blob: beec877f31f9a6129882a1a4c5a4758249e3dfed [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library analyzer.src.generated.java_io;
import "dart:io";
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
class JavaFile {
static path.Context pathContext = path.context;
static final String separator = Platform.pathSeparator;
static final int separatorChar = Platform.pathSeparator.codeUnitAt(0);
String _path;
JavaFile(String path) {
_path = path;
JavaFile.fromUri(Uri uri) : this(path.context.fromUri(uri));
JavaFile.relative(JavaFile base, String child) {
if (child.isEmpty) {
this._path = base._path;
} else {
this._path = path.context.join(base._path, child);
int get hashCode => _path.hashCode;
bool operator ==(other) {
return other is JavaFile && other._path == _path;
bool exists() {
if (_newFile().existsSync()) {
return true;
if (_newDirectory().existsSync()) {
return true;
return false;
JavaFile getAbsoluteFile() => new JavaFile(getAbsolutePath());
String getAbsolutePath() {
String abolutePath = path.context.absolute(_path);
abolutePath = path.context.normalize(abolutePath);
return abolutePath;
JavaFile getCanonicalFile() => new JavaFile(getCanonicalPath());
String getCanonicalPath() {
return _newFile().resolveSymbolicLinksSync();
String getName() => path.context.basename(_path);
String getParent() {
var result = path.context.dirname(_path);
// "." or "/" or "C:\"
if (result.length < 4) return null;
return result;
JavaFile getParentFile() {
var parent = getParent();
if (parent == null) return null;
return new JavaFile(parent);
String getPath() => _path;
bool isDirectory() {
return _newDirectory().existsSync();
bool isExecutable() {
return _newFile().statSync().mode & 0x111 != 0;
bool isFile() {
return _newFile().existsSync();
int lastModified() {
try {
return _newFile().lastModifiedSync().millisecondsSinceEpoch;
} catch (exception) {
return -1;
List<JavaFile> listFiles() {
var files = <JavaFile>[];
var entities = _newDirectory().listSync();
for (FileSystemEntity entity in entities) {
files.add(new JavaFile(entity.path));
return files;
String readAsStringSync() => _newFile().readAsStringSync();
String toString() => _path.toString();
Uri toURI() {
String absolutePath = getAbsolutePath();
return path.context.toUri(absolutePath);
Directory _newDirectory() => new Directory(_path);
File _newFile() => new File(_path);
@Deprecated("Only used by `DirectoryBasedDartSdk`, which is also deprecated.")
class JavaSystemIO {
static Map<String, String> _properties = new Map();
static String getenv(String name) => Platform.environment[name];
static String getProperty(String name) {
String value = _properties[name];
if (value != null) {
return value;
if (name == '') {
return Platform.operatingSystem;
if (name == 'line.separator') {
if (Platform.isWindows) {
return '\r\n';
return '\n';
if (name == '') {
String exec = Platform.executable;
if (exec.length != 0) {
String sdkPath;
// may be "xcodebuild/ReleaseIA32/dart" with "sdk" sibling
var outDir = path.context.dirname(path.context.dirname(exec));
sdkPath = path.context.join(path.context.dirname(outDir), "sdk");
if (new Directory(sdkPath).existsSync()) {
_properties[name] = sdkPath;
return sdkPath;
// probably be "dart-sdk/bin/dart"
sdkPath = path.context.dirname(path.context.dirname(exec));
_properties[name] = sdkPath;
return sdkPath;
return null;
/// Only needed when when using `DirectoryBasedDartSdk`, which is also
/// deprecated.
/// When using `FolderBasedDartSdk`, there is no need to set
/// ``.
static String setProperty(String name, String value) {
String oldValue = _properties[name];
_properties[name] = value;
return oldValue;