIT mode we only intrinsify the field accessor if there is no active
// guard, meaning the state transition has reached its final `kDynamicCid`
// state (where it stays).
// If we intrinsify, the intrinsified code therefore does not depend on the
// field guard and we do not add it to the guarded fields via
// [ParsedFunction::AddToGuardedFields].
if (CompilerState::Current().should_clone_fields()) {
field = field.CloneFromOriginal();
// We only graph intrinsify implicit instance getters/setter for now.
if (!field.is_instance()) return false;
if (is_getter) {
// We don't support complex getter cases.
if (field.is_late() || field.needs_load_guard()) return false;
if (FlowGraphCompiler::IsPotentialUnboxedField(field)) {
if (function.HasUnboxedReturnValue()) {
// In AOT mode: Unboxed fields contain the unboxed value and can be
// returned in unboxed form.
} else {
// In JIT mode: Unboxed fields contain a mutable box which we cannot
// return.
return false;
} else {
// If the field is boxed, then we can either return the box directly or
// unbox it and return unboxed representation.
return true;
} else {
// We don't support complex setter cases.
if (field.is_final()) {
return false;
// We only support cases where there is no need to check for argument types.
// Normally we have to check the parameter type.
// Covariant parameter types have to be checked, which we don't support.
if (field.is_covariant() || field.is_generic_covariant_impl()) return false;
// If the incoming value is unboxed we only support real unboxed fields to
// avoid the need for boxing (which we cannot do in the intrinsic).
if (function.HasUnboxedParameters()) {
if (!FlowGraphCompiler::IsUnboxedField(field)) {
return false;
// We don't support field guards in graph intrinsic stores.
if (!FLAG_precompiled_mode && field.guarded_cid() != kDynamicCid) {
return false;
return true;
struct IntrinsicDesc {
const char* class_name;
const char* function_name;
struct LibraryInstrinsicsDesc {
Library& library;
const IntrinsicDesc* intrinsics;
#define DEFINE_INTRINSIC(class_name, function_name, destination, fp) \
{#class_name, #function_name},
// clang-format off
static const IntrinsicDesc core_intrinsics[] = {
{nullptr, nullptr},
static const IntrinsicDesc math_intrinsics[] = {
{nullptr, nullptr},
static const IntrinsicDesc typed_data_intrinsics[] = {
{nullptr, nullptr},
static const IntrinsicDesc developer_intrinsics[] = {
{nullptr, nullptr},
static const IntrinsicDesc internal_intrinsics[] = {
{nullptr, nullptr},
// clang-format on
void Intrinsifier::InitializeState() {
Thread* thread = Thread::Current();
Zone* zone = thread->zone();
Library& lib = Library::Handle(zone);
Class& cls = Class::Handle(zone);
Function& func = Function::Handle(zone);
String& str = String::Handle(zone);
String& str2 = String::Handle(zone);
Error& error = Error::Handle(zone);
static const intptr_t kNumLibs = 5;
const LibraryInstrinsicsDesc intrinsics[kNumLibs] = {
{Library::Handle(zone, Library::CoreLibrary()), core_intrinsics},
{Library::Handle(zone, Library::MathLibrary()), math_intrinsics},
{Library::Handle(zone, Library::TypedDataLibrary()),
{Library::Handle(zone, Library::DeveloperLibrary()),
{Library::Handle(zone, Library::InternalLibrary()), internal_intrinsics},
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < kNumLibs; i++) {
lib = intrinsics[i].library.ptr();
for (const IntrinsicDesc* intrinsic = intrinsics[i].intrinsics;
intrinsic->class_name != nullptr; intrinsic++) {
func = Function::null();
if (strcmp(intrinsic->class_name, "::") == 0) {
str = String::New(intrinsic->function_name);
func = lib.LookupFunctionAllowPrivate(str);
} else {
str = String::New(intrinsic->class_name);
cls = lib.LookupClassAllowPrivate(str);
ASSERT(FLAG_precompiled_mode || !cls.IsNull());
if (!cls.IsNull()) {
error = cls.EnsureIsFinalized(thread);
if (!error.IsNull()) {
OS::PrintErr("%s\n", error.ToErrorCString());
str = String::New(intrinsic->function_name);
if (intrinsic->function_name[0] == '.') {
str2 = String::New(intrinsic->class_name);
str = String::Concat(str2, str);
func = cls.LookupFunctionAllowPrivate(str);
if (!func.IsNull()) {
} else if (!FLAG_precompiled_mode) {
FATAL2("Intrinsifier failed to find method %s in class %s\n",
intrinsic->function_name, intrinsic->class_name);
// Returns true if fall-through code can be omitted.
bool Intrinsifier::Intrinsify(const ParsedFunction& parsed_function,
FlowGraphCompiler* compiler) {
const Function& function = parsed_function.function();
if (!CanIntrinsify(function)) {
return false;
if (GraphIntrinsifier::GraphIntrinsify(parsed_function, compiler)) {
return compiler->intrinsic_slow_path_label()->IsUnused();
// These two are more complicated on 32 bit platforms, where the
// identity hash is not stored in the header of the object. We
// therefore don't intrinsify them, falling back on the native C++
// implementations.
if (function.recognized_kind() == MethodRecognizer::kObject_getHash ||
function.recognized_kind() ==
MethodRecognizer::kObject_setHashIfNotSetYet) {
return false;
#if !defined(PRODUCT)
#define EMIT_BREAKPOINT() compiler->assembler()->Breakpoint()
#define EMIT_CASE(class_name, function_name, enum_name, fp) \
case MethodRecognizer::k##enum_name: { \
compiler->assembler()->Comment("Intrinsic"); \
Label normal_ir_body; \
const auto size_before = compiler->assembler()->CodeSize(); \
AsmIntrinsifier::enum_name(compiler->assembler(), &normal_ir_body); \
const auto size_after = compiler->assembler()->CodeSize(); \
if (size_before == size_after) return false; \
if (function.HasUnboxedParameters()) { \
FATAL1("Unsupported unboxed parameters in asm intrinsic %s", \
function.ToFullyQualifiedCString()); \
} \
if (function.HasUnboxedReturnValue()) { \
FATAL1("Unsupported unboxed return value in asm intrinsic %s", \
function.ToFullyQualifiedCString()); \
} \
if (!normal_ir_body.IsBound()) { \
return true; \
} \
return false; \
switch (function.recognized_kind()) {
switch (function.recognized_kind()) {
return false;
} // namespace compiler
} // namespace dart